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The paper provides a review of current issues relating to the use of DNA profiling in forensic science. A short historical section gives the main statistical milestones that occurred during a rapid development of DNA technology and operational uses. Greater detail is then provided for interpretation issues involving STR DNA profiles, including:
  • – methods that take account of population substructure in DNA calculations;

  • – parallel work carried out by the US National Research Council;

  • – the move away from multiple independence testing in favour of experiments that demonstrate the robustness of casework procedures;

  • – the questionable practice of source attribution 'with reasonable scientific certainty';

  • – the effect on the interpretation of profiles obtained under increasingly sensitive techniques, the LCN technique in particular;

  • – the use of DNA profiles as an intelligence tool;

  • – the interpretation of DNA mixtures.

Experience of presenting DNA evidence within UK courts is also discussed. The paper then summarises a generic interpretation framework based on the concept of likelihood ratio within a hierarchy of propositions. Finally the use of Bayesian networks to interpret DNA evidence is reviewed.  相似文献   

This paper centers on the interpretation attributed by organizational members to the information systems (IS) alignment concept. Its objective is to study IS alignment in professional organizations. Specifically, it reports on an interpretive study conducted in five Chilean organizations; four professional and one entrepreneurial, of which two are private and three are public. The theoretical background of our study is derived from three IS strategic alignment conceptualizations: managerial, emergent and critical. These concepts formed our theoretical framework that guided data collection and analysis. The study centers on the meanings organizational members assigned to IS strategic alignment, as well as their views on the barriers that hinder achieving this level of organizational integration. The analysis results are summarized in seven hermeneutic themes that point out the different connotations the organizations assigned to IS alignment. The significance of the findings are summarized in four insights that formulate theoretical and practical implications. These insights refer to: (1) the difficulties of achieving alignment for professional organizations, particularly public ones, (2) the limitations these organizations have in being agile, (3) the rationale for acquiring technology and determining IT skills, and (4) the imperative meaning that CIOs attribute to IS alignment. The paper concludes with a reflection on the limitations and relevance of the research.  相似文献   

Close examination of the global temperature record, together with other factors, does not support the global warming models' predictions – the thermal response to a doubling of CO2 is likely to be 'remarkably small'.  相似文献   

This paper uses speech act theory to present a libertarian reinterpretation of the Habermasian concept of communicative action. Voluntary exchange in competitive markets is interpreted as a speech act and a form of communicative action that respects autonomy and obstructs power. Where exchange occurs in monopolistic markets, it is defective in being a form of (a) strategic action aimed directly at rival suppliers rather than buyers and (b) economic coercion. Voluntary exchange is not an isolated act but the outcome of a complex bargaining process, which may lead to negotiated exit, without the possibility of which economic relations are coercive.  相似文献   

Data Envelopment Analysis is an analytical tool for evaluating the relative technical efficiency of a set of organizations with the same multiple inputs and outputs. This paper examines the correct interpretation of inefficiency scores in the Additive model of Data Envelopment Analysis. A contrived numerical example is offered to demonstrate that certain computational statements appearing in recent literature are not entirely correct. As rectification, a region of stability is defined that identifies sufficient conditions for altering a technical inefficiency classification to that of technical efficiency. Finally, this region of stability technique is applied to bank branch operating efficiencies to demonstrate managerial interpretations and policy implications.  相似文献   

This article uses speech act theory to challenge the claim that the deliberative state is a forum for communicative action, while markets are characterised by strategic action. Two arguments are advanced against this claim. First, the illocutionary act of initiating a deliberative procedure is strategic because the consensus which the speaker wants the deliberating group to reach is not part of the illocutionary point of the directive but one possible perlocutionary effect. Second, the illocutionary act of recommending following a deliberative consensus is strategic and meddlesome and therefore not a communicative action. Deliberation enables not communicative action but strategic action.  相似文献   

A bstract . The form and basic properties of Thorstein Veblen's evolutionary theory are analyzed as an interpretative strategy for understanding the social institutions of modern industrial society. By formulating hypothetical historical reconstructions based on his principles of social action and institutional transformation , Veblen creates an heuristic construction that serves as a formula for observation and analysis of what he finds to be the essential meaning of existing behavior. This gives to his work a critical style, but also a depth of analysis that has a degree of predictive validity.  相似文献   

根据对我国的宏观总需求和总供给行为的理论分析,可以得出我国的总需求函数和总供给函数。利用统计数据对这些函数进行检验,可以回归出说明我国总需求和总供给的行为的经验方程。这里依据这些回归方程来解释最近几年我国的经济增长率和物价总水平变动率。 我们回归出的经验方程有4个,其中有两个是说明总需求如何决定“总需求函数”的:  相似文献   

