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基于游客视角的生态旅游认证支付意愿实证分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
生态旅游认证产品能否取得商业上的成功取决于旅游消费者对它的接受程度,本文通过对浙江省4个景区的实地调查,分析了旅游消费者对生态旅游认证产品的认知和态度,并运用假设评价方法评估了旅游消费者对生态旅游认证产品的支付意愿.研究结果表明,旅游消费者对生态旅游认证产品的选择意愿受性别、教育程度、月收入、旅游频率、旅游方式、过去一年旅游花费、对生态旅游进行专门的认证并授予生态资格证书的赞同程度,以及未认证生态旅游产品的价格等因素的影响而差别显著;计算所得的支付意原表明,平均而言,旅游消费者愿意支付比未认证的生态旅游产品高35.1%的价格来购买通过认证的生态旅游产品.  相似文献   

对我国生态旅游标准的理论探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
生态旅游作为可持续旅游的重要形式发展迅速,生态旅游标准是生态旅游发展的规范,能够对生态旅游的规范发展起到积极作用.本文分析了生态旅游概念的演化与特质,对国际上的生态旅游标准与认证项目的模型构建、发展现状和演化趋势进行了总结,并在此基础上,对如何建立我国生态旅游标准的问题进行了理论探讨.  相似文献   

Creating more environmental awareness among tourists and inducing environmentally responsible behavior is an essential precondition for, as well as consequence of, ecotourism. The aim of this study is to explore what role destination image and value perception play in shaping environmentally responsible behavior. A survey involving 332 valid questionnaires was conducted at an ecological area in Southern Taiwan. The results of structural equation modeling show that the cognitive image of the eco-site induces environmentally responsible behavior via its affective image and tourists' perceived value. Affective image and perceived value can subsequently enhance the environmental consciousness of tourists and their specific concern for the ecological environment, thus enhancing their environmentally responsible behavior at the eco-site. With environmentally responsible behavior an essential aspect in ecotourism, this study emphasizes destination image and value perception as important antecedents to environmentally responsible behavior. The study concludes with managerial suggestions.  相似文献   

生态旅游与当地居民利益——肯尼亚生态旅游成功经验分析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
张建萍 《旅游学刊》2003,18(1):60-63
生态旅游已成为当今世界旅游业的热点 ,然而不适当或不科学的生态旅游开发已使很多生态保护区遭受了不同程度的损坏。本文以曾经是世界生态旅游成功的典范国家肯尼亚为例 ,分析了生态旅游的成功与当地居民利益之间的关系 ,试图提供给旅游企业开发者和经营者一个发展良好生态旅游的借鉴。  相似文献   

生态旅游概念的研究   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
通过分析生态旅游的提出和国内外研究的现状,文章将现有生态旅游概念系统地归纳为5种学说,即"保护中心说"、"居民利益中心说"、"回归自然说"、"负责任说"、"原始荒野说",并分别进行了深入剖析.在此基础上,作者从生态旅游产生的背景、生态旅游的市场、生态旅游的资源、生态旅游者的动机和出游目的等角度,全面阐述了生态旅游的真实内涵,并提出了具有市场操作性的生态旅游概念.  相似文献   

An investigation of ecotourism at Masoala National Park, a forested coastal area in northeastern Madagascar and the country’s largest national park, focused on ecotourism benefits and the role of local guides in promoting conservation awareness. Interviews, participant observation, and archival research were used to investigate the park’s guide association, resident attitudes toward Masoala National Park, and ecotourism as a method of park and rural development. Many factors make Masoala National Park a prime ecotourist destination, including the possibility of viewing its endemic species, such as red-ruffed lemurs. The park has a strong local guides’ association and currently combines conservation and development through a programme that returns a portion of tourism revenue to local communities. Actual or potential benefits received from the park, including ecotourism revenues, were found to influence the positive and negative perceptions of Masoala National Park held by residents living in the park periphery. However, limitations on ecotourism development include poor infrastructure and difficult access, a challenging climate including a hurricane season, and past national political instability.  相似文献   

公众参与旅游规划的思考——来自香港大澳的调查启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过问卷调查方法研究分析了居民、实际消费者、潜在消费者3个公众群体对于香港大澳生态旅游发展规划成果方案的支持意愿、了解程度以及焦点问题等方面的后期评价,进而探讨了其与大澳生态旅游发展规划公众参与工作实施的因果关系,认为合理的参与时限、专业人员的作用、主体多元化、持续动态参与对于提升公众参与规划的实际效果具有现实的作用。  相似文献   

