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Asset prices in dynamic production economies with time-varying risk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine the effect of changes in output uncertainty on theprice of aggregate capital and on the prices of levered claimson capital. The relation between the volatility of the marginalproduct of capital and the price of capital depends on the levelof capital adjustment costs and the elasticity of intertemporalsubstitution. For available estimates of this elasticity thevalue of capital and risk are directly related while the valueof levered equity claim on capital may be decreasing in risk.We use these results to analyze the argument that increasedrisk was responsible for the U.S. stock market decline of the1970s.  相似文献   

The examination of the intertemporal distribution of US productivity risk suggests that the conditional mean of productivity growth is an important determinant of macro quantities and asset prices. After establishing this empirical link, I rationalize it in a production economy featuring long-run productivity risk, Epstein and Zin (1989) preferences, and investment frictions. Both convex capital adjustment costs and convex reallocation costs across consumption and investment produce an annual equity premium as sizeable as in the data.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the issue of dynamics in financial data and asset pricing models such as the CAPM. A literature review in this area is undertaken and highlights the need for a modern time series econometric approach in asset pricing. Such an approach is discussed and deals with problems related to structural breaks and microstructures, dynamics in the mean and variance process, and non-stationary regressions and cointegration. An empirical application using UK stock market data demonstrates the merit of the proposed methodology in correcting market model regressions.  相似文献   

“Focus on the downside, and the upside will take care of itself” is a famous quote among professional investors. By considering an agent who follows this advice, we reproduce the first and second moments of stock returns, risk-free rate and consumption growth. The agent's behavior toward risk is analogous to a relative risk aversion of about 3 under expected utility, the elasticity of intertemporal substitution is about 0.5 and the time discount factor is below 1. In particular, the proposed model separates time and risk preferences in an innovative way.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of lockdown policies during early stages of pandemics for asset prices. We build a simple susceptible-infected-recovered model with microeconomic foundations, which allows us to obtain qualitative results with economic implications. In our model, lockdown policies reduce (i) labour income by decreasing working hours and (ii) precautionary savings by decreasing susceptible agents’ probability of getting infected in the future. We qualitatively show that strengthening lockdown measures negatively impacts asset prices at the time of implementation. Our empirical analysis using data from advanced countries supports this finding. Depending on parameter values, our numerical analysis displays a V-shaped recovery of asset prices and an L-shaped recession of consumption. The rapid recovery of asset prices occurs only if the lockdown policies are insufficiently stringent to reduce the number of new periodic cases. This finding implies the possibility that lenient lockdowns have contributed to rapid stock market recovery at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

We investigate an economy of heterogeneous agents that cannot specify all exogenous welfare-relevant events and consequently view the impact of unforeseen contingencies as utility shocks. In this setting we characterize an appropriate market equilibrium concept when securities can trade only on demand- and price-contingent events. We establish the existence of an equilibrium for a class of parametric models in which aggregating taste shocks across agents can lead to nonconsumption pricing factors. To fit the stylized facts, (i) non consumption factors must dominate the pricing kernel and contribute to the variation of the wealth-consumption ratio, (ii) markets must be incomplete and the set of claims that are traded endogenously determined, (iii) agents’ preferences with respect to unforeseen contingencies must be non-expected utility, and, (iv) although non-consumption pricing factors can be conditionally uncorrelated with aggregate consumption shocks, they must be correlated with shocks to expected consumption growth.  相似文献   

This paper proposes energy consumption in the US as a new measure for the consumption capital asset pricing model. We find that (i) industrial energy growth produces reasonable values for the relative risk aversion coefficient and the implied risk-free rate; (ii) compared to alternative consumption measures, industrial energy performs well in explaining the cross-sectional variation in stock returns with the lowest implied risk aversion and pricing errors; (iii) the industrial energy consumption risk model performs equally well as the Fama–French three-factor model in the cross-sectional asset pricing tests; and (iv) total energy consumption risk is priced in the presence of the Fama–French factor risks.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to introduce, in a discrete-time no-arbitrage pricing context, a bridge between the historical and the risk-neutral state vector dynamics which is wider than the one implied by a classical exponential-affine stochastic discount factor (SDF) and to preserve, at the same time, the tractability and flexibility of the associated asset pricing model. This goal is achieved by introducing the notion of exponential-quadratic SDF or, equivalently, the notion of Second-Order Esscher Transform. The log-pricing kernel is specified as a quadratic function of the factor and the associated sources of risk are priced by means of possibly non-linear stochastic first-order and second-order risk-correction coefficients. Focusing on security market models, this approach is developed in the multivariate conditionally Gaussian framework and its usefulness is testified by the specification and calibration of what we name the Second-Order GARCH Option Pricing Model. The associated European Call option pricing formula generates a rich family of implied volatility smiles and skews able to match the typically observed ones.  相似文献   

Based on a general specification of the asset specific pricing kernel, we develop a pricing model using an information process with stochastic volatility. We derive analytical asset and option pricing formulas. The asset prices in this rational expectations model exhibit crash-like, strong downward movements. The resulting option pricing formula is consistent with the strong negative skewness and high levels of kurtosis observed in empirical studies. Furthermore, we determine credit spreads in a simple structural model.   相似文献   

