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核心能力的构成维度及其特性   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
核心能力由文化、制度、技术、管理等四个维度构成,其中绝大部分具有“方法性”特征的隐性知识,具有难于仿制的、暗默的、集体共有的、深植的以及整合的特点。核心能力的技术、文化、制度、管理等构成维度的双重潜在性决定了核心能力同时也可能是核心刚性,核心刚性以范式刚性与能力惰性形式表现出来。中国企业核心能力的培育应从四个方面切入:在企业制度维度层面构建有效、科学的企业治理结构,是企业形成核心能力的前提;加强技术维度创新,致力于建立自主技术开发能力,并适时地变换渐进性创新及突破性创新两种模式以完成核心能力的培育与再造;塑造以创新、变革为基本内核的企业文化,并不断进行企业文化的创新与变革;加强管理维度的创新,对企业内外部的资源、知识、能力进行整合和协同,实现制度、技术、文化维度之间的相辅相成。  相似文献   

随着人力资源管理创新,“人本管理”受到了企业界的广泛关注。然而,适应知识经济快速发展,西方经济学家与企业家提出“能本管理”的企业管理思想,应引起企业的高度重视并广为运用。 近年来,世界知名企业在管理创新上一个新的发展趋势均突出了“能本管理”,大力提高企业员工的科技创新能力。美国摩托罗拉、福特等企业实施“能本管理”战略;每年拨款10多亿美元用于职工教育,加快提升企业员工技术与能力。在欧洲,许多大公司倡导建立学习型企业,出现“员工充电,老板出钱”的浪潮。西门子、拜耳等一些企业均加强了企业教育学院建设…  相似文献   

现代企业文化建设的时代性,要求按照“人本”思想,对自身作出合理整合,而融入“美的规律”是必然选择。“企业人”价值观是企业文化的灵魂,集中在于把人看作企业根本而不是企业成本,核心是将企业管理“人格化”,目的是推进人的全面发展。要把人的主体性与企业理性、企业形象有机结合,形成统一企业价值观,全面提升内外统一的文化整合能力。  相似文献   

企业可持续发展的能力,源于企业拥有的知识,企业现有的知识存量决定了企业发现市场和配置资源的能力。在知识经济时代,加强企业和知识管理,提高知识管理水平,是增强企业核心竞争力的重要途径。文章通过对企业的知识积累、共享、利用和创新的阐述,论证了知识管理要“以人为本”和培养、储备知识型员工的重要性和战略意义,并对留住人才提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

企业精神是由企业的传统、经历、文化和企业领导人的管理哲学共同孕育而成的,它集中体现了一个企业独特的、鲜明的经营思想和个性风格,反映了企业的信念和追求,是企业群体意识的集中体现,是企业最宝贵的精神财富。河南省中原大化集团公司重视企业文化建设,积极培育并逐步形成了以“诚信、团结、创新、奉献”的企业精神为核心、以人本管理和创新理念为主要内容的企业文化,并渗透到企业管理中,有效地调动了职工的劳动积极性,增强了企业的向心力和凝聚力。  相似文献   

亲情原则、精英淘汰、军事情结、数字游戏、花瓶效应是目前我国企业人力资源管理中存在的问题,其原因在于缺少先进的、现代的企业理念及相适应的制度。改善的对策是确立“以人为本,效能优先”的原则,建立尊重个人、服务顾客、发展企业的企业理念,制定相应的制度和具体落实措施。1.确立“以人为本,效能优先”的价值取向市场经济是一种效能经济,谁的效率高、能力强,谁就会在竞争中占优势,赢得高附加值、低成本的回报。因此,企业人力资源管理的核心价值取向,也必须由权本位、亲情本位向效率本位、能力本位转变。企业领导首先必须带…  相似文献   

努力提升现代企业用人管理水平   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
现代企业的建立,必须要有先进的科技和庞大精良的人才队伍来支撑,人才已经成为决定企业生死的关键要素。积极创新引入用人机制,重视人才的培养和现有人才的盘活,树立“有用即人才”的人才评价标准,从关注学历、职称向关注人才的能力素质拓展,从关注成名成业的“显人才”向关注“潜人才”、“准人才”拓展。在实现现代企业发展目标的牵引下形成更具生命活力的团队。为人才创业、成长营造公平公正、规范有序的法治环境,以及鼓励创新和开放包容的人环境。  相似文献   

