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刘冰  何莽  王松茂 《旅游学刊》2016,(9):91-100
治理是推动旅游目的地在竞争中构建行之有效的合作关系以获取战略优势的重要途径.以往的研究较多关注基于正式关系的“双边”合作,忽视了网络背景下,旅游目的地之间的合作往往依托于非正式关系,并在“多边”关系互动中不断地演变和重构.因此,从网络视角探寻目的地治理机制对理解合作问题具有重要的战略意义.该研究在2012年新疆目的地网络研究的基础上,于2014年对12个目的地进行跟踪调查,社会网络分析结果表明中心性和凝聚性对于识别旅游目的地在网络中的合作优势具有重要作用.在旅游目的地合作研究框架下,基于三方关系提出不同类型网络治理模式,为目的地有意识地调整、重构自身网络活动以获取战略优势,以及竞合关系下的区域旅游合作及一体化等问题提供了理论指引和决策参考.  相似文献   

区域间旅游需求溢出测度的缺口模型及其验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在一个开放的区域经济系统中,区域(城市)之间的旅游溢出效应广泛存在,是区域旅游合作的重要内在力量.基于供给-需求对旅游溢出的划分中,源于多目的地旅行的旅游需求溢出受到了更多的学术关注,并形成了包括缺口模型在内的4种不同的定量测度思路.文章从旅游需求角度出发,将催生多目的地旅行的原因总结为满足多样性偏好、满足高等级偏好和降低单位成本等“三假设”;将区域间旅游需求溢出的影响因素提炼为“六因子”,即两地间的旅游类型差异、旅游等级差异、空间距离等3个缺口因子,以及溢出接收方的旅游吸引力与旅游承接力、溢出产生方的旅游流规模等3个存量因子,并分析了这6个溢出因子对溢出效应的作用机理.进一步,基于“三假设”“六因子”的认识,结合旅游空间相互作用分析,提出了一个改进的缺口模型以测度区域间的旅游需求溢出效应,并在对解释变量进行操作性定义的基础上,估计出相关参数,从而实现了模型的可计算化.最后,对长三角、长株潭和大西安等3个旅游圈的案例分析表明,改进后的缺口模型能较好地吻合区域旅游合作的一些典型表象,也使测度模型的效度得到一定的间接验证.当然,对缺口模型进行直接验证并开展情景模拟将是未来值得探索的方向.  相似文献   

论旅游目的地联合营销的理论基础及其对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时于以旅游经济为支柱的地区来说,目的地营销一直是一项极具挑战性的任务.联合营销可能为目的地旅游组织解决这一挑战提供有效的路径.本文以组织关系理论为基础,探讨和阐述旅游目的地联合营销的先决条件、动机成因、合作过程和预期成果,并对其理论和实战两个层面的影响进行阐述.  相似文献   

品牌标识是旅游目的地的核心品牌要素,也是其竞争优势的重要来源.但是,目前国内外对旅游目的地品牌标识及其评价的研究很少.文章在分析旅游目的地品牌标识内涵和类型基础上,提出旅游目的地品牌标识评价应遵循市场营销之功能性原则.基于此,文章构建了旅游目的地品牌标识评价的IDCAM模型,提出一个好的品牌标识应该具备识别性、区分性、一致性、易于被注意和易于被记忆之特征.以该模型为基础,文章从信号传递、符号意义、要素组合、视觉要素四个视角对旅游目的地品牌标识评价的具体标准进行了研究,并构建了基于IDCAM模型的旅游目的地品牌标识评价标准模型.依据IDCAM模型,我国优秀旅游城市正在独立使用的149个品牌标识大部分具有识别性,但是区分性明显不够,而且符合理想层次评价标准者仅有31个.  相似文献   

国家形象和目的地形象因其对消费者行为和决策的重要影响,分别发展成为国际商务领域和旅游营销领域的重要概念和研究热点,虽然两者具有十分密切的内在联系,但学界对它们的研究却相对独立,缺少交叉研究.该研究在对两个领域的文献和理论模型进行整理后,将目的地形象放置到国家尺度下重新审视,试图揭示一个国家的综合国家形象与其作为旅游目的地的形象之间的互动机制,并尝试引入“熟悉度”等概念建立整合模型.最后以中国大陆为案例地,以来华国际游客为调查对象,通过结构方程模型进行实证检验和修正.结论指出:(1)熟悉度对目的地形象有正向影响;(2)国家形象与目的地形象之间具有双向且正向的影响;(3)国家形象通过目的地形象对游客的忠诚度产生间接影响.  相似文献   