生态旅游市场营销内涵及其产品策略   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
周笑源 《旅游学刊》2004,19(1):72-76
本文认为生态旅游市场营销包括生态旅游理念营销和生态旅游产品营销,并从生态旅游产品的概念、生态旅游产品生命周期营销策略、生态旅游产品组合策略、生态旅游产品开发策略等方面论述了生态旅游市场营销的产品策略。  相似文献   

The advance of Internet technology is having a profound impact on the traditional modes of selling tourism products and contributing to the growing importance of online marketing of the travel and tourism industry. In the case of ecotourism, studies examining Internet-based ecotourism marketing are still limited. This study aims to examine how ecotourism business is marketed through the Internet by focusing on Thai ecotourism business. Subjects investigated are travel business members listed on the website of the Thai Ecotourism and Adventure Travel Association (TEATA). Data are qualitatively analyzed using content analysis to examine marketing and ecotourism web-based context promoted through the Internet. The results indicate that the travel companies examined in this study provide a variety of products and services to meet the diverse travel needs and preferences of tourists. When examining the web-based ecotourism marketing, most businesses provide insufficient marketing and ecotourism information to promote ecotourism experience. In particular, ecotourism messages they provide are only partially aligned with ecotourism principles. Recommendations are given for improving online ecotourism marketing to better satisfy tourists' needs and expectations.  相似文献   

生态旅游及其局限性:基于营销视角的认识与思考   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
李天元 《旅游学刊》2005,20(4):25-29
基于同世界旅游组织有关研究接轨的立场,本文讨论了生态旅游概念的规范化问题;在对此前有关认识进行重新思考的同时,从市场营销视角探讨一些新的认识层面。  相似文献   

Ecolodges are an increasingly popular accommodation form. This study determined the demographic and trip characteristics, as well as the travel motivations of ecolodge patrons at three different price levels: budget, mid-price and upscale. Six ecolodges were studied in the Cayo District of Belize. Of 480 questionnaires distributed at the ecolodges, 331 valid surveys were returned (68.9% response rate). The clients of the Belizean ecolodges had some demographic characteristics similar to those of ecotourists found in other studies: middle-aged, highly educated, and employed with high levels of income. This study found consistency amongst the three groups in the most important travel attraction motives, with tropical forests and wilderness/undisturbed nature ranked highest by all groups. The study also showed consistency amongst the three groups with regards to travel social motives, with learn and explore nature the top-ranked social motive by all groups. The study found significant differences amongst the price levels on many variables, including: age, country of residence, education, employment status, income, party composition, trip length, length of stay at the ecolodge and level of ecolodge experience. There were important differences found in travel motivations and the importance of ecolodge attributes. The mid-price group was the hardest to please; they wanted a lower price, yet desired the quality, services and programmes of the upscale group.  相似文献   

论生态旅游的双向责任模式   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
杨桂华 《旅游学刊》2004,19(4):53-56
基于传统大众旅游弊端提出的生态旅游,最大的特点就是具有责任性。围绕生态旅游的责任性的旅游开发和管理实践在世界各地均有积累,但缺乏系统的理论提炼。本文从责任的双向性为切入点,在分析传统大众旅游的单向责任模式和早期生态旅游的单向责任模式的基础上,提出了生态旅游双向责任模式。进而比较三种旅游责任模式的差别,最后从自然生态旅游目的地、社区生态旅游目的地和生态旅游者三个方面来探索生态旅游双向责任模式实现的途径。  相似文献   

Theories on community participation in ecotourism development advocate obtaining maximum levels of both community control and benefit to achieve sustainable tourism. This paper explores issues in community-based ecotourism development in a small, remote community in western Mongolia. It assesses the community's desire to develop ecotourism, their understanding of the issues involved and the feasibility of the process in a poor herding community, where 63% are herdsmen, frequently absent with their herds. Using responses from 100 participants together with interviews with key stakeholders, it describes and analyzes the difficulties in establishing community participation and ecotourism implementation. Findings revealed that long-term viable community-based ecotourism development in remote areas requires close collaboration and sustained support from trusted community leaders and from knowledgeable and committed outside stakeholders. Approaches need to be carefully tailored to local circumstances, not “one size fits all”. Key areas of concern were environmental and cultural, including fears that their tradition of hospitality might be compromised, perceptions of the local NGO's benefits to the community and local, often naïve, expectations of ecotourism development. Despite fears, over 90% of those interviewed were willing to participate in an ecotourism project in this high-risk, unforgiving economic and climatic setting.  相似文献   

