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This paper meta-analytically investigates a theoretical framework of emotional labour and its antecedents and outcomes in the hospitality and tourism literature with 57 correlation matrices from published journal papers. Adopting the psychometric meta-analytical methods and meta-structural equation modelling (meta-SEM) methods, the study finds that emotional labour is related to antecedents including personality, emotional intelligence, customer orientation, social support and display rules, as well as related to attitudinal, behavioural, and customer-related outcomes. In addition, strain mediates the relations between emotional labour and its outcomes. This paper is the first meta-analysis on the relations between emotional labour and the antecedents and outcomes in hospitality and tourism management.  相似文献   

This article develops and tests a model of emotional labor in the hotel industry using affective event theory. A multiple-wave longitudinal analysis using data from 424 hotel service employees and their immediate supervisors reveals how work contexts (supervisory support) affect work events (interactional justice), and thereby influence the affective (negative emotions), attitudinal (job satisfaction), and behavioral (emotional labor, service quality, and voluntary turnover) reactions of hotel service employees. The results show that (1) supervisory support relates positively to supervisory interactional justice; (2) supervisory interactional justice is negatively associated with negative emotions; (3) negative emotions relate positively to surface acting and negatively to deep acting; (4) surface acting leads to lower job satisfaction, whereas deep acting leads to higher job satisfaction; and (5) job satisfaction leads to higher service quality and lower turnover. The implications suggest important recommendations for hotel managers.  相似文献   

Emotional exhaustion is a type of burnout and a state of mental weariness. It is an important issue for hospitality organizations because customer contact employees and hospitality managers function in an environment that is particularly susceptible to the creation of the antecedents of burnout. Further, emotional exhaustion itself is costly to hospitality organizations and individuals because it has been shown to result in depersonalization, detachment, decreased service quality and job performance, and increased turnover. Using a sample of 544 hotel managers from 36 hotels located throughout the United States, this study examines whether emotional exhaustion is a function of organizational and occupational characteristics, including job demands, quality orientation, pressure to produce, and need for “face time.” In addition, this study analyzes whether personality traits of the managers themselves, including extroversion and neuroticism, are predictors of emotional exhaustion. This study found emotional exhaustion of hotel managers to be a function of not only job and organizational characteristics, but also personality characteristics.  相似文献   

Health tourism and wellness tourism have become "temptations" with many world markets looking to take advantage of their growing popularity. Babymoon tourism is one of the hottest trends in travel today. The aim of this study is to fill a gap in the research on babymoon tourism by measuring the awareness of, and interest in, this trend in Romania through convenient sampling. The results show that 28% of respondents know "babymoon", but they agree on its positive impact. Our research results emphasize the necessity of promoting babymoons due to the actual trend and because the holiday market has been focused on well-being and promoting the concept of hedonic well-being. Additionally, to promote Romania as a babymoon destination, we must consider that today's consumers are prosumers seeking experiences and emotional wellbeing. Promoting babymoons for emotional well-being can result in two managerial outcomes for Romania: brand identification and intention to revisit.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between abusive supervision, subordinates' work engagement and their emotional labour on a daily basis. Based on an experience sampling study of 95 frontline hospitality employees over 10 working days, the results revealed the complex consequences of abusive supervision on subordinates in the hospitality industry. The results showed that daily abusive supervision was positively related to employees' daily surface acting through their daily work engagement, but it was not significantly related to daily deep acting. In addition, subordinates' mindfulness moderated the relationship between daily abusive supervision and subordinates' daily work engagement. These findings reveal employees’ daily responses to abusive supervision and can help tourism and hospitality managers develop relevant training programmes and policies to reduce the negative impact of abusive supervision and thus protect employee well-being.  相似文献   

Factor and reliability analyses were employed in this exploratory attempt to investigate and refine the structure and dimensions of Chinese cultural values (CCVs) in relation to service provision. Based on the results of factor analysis, CCVs could best be conceptualized as a five-component construct that influences the attitude or behavior of employees in providing service. These five factors were identified as follows: Integration 1 (attitude towards work); Integration 2 (attitude towards people); moral discipline; status and relationships; and moderation. The identification of these dimensions has two major implications to human resource development and service management practice in the hospitality and tourism industry. First, Chinese cultural values play a critical role in determining specific interventions, challenges and barriers in service organizational management. Second, given the profound influence of Chinese cultural values on service provision, international tourism and hotel managers, particularly in human resource development, should realize the importance of ensuring that Western management practices are adopted critically in Chinese organizations. Given the limited amount of research on this topic, the findings generated from this study are very important in guiding future research and providing insights into an area that deserves more academic attention.  相似文献   