一、引起社会关注的“技工现象”高素质人才是市场经济条件下企业生存和发展的关键性资源,也是企业核心竞争力的基本构成要素之一。人才问题是困扰我国企业发展和创新的首要问题。但长期以来,人们理解的“人才”,往往是指科学技术人才、经营管理人才,而将技术工人排除在外。然而,目前我国企业的“技工现象”,即技术工人、尤其是高级技术工人的严重短缺现象已经引起社会的极大关注,它让我们不得不重新认识企业“人才”的含义,重新认识技术工人的价值和地位。据国家劳动和社会保障部2001年公布的一项抽样调查显示:“十五”期间,企业对技术工人…  相似文献   

创新机制,保证学习落到实处 企业要在剧烈的变革中保持和发展相对优势,赢得主动权,只有依靠更快更好地学习来塑造公司的变革能力,提高适应外界变化的能力,并使之迅速地转化为生产力。创建学习型企业是提高员工素质和公司综合竞争力的活力源泉,而建设“学习型企业”要靠机制的刚性约束,需要在组织、制度、内容等方面进行大胆创新,才能取得明显成效。  相似文献   

可持续成长型企业的基本约束条件及其战略重点   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
企业的可持续成长不仅是企业家的共同追求,也是宏观经济稳定运行的微观基础。可持续成长型企业是以不断变革与创新能力为依托,在维护代内稳定成长的同时,适时实现“代际推进”的企业。企业观的重塑、战略资源储备以及知识资本积累超前增长,是企业走向可持续成长之路的基本约束条件。可持续成长型企业的战略重点在于企业的“代际推进”。而核心能力的自我超越、代际推进路径的选择以及保持“创新个性”,则是企业顺利实现代际推进的重要环节和根本保障。  相似文献   

成核剂是聚烯烃的功能型助剂,它可提高聚烯烃产品的刚性、透明性以及表面光泽度。近年来随着我国聚烯烃产品应用领域的不断拓宽,聚烯烃成核剂应用市场迅速发展,但由于我国成核剂起步较晚,在成核剂技术开发和市场应用方面均与国外有不同程度的差距。未来随着高透明和高刚性聚烯烃材料在我国市场的不断推广应用,高品质成核剂需求将会明显增加,这无疑对我国聚烯烃成核助剂产业发展提出更高的要求。  相似文献   

We investigate how R&D university – industry collaboration (R&D UIC) is influenced by labor market rigidity. While it is well-established that an educated and skilled workforce will facilitate R&D UIC, another aspect of these alliances has been under-researched: the role of labor market rigidity, in particular the difficulties employers face in hiring and firing workers. We hypothesize that the size of the R&D labor pool in a country will encourage R&D UIC, and that the ease with which employers are legally allowed to hire and fire will directly and indirectly influence R&D UIC. Integrating data from various sources, we test our model on a sample of 73 countries for which information on the size of the R&D labor pool and labor market regulations are available. We also conduct a robustness test using a different proxy for R&D labor pool on a larger sample of 109 countries. Results confirm the strong link between a country's R&D labor pool and R&D UIC, as well as direct negative impacts of hiring and firing rigidity and an indirect negative impact of hiring rigidity. The findings have implications for managers, policy makers, and researchers of R&D collaboration between universities and industry.  相似文献   

Though it is now universally accepted that companies should try to align their R&D activities with their business objectives, achieving this alignment is notoriously difficult in practice. The rise of the core competence framework has been very helpful in creating, and legitimizing, a language in which issues of technical competence and R&D strengths can be followed through to their consequences for competitive advantage. Companies are starting to express their R&D priorities explicitly in terms of core competencies.
Without effective IT support, core competence concepts are often applied arbitrarily. This has led to accusations that core competence theory can become yet another battlefield upon which companies play out their internal political battles. Computer-based techniques can help counteract this danger by enabling large volumes of relatively objective data to be collected, then making it possible to analyse and draw out patterns from this data, and finally enabling the data to be represented effectively.
It is in this last area of data representation that information technology is now of particular benefit. In order to make the core competence approach sufficiently robust as a basis for decision making, it is necessary to collect and process large volumes of data. However, this data is normally difficult to represent in such a way that managers can assimilate it. In our recent experience, we have come to realize the particular importance of effective representations and metaphors, and have started to shift our own emphasis towards these areas in addition to analysis per se .
The paper shows how core competence approaches can support R&D management decision making by exploring the roles of data collection, analysis and representation. Information technology is an integral part of these approaches, and we draw out some generalized lessons for the successful use of IT in decision support.  相似文献   