游憩生态学与旅游规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无论什么样的旅游,发生在什么地方,其旅游环境均可分为自然环境和人工环境两类,以自然环境为基础的旅游目的地在资源保护与旅游发展关系上历来引起广泛的关注与争论,这种关系处理方式随各国土地制度的不同、文化差异以及目的地社会经济状况不同而不同,但有一个共同的规律:即尊重自然规律,实施生态系统管理.  相似文献   

国家形象是国际商务和国际营销领域的重要概念,目的地形象是旅游领域的重要概念。在竞争日益激烈的全球化市场上,国家形象和目的地形象对于产品和旅游目的地获得竞争优势具有重要的战略价值。目前,国家形象和目的地形象研究基本上是独立的,文章在全面回顾两个领域最新研究进展的基础上,分析两概念定义、理论基础、形象主体和客体、形象内容等方面的异同;根据对国家形象、目的地形象与旅游研究中的其他社会心理变量之间关系的分析,提出整合这些变量的旅游意向模型以及相应的三个命题,以引导下一步的实证研究。  相似文献   

居民生活的环境是为文化遗产旅游开发的一部分,代表了旅游目的地的独特文化,旅游开发中,居民是最核心的主体,但现实中居民的权益往往得不到保障。本文在对国内外文献研究进行了概述和对相关定义进行界定的基础上,从居民视角分析了文化遗产旅游开发带来的居民与政府的搬迁博弈和居民与开发商合作博弈,以此模型提出四点建议:对文化遗产地的遗产情况进行评定分级,实行搬迁和原地开发两种政策;建立居民委员会进行管理;旅游参与的创新,如居民以土地房屋等方式入股;遗产保护组织等监督机制。  相似文献   

以往旅游学界的研究较多地关注了政府-企业或社区居民、外来精英-目的地本地居民的知识转移过程与影响机制,关注了跨国公司、连锁企业等边界清晰、运营规范的大型组织之间的知识转移问题,但对小微企业间的知识转移问题关照较少。而乡村旅游发展的实践层面,大量小微企业间的知识转移行为愈加普遍,且被认为是这些小微企业提升恢复力与创新力的关键环节,因此,探讨乡村型旅游目的地内小微企业之间的知识转移动力因素与作用机制具有重要的研究与实践意义。该研究通过对江西省婺源县的3个典型旅游村落开展田野调查,对27位旅游小微企业主进行深度访谈和质性研究,探讨了乡村旅游小微企业之间的知识转移实践。研究发现,乡村旅游小企业间的知识转移体现出强烈的自组织特性,多个小微企业基于相互依赖、信任与互动开展知识转移中的合作,由此形成非正式合作网络。研究采用扎根理论范式,提出了促动旅游小微企业间知识转移的动力因素,包括能力与意愿驱动、乡村社区嵌入性合作关系网络、政府支持3个主范畴及相对应的12个子范畴。3个主范畴的作用机理不同,知识转移主客体的能力与意愿是核心驱动力,构成内驱变量;乡村社区嵌入性合作关系网络是知识转移得以开展的情境条件...  相似文献   

论"旅游目的地"与"旅游过境地"   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
旅游地的空间竞争与合作是当前学术界颇为关注的一个热点问题.处在同一旅游线路①上的不同旅游地之间产业和产品的空间竞争与合作是区域旅游竞争与合作的典型代表,较少有学者进行研究.本文在回顾以往研究成果的基础上,分析了旅游目的地与旅游过境地在竞争与合作中旅游产业定位和空间布局等重大问题对两地在旅游开发、投资等方面的影响.  相似文献   

There is consensus among scholars and practitioners that planning and marketing of community-structured destinations requires a cooperative approach among numerous different actors. It is alleged that power plays a central role, in building the influence reputation of actors in such a cooperative network and thus is important in planning and decision-making. However, there is little empirical evidence with regard to the dimensions of power in a destination community context. This paper contributes to the understanding of how power is perceived by different individuals and stakeholder groups in an actor’s network of an Alpine tourist destination.  相似文献   


Destination branding has emerged as a critical tool for achieving competitive advantage through various conceptualizations, focusing on various aspects of branding. This research examines the role of destination brand experience (DBE), a new conceptualization, in assessing the holistic and unified view of tourism destinations. The conceptual model proposed in this research has been validated using structural equation modeling, based on the primary responses collected from 312 and 262 foreign visitors for study 1 and study 2 respectively, conducted at two different tourism destinations in India. Findings of both the studies suggest that various dimensions of DBE have a varied influence on destination brand identification (DBI), which subsequently affects both tourists’ trust and loyalty toward tourism destinations. In addition, DBI emerges as an important mediator for the relationship between DBE and destination trust (DT) as well as DBE and destination loyalty (DL). The study provides several implications for destination marketers about building trust and loyalty among tourists using DBE and DBI.  相似文献   

