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研究目的:借助埃奇沃斯盒状图阐述家庭农场退出的"帕累托改进"过程,深入分析家庭农场退出可能诱发不同主体间的利益冲突以及应对策略,为家庭农场的合理有序退出提供理论支撑。研究方法:经济学交换的一般均衡分析法、理论分析法、文献梳理法、综合分析法。研究结果:在家庭农场退出时,会在家庭农场主、农户、债权人、集体经济组织、家庭农场的其他成员等主体之间围绕土地合同违约、债务清偿次序、债务承担比例、资产处置等问题诱发激烈的矛盾冲突,这些问题的妥善解决对于构建家庭农场的合理有序退出机制、盘活退出家庭农场的整体资产、维护退出家庭农场主和债权人的合法权益都具有重要意义。研究结论:家庭农场退出所诱发的不同主体间的利益冲突应当依据法律政策、土地流转合同等科学合理地加以解决。对于家庭农场退出的资产采取整体转让、转租、托管经营等方式处理;明确家庭农场退出需要承担的法律责任,参照相关法律政策,明确家庭农场退出的债务偿还规则;明确集体经济组织在家庭农场退出时的职能定位;通过制定内部规章制度明晰家庭农场成员间的"权责利"关系格局。  相似文献   

农户宅基地退出的行为与意愿悖离研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究目的:探寻农户退出宅基地行为与意愿的影响因素及其悖离原因。研究方法:文献资料法、比较分析法和Logistic模型分析法。研究结果:农户分化通过影响行为态度、主观规范和知觉控制,作用于理性行为人的意愿和行为;农户分化、主观规范和知觉控制是造成农户宅基地退出行为与意愿悖离的主要原因;农户意愿向行为转换的过程中,会弱化邻居的行为态度,强化村干部的组织号召作用,并且会重点考虑自身的职业特点而忽视其经济条件。研究结论:在尊重农户意愿的前提下,通过改善集中居住区建设、加强村干部培养、完善退出方案制定和促进非农就业等切实扭转农户行为与意愿悖离局面,进一步推动有宅基地退出意愿的农户退出宅基地。  相似文献   

研究目的:揭示农户分化视角下农户宅基地退出行为的影响因素。研究方法:文献资料法和Logistic模型分析法。研究结果:农户分化是农户退出宅基地行为发生的主要诱因,这一行为还取决于被调查者自身和家庭禀赋条件以及由此带来的产权安全感知差异。研究结论:应该充分考虑异质化农户的行为差异,促进经济落后地区宅基地有偿退出机制的发展和完善,并将就业能力提升、农地流转、住房保障、权益保护与宅基地退出制度安排有效匹配,从而进一步促进闲置宅基地退出和土地资源优化配置。  相似文献   

Farm diversification is stimulated by the societal demand to transform production countryside into consumption countryside. In most empirical studies on farmers’ decision making for diversification, geographical information is either omitted or reduced to a variable that links the farm to an administrative unit. Therefore, the influence of the exact farm location on farmers’ decision making is often lacking. The paper addresses the role of location, in terms of site specific natural conditions as well as neighboring dynamics, in influencing farmers’ decision making to diversify. Moreover, it investigates to what extend low returns from primary production stimulate farmers to find new survival strategies, and therefore explains diversification. The Gelderse Vallei area, a region in the center of the Netherlands, is used as a case study. For this area an extensive farm survey data could be combined with topographic data and soil maps (GIS). Both the number of activities as well as the kind of activities that are taken up are analyzed. Landscape attractiveness turns out to be a driver of diversification. Daily recreation most frequently occurs close to national parks, green services are more likely to occur on relatively wet soils. Activities resulting from diversification might produce positive externalities: new activities have the tendency to emerge next to already existing ones, therewith explaining the formation of “hotspots” in the landscape. Finally, diversification was found to be sensitive to returns from primary agriculture production.  相似文献   