The marketing and strategy literature hail strategic flexibility as a key success factor in creating continuously customer value and generating competitive advantage. However, empirical evidence indicates that rigidity in market strategies and actions is more the rule than the exception in organizations. The focus of this special issue is on better understanding rigidity and flexibility in business markets. This lead article seeks to elaborate on why companies face rigidity and how they can create flexibility. To do this, we relate rigidity in organizations to the concepts of dominant logic, industry recipe and persistence. The case illustrations highlight barriers to the development of absorptive capacity in business organizations. Identifying such barriers is a first step in better understanding how companies can remain agile and flexible in demanding and fast changing markets. The paper then proceeds with a brief introduction to the other contributions of this special issue and concludes with a research agenda.  相似文献   

We document the extent of price rigidity across United States manufacturing industries in the 1980s and early 1990s and compare rigidity across different phases of the business cycle. We measure price rigidity in three ways – each under four different sets of assumptions. We take an approach that relies on disaggregated data; we look at price patterns for over 4000 individual manufactured commodities. Both durability and seller concentration are found to be important factors explaining differences in price rigidity across industrial product classes. Using our data, we replicate the regression results found in Carlton (1986) that were based on actual transaction prices from the 1960s.  相似文献   

基于价值网模型的企业竞争战略研究   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
价值网是在网络经济背景下提出的一个概念,它是由利益相关者之间相互影响而形成的价值生成、分配、转移和使用的关系及其结构。价值网的思想打破了传统价值链的线性思维和价值活动顺序分离的机械模式.围绕顾客价值重构原有价值链。价值网与价值链相比.在战略思维上发生了巨大的变化。本文对基于价值网的企业竞争战略进行了探讨,提出了以顾客价值为核心的竞争战略,以紧密合作为基础的双赢竞争策略,以塑造核心能力为主要手段的成员公司成长途径的战略思维。  相似文献   

对于企业核心竞争力的理解,国内有很多种解释,其内涵也非常广泛。企业伦理学自20世纪50年代提出后,企业伦理被越来越多的运用,并且成为影响和塑造企业核心竞争力的另一个重要因素。本文试图从伦理学的角度阐释企业核心竞争力的构筑及企业发展过程中的一些现象。  相似文献   

This article examines how flexibility and rigidity equally pose a dilemma for management and trade unions. It explores the issue by examining a range of features within the employment relationship at the Royal Mail in the UK. It seeks to demonstrate how, in practice, both management and trade unions can require, pursue and argue for different and competing combinations of flexibility and rigidity. It concludes that it is analytically more useful to examine the content and form of the 'flexible–rigid mix' and explore how this is mediated by political, social and operational/technical processes.  相似文献   

Past research has given contradictory answers to the question of how strategic change is linked to firm size and performance. This paper resolves the contradictory predictions of performance feedback theory and threat rigidity theory by positing that small and large firms have distinct responses to performance because of differences in risk aversion and internal rigidity. To examine these differences, it is necessary to distinguish risk taking from rigidity in the strategic position, which is accomplished by separate analysis of the amount of resource acquisition and the difference of acquired and existing resources. Analysis of data from the shipping industry supports the predicted interactions of firm size and performance. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The regional green power labeling according to the EEG 2017 represents an extension of the possibilities for labeling green electricity. In this paper we investigate the extent to which the implementation of regional green power products using the green power labeling regime under the EEG 2017 can help to strengthen the regional brand core of German power marketers, and which is the best alternative for raising the regional brand core of these firms. To this end, the different options for green power marketing with regional reference are discussed in detail, and it is elaborated which additional marketing models are enabled through the regional green power labeling. Furthermore, the criteria are identified with which the various green power labeling models with regional reference—with respect to their potential to raise the regional brand core—ought to be compared with each other. The results from our analysis show that the regional green power labeling based on EEG 2017 can be used to systematically upgrade the options for the marketing of regionally generated electricity already in place before the EEG 2017 entered into force.  相似文献   

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