Professor Norman Barry of the University of Buckingham presents a view of the Crash from the perspective of Austrian economics.  相似文献   

政府门户网站作为政府提供公共服务的重要平台和窗口,应该充分考虑到包括残障人士在内的所有社会公众的需求。加拿大政府在互联网协会的网页内容无障碍指南基础上制定了关于政府网站的外观与感觉一致性规范,该规范遵循以用户为中心的理念,要求保证所有加拿大用户,不管身体残疾与否、生活在哪个地理位置、或者属于哪个种族,都能公平和自由地访问加拿大各级政府门户网站。CLF规范就加拿大政府如何为公众和政府员工提供电子信息提供了一种模式和规范,无论是过去还是现在它都可称之为政府门户网站无障碍建设的一个典范。  相似文献   

我国<联运通用平托盘主要尺寸及公差>国家标准修订已完成,并于2008年3月1日起实施.托盘标准在物流机械、设备与设施的标准中,具有牵一发而动全身的作用,因此,托盘新标准的公布实施,对于我国物流事业的发展意义重大.  相似文献   

阐释"中国之谜"——一个基于扩展的总需求总供给模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在附加预期的菲利普斯曲线基础上,通过引入可变的技术进步变量,修正了新古典的总供给曲线,指出除预期的通货膨胀率、产出缺口外,技术进步也是影响总供给曲线的重要变量;同时将总需求曲线扩展到开放经济条件下,从而推导出了"通货膨胀率-产出增长率"系统下的总需求总供给模型.作为对扩展后模型的检验,本文利用该模型阐释了我国宏观经济运行中的"高增长与低通胀并存"现象.  相似文献   

门户网站是数字校园的重要组成部分,各大高校建立门户网站之后,二级学院也相继建立自己的门户网站,实现学院教学、科研、办公的数字化。学员多样化、社会化以及与企业的密切联系等特点,商学院对高质量门户网站的需求更为强烈。综述了门户网站评价的相关研究,总结门户网站评价指标,构建了商学院门户网站评价指标体系。应用层次分析法对中美二十所商学院门户网站进行了比较分析,发现中国商学院在网站设计、网站内容以及网站功能指标上均有显著差距。中国商学院门户网站应优化站点设计,增强信息组织性,完善校友网络、企业合作网络建设。  相似文献   

刘国信 《大众标准化》2005,(6):i001-i001
近年来,劣质甚至有毒有害食品频频出现,食品安全问题引起了人们的广泛关注.目前,虽然有关部门的打假力度不断加大,但假冒伪劣食品依然屡禁不止.据调查,这些制假售假的不法行为大多属家庭作坊式小型企业非法生产所为.因此,为了从源头上治理食品造假,保证上市食品的安全,国家已对部分日用食品实行了市场准入制度,消费者在选购这些食品时一定要认清QS标志;同时还要对食品生产许可证编号有所了解,以辨别其是否为正规企业生产的产品.  相似文献   

Value at Risk (VaR) forecasts have been increasingly accepted globally by both risk managers and regulators as a tool to identify and control exposure to financial market risk. However, modern portfolios are characterized by a constantly changing composition of security holdings that reflect portfolio managers’ strategies, expected prices, and net cash flows into the portfolio. As a result of these factors, portfolio returns are time-varying mixtures of distributions which are unlikely to be well approximated by conventional methods.  相似文献   

简要介绍日本单跨门式刚架桥的特点,通过抗震性能,解析方法,解析步骤,设计水平震度,地震土压系数等几方面对抗震设计进行了阐述。最后介绍了单跨门式刚架桥的适用条件。  相似文献   

门式刚架轻钢结构设计常见问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高志勇 《价值工程》2010,29(8):115-116
通过对门式刚架和多层框架等类型的钢结构房屋施工图审查,总结了钢结构设计中应注意的一些问题,如正确选用钢材质量等级和焊缝质量等级,合理设置隅撑、拉条和独立的空间稳定支撑体系,以及钢框架结构采用混凝土楼板时的构造要求等,并对问题进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

遭遇寒冬的中国互联网正以迅猛之势回暖。中国本土搜索门户百度在美国纳斯达克的高调上市以及其不可思议的暴涨;阿里巴巴收构雅虎中国全部资产大手笔的运作;分众传媒楼宇电视联播网那块小小的液晶显示屏如一夜春风吹拂的繁花突然间遍布京城各个高档写字楼电梯口,这些都给人一种强烈的信号,中国互联网的第二个春天到了。春风吹处,野百合就地怒放。蛰伏多年的行业垂直门户网站, 一个个再次显露生机。中国物流装备行业的专业网站——中国物流产品网也应时以一种全新的姿态高调出场了。  相似文献   

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