Entry, Exit, and Farm Size: Assessing an Experiment in Dairy Price Policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article models and estimates the forces behind farm exits and changes in herd-size among Connecticut dairy farms under the New England Dairy Compact. A model of sunk costs and farm capital investment is used to specify two econometric estimations: a random effects probit model of farm entry and exit and an autocorrelated generalized least squares panel data model of farm size. The Dairy Compact's price strategy reduced farm exits and moderately increased cow numbers. In contrast, development pressures and historically low unemployment rates increased farm exits.  相似文献   

本文着重介绍平和天马国有林场立足山地资源 ,引导职工种植果树 ,发展经济的历程。探讨国有林场职工租赁经营果园的路子、存在的问题及对策  相似文献   

We propose a theoretical framework for the relationship between animal welfare and the economic performance of livestock farms. We empirically analyse this relationship based on a unique dataset of randomly sampled Danish pig herds that includes information from unannounced inspections of the compliance with the animal welfare legislation. We find large variations in economic performance and animal welfare. The relationship between these two indicators is rather weak, but tends to be slightly positive. A possible explanation for our results is that management has a major influence on both economic performance and animal welfare so that good farm managers are able to meet all animal welfare regulations, while achieving a high economic performance.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the sequential decision to adopt two site-specific technologies, soil testing and variable rate technology, and the impact of adoption on nitrogen productivity. The results indicate that while farm location was a key variable influencing adoption of soil testing, farm size, human capital, and innovativeness of farmers had a significant impact on adoption of variable rate technology in four Midwestern states. A double selectivity model applied to correct for sample selection bias shows that adoption leads to significant gains in nitrogen productivity for farms with below average soil quality but statistically insignificant gains for farms with above average soil quality.  相似文献   

We describe a composed-error model for estimating pest-damage functions. The composed-error model, originally developed to account for statistical noise when estimating technical efficiency, removes the effect of experimental errors when estimating the variance of yield loss from pest damage. As a result, the estimated variance of yield loss is often less than for a conventional model, which has economic implications when the analysis incorporates risk aversion. We find that, depending on the level of risk aversion, the western corn rootworm soybean variant reduces farmer certainty-equivalent returns 16–26% more with a conventional model than with the composed-error model.  相似文献   

以区域社会、经济、自然3个亚系统组成的复合生态系统的生态环境为研究对象,构建复合生态环境评价的指标体系,采用时序立体表的因子分析方法建立复合生态环境状况动态评价模型,并用加权因子得分法综合评价复合生态环境状况变化趋势。应用该模型对福建1999~2004年复合生态环境状况进行实证研究,结果表明近几年福建复合生态环境状况呈现逐步变好的态势。提出进一步加强福建复合生态环境建设的几点建议。  相似文献   

区域—要素统筹:构建国土空间开发保护制度的关键   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究目的:通过对国土空间开发保护制度的核心概念进行辨析,明确国土空间开发保护制度的科学内涵,并讨论构建新时代国土空间开发保护制度的关键性问题。研究方法:综合分析法与对比分析法。研究结果:中国特色的"国土空间开发保护"概念源于"国土空间开发",交融于土地用途管制制度,拓展于自然资源全要素保护。国土空间的内涵有着"区域"型和"要素"型特性之分,目前也存在分别以主体功能区制度为代表和以土地用途管制为代表的"区域"型、"要素"型两类国土空间开发保护制度。未来需要统筹两类国土空间开发保护的需求,让相应制度承担起指引区域工业化城镇化建设活动、实施国土空间用途管制、推进生态功能受损地区系统性修复治理、开展国家公园和自然保护地保护等多重任务。研究结论:做好"区域—要素统筹"是构建新时代国土空间开发保护制度的关键。  相似文献   