Smart destinations have become an esteemed concept among researchers and policy makers. Discussion of the concept is optimistic in tone and commonly linked to information rather than knowledge and more to design than innovation. This partly explains the relatively limited critical discussion of the (potential) benefits of smart destinations. The article raises selected issues from the innovation, as opposed to the design, literature to offer insightful perspectives on analyzing smart destinations. The discussion emphasises that: 1) smart destinations are driven by uncertainty; 2) knowledge provides deeper insights than information into smart destinations as innovation; 3) entrepreneurs play an important role in facilitating smart destinations; and 4) smart destinations constitute innovation systems.  相似文献   

Some researchers have argued that resilience is a useful concept for understanding impacts on social-ecological systems, such as tourist destinations. This paper presents the development of a resilience framework for tourist destinations with a particular focus on climatic disturbances or stress, and their impacts on tourism activity sub-systems. Building on the model of a ‘stability landscape’, this research uses primary data from the Queenstown-Wanaka destination in New Zealand to evaluate the concept of resilience and to formulate surrogates that describe the factors that shape resilience. Challenges for future research, including the proactive building of resilience, are outlined. This research represents a good example of an interdisciplinary approach that transcends existing epistemologies in tourism.  相似文献   

Marketing destinations by micro-films via social media is becoming more popular among Chinese destinations. Little has been published about this phenomenon in the tourism literature. Using a netnographic case study from the city of Shaoxing, this research revealed the success factors for micro-film marketing by destinations. The research results showed that during the micro-film diffusion process, destination marketers were continuously and actively engaging with followers and online and offline marketing efforts were well planned and integrated. Attractions without uniqueness were impressive to viewers by being embodied in a romantic theme. Suggestions and implications for destination marketing are given.  相似文献   

The increasing occurrence of tourist trust crises in various destinations in recent years has made tourism researchers and practitioners aware of the important role of trust. However, the previous literature has not provided a generally recognized scale for measuring tourist trust toward tourism destinations. In the current study, a qualitative analysis of social media posts and a quantitative examination of destination visitors were used to measure and validate tourist trust in a destination. The results revealed that tourist trust in a destination consists of five dimensions involving multiple stakeholders, including authorities, tourists, residents, employees, and the agency, which demonstrated that each party in the overall ecosystem of tourism destination plays a critical role in building positive tourist trust. Evidence from about 1100 tourists' responses at multiple destinations indicated that tourist trust has a significant positive impact on destination image. The study findings have many theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

Destination brand strategies have in the main assumed that consumers actively seek and process information about potential destinations with their choice determined on the basis of a favorable attitude toward the destination. This article examines an alternative approach to destination branding, which relates to building the salience of the destination to increase the likelihood that the destination will be considered in purchase situations. The study examines the predictive validity of brand salience measures for a set of travel destinations compared with the predictive validity of traditional attitude-based measures. The results of the research provide empirical support for a salience approach to destination marketing for domestic tourism in Australia.  相似文献   

The positioning of overseas honeymoon destinations   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The objective of this study was to investigate the competitiveness of seven overseas honeymoon destinations among potential Korean tourists, and the positioning among them. The main analytical techniques used were multidimensional scaling and correspondence analyses. Results included a variety of information on image similarity, strengths, and ideals of destinations among seven sites, as well as the relationships of major sociodemographic and tourism variables to the sites. The results provide significant insights for a more effective approach to the market positioning of competing places for a honeymoon trip.  相似文献   

this paper studies the determinants of survival of 6494 Spanish hotel firms located in 97 national tourist destinations in the period 2005–2011. The characteristics of the firms and the tourist destinations where they are located have been studied through survival analysis techniques. This is relevant because the impact of the financial and economic crisis on the Spanish lodging sector has shown different effects among tourist destinations. The results confirm that the location significantly affects the probability of survival. In particular, the main determinant of firm survival is the level of occupancy in a tourist destination which has a positive effect. Also, we have found that a low level of competition reduces the average expected survival while the average profitability of a tourist destination has a positive effect on firm survival. Finally, the total effect related to destinations factors can reduce the expected survival by up to 90% (hazard ratio).  相似文献   

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