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段辉娜 《江苏商论》2015,(2):32-34,48
WTO框架下的《实施卫生与植物卫生检验检疫措施协议》是为防止以产品卫生为借口实施贸易保护而制定的。但由于协议不完善,对我国农产品出口既产生正面影响又产生负面影响。我国农业企业应充分有效利用卫生检验检疫协议,完善企业的生产经营能力,提升出口竞争力。  相似文献   

This paper uses recent OECD data on services trade restrictions (STRI) to analyse the relationship between services trade policies and cross‐border trade in services. A standard gravity model is enhanced by the STRI indices in a cross‐section regression analysis. Services trade restrictions are negatively associated with both imports and exports of services. The surprisingly strong effect on services exports is probably explained by a negative relationship between the STRIs and sector performance indicators. Consequently, services suppliers from less open countries are less competitive abroad. Bilateral differences in regulation are also found to curtail services trade over and above the impact of the trade liberalisation level. At the margin, regulatory differences have a larger effect on trade flows the lower the level of the STRI.  相似文献   

Market access for agricultural products is increasingly determined by capability to comply with a wide array of regulatory measures. From a trade perspective, one of the most important aspects of such regulatory measures is their potential distortionary effect, as their cost of compliance is often asymmetrical across countries. This paper investigates the effect of the European Union's sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures on the exports from low income countries. This study finds that SPS measures result in relatively higher burden for low income countries but that membership in deep trade agreements seems to reduce the difficulties related to compliance with SPS measures. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that while many middle and high income countries have the internal capacity to comply with SPS measures, most low income countries do not.  相似文献   

王胜 《国际市场》2001,(12):18-19
一、中国就业的现状分析 目前中国的就业现状有以下三个特征: 1、失业率急剧上升.据<中国统计年鉴>报告,1997年末,城镇登记失业率从1992年的2.32%上升为3.1%,登记失业人数达570万人,失业人口连续5年趋于上升;如果把实际闲置在家的下岗职工计算在内,1997年的实际失业率估计应在8%以上.由于乡村剩余劳动力的持续增加和政府机构的精简,2000年全国的真实失业率会突破9%,2002年劳动力供给增量将达到最高峰.  相似文献   

国际经贸往来通常受到语言的影响,而英语作为当今最主要的贸易通用语言在对外贸易中发挥着重要的作用。本文利用扩展的引力模型估计了国民英语能力对我国对外服务贸易流量的影响。研究发现,国民英语能力与我国对外服务贸易流量呈显著正相关关系。一系列敏感性分析表明,在贸易全球化的新形势下,这种影响是稳健的,大体还呈现上升趋势。改善和提高国民英语能力不仅对我国对外经贸往来的可持续发展大有裨益,当前我国正积极地推行"一带一路"发展战略,加强中国与世界各国的语言互通,对保持和提升中国在国际社会中的大国形象和地位也具有重要的现实和长远意义。  相似文献   

基于企业国际经验的国外市场选择和进入模式研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
谢军 《国际贸易问题》2007,289(1):91-94
国际经验对企业选择国外市场进入模式的影响是企业国际化管理研究的重点之一,然而这一问题并没有引起国内理论研究的广泛关注。为了弥补这个缺陷,本文对288家国内上市公司的国际经营数据进行了研究。研究发现,企业国际经验,特别是决策团队的国际经验对国外市场选择和国外市场进入模式存在积极的影响。同时,规模越大、技术含量越高的企业,越倾向于选择资源投入较大的国外市场进入模式。  相似文献   

跨国公司进入国外市场的方式是多个层面多种因素综合作用的结果。产业组织理论认为产业组织结构影响企业行为,因而产业组织结构也影响跨国公司的市场进入方式。本文结合中国几个产业的实际情况,重点探讨了促进跨国公司采用跨国并购方式进入国内市场的产业条件。认为,促进跨国并购的产业组织结构特征包括,市场集中度高,市场地域分割,国内外产业发展不平衡,国内外市场分割,国内市场容量大,成长率高等。  相似文献   

1990年代以后发达国家普遍出现了劳动力市场极化的现象。本文研究了南北贸易和中国-发达国家间贸易对发达国家劳动力市场极化的影响。结果表明,南北贸易和中国-发达国家贸易显著促进了发达国家的劳动力市场极化,其中,中国-发达国家贸易对劳动力市场极化的边际影响更大。本文的研究还表明,技能偏向性技术进步是劳动力市场极化的主要因素,国际贸易是次要因素,并主要通过技能偏向性技术进步影响劳动力市场极化。  相似文献   

Previous studies that investigated the impact of exchange rate volatility on the trade flows employed aggregate trade data and standard estimation techniques. They provided mixed results. In this paper we use disaggregated import and export data for 177 commodities traded between the United States and the United Kingdom to investigate whether volatility of the real bilateral dollar–pound exchange rate has any detrimental effect on trade flows at the commodity level. Additionally, we employ the bounds testing approach to cointegration and error‐correction modelling that is suitable for the models used mostly because it does not require pre‐unit‐root testing and variables in the model could be stationary, non‐stationary or a combination of the two. In most trade flow models estimated, we found a negative effect of exchange rate volatility on commodity trade.  相似文献   

