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Competition, Market Structure, and Bid-Ask Spreads in Stock Option Markets   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
This paper examines the effects of competition and market structure on equity option bid-ask spreads from 1986 to 1997. Options listed on multiple exchanges have narrower spreads than those listed on a single exchange, but the difference diminishes as option volume increases. Option spreads become wider when a competing exchange delists the option. Options traded under a "Designated Primary Marketmaker" (DPM) have narrower quoted spreads than those traded in a traditional open outcry crowd. Effective spreads are found to be slightly narrower under the DPM than in the crowd, but only since 1992, and only on low-volume options.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of stock splits on bid-ask spreads for NYSE-listed companies. Percentage spreads increase after splits, representing a liquidity cost to investors. These spread increases are directly related to decreases in share prices following splits and can explain part, but not all, of the observed increase in return variability after splits. The evidence thus suggests a liquidity cost of stock splits that must be weighed against any other perceived benefits of splits. Such a liquidity cost may validate that stock splits are a signal of favorable information about the firm.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changes in spreads, price volatility, and trading activity surrounding option listing for a sample of 144 OTC stocks. For this sample, both price volatility and volume increase, but the evidence on spreads is mixed. The increase in price volatility is attributed primarily to an increase in residual return variances. Furthermore, price volatility increases even after controlling for volume, insider trading, and spreads. Although these variables do not fully explain the causes for the increase in price volatility after option listing, the results suggest that liquidity trading or volume has a stronger effect on price volatility than insider trading. This study also finds that both the number of trades and institutional holdings show substantial increases, which are supportive of the notion that listing of options on OTC stocks attracts more attention.  相似文献   

The Informational Role of Stock and Option Volume   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This article analyzes the intraday interdependence of orderflows and price movements for actively traded NYSE stocks andtheir Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)-traded options.Stock net trade volume (buyer-initiated volume minus seller-initiatedvolume) has strong predictive ability for stock and option quoterevisions, but option net trade volume has no incremental predictiveability. This suggests that informed investors initiate tradesin the stock market but not in the option market. On the otherhand, both stock and option quote revisions have predictiveability for each other. Thus, while information in the stockmarket is contained in both quote revisions and trades, informationin the option market is contained only in quote revisions.  相似文献   

Analysis of the corporate stock option expensing decision (before the practice became mandatory in 2006) continues to be of interest because it provides insight into the underlying factors affecting not only expense recognition, but the overall corporate decision‐making process. Using a sample of 207 companies that volunteered to expense options and more than 1,000 non‐expensing firms, the authors found that companies that provide more disclosure and appeared to have a stronger alignment of managerial and shareholder interests were also more likely to expense stock options—a finding that the authors view as indirect evidence that voluntary expensing was more likely to occur in companies that practiced effective corporate governance. And consistent with the prediction of efficient market theorists, the study also found no significant market reaction to announcements of these decisions to expense options. The study also found that companies that were the heaviest users of options—notably, smaller, high—growth, and less‐profitable firms—were least likely to expense them. And while this finding adds to the weight of evidence suggesting that companies often make accounting decisions designed to boost reported earnings, the authors also recognize that the possibility that the decision by other companies not to expense may have been a strategy designed primarily to preserve access to capital markets.  相似文献   

Using a sample of closed-end equity funds listed on the NYSE from 1994 to 1999, we investigate differences in spreads and adverse selection costs between the closed-end funds and a matched sample of common stocks. We find that spreads and adverse selection costs for the closed-end funds are significantly lower than those of control stocks. The results are consistent for the subperiods both before and after the minimum tick size change on NYSE on June 24, 1997. The differences of spreads and adverse selection costs cannot be attributed to the differences in the characteristics of the closed-end funds and the matched sample of common stocks. Lastly, we find that abnormal investor sentiment and adverse selection costs of closed-end funds are positively correlated over time.  相似文献   

Merton's [26] recent extension of the CAPM proposed that asset returns are an increasing function of their beta risk, residual risk, and size and a decreasing function of the public availability of information about them. Associating the latter with asset liquidity and following Amihud and Mendelson's [2] proposition that asset returns increase with their illiquidity (measured by the bid-ask spread), we jointly estimate the effects of these four factors on stock returns.  相似文献   

The bid-ask spread of stock prices is examined for a sample of dividend initiating firms. The average percentage and dollar bid-ask spreads increase significantly on the day preceding the Wall Street Journal Index announcement date, possibly reflecting, on average, the market maker's anticipatory uncertainty. The day -1 increase in spread is inversely associated with firm size, an information environment proxy, after considering the simultaneous effects of dividend yield, returns variance, dollar trading volume and share price. The average percentage spread declines significantly on day 0 from its day -1 level and remains lower, on average, over a 365 day post-announcement period than 90 day pre-announcement levels. Similar results are obtained for dollar spread averages. The post-announcement percentage spread decline suggests a resolution of uncertainty, and is positively associated with the dividend yield. Dividend initiation announcements appear to reduce informational asymmetry.  相似文献   

This article examines whether shifts in the stance of monetary policy can account for the observed predictability in excess stock returns. Using long-horizon regressions and short-horizon vector autoregressions, the article concludes that monetary policy variables are significant predictors of future returns, although they cannot fully account for observed stock return predictability. I undertake variance decompositions to investigate how monetary policy affects the individual components of excess returns (risk-free discount rates, risk premia, or cash flows).  相似文献   