The shifting strategic focus of zoos from sites of recreation and entertainment to predominantly visitor conservation education entails a change in the design and delivery of conservation interpretation strategies. As the primary conveyers of conservation messages, zoo guides are expected to display appropriate emotional expression (emotional labour) to establish a connection between the object of interpretation, the conservation message and the visitor. The emotional display responses of guides to role demands may not be consistent with zoo conservation-based objectives beyond delivering a service-based positive visitor experience. We examine organisational expectations for emotional display in directing the delivery of conservation-based visitor outcomes. Findings from 21 semi-structured interviews with managers and guides at an open-range zoo indicate that sources and types of display rules for visitor entertainment remain more clearly communicated than those related to conservation. Theoretical and managerial implications for the delivery of conservation messages are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study examined the relationship between transformational leadership and service recovery performance and the mediating effect of emotional labor. To uncover potential cross-cultural differences, a sample of 217 front-line hospitality employees from the United States (Study 1) and 219 front-line hospitality employees from China (Study 2) were used. The results demonstrate transformational leadership was positively related to deep acting and negatively related to surface acting emotional labor strategies. Additionally, deep acting was positively related to service recovery performance, while surface acting was negatively related to service recovery performance. These findings were consistent between the U.S. and Chinese sample; however, the mechanisms and paths between transformational leadership and service recovery performance differed between the two samples suggesting culture influenced how transformational leadership is related to service recovery performance through deep acting (Study 1) or surface acting (Study 2) emotional labor strategies.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and three coping strategies (task-, emotion-, and avoidance-oriented coping) using an adult, hospitality industry population specifically in hotel and restaurant work environments. The hierarchical regression indicates that EI is by far the most dominant predictor of task coping among all selected explanatory variables; EI does not have much influence on emotion coping after the entry of two basic personality traits (neuroticism and extraversion); and EI is significantly related to avoidance coping encompassing distraction and social diversion. In addition, this study reveals the role played by age and work experience in individual coping efforts and a high possibility of female workers as a task-oriented coper in hospitality work settings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the antecedents and consequences of two emotional labor strategies (surface and deep acting) in the lodging industry. Variety, duration, and positive display rules are significant predictors of hotel service providers’ deep acting and negative display rules are related to service providers’ surface acting. Employees ohigh in neuroticism are more likely to fake their emotional expressions (surface acting) when dealing with guests and those high in extraversion are more likely to try hard to invoke the appropriate emotions (deep acting). Results further indicate that surface actors are more exhausted and cynical than deep actors and the mediating role of emotional labor between burnout and job and personality characteristics is found to be rather weak. Managerial implications for hotel operators are discussed.  相似文献   

As service work becomes more complex and diversified, proactive behaviors become even more critical as determinants of organizational success. This study investigates the moderated mediation and three-way interaction effects that exist in the relationship between the variables ‘proactive personality’ and ‘service performance’. A self-administered questionnaire collected data from 205 flight attendants. Using hierarchical regression analysis, the results show that the relationship between ‘proactive personality’ and ‘service performance’ is moderated by other variables, namely ‘social support’ and ‘service climate’. Another variable ‘intrinsic motivation’ is found to be important when a low ‘service climate’ would otherwise inhibit service performance. The implications of the research findings are provided and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper records the findings of a survey into employment and labour costs within enterprises in the hospitality industry in Victoria between 1978 and 1984. The hospitality labour market is characterised by considerable part-time and casual employment and by large female and youth participation. Consistent with aggregate data, our survey reveals that employment growth between 1979 and 1984 has been almost entirely in the casual category. An examination of the causes of this casualisation identifies three complementary forces at work: (i) the total hourly cost (both wage and non-wage) of employing casuals is lower than it is for both full-time and part-time employees; (ii) considerable changes in industry characteristics and consumer tastes and preferences has expanded the demand for the products and services of the hospitality industry, particularly during non-standard hours, and (iii) there has been a major increase in the participation of females and young workers at non-standard hours of work.  相似文献   

In this article, we identify the importance of aesthetic labour to the self-employed fitness industry personal trainer (PT), detailing the ways in which the PT trades on their own physical capital. We examine how these discussions relate to the aesthetic and material dimensions of body work (that is to say, enacted on and through bodies) and the ways in which affective labour, inherent to this type of service work, intersects or delimits physical capital and the embodied competencies of the PT. We argue that the work of PTs helps to deepen emerging discussions and provides a more nuanced and contextualised understanding of affective and aesthetic labour. We assert that the confluences and contradictions between the affective and aesthetic dimensions of work in a fitness industry setting demonstrate that excessive physical capital is perceived as negative for the professional identity of PTs. In conclusion, implications for further research and management are discussed.  相似文献   

The gap between male and female pay in the Spanish tourism industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes wage differentials between male and female workers in the Spanish tourism industry, using a large, administratively matched employer–employee data set obtained from a representative sample of companies. This allows us to control for unobserved firm-specific factors likely to affect the magnitude of the gender wage gap. Our findings indicate that male workers earn on average 6.7% higher monthly wages than their socially comparable female counterparts. In particular, the type of contract held, the qualifications required for the job and the specific sub-sector of employment are very important variables in explaining this gender wage difference. We also find that only around 12% of the mean wage difference in the tourism industry cannot be explained by differences in observable characteristics, which is well below the average for the rest of the industries in Spain (87%). Our interpretation is that minimum wage legislation provides a particularly effective protection to women in the tourism industry, which is characterized by a large number of low-wage earners.  相似文献   