Government policy in China supports urban wages at the expense of returns to farm labour. A model is developed to estimate how WTO accession and complementary labour market reform will influence factor returns in China. With WTO membership, a larger cut in manufacturing tariffs compared to agriculture will improve agriculture's terms of trade and will raise the agricultural wage. Complementary labour market reforms will further boost farm wages as labour exits agriculture in large numbers. We estimate that WTO membership and complementary labour market reforms will result in a decline in the agricultural labour force by about 25 per cent.  相似文献   

本文从卫生和植物检疫(SPS)措施导致的遵从成本出发,建立了经济学局部均衡分析模型,研究SPS措施对中国猪肉贸易的影响效应。分析表明:SPS措施对猪肉贸易的影响在宏观上表现为贸易禁止、贸易限制和贸易扭曲。微观上的影响在短期和长期是不同的。文章还分析了在一对一歧视、多对一歧视和非歧视情况下遵从成本的大小。研究发现,当所有进口国对所有出口国无歧视的采用同一SPS措施的情况下,遵从成本被各国分摊,对于单个出口国来说,这时遵从成本最低。因此,对于贸易商来说,最重要的是追求贸易中的公平待遇。  相似文献   

Empirical evidence on migration and trade has established that permanent migration promotes trade. This finding has been interpreted as proof for the role of migrants in reducing trade‐related transaction costs such as contract enforcement costs or information costs. This paper contributes to improving our understanding of trade‐related transaction costs by analysing empirically whether temporary migrants, like permanent migrants, have an impact on bilateral trade flows. Temporary migrants can be expected to be less integrated in the host country than permanent migrants. At the same time, their knowledge of the home country can, on average, be expected to be more up‐to‐date. Our findings therefore give insights as to the relative importance of knowledge on the host and the home country for trade‐related transaction costs. Using a gravity approach in our empirical analysis, we find that temporary migration has a positive and significant effect on trade and that temporary migration tends to have a stronger and more significant effect on both imports and exports than permanent migration. Interestingly, the role of temporary migrants in reducing trade costs does not appear to be associated with their skills.  相似文献   

本文首先分析了保险市场准入监管与保险公司偿付能力之间的关系,再用经济学的方法对市场准入问题进行讨论.结果表明,保费收入和投保人的预期收益与市场上保险公司的数量并不总是同方向变化,而且在产品同质的市场上,完全取消进入门槛会使市场上的企业个数过多,造成社会福利的损失.接着,文章通过对目前中国保险市场上供给主体的分析,认为当前我国保险市场存在的最主要问题不是供给主体不够,而是各公司提供的产品之间无差异.因此,文章认为目前政府还是应该审慎控制保险市场总体规模和市场准入,从而从理论上阐述了新<保险法>修订进一步严格保险市场的准入条件的必要性.  相似文献   

戴松  姜明辉 《商业研究》2004,(11):63-64
中国加入WTO后,国际价格规则必然与目前中国的国内价格规则产生冲突,国际市场价格也将对国内市场价格产生直接影响。为此,中国应研究目前国内存在的价格问题,客观分析国际市场价格对国内市场价格的影响,制定相应的价格对策.以最大程度地减轻国际市场价格对国内市场价格的冲击,实现国内市场与国际市场的顺利对接。  相似文献   

长期以来,"台湾接单-大陆生产-出口美欧"这一典型的三角贸易模式是两岸经贸合作的主要形式。经过多年的发展,两岸之间已经形成了密切的经贸联系。然而,在中美贸易摩擦持续发酵的背景下,尤其是在台湾当局"去中国化"经贸政策的影响下,两岸经贸合作面临的不确定性和困难有所增加。为规避中美贸易摩擦的消极影响,两岸经贸合作态势也出现相应调整。一是两岸贸易出现了明显的替代和转移效应;二是部分台商加快调整全球产业布局;三是两岸高科技产业合作步伐放缓。鉴于中美贸易摩擦前景尚不明朗,对两岸经贸关系的影响也值得持续关注。  相似文献   

牦牛是世界上十分宝贵的一种稀有畜种,我国是世界第一大牦牛国。我国已经入世,牦牛业既面临着严峻的挑战,又有难得的机遇。如何使其趋利避害,并得到最大限度的发展,本文从宏观角度进行了一定的探讨。  相似文献   

孙国忠 《中国市场》2008,(28):96-97
随着中俄两国关系的逐步发展,为齐齐哈尔市发展对俄经贸提供了难得的机遇,齐市应该加大对俄经贸市场开拓的力度,以实现产业结构的升级。主要措施有:推进齐市对俄物流体系建设;建设带有独特特色的对俄市场;与俄罗斯连手打造科技产业基地;积极与俄罗斯IT产业合作,大力发展服务外包产业;开拓对俄家电产品售后服务维修市场;充分利用"哈大齐工业走廊",开拓对俄经贸大通道等。  相似文献   

随着互联网的迅速发展,各种网络营销方法也层出不穷,搜索引擎营销是最重要的营销方法之一。这种方式对加速各国间的国际贸易有着重要意义。基于SEM的概述,分析了SEM在贸易主体、中小企业和国际市场等方面对国际贸易的影响,从宏观和微观两个方面提出了SEM的发展对我国对外贸易的启示。  相似文献   

石美玲 《市场研究》2009,(10):27-29
<正>改革开放以来,我国对外贸易与外商对华直接投资都取得了长足的发展。进出口总额从1978年的06.4亿美元增加到2004年的11547.4亿美元,比上年增长35.7%;外商对华直接投资由1983年的9.2亿美元上升到2004年  相似文献   

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