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为了较全面地分析频谱分配问题,突出系统的效益和公平性能,提出了一种利用模糊 逻辑的认知无线电频谱分配方案。首先给出模糊逻辑系统(FLS)的概念,然后利用FLS综合 分析感知空闲频谱和次用户的特性,最后结合系统吞吐量最大、公平性和随机分配3种准则 将空闲频谱分配给次用户使用。仿真结果证实了方案的可行性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a resource allocation system is modeled with relational database technology. To allocate resources through a negotiation-based system, two steps of pre-allocation and negotiated allocation have been modeled with a join procedure for two relations. These relations represent the requirements for experiential nursing practice and the availability of such experience at hospitals, respectively.The first step was implemented through a new join operation called -Distance Join. After the first step, some nursing departments and some hospitals have fully satisfied requirements or fully utilized availability. Other nursing department and hospitals have partial or no satisfaction of requirements or availability, respectively.The second step was implemented through a custom-designed implementation of a user-interface that provides coordinated negotiation among the nodes involved in the system. With the customized interface and join operation, an off-the-shelf or packaged database management system is used. Through this interface, nursing departments and hospitals negotiate until potentially all demands and availability are totally satisfied. This negotiation takes place without face-to-face meetings but with complete knowledge of the entire situation by all parties. This provides the potential for complete fulfillment of nursing experience requirements and total utilization of hospital experience availability.  相似文献   

Negotiation support is an important challenge for business-to-business e-commerce that is still poorly supported in current information systems. One reason is that negotiation processes are much harder to formalize than the business processes in the fulfilment phase. The goal of this paper is to provide the basis for a formal analysis of different types of electronic negotiations which can help developers of future negotiation support systems. The analysis is performed from a communication perspective, in particular, Habermas' theory of communicative action. Using this perspective, a distinction can be made between norm-oriented, goal-oriented and document-based negotiation. Whereas traditional modeling methods take a data-oriented view, the theory of communicative action supports a communication-oriented view that provides more insight in the logic of negotiation processes. The analysis forms the basis for the negotiation support prototype implemented within the ESPRIT project MeMo (Mediating and Monitoring Electronic Commerce) which was aimed at B2B e-commerce for SMEs in Europe.  相似文献   

Negotiating is one of the four major decisional roles played by managers. In fact, resolving conflict is said to occupy 20% of a manager's working hours. This growing frequency of negotiation scenarios coupled with the increasing complexity of the issues which need to be resolved in a negotiation make the possibility of computer enhancement for negotiation very appealing. Implementations of computerized Negotiation Support Systems (NSS) in the business world, international affairs, labor law, and environmental and safety disputes have demonstrated their potential for making negotiation problems more manageable and comprehensible for negotiators. Still, pioneers in NSS research have expressed their dismay at the lack of rigorous empirical research and evaluation of NSS. In particular, research is needed which will determine how and under what circumstances negotiation processes can be enhanced by NSS support.This article describes empirical research on the effects of a highly structured, interactive NSS on the outcome of face-to-face issues resolution and the attitudes of negotiators in both low- and high-conflict situations. In a laboratory experiment, bargaining dyads played the roles of manufacturers negotiating a four-issue, three-year purchase agreement for an engine subcomponent in conditions of high and low conflict of interest. The results of the study showed that NSS support did help bargainers achieve higher joint outcomes and more balanced contracts, but that the NSS support increased negotiation time. Satisfaction was greater for NSS dyads in both conflict levels, and perceived negative climate was reduced in low conflict.One primary implication of the results of this study is that NSS developers should keep in mind the importance of providing users with a system with interactive qualities which not only enhance the decision-making process but also provide them with a sense of participation in reaching the solution, as was done in this study.  相似文献   

E-business systems, the most recent generation of information systems, can be effectively used in teaching. One such system was developed and used in a collaborative project that involved teaching of negotiation theory and practice to students from Austria and Canada. The system provides customized course materials and a platform to conduct various e-negotiation activities. The design allows combining e-learning technologies designed to support students in their independent and individual learning with conventional face-to-face training. Our experience indicates that professional negotiation training accompanied by e-learning, and tools to support decision-making and negotiation can foster students' appreciation of the technology as well as demonstrate its limitations. The combination of technology-intensive and conventional resources contributed to students' awareness of social influences on negotiations, importance of communication, and focussed their attention on the problem and its solution. Deeper customization of the course content and delivery may further contribute to effective learning and acquiring of both communication and analytical skills.  相似文献   

Negotiation Support and E-negotiation Systems: An Overview   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
With negotiation being an often difficult process involving complex problems, computer-based support has been employed in its various phases and tasks. This article provides a historical overview of software used to support negotiations, aid negotiators, and automate one or more negotiation activities. First, it presents several system classifications, including implemented models, system architectures, and configurations of various systems interacting with human negotiators. Then, it focuses on NSSs (negotiation support systems) and related systems introduced in the early 1980s and on ENSs (e-negotiation systems), which are deployed on the web. These broad categories are discussed from four perspectives: real-life applications, systems used in research and training, research results, and research frameworks.  相似文献   

