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人力资源外包作为企业充分整合内外资源、优化资源配置的新型管理模式,能有效的促进企业将有限的人力资源发挥到最大效益。根据SWOT分析法的思想,对中小企业人力资源外包存在的内部优势与劣势、外部机遇与挑战进行了深入的分析。为了保证外包实施的有效性,从外包前准备阶段、外包实施阶段和外包评价与反馈阶段三个方面提出了相应的实施对策。人力资源外包虽然可以为中小企业带来诸多益处,但是其存在的不利影响同样值得注意,为了外包能达到预期的效果,发包企业必须对整个外包过程进行精心规划,每个阶段都有不同的任务,对每个阶段主要任务的分析是提出相应对策的关键。  相似文献   

Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) serve a unique purpose, filling gaps left by governments and for-profits. NPOs have the potential to do a lot of good in their communities. However, these organizations are often resource-constrained, both financially and in terms of human capital. Furthermore, NPOs are often judged on the ratio of administration costs to program costs. For these reasons, personnel in small NPOs are often diverted from the organization’s mission to administrative functions. Outsourcing, as research has shown in for-profits, offers the opportunity to refocus human capital to the mission cost effectively. However, there is little research on outsourcing for small NPOs. This study focuses on small NPOs in regard to outsourcing administrative functions. The study found that small NPOs often use staff time and board resources on administrative functions to keep costs down and may not understand the benefits of outsourcing.  相似文献   

This study examines usage of high-performance work practices (HPWPs) over time using a unique longitudinal survey of Canadian organizations. Human resource management (HRM) studies tell us HPWPs require long-term commitment but rarely measure it. Using event history analysis this study finds high rates of HPWP abandonment. The study also examines organizational supports for high-performance work system (HPWS). A Cox regression analysis finds rates of abandonment are reduced when HPWPs are accompanied by aligned business strategies and HR professional support. The results inform process research on HRM strategies and raise troubling questions for findings in studies that fail to measure duration. For managers, the findings highlight the importance of ensuring strategic alignment with and organizational support for HPWPs if they are to endure.  相似文献   

In light of the political debate on offshore outsourcing, this article examines firm financial characteristics associated with the probability of being identified as an outsourcer. In a sample of S&P 500 firms, we find that firms identified as outsourcers operate in more competitive industries and have relatively worse operating performance, higher administrative overhead, and higher labor overhead. These firm characteristics are consistent with cost-cutting objectives and the need to respond to competitive pressures. We find that the need to lower labor costs is a significant determinant of manufacturing firms locating operations overseas, while lowering administrative overhead influences service firms' outsourcing decisions. From a policy perspective, our results suggest that the political pressure to limit firms' ability to offshore outsource will likely reduce their flexibility to respond to operating and competitive challenges.  相似文献   

Using event study methodology and two-stage regression analysis on a sample of firms announcing human resource outsourcing (HRO) contracts, this study tests the association between administrative HRO and firm-level capital market and long run operating performance, with archival financial data controlling for endogeneity and outsourcing decision optimality. The results demonstrate that the equity capital market responds positively to client firms announcing administrative HRO, particularly service firms and those outsourcing transactional HR tasks. Additional statistical analysis shows that suboptimal outsourcing is negatively associated with long run operating performance measured as return on assets and operating return on assets. This study contributes to outsourcing literature by more precisely quantifying outsourcing performance through archival financial data and employing capital market empirical tests. Further, it controls for outsourcing decision optimality in examining long run operating performance effects. This research focuses on HR, a critical function within the firm and value enhancing to the firm.  相似文献   