We propose an equilibrium asset pricing model in which agents with heterogeneous beliefs care about relative performance. We find that the concern with relative performance leads agents to trade more similarly, a development that has two effects. First, similar trading directly decreases volatility. Second, similar trading decreases the impact of dominant agents. The second effect dominates the first when agents expect large differences between their final performances, and vice versa when agents expect small differences between their final performances. Compared with the case in which agents are unconcerned about relative performance, the stock return volatility is higher when the second effect dominates, and lower when the first effect dominates. This paper also demonstrates that the concern about relative performance influences investors’ holdings, stock prices and risk premia.  相似文献   

Using asset market data, as well as theoretical relations between investors' preferences,option-implied, risk-neutral, probability distribution functions (PDFs,) and index-implied,actual, PDFs, this paper extracts a time-series of investors' relative risk aversion (RRA)functions. Based on results recently derived by Benninga and Mayshar (2000), thesefunctions are used to recover the evolution of risk preferences heterogeneity. Applyingnon-parametric estimation on European call options written on the S & P500 index, wefind that: (i) the RRA functions are decreasing; and (ii) the constructed risk preferencesheterogeneity series is positively correlated in a static, as well as a dynamic, setup witha prevalent proxy for investors heterogeneity, namely, the spread between auction- andmarket-yields of Treasury bills.  相似文献   

Between 1996 and 2014, it was costless on average to hedge news about future variance at horizons ranging from 1 quarter to 14 years. Only unexpected, transitory realized variance was significantly priced. These results present a challenge to many structural models of the variance risk premium, such as the intertemporal CAPM and recent models with Epstein–Zin preferences and long-run risks. The results are also difficult to reconcile with macro models in which volatility affects investment decisions. At the same time, the data allows us to distinguish between different disaster models; a model in which the stock market has a time-varying exposure to disasters and investors have power utility fits the major features of the variance term structure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a theoretical stock valuation model that takes into account the long-run sensitivity of dividends to various economic factors. Our valuation process integrates the multidimensionality of uncertainty, as well as the long-run concept of risk (recently proposed in the literature). More precisely, we demonstrate that a stock’s long-run dividend growth is negatively related to its current dividend–price ratio and linearly related to N sensitivity coefficients, given by the long-run sensitivity between dividends and economic factors. Then, we show that the equilibrium price of a stock is a function of its current dividend, long-run dividend growth, and N risk parameters.  相似文献   

Basket CDS pricing with interacting intensities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a factor contagion model for correlated defaults. The model covers the heterogeneous conditionally independent portfolio and the infectious default portfolio as special cases. The model assumes that the hazard rate processes are driven by external common factors as well as defaults of other names in the portfolio. The total hazard construction method is used to derive the joint distribution of default times. The basket CDS rates can be computed analytically for homogeneous contagion portfolios and recursively for general factor contagion portfolios. We extend the results to include the interacting counterparty risk and the stochastic intensity process. The authors thank two anonymous referees for several suggestions which have helped to improve the earlier versions. The authors thank Sheng Miao for help in implementation with C++, Huiqi Pan for help in implementation with Fortran, and Xiaozhou Cao for help in implementation with MAPLE. Harry Zheng thanks the London Mathematical Society for its collaborative grant support (Grant 4544 and Grant 4707).  相似文献   

Portfolio constraints are widespread and have significant effects on asset prices. This paper studies the effects of constraints in a dynamic economy populated by investors with different risk aversions and beliefs about the rate of economic growth. The paper provides a comparison of various constraints and conditions under which these constraints help match certain empirical facts about asset prices. Under these conditions, borrowing and short-sale constraints decrease stock return volatilities, whereas limited stock market participation constraints amplify them. Moreover, borrowing constraints generate spikes in interest rates and volatilities and have stronger effects on asset prices than short-sale constraints.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a multivariate model in relating multi-asset excess returns to their conditional variances. Applying weekly data to investigate the foreign-exchange risk premium, the evidence from a multivariate GARCH model shows that the foreign-exchange excess returns are significantly correlated with economic fundamentals such as the real interest-rate differential, long-short interest-rate spread differential, and equity-premium differential. The evidence also suggests that foreign-exchange excess returns are not independent of the conditional variances of these fundamental variables, supporting the time-varying risk-premium hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes endogenous variations in aggregate liquidity that arise in standard representative-agent endowment economies. I introduce a natural definition of liquidity, essentially a shadow elasticity, that characterizes the price impact function or bid/ask spread that a small trader would experience. I compute this quantity for some tractable examples and uncover a rich variety of predictions that, in some cases, appear consistent with levels and covariations observed in the data. The results have important implications for the pricing and hedging of liquidity risk.  相似文献   

This article presents a pure exchange economy that extends Rubinstein [Bell J. Econ. Manage. Sci., 1976, 7, 407–425] to show how the jump-diffusion option pricing model of Black and Scholes [J. Political Econ., 1973, 81, 637–654] and Merton [J. Financ. Econ., 1976, 4, 125–144] evolves in gamma jumping economies. From empirical analysis and theoretical study, both the aggregate consumption and the stock price are unknown in determining jumping times. By using the pricing kernel, we determine both the aggregate consumption jump time and the stock price jump time from the equilibrium interest rate and CCAPM (Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model). Our general jump-diffusion option pricing model gives an explicit formula for how the jump process and the jump times alter the pricing. This innovation with predictable jump times enhances our analysis of the expected stock return in equilibrium and of hedging jump risks for jump-diffusion economies.  相似文献   

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