从IMC到整合营销的分析及发展逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭忠华 《商业研究》2005,(24):44-47
IMC是20世纪90年代营销界的一个重要内容。从IMC发展到整合营销理论是营销理论发展的合理逻辑。整合营销理论是以4C、5R等为分析的基础,顾客导向和竞争导向的平衡为其发展的战略逻辑。各利害关系人的互惠最大化是整合营销理论进一步发展的关键。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the possible uses of the VIP (Variable Interdependent Parameters) Analysis software and methodology in negotiation support. VIP Analysis is a decision support tool that incorporates complementary approaches to deal with the aggregation of multi-criteria performances under imprecise information. Its purpose is to support the evaluation of a discrete set of alternatives according to multi-attribute additive value functions. We propose extensions of the methodology of VIP Analysis to address explicitly the differences among the actors in terms of the weights space.  相似文献   

Organizations often require decisions to be made by a group, and decision makers often have fuzzy preferences for alternatives and individual judgments when attempting to reach an optimal solution. In order to deal with the fuzziness of preference of decision makers, this paper proposes an integrated fuzzy group decision-making method. This method allows group members to express fuzzy preferences for alternatives and individual judgments for solution selection criteria. It also allowed for the weighting of group members. The method then aggregates these elements into a compromise group decision which is the most acceptable for the group as a whole. This method has been implemented and tested. An example is presented to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

This article describes a web-based computer-assisted tool for diagnosing progress in international negotiation. Following a discussion of the need for such a tool, we provide the research sources for its development, present the model on which it is based, describe how it works, and present the results of attempts to validate its diagnoses with case materials. Focusing on flexibility in negotiation, the program consists of questions divided into five categories: issues, parties, delegations, situation, and process. The questions track to variables shown in published studies to influence flexibility. Answers to the questions are processed according to algorithms that include weights derived from the results of a statistical meta-analysis of bargaining studies. An example of the question-answer format and computations leading to the diagnoses are provided. A help function that provides advice for resolving impasses is also described. Strong correspondences between diagnoses generated by the program and actual outcomes obtained in a number of cases attest to the validity of the approach. The article concludes with ideas for further development stimulated by the web-based version of the program.  相似文献   

Previous research has found that cognitive frame, mental models, and schema embody a dominant logic of firms that structure the behavioral routines of managers and can become a central force shaping a firm's decisions and actions. This exploratory study seeks to provide insight into an emerging dominant logic among recently established private-sector Chinese enterprises. Using multiple case studies of Chinese entrepreneurial firms, we identify convergence on a surprisingly similar dominant logic based on closely aligned concepts and accompanying behaviors: a defensive perspective of business environment; a conservative strategic decision-making process; and full involvement of owners and top managers in daily operations that substitute for development of elaborate routines and systems. Although a dominant logic may facilitate decision making and growth, it may also act as a perceptual blinder limiting opportunity search as firms seek to minimize risk in an uncertain environment.  相似文献   

多边贸易谈判机制的逻辑:一种新贸易理论的解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照传统贸易理论的逻辑,在自由贸易最优的世界里,像WTO这样的多边贸易谈判的场所是没有存在的必要,因为各个政府从自身利益出发所做出的决策会自发地导致多边贸易自由化局面的产生。然而现实中的世界并非如此;多边贸易机构不仅存在,而且在国际经济中还发挥着十分重要的作用。目前WTO的存在,促进了自由贸易均衡的实现,而多边贸易协调解决机制保证了各国之间贸易政策博弈中的“冷酷战略”威协的实施,使博弈达到“共赢”的均衡。  相似文献   

第三方物流企业是一种特殊的服务型企业,其整合竞争力是企业有机整合各种资源与能力从而产生竞争优势,进而实现可持续发展与市场领先的服务能力。这是一类体现知识经济特征的先进管理理念,是一种拥有多层性、多维性的复杂系统,不同于一般意义上的核心竞争力。第三方物流企业整合竞争力的形成是一个由各种比较优势向竞争优势转化提高的过程,是一个由几种关键竞争优势向整合竞争力协同转化的过程。两个过程缺一不可,前者可使企业具备形成竞争力的关键要素,后者可使企业实现竞争力的动态发育及整合。对第三方物流企业整合竞争力进行系统评判,可为企业提供一条强化、提升整合竞争力的有效途径。要分析评判第三方物流企业整合竞争力,必须从资产运用优势、营运创优优势、创新开拓优势、协调融合优势四个相互支撑的维度入手,认清企业形成整合竞争力的关键竞争优势。为更好地提高第三方物流企业整合竞争力,必须基于整合竞争力系统评判结论,加大信息技术投入,优化营销网络和客户联络;创建学习型组织,强化交互学习机制;优化人力资源管理机制,强化激励因素;倡导诚信立足,创新致远的企业文化,强化文化催化力与感召力;改革企业内部运行机制,全力打造优质服务品牌。  相似文献   