The effect of investing in online advertising on a firm’s financial outcomes can depend on whether or not the development and implementation of advertising campaigns are managed by advertising agencies. Agencies may have experienced professionals or workload to perform these jobs, but the costs are greater. This paper aims to investigate the effects of investments in digital marketing on the financial outcome of a company’s services, comparing whether or not it is outsourced to advertising agencies. The secondary data relates to services advertised and marketed by a firm. We tested the possible moderating effect of outsourcing the service in the relationship between investment in online advertising (Google and Facebook) and return on sales (profit margin), by controlling the effect of covariates. Through four regression analyses, the results showed that outsourcing the service moderates the relationship. Specifically, the higher the amount of advertising investment, the more it pays to outsource the service to an advertising agency in order to generate greater profit margin. But with a low investment value, it does not pay to outsource. This study helps to identify situations in which it pays to outsource digital marketing services to an advertising agency.  相似文献   

冯冠军 《商业研究》2005,(22):23-25
自中国加入WTO后,企业所面临的竞争日趋激烈。工业企业如何从“第三利润源”要利润,增强竞争力,也成为工业企业不得不重新思考,重新定位的一个问题。通过从交易费用理论入手,对物流自营、物流外包的费用高低进行比较,阐释了企业尽可能将物流外包而放弃自营的必要性。  相似文献   

物流外包的交易成本理论分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
物流外包(第三方物流)近年来在全球得以快速发展,除却第三方物流的产业技术经济优势外,还有着深层次的经济理论根源。运用交易成本理论,本文主要分析了物流外包的交易成本构成、纵向一体化与物流外包边界、物流外包的优势等问题,并从社会分工角度探讨物流外包的优势。  相似文献   

随着企业经营环境的改变,业务外包已经成为企业集中优势发展核心业务的有效手段,而人力资源外包正成为公司外包业务中的领头羊。培训职能是人力资源管理中最经常被外包的业务之一,但是在我国,培训外包成功的案例却不多。应针对我国企业培训外包服务市场的现况,企业和培训公司应该从改善自身问题入手,共同打造一个成熟的培训外包服务市场。  相似文献   

随着世界经济的发展,近年来外包(Outsourcing)这种新的贸易形态引起了中外学者的广泛关注,学者们将其作为促进国际分工进一步细化和合理布局的原动力来研究。对外包的深入研究有助于认清和把握在新的国际分工形势下的定位,以便能在国际分工中获取最大比较利益。  相似文献   

This article assesses the role of multichannel coordination strategy in impacting online performance, and the need for E-commerce functions outsourcing at the initial stages of multichannel integration. Our findings indicate that a higher degree of interchannel coordination increases retailers' online sales. The article also concludes that integrated retailers that outsource more E-commerce functions, such as Web site hosting, site design, content development, order processing, E-mail marketing, Web performance monitoring, and E-logistics, do not show higher online sales performance than those who develop them in-house. Managerial implications of these findings are proposed, and directions for future research are outlined. Based on prior conceptual research, the article develops and empirically tests the construct of multichannel coordination.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to better understand the nature of transformations of the Information Technology (IT) function in organizations. A conceptual framework combining a typology of the IT function and key elements of the theory of punctuated equilibrium was developed and applied in a case study of a manufacturing company. Our results suggest that IT functions are transformed in response to various pressures that push it toward change. However, these pressures need to be channelled through a catalyst consisting of three independent elements: (a) the vision of the enterprise concerning the potential value of IT tools, (b) the degree of Chief Information Officer's participation in strategic decision making, and (c) the level of IT knowledge among members of the executive team. Finally, our results challenge the notion that all IT functions tend towards the same optimal profile over time. Copyright © 2011 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of employment equity legislation, compliance regulations, and the absence of these requirements on the diversity practices of Canadian firms. A field survey involving CEOs and Human Resource Executives of 286 firms covered under the Legislated Employment Equity Program (LEEP), Federal Contractors Program (FCP), and Financial Post 500 (FP 500) companies was conducted. Results indicate that CEOs of LEEP firms reported a greater commitment to managing diversity. LEEP firms, and to some extent FCP firms, also had adopted more practices (e.g., policies, recruiting, training, and accountability) supportive of employment equity than FP 500 firms. It appears that employment equity remains the most effective tool for promoting equity and diversity in Canadian organizations. Copyright © 2010 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Outsourcing: Pros and cons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Overseas outsourcing of jobs is far more complicated than is generally understood. Pressures to outsource range from better-serving overseas markets to increasing the competitiveness of American business. Outsourcing—domestic and international—responds to management's desire to focus the firm's in-house activities on its core competence. A negative side to outsourcing results from companies doing so simply because “everybody is doing it.” They may be surprised by accompanying factors such as unexpected costs and complications, as well. Governmental policymakers need to realize that foreign companies outsource more business services to the United States than American firms send overseas.  相似文献   