A substantial body of literature on security market anomalies has evolved since the articulation of the efficient markets hypothesis. These anomalies include the size, January, and weekend effects. The evidence of such anomalies has been based upon returns computed from closing prices. Although readily available, analysis of closing prices may not reflect returns obtainable by public traders utilizing market orders to execute trades. We have demonstrated elsewhere that returns computed from closing prices are biased upward compared with returns that would have resulted from using market orders. This study reexamines the evidence on two market anomalies using returns generated in a manner more consistent with the actual returns available to actual market participants.  相似文献   

We study the effect of investor sentiment on the relation between the option to stock volume ratio (O/S) and future stock returns. Relative option volume has return predictability under short sale constraints. For this reason, we expect and find a stronger O/S‐return relation during high sentiment periods than during low sentiment periods. We find that Baker and Wurgler's Investor Sentiment Index affects the O/S‐return relation after controlling for consumer sentiment indices and economic environment factors. While prior studies have used consumer sentiment indices as alternative measures of investor sentiment, our results suggest these effects are distinct.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of changes in margin requirements on stock price volatility. We examine the possibility that the impact of margin requirements varies with a stock's degree of speculative interest. Using four alternative measures of speculative interest, we divide our sample into ten portfolios. We find no consistent evidence of a relationship between margin requirements and changes in volatility for any portfolio. The inconsistent and often contradictory results produced by these changes question its usefulness by Federal Reserve decision makers.  相似文献   

We examine the importance of foreign earnings relative to domestic earnings for a sample of U.S. multinationals using variance decomposition. Our methodology represents an alternative and complementary approach over the prior literature, which is based on traditional regressions and earnings response coefficients. We document that domestic earnings are more important in explaining the variance of unexpected returns than are foreign earnings and that the relative importance of domestic earnings is a decreasing function of investor sophistication. Last, we classify institutional investors as either short‐ or long‐term oriented following Bushee [1998]. We find that the variance contribution of foreign earnings increases with the level of investment by long‐term investors. In contrast, there is no significant relation between the degree of ownership by short‐term (or transient) investors and the variance contribution of domestic and foreign earnings. Overall, our results are consistent with Thomas's [1999] finding that investors on average underestimate the persistence of foreign earnings.  相似文献   

股票期权的实践与探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为分配制度变革的股票期权计划,在发达国家运用已有近30年的历史,成为企业一种有效的激励机制。随着我国企业改革的深化与市场经济的确立,急需探索一条科学有效的激励机制。在我国现行的法律体系下,股票期权计划这种长期激励机制吸引了越来越多的注意力。本对我国在推行股票期权计划的实践中所产生的一些问题作了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

This study utilizes a comprehensive database containing monthly information on the number of market makers for about 5,288 Nasdaq securities over an eight-year period to investigate the impact of competition on spreads. A variety of models are estimated in order to demonstrate the robustness of the results that include four specific findings: (1) the number of market makers has a negative and highly significant impact on spreads; (2) the relation is nonlinear with a decreasing impact by the marginal market maker; (3) Nasdaq spreads have been declining over time; and (4) structural changes in Nasdaq are associated with significant changes in the relationship between spread and the number of market makers. One improvement over the literature includes allowing endogenous competition through the use of instrumental variables.  相似文献   

The Black-Scholes call option pricing model exhibits systematic empirical biases. The Merton call option pricing model, which explicitly admits jumps in the underlying security return process, may potentially eliminate these biases. We provide statistical evidence consistent with the existence of lognormally distributed jumps in a majority of the daily returns of a sample of NYSE listed common stocks. However, we find no operationally significant differences between the Black-Scholes and Merton model prices of the call options written on the sampled common stocks.  相似文献   

In 2002, Standard & Poor's (S&P) introduced Core Earnings as a proprietary, uniform earnings metric, with the goal of improving financial reporting. The distinguishing feature of Core Earnings is its consistent treatment of seven adjustments to GAAP earnings for which there is no consensus adjustment by managers and analysts. We use stock price and return data to assess whether investors perceive Core Earnings to be more value relevant than GAAP earnings. The implementation of FASB 123R changed the calculation of GAAP and Core Earnings. This change allows us to assess the role of stock option expense in the valuation of earnings numbers by partitioning the sample into pre‐ and post‐FASB 123R periods and creating consistent measures of GAAP and Core Earnings. Our price results indicate that Core Earnings is more value relevant than GAAP earnings in the pre‐period after controlling for stock option expense, and in the post‐FASB 123R periods. The price results provide empirical evidence consistent with S&P's expectation that a uniformly calculated earnings measure is a more consistent and useful indicator of current performance and future earnings.  相似文献   

为了探索股指期权产品合约规格设计的一般规律,对全球主要市场中股指期权产品业务实践进行了调查、对比分析与总结。分析结果表明,全球主要市场的股指期权以欧式行权与现金交割的方式为主,注重近月合约月份,在行权价格间距、行权价格序列、合约乘数以及报价单位的设计上会综合考虑它们对流动性等因素的影响,合约编码主要采用交易代码、合约到期日、合约类型以及行权价格四个要素依次排列的结构。这些都为未来在境内市场推出股指期权产品,开展股指期权业务提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

为了探索股指期权产品合约规格设计的一般规律,对全球主要市场中股指期权产品业务实践进行了调查、对比分析与总结。分析结果表明,全球主要市场的股指期权以欧式行权与现金交割的方式为主,注重近月合约月份,在行权价格间距、行权价格序列、合约乘数以及报价单位的设计上会综合考虑它们对流动性等因素的影响,合约编码主要采用交易代码、合约到期日、合约类型以及行权价格四个要素依次排列的结构。这些都为未来在境内市场推出股指期权产品,开展股指期权业务提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

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