Twenty-three cases of international negotiation are analyzed and compared to better understand the role of analytical and informational tools in supporting practical negotiators. For each case, data were gathered through interviews with Austrian diplomats on the type and amount of analytical support provided, associated bureaucratic support, and problems encountered, along with a host of key factors about the case itself-the issues, situation, strategies, process, structures, and outcomes. These data were coded and analyzed statistically. It was found that most analytical support is qualitative in nature and can be categorized as information organizing tools, comparison methods and creativity techniques; economic negotiations, in particular, tended to be supported more by quantitative methods, including forecasting and statistical models. Analytical support is particularly important to understand own and other side positions and strategies and to bolster complex negotiations that require issue packaging. A generational gap between senior and mid-level diplomats emerged: junior practitioners expressed a greater interest in analytical support tools. In general, the application of analytical support was perceived positively among practitioners and was correlated with the achievement of treaties and comprehensive solutions. These findings suggest that there needs to be greater investment in developing and providing practical analytical support to negotiators, more supporting infrastructure to facilitate the use of these techniques, and increased training opportunities.  相似文献   

Drawing useful predictions from vast accumulations of data is becoming critical to the success of an enterprise. Organizations’ databases grow exponentially from transactions with external stakeholders in addition to their own internal activities. An important organizational computing issue is that, as they grow, the databases become potentially more valuable and also more difficult to analyze. One example is predicting the value of residential real estate based on past comparable sales transactions. This is critical to several important sectors of the US economy including the mortgage finance industry and local governments that collect property taxes. The common methodology for dealing with such property valuation is based on multiple regression, although this methodology has been found to be deficient. Data mining methods have been proposed and tested as an alternative, but the results are very mixed. This article introduces a novel approach for improving predictions using an adaptive, neuro-fuzzy inference model, and illustrates its application to real estate property price prediction through the use of comparable properties. Although neuro-fuzzy–based approaches have been found to be effective for classification and estimation in many fields, there is very little existing work that investigates their potential in a real estate context. In addition, this article addresses several common problems in existing studies, such as small sample size, lack of rigorous data sampling, and poor model validation and testing. Our model is tested with real sales data from the assessment office in a large US city. The results show that the neuro-fuzzy model is superior in all of the test scenarios. The article also discusses and refines a unique technique to defining comparable properties to improve accuracy. Test results show very promising potential for this technique in mass appraisal in real estate and similar contexts when used with the neuro-fuzzy model.  相似文献   

In recent years, the complex, turbulent and changing environment in which firms operate has greatly intensified. A new era of continuous innovation has emerged in which knowledge is the key asset, and whose exploitation determines success for many firms. In this context, it is generally accepted that effective knowledge management depends heavily on a company’s ability to collaborate, both inside (Collective Entrepreneurship) and outside (Collaborative Entrepreneurship) the organization. Collaboration enables a firm to be entrepreneurial and continuously innovative by exploring new markets. Continuous innovation and market exploration are the building blocks of collaboration. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to develop the concept of Collaborative Entrepreneurship, linking the most relevant issues with the concept of Collective Entrepreneurship, from a preliminary integrative approach. From this approach, three elementary dimensions are emphasized: strategy, structure and management philosophy. Strategy refers to the shared common project among collaboration partners; Structure concerns the flexibility of structures and adaptation to environmental changes; and Management Philosophy is about trust. Also, networks within the firm and among firms could form the basis of Collaborative Entrepreneurship in the context of negotiation and decision processes. A brief overview of the content of each of the articles included in this special issue on Collaborative entrepreneurship is presented following this article.  相似文献   

In this article, I address the question of the apportionment of the consequences of organizational misconduct to individual members of the organizational elite. I argue that this process can be best understood by marrying the behavioral aspects of stigma theory to the economic mechanisms of ex post settling up. Viewed in conjunction with stigmatization, ex post settling up following organizational misconduct can be seen as the result of attempts to avoid stigma by association. Efforts at stigma avoidance on the parts of various stakeholders produce the diminished social interaction associated with ex post settling up: departure from the focal firm, and loss of seats on other boards. This also suggests that the process of stigmatization, and hence ex post settling up, can be influenced by characteristics of social interaction unrelated to the misconduct itself. Jo-Ellen Pozner’s research addresses the social processes that differentiate what is legitimate from what is illegitimate in organizational practice, and how changing definitions of legitimacy affect organizations and individuals.  相似文献   

文章提出了一种基于灰色模糊方法的现代服务业竞争力综合评价模型。首先构建区域现代服务业竞争力综合评价指标体系,然后借助于模糊综合评价方法和灰色定权聚类方法,选取2000~2010年珠三角地区(含港、澳)的面板数据,对珠江三角洲经济圈现代服务业竞争力进行了实证研究,计量结果发现珠江三角洲地区现代服务业水平存在较大的差异,内陆部分现代服务业总体技术水平不高,主要表现在传统服务业比重仍旧较高,行业结构较不合理。  相似文献   

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