跨国外包作为产品内专业化分工在国际市场的延伸,使参与其中的国家和行业生产都得到了专业化分工的好处。作为发展中国家,我国内资企业多利用劳动资源优势参与国际分工,即以外包的承接方身份参与跨国外包。本文首次从外包承接企业角度出发,利用我国制造业内资企业面板数据,实证分析了企业承接外包对其生产率的影响。结果表明,内资企业承接国内的外包业务并不会提高企业的生产率;但是企业承接国际外包会提高企业的生产率。这说明,内资企业在承接国际外包的情况下,能够从国外的外包商那里获得相应的生产技术、工艺或者经营管理知识,从而提高了企业的技术水平,促进了生产率的提高。  相似文献   

服务外包:理论与经验分析   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
服务贸易的兴起使得生产在不同的环节上细分,服务外包也在技术创新的推动下获得了极大的发展。如何理解、认识全球化条件下这一新的经济现象,成为了国际经济领域的焦点问题。本文首先以两阶段博弈方法为基础,从理论上分析了跨国服务外包存在的合理性和可能的企业边界;其次,对近年国际市场的服务外包进行经验分析来证明所提问题的重要性。其结论是:在科技不断发展、服务贸易水平不断提高、分工不断细化的情况下,服务产业将更多地脱离传统的一体化生产模式而趋向于服务产品外包形式的一体化外生产经营方式。  相似文献   

Set in the context of internationalization of the global division of labor, this article provides a deeper exploration of qualitative themes of conflicting accounts of employees’ reasons to quit and managerial strategies to prevent employee turnover in six business process outsourcing firms operating in India. Such differences in cognition and action between the two constituencies suggest that the decision to quit is not a linear and rational process as highlighted in most extant models of employee turnover. Our findings suggest that employees are attached more to a place or people they work with rather than the organization per se. Intergenerational differences between Generation Y knowledge workers and Generation X managers and the ineffectiveness of espoused human resource practices suggest the presence of “push” human resource management (HRM) systems. Our findings have implications for employee turnover models, intergenerational theory and high‐commitment HRM, and practitioners. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

To outsource, or not to outsource? This article discusses the factors behind IBM's intensified drive to transfer non-core activities to external suppliers. While highlighting some of the potential pitfalls, it concludes that the benefits of a well-prepared outsourcing strategy go beyond simple cost savings. In the light of the author's own experience, recommendations are made about activities likely to respond well to outsourcing, and advice is offered on the best way to win backing for such moves within a company.  相似文献   

This work will analyse the strategy of outsourcing, or the predisposition on the part of a firm to entrust some of its services to a third party. The research will focus on discovering empirically the role that this strategy plays in hotels, and in order to do this we will carry out an analysis of hotel managers' perceptions regarding outsourcing based on the main advantages as well as the drawbacks and barriers which using the strategy can involve, with a view to determining which of these are related to a predisposition to outsource. The results of the research suggest that the main reasons which determine outsourcing are of a strategic rather that cost-reducing nature. Despite the fact that although current outsourcing is conditioned by the cost factor alone, any future increase in the use of the strategy will be determined exclusively by factors of a strategic nature. With respect to the disadvantages of outsourcing which tend to limit the use of the strategy, we will see that these are related to loss of control and autonomy together with a distrust of external suppliers. This work will enable us to assess the extent of the existing demand for outsourcing main services as well as those factors which determine and limit the outsourcing strategy and which have prevented a large number of services where outsourcing would be applicable from being outsourced to the present date. Finally we will present our main conclusions and recommendations.  相似文献   

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