Studied since the late 70s, emotional labor has received much attention especially in the service product context due to its presumed double edged wedge potential. Several job-related and person-related factors are postulated and tested for influence on emotional labor. However, the influence of culture, as a blanket factor, has been overlooked thus far. The aim of this study is to measure the complex relationships between emotional labor and a few of its antecedents and outcomes, including those previously measured and those missed such as culture. A structural equation modeling approach is used to identify the complex relationships inherent among emotional labor and other relevant factors, namely, personality, culture, work experience, job autonomy, and job satisfaction; job satisfaction was identified as being dependent on emotional labor and all other variables were identified as being independent. Findings revealed a negative relationship between emotional labor and job satisfaction and a surprising positive relationship between emotional labor and neuroticism but not extraversion, which are both defined by cultural values. Job autonomy, affected by work experience and extraversion, had a positive relationship with job satisfaction.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the topic of collaboration in tourism destinations. Collaboration is key to overcome the fragmentation of the tourism industry and to better satisfy the more and more experience-centric tourist. Tourism operators are increasingly involved in various types of collaborative partnerships. One among them is service bundling, which is the creation and the supply of tourism packages. The study analyses the drivers of the development of service bundling and provides a segmentation of the hospitality industry according to operators’ networking orientation. A sample of 164 hoteliers from a tourism-based region in Italy was surveyed. Four clusters of hoteliers were identified and profiled: the Relational/Socials, the Opportunists, the Innovators, and the Marketers. Each shows a specific approach to collaboration and reveals different motivations to be engaged in a partnership. Some managerial implications and directions for policy makers are also provided.  相似文献   

The literature on service failure and recovery has to date tended to focus on American experiences or on single nation studies. As large numbers of service firms continue to seek opportunities in foreign markets, more effort needs to be directed at assessing cross-national similarities and differences so that appropriate strategies can be developed. This study compares the effects of failure and recovery strategies in the restaurant sector of two countries with very different dining traditions—the United States and Ireland. Analysis of over 700 personal interviews with restaurant customers shows that there is much commonality with regard to service failures but significant differences in recovery efforts. Especially noteworthy, however is that American customers are much more likely to expect such measures. In both countries, overcompensation methods do not appear to influence customer repeat patronage intentions, nor do they have significant influence on the rating of recovery effort. This last finding suggests that restaurants could and should use less expensive recovery methods.  相似文献   

Firm size, collaboration, foreign ownership and the level of formal training for employees are just some of the key inputs considered to be important in the amount of Service innovation in Tourism firms. However work has called for a greater empirical understanding on service innovation in Tourism and deeper consideration of employment focused practices as front line employees are crucial to innovation. The relationship customers have with service providers is a key determinate of satisfaction and as such the aim of this research is to unpick further the human-related factors associated with this area of study. Data for this research paper were gathered from 201 tourism service firms located throughout Japan. Whilst the results indicate that committed front-line employees and leadership are found to be the primary antecedents of service innovation, knowledge management and instilling creativity through the firm are also key. Our results suggestion that organizations can leverage the benefits associated with human-related factors to enhance service innovation behaviours and increase business performance.  相似文献   

Celebrity endorsement in tourism is utilised by global marketing practitioners to attract tourists to visit destinations. Despite this, studies are yet to assess the efficacy of two specific types of celebrity endorsement, a celebrity from the host country (host celebrity) vs. a celebrity from the country-of-origin (origin celebrity). Utilising the match-up hypothesis, this research applied a quasi-experimental design, consisting of a mixed method approach, which combined eye-tracking and self-report data. Convergent results across three studies demonstrate that an origin celebrity elicits a higher intention to visit, mediated by the emotional arousal evoked from the endorsement. Eye-tracking analysis demonstrated that an origin celebrity elicits a higher degree of visual attention and emotional arousal when the advertised scenery is familiar. However, this promotion effect disappears in unfamiliar scenery. This research contributes to an evolving debate on celebrity endorsement in tourism, revealing the psychological and physiological mechanisms underpinning the effectiveness of destination marketing campaigns.  相似文献   

The polarized problem of customers' emotional experiences in peer-to-peer accommodations has been exposed and needs urgent solution. However, a research gap remains in understanding the emotional heterogeneity. Therefore, this study explores customers' emotional heterogeneity and drivers for peer-to-peer accommodations using deep learning technologies and social network analysis. The results reveal that: For common causes, the environment is a core driver of customer emotions; While services are not necessary to positive emotions. For special causes, price value and location can stimulate customers' positive emotions, while their absence cannot affect negative emotions; The absence of household amenities cannot hinder the formation of positive emotions; While booking information triggers customers' negative emotions. This study clarifies complex demands of customer emotional experiences in sharing economy and provides a multiple emotional heterogeneity perspective for mining the emotional causes of peer-to-peer accommodation customers. Furthermore, it contributes to implications for improving customer emotional experience with differentiated strategies.  相似文献   

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