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How Business Enterprises Use Technology: Extending the Demand-Side Turn   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In global business, business organizations and their representatives frequently encounter corruption and may be the perpetrators, victims, or simply participants in such acts. While international corruption has existed in multiple forms for several years, many individuals, companies, nations, and international organizations are currently attempting to reduce or eliminate corrupt acts because of their harmful effects on local economies and the quality of life of citizens. Several of these corruption curtailment efforts have been directed toward the supply-side of corruption, i.e., those who make corrupt payments. In developing an understanding of corruption, however, and formulating strategies for its reduction, consideration must also be given to the demand-side of corruption, i.e., those who demand and accept corrupt payments. Accordingly, this study examined the demand-side of corruption and several related factors in the categories of government, economy and poverty, education, geography, and culture. Analysis of these factors employed the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), formulated annually by Transparency International (TI), and other sources. Several factors in each of the five categories were found to correlate significantly with perceived corruption, and strategies for addressing these issues were developed and discussed.  相似文献   

Strategic planning and performance: Extending the debate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article extends the debate regarding the relationship between strategic planning and performance. It addresses criticism of previous empirical studies that have largely investigated direct and bi-variate relationships, producing equivocal results. The current study investigates the mediating effects of four types of flexibility on the strategic planning and performance relationship. Flexibility is defined as the extent to which new and alternative decisions are generated and considered in strategic planning, allowing for positive organizational change and adaptation to environmental turbulence. Through investigating simultaneous equations in a structural equation model, we find that two types of flexibility mediate the relationship between strategic planning and financial performance, while the other two types mediate the relationship between strategic planning and non-financial performance. The results are new empirical insights that have not been previously reported.  相似文献   

The aim of this Special Issue is to demonstrate how drawing on multidisciplinary insights from the literature on prosociality can broaden the individual-opportunity nexus to make room for a variety of actors. Five feature articles emphasize the collective level of the analysis, underscoring the social distance between the entrepreneurs and the different communities they serve. Leveraging construal level theory, we abductively derive an organizing framework that helps us articulate how stretching or compressing social distance can transform initial opportunities into occasions for serving the greater good. We identify two distinct mechanisms present in all five empirical studies that explain how the needs and hopes of many others may add creativity, consistency and connectivity to one's venture. We also connect these abductive insights with the two editorials that follow this introduction and nudge our collective attention towards the research opportunities awaiting our academic community once we begin to relax the egocentric reference point that, until recently, has defined the discipline of entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

Shane (2003) [A General Theory of Entrepreneurship: The Individual-Opportunity Nexus. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar] has shown convincingly that modern theories of entrepreneurship perform reasonably well in explaining the empirical results obtained in different areas of research upon the subject. His book also shows that the cognitive aspects of entrepreneurship in general—and opportunity recognition in particular—are important areas that warrant further research. This paper argues that the concept of opportunity is closely related to the concept of a project, as an opportunity is essentially a project that would prove beneficial if it were exploited. It is suggested that modelling individual search across potential projects, and the screening of projects by the use of symptoms, holds the key to the successful modelling of entrepreneurship in terms of opportunity.   相似文献   

Although there have been significant efforts in conceptualizing global strategies, few frameworks have been developed to measure the relative globalness of firms. Porter proposed a specific framework of coordination and configuration for this purpose. This article proposes a new framework of global strategy by extending Porter's original framework. The conceptual clarification of this article will be useful in understanding different types of firms that are pursuing a global strategy. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

印度的贸易政策在其独立后的50年里,经历了由管制向自由的转变。从印度贸易政策的演进路径中,可以看到发展中国家发展贸易的一般思路,同时也可以看到从内向到外向的演变是贸易发展的必然趋势。这样的演变与另外三种必然的转折联系在一起:从高度保护到开放竞争;从独立建设工业到与外资合作建设工业;从半管制到市场化。  相似文献   

论广告创意中的视觉化转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商业广告创意中的视觉化转型,是社会发展和多种媒体集约作用的结果.这一转型,对于迎合受众心理需要、提高广告效应、满足社会供需,促成社会的健康、和谐和可持续发展,都具有重要的作用.本文讨论广告创意的视觉化转型对于产品竞争力提升的意义和作用,提出了广告创意中视觉化表现手法运用过程中的主要实施策略.  相似文献   

本文采用三部门DSGE模型对供给端和需求端补贴的动态效应、传导机制及两者差异性进行系统分析,在此基础上结合中国1952-2015年的经济数据进行参数校准,分别通过模型的敏感性分析和福利损失分析对补贴退坡政策进行评价.本文归纳出以下结论:(1)从短期看,需求端补贴在消费、产出及劳动投入方面具有更大的促进效用:(2)从补贴实施效果看,需求端补贴所产生激励作用相对滞后,而供给端补贴除将永久性提高消费者购买能力以外,对通胀和实际利率影响相对中性;(3)从社会福利角度看,需求端补贴将更加适合补贴退坡政策,并且其补贴退坡幅度的临界点应该在14%左右,补贴过快地“离场”对产业,尤其新兴产业会造成致命性打击.据此,本文提出在制定和实施补贴退坡政策时,首先应该以需求端补贴及退坡幅度为工作重点,优化供给端补贴实施效果仍是核心工作,而制定和完善相应的补贴监管政策是供给端补贴发挥激励作用的政策性保障.  相似文献   


This study analyses the metaphor of spirituality in the non-profit art gallery, a metaphor overlooked in previous marketing research. Using content analysis and interviews in a single depth case study, this article illustrates how spirituality has been a staple in the non-profit art gallery over time. It was found that even though the non-profit art gallery acknowledges its use of spirituality, it has a paradoxical attitude to it. Therefore this article (a) traces the historical influences that led to the extension of metaphor in the art gallery and its relationship to marketing theory, and (b) draws on Hunt and Menon (1995 Hunt, S.D. and Menon, A. 1995. Metaphors and competitive advantage: Evaluating the use of metaphors in theories of competitive strategy. Journal of Business Research, 33(2): 8190. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) to identify deliberate and emergent strategies using metaphor in the non-profit cultural organisation.  相似文献   

It has been common practice among members of the advertising community to talk of there having been fashions for particular styles of advertising at different times, but little work has been carried out to investigate the substance of this belief. To evaluate this ‘fashion’ proposition, usage levels were measured for 56 variables in 2,208 advertisements over a 46-year period in magazines from four countries; the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. The findings indicated that there had been a tendency for systematic variations in the frequencies of usage in many of the variables measured. The general form of these variations was of cyclical movements about an underlying long-term trend, which were observable for all types of variable studied. While the underlying trends often appeared to reflect developments in the wider society, the cyclical variations appeared to be self-sustaining and largely independent of outside forces. Such behaviour is consistent with the ‘fashion’ hypothesis.  相似文献   

This research brings in the voice of underserved and underrepresented women of various racial or ethnic origins and social classes, who have differing buying powers, sexual orientations, body shapes, and physical appearances, into the conversation of fashion diversity. Through a qualitative inquiry with 38 semi-structured in-depth interviews, the researchers analyzed the consumption experiences of diverse women to expose what the fashion scene is lacking. The study's main contribution is the depiction of overlooked diversity categories in fashion, such as the non-White and non-Black women of color, women of average sizes, and women with characteristics that the fashion industry has long seen as flaws. For women's physical and psychological well-being, the authors of this study hope to lead fashion producers and researchers into a new era of diversity and minimize certain consumer groups' exclusion through discrimination, isolation, and segregation.  相似文献   

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