This article develops a method for using input–output data to calculate a farm share estimate for all food rather than the typical approach of estimating a price spread for an individual product. The farm share of the food dollar is approximately 14% in the United States and 17% in Canada. The farm share increased somewhat during the commodity price boom but has generally fallen steadily by approximately 20% since 1997. While the farm share of expenditures on food for home consumption is approximately 22% across both countries, it is 4% in the United States and 7% in Canada for meals consumed away from home. The empirical framework can be extended to other countries given the extensive use of System of National Account data making international and temporal comparisons possible across farm and food marketing systems.  相似文献   

研究目的:在生态文明建设、“多规合一”及国土空间规划改革过渡期的背景下,对国土空间规划政策进行评估,为政策的改进和制定提供一定的参考。研究方法:多源流理论、文本挖掘法和政策一致性(PMC)指数模型。研究结果:(1)从总体评估看,17个省份政策的PMC指数均在合理范围内,但总体评分不高且存在差异性,原因在于政策源流中政策功能和政策领域尚存短板,政治源流中激励措施有待加强;政策领域、激励措施和政策受体变量是导致差异性的主要变量,而激励措施变化起伏最大,说明政治源流是评估关键影响因素。(2)从曲面评估看,政策领域和激励措施变量成凹陷,说明规划内容仍不完善、各规划职能划分尚不清晰。研究结论:从问题源流、政策源流和政治源流三个方面,提出了瞄准“制度、体制与机制”问题根源、权衡规划共同体利益、推动社会参与规划等政策建议。  相似文献   

研究目的:基于生态安全格局识别宁波市国土空间生态保护修复重点区域,并提出保护修复策略。研究方法:构建综合评价体系以确定生态源地,利用电路理论模型识别生态廊道和生态夹点,并引入廊道生态质量评价指标帮助确定各条廊道的合适宽度。研究结果:(1)识别生态源地23处,土地利用类型以林地为主。(2)识别生态廊道38条,廊道宽度集中在12~72 m。(3)宁波市生态廊道按质量分级,一级廊道6条,二级廊道10条,三级廊道22条,总体生态质量有待提高。(4)识别生态夹点区域14.37 km2,夹点的分布具有“南少北多、西多东少”的特点。研究结论:该方法识别了宁波市的生态源地、生态廊道及生态夹点,确定了廊道的适宜宽度,为国土空间生态保护修复重点区域识别提供有效的参考路径。  相似文献   

国土空间生态修复:概念思辨与理论认知   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
研究目的:通过对国土空间生态修复的概念进行辨析,探讨国土空间生态修复的内涵、理论基础及相关重要研究内容,以期阐明从生态修复到国土空间生态修复的认知转变。研究方法:文献综述与综合分析法。研究结果:(1)国土空间生态修复是以不同空间尺度范围内受损或缺乏稳定与安全性的生态系统为对象,通过国土要素的空间结构调整与优化和生态功能修整与重建以及辅以中宏观尺度上的生态工程等系统性措施,以修复生态系统过程和提升生态系统服务的治理活动,最终实现生态系统健康、景观生态安全和区域可持续发展;(2)根据人类活动对于生态系统的不同干扰和影响程度,国土空间生态修复可划分为国土空间生态恢复、国土空间生态整治和国土空间生态重建三大类型的研究内容;(3)区域背景、景观异质性、人类活动、社会经济等都与生态系统相互交融,将这些要素与生态修复有机结合的过程对国土空间生态修复提出了更高的要求。研究结论:面对中国的区域性生态问题,退化生态系统的"整体保护、系统修复、综合治理"的实现,需以国土空间生态修复作为重要抓手。  相似文献   

研究目的:利用2DGIS中城镇地籍数据信息快速建立城市三维模型。研究方法:首先对城镇大比例数据进行归类,提取适合三维建模的点、线、面要素,然后对要素进行重新组织,利用ArcScene,依据三维表达的要求,对地形背景建立DEM并与DOM叠加处理,界址点、控制点等点状地物建立三维独立地物符号库,一般建筑物按高度进行拉伸,而对标志性建筑物采用三维建模软件按二维轮廓进行精细模型制作。研究结果:成功地对某市大比例尺城镇地籍数据进行三维可视城市三维模型构建。研究结论:利用2DGIS中城镇地籍数据信息建立城市三维模型方法可行有效,有利于推进三维地籍的发展。  相似文献   