伴随着生态旅游的快速发展而涌现出的大量生态旅游概念使旅游研究者和旅游利益相关者对生态旅游概念产生了困惑.这种困惑使生态旅游的核心标准和规则在实际的应用中被扭曲和误用.本文运用内容分析的方法,通过对中外当代近10-15年内40个有影响力的生态旅游概念的分析,提炼出生态旅游概念架构所遵循的8个标准规则,它们是:以自然为基础、对保护的贡献、当地社区受益、环境教育、道德规范与责任、可持续性、旅游享受体验和文化.并以这些标准规则为基础,对中外生态旅游的概念进行比较,得出中国未来的生态旅游研究应更加关注旅游目的地管理的结论.  相似文献   

This paper questions the legitimacy of ecological stewardship as an innate characteristic of traditional societies, a widely held belief in much academic work on ecotourism and manifest in ecotourism operations. Evidence from biologists, archaeologists and anthropologists is used to show that traditional societies found it difficult to manage resources in a sustainable way, with over-utilisation as the norm. Armed with this knowledge, the paper argues that there may be serious philosophical and operational problems inherent in packaging aboriginal ecotourism as having a superior environmental ethic, and a need for further research and changed management practices.  相似文献   

Environmental education and interpretation have largely focused on individual mechanisms (e.g. cognitive processes) leading to intention and behavioural change. Less has been said about the role of the situation and communication processes between tour guides and tourists in ecotourism experiences. This paper examines the role of interpreters and individuals as jointly influencing the effectiveness of communicating conservation messages. A survey of over 1500 visitors was undertaken to ascertain the factors crucial to whether visitors received a conservation message in an ecotourism setting. The results indicate a three-tier effect: individual characteristics, specifically respondent's age, were initially important. The second tier represents the impact of conservation-related information from the tour guide/interpreter. This information acts as a stimulus to the third and most crucial tier of influence – visitor empowerment. The tertiary stage comprises a two-way communication process that influences a positive conservation message. The process involves the interpreter suggesting positive conservation action that translates into what we term “a locus of responsibility” for the visitor and subsequent higher levels of satisfaction. All of these drive effective communication of conservation message comprehension.  相似文献   

The Ecotourism Promotion Policy in Japan requires tour guiding to be employed, although it provides little rationale for it. This paper reviews the literature to illustrate why tour guiding is important for achieving policy and ecotourism goals in order to support this requirement. An overview of ecotourism policy in Japan is provided, contributions of tour guiding to achieving the policy and ecotourism goals are described, and approaches to strengthening current practices along with the policy are discussed. It is suggested that non-profit organizations offer training to impart knowledge about guiding roles and interpretation at a national level and that ecotourism promotion councils teach knowledge about ecotour products and tourists at a regional level.  相似文献   

An evaluation of ecotourism in Amazonas, Brazil   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Registered “ecotour” lodges were studied using observation and interviews with visitors, employees, and local people. Findings were evaluated using proposed ecotourism principles. Besides providing employment, lodges improve access, stimulate new services (health utilities, etc.), and make valued but limited local purchases. In other ways, lodges fall short of the ideals inherent in the principles. They contribute little to conservation education, resource protection, or the involvement and empowerment of local people. Tourists wish to see and would support conservation and community development programs both financially and via their future selection of ecotour operators. Numerous implications for concessions, protected area management, and rural development in Amazonas are discussed.  相似文献   

Ecotourism needs ecological sensitivity and respect for the ecological culture of local residents. From this perspective, listening to the opinion of local residents, collaborating with the local residents in conjunction with an appropriate governance structure, is of prime importance in ecotourism. However, many ecotourism sites have numerous problems because of conflicts among stakeholders such as local government and local residents. This study investigates the conflicts and the stakeholders’ subjectives in the case of Maha ecotourism site in Pyeongchang-gun, the site of the 2018 Winter Olympic games. Before the analysis, the conflicts seem to be caused by the different attitudes of government officials and local residents’ representatives. From the analysis of subjectives, the difference in attitudes is caused by generation gaps. Young people show relatively uniform attitudes, where different occupation sectors exert little influence. It means that conflicts can be decreased if more opportunities for council participation are allowed. Young people have few consideration about ecology and tradition. The ecological and traditional lessons of the older generation are needed for young people. This study shows that conflicts between development and conservation are caused by the different attitudes represented in different generation, and hence plans for harmonizing different generation should be considered.  相似文献   

生态旅游地发展的模型研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
徐红罡 《旅游学刊》2006,21(8):75-80
这篇文章运用生态-经济的理论,利用系统动力学的方法,将生态旅游的一些零散论述加以系统化,并通过建立生态旅游的结构模型,探讨生态旅游发展中生态、社会和经济系统之间的结构和行为关系.生态旅游发展的模型涉及了物质资源、文化资源、基础设施、工作市场、游客和财务促销等6个部分,模型的模拟功能有助于理解旅游发展的复杂结构.模型得到验证后,可以成为评价旅游发展政策的工具.  相似文献   

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