国土空间生态保护和修复研究路径:科学到决策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:探索走向可持续生态系统综合管理的国土空间生态保护和修复的研究路径与应用实践。研究方法:综合分析法,案例分析法等。研究结果:(1)以生态系统管理等理论为支撑,基于国土空间生态安全格局整体保护理念,关注中观—宏观尺度的国土空间生态保护和修复关键区域识别与诊断,从生态系统和社会系统维度提出国土空间生态保护和修复科学认知、价值重塑与政策引导的研究路径,构建 “本底调查测度—多维认知—科学识别—价值重塑—规划调控—政策引导—技术支撑”从科学到决策的国土空间生态保护和修复研究路径;(2)以山东省烟台市为例,围绕重焕蓝色海洋、连通生态廊道、牢筑生态屏障、优化生态格局和彰显绿色宜居策略,探索国土空间生态保护和修复应用实践。研究结论:生态文明背景下国土空间生态保护和修复走向可持续生态系统综合管理成为必然,所提出的研究路径和应用实践为国土空间生态保护和修复研究提供了新的思路与方法。  相似文献   


This study analyses the factors that determine Turkey's fresh and processed fruit and vegetable exports to the European Union (EU) using a gravity model. Panel data from 1995 to 2001 for 13 EU member countries are utilized. The explanatory variables are GDP, population, distance, Turkish population living in EU member countries, and being non-Mediterranean. Results indicate that the size of the economy, EU population, Turkish population in the EU, and addressing the tastes and preferences of non-Mediterranean countries are significant factors that affect Turkish fruit and vegetable exports. The results suggest that marketing strategies targeting the population of Turkish people in EU countries and non-Mediterranean member countries enhance the export performance of fruit and vegetable exports.  相似文献   

传统的国土资源管理决策存在着定量分析手段缺乏、缺少系统性、关联性和标准化的问题。将政策分析理论与计算机技术引入国土资源管理领域,有机整合基础数据、分析模型和指标体系诸分析元素,建立国土资源管理决策模拟剧场系统,实现交互式决策智能分析系统构建,形成国土资源管理决策过程的标准化平台系统,可以有效解决传统决策方法的不足,降低决策成本。国土资源管理决策模拟剧场通过采取问题识别、问题概念化、模型数学化、比较与评价、反馈与执行等5个程式化步骤,具有较强的普适性,可广泛适用于国土资源管理决策与科研项目研究。  相似文献   

区域耕地生态价值补偿量化模型构建——以江苏省为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究目的:探讨区域耕地生态价值补偿量化的思路与方法。研究方法:以耕地生态服务价值为依据,以生态超载指数作为耕地生态服务价值在各区域间转移的测度,结合地区社会经济发展水平,构建市域间生态价值补偿量化模型,并以江苏省为例,测算各区域间耕地生态价值补偿量。研究结果:(1)2011年江苏省耕地生态服务价值北高南低,生态超载指数南亏北盈,表现出耕地生态供给和生态消费"空间异位"现象。(2)2011年江苏省整体上向外输出耕地生态服务价值,可获得16.99×108元耕地生态补偿费。(3)省内苏南地区及苏中南通市需分别支付104.83×108和2.88×108元耕地生态补偿费,苏中(除南通市)和苏北地区可分别获得24.68×108和100.05×108元的补偿费。研究结论:计算结果与各市的实际情况吻合,可为江苏构建耕地生态补偿路径提供参考,该测算方法对类似地区编制土地利用总体规划时,以区域生态价值量确定耕地保护指标,构建耕地生态价值补偿机制具有指导作用。  相似文献   

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