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This paper examines the past performance of, and future prospects for, services marketing research into tourism destination marketing and management. While service delivery by individual enterprises is important, the fundamental products of the industry are destination experiences that incorporate commercial tourism services as well as non-commercial activities and interactions. For this reason, the paper focuses on tourism destinations rather than the individual enterprises that deliver services to tourists at destinations. The paper identifies areas that have attracted a concentration of research effort to date. The principal objective of the paper, however, is to identify services research issues deserving greater attention by service researchers in general and tourism researchers in particular.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate the attractiveness of Portugal as a tourist destination from the perspective of Czech tour operators. Tour operators were selected as the target population because they represent an important source of information about a destination and can significantly influence the decision of potential tourists about a holiday destination. One of the important findings of this research is that weak promotion and financial demands are perceived as the main reasons why many Czech tourists do not choose Portugal as their vacation destination. An obvious obstacle in the development of Portugal as a Czech tourism destination is the lack of information about its advantages as a tourist destination. The results also show that Portugal is not considered a key destination for Czech tourists. However, in terms of its attractiveness as a tourist destination Portugal has much potential, which should be utilized in the future.  相似文献   

基于旅游经历的目的地吸引力感知差异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于旅游经历对旅游者目的地感知的影响,现有的研究文献从感知形象和感知价值等方面进行了探讨,但尚未出现从目的地感知吸引力角度进行的相关研究。目的地的初游者和重游者代表着两类具有不同旅游经历的目的地游客,本文的研究目的在于探讨二者对旅游目的地吸引力的感知及其差异。实证研究结果表明,目的地感知吸引力包含了整体环境吸引和观光体验吸引两个维度,重游者在整体环境吸引上的感知显著高于初游者,二者在观光体验吸引的感知上没有显著差异。  相似文献   

The study examines Jamaica’s destination image and brand personality, and how they relate to future tourist behavior. An integrative model of tourist behavior, involving destination image (cognitive, affective, and overall), destination personality, and behavioral outcomes was developed and tested for first-time and repeat visitors separately. In additon, qualitative questions about destination images and characteristics were used to reveal Jamaica’s specific brand image and personality characteristics. The study found varying influences of cognitive image, affective image, and destination personality on global image and behavioral intentions for first-time and repeat visitors. The qualitative responses revolved around attractions, culture, and environment. The practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

在将旅游业发展成为国民经济的战略性支柱产业和人民群众更加满意的现代服务业的过程中,旅游公共服务发挥着重要作用。对于政府管理部门内部有哪些因素会促进旅游公共服务质量的提升,学术界鲜有实证研究。本文从旅游行政管理部门的角度出发,构建了游客导向、创新导向、跨部门协调对旅游公共服务质量的影响模型。对广东省32个主要客源市场的旅游行政管理部门的309位工作人员进行了问卷调查,探讨旅游公共服务质量提升的驱动因素。结构方程模型结果显示,游客导向、创新导向和跨部门协调都有助于旅游公共服务质量的提升,跨部门协调中介游客导向对旅游公共服务质量的影响。本文在理论上弥补了旅游公共服务质量前因研究的空白,对旅游行政管理部门如何更好地提升旅游公共服务质量具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

旅游观看方式与旅游形象塑造   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
马晓京 《旅游学刊》2006,21(1):87-91
观看方式与目的地旅游形象密切相关.旅游者对目的地的观看方式不同,所形成的旅游形象也就不同.观看方式受世界观、价值、态度、倾向性、信念等因素的影响,是社会文化熏陶的结果.旅游观看方式具有非政治性、非历史性、局部性、肤浅性、浪漫性、男性眼光等特点.只有认真研究不同目标市场旅游者所处的社会文化背景,针对不同的旅游观看特点,才能塑造满足旅游者心理期待和心理想象的旅游形象.  相似文献   

邮轮业已经成为国际旅游业中发展速度最快、经济效益最为显著的业务。近年来,随着北美市场的日渐饱和,全球邮轮旅游业重心开始向亚太地区倾斜。我国邮轮产业出现了前所未有的发展势头,已经成为亚太邮轮市场的核心组成部分。国际邮轮产业的实践表明,对于新兴邮轮市场来说,邮轮港口的规划和建设、港区功能配备水平和服务能力的提升是保障邮轮产业持续健康发展的重要前提。文章从邮轮乘客的角度出发,基于国内外邮轮港口的研究成果,并以全球20个邮轮港口的数据为样本,构建了邮轮港口在乘客服务设施配备方面的指标体系,并采用聚类分析法对这些港口的特征进行了综合评价,从而识别出国际著名邮轮港口的功能定位以及在乘客服务能力、港区功能配备等方面的基本特征和成功经验,从而为我国邮轮港口的布局优化提出了针对性的对策和建议。  相似文献   

陈永昶  徐虹  郭净 《旅游学刊》2011,26(8):37-44
导游服务质量一直是旅游服务领域中争议的焦点。文章通过构建以导游与游客交互质量的3个维度(行为、专业技能和问题解决)为前置变量、游客个人风险和非个人风险感知为中介变量、游客感知价值和满意度为结果变量的结构方程模型,尝试研究了导游人员与游客的交互质量与游客感知之间的作用机制。以530名使用过旅行社导游服务的旅游者作为样本,研究发现,通过提升导游人员的行为、专业技能和问题解决能力能够显著降低游客的个人风险感知,从而提高游客感知价值和满意度,但导游人员与游客的交互质量对游客非个人风险感知及游客非个人风险感知对游客感知价值和满意度的影响作用则相对复杂。  相似文献   

现象世界的旅游体验:旅游世界与生活世界   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
本文从基础理论研究的角度探讨了旅游现象研究的几个基本范畴.作者认为,旅游现象是一种纷繁复杂的社会经济现象,而构成这种复杂现象的内核的元素就是旅游体验.这种旅游体验过程是一个有一定自组织能力的连续系统.它由一个个富有特色和专门意义的情境串联组合而成,这些情境则共同构成了一个有别于人们日常生活世界的另类行为环境:旅游世界.通过对旅游世界结构性要素的分析和描述,本文构建了一个理解旅游现象的新的视角,而这种视角的哲学渊源来自现象学方法.  相似文献   

信息传播:旅游目的地营销与服务的关键环节   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
巫宁 《旅游学刊》2007,22(10):67-70
文章讨论了旅游业作为信息密集型和信息依托型产业的特征,并指出,旅游目的地信息传播既是一种社会现象,也是目的地营销的基本内容,同时,传递信息也是为旅游者提供旅游服务的一种重要形式.  相似文献   

Japanese animation, anime, has long been regarded as a niche culture reserved for anime otaku in Japan. The word anime otaku refers to individuals who spend most of their time alone at home, watching anime. However, in recent years, prototypical anime otaku have changed their behavioral patterns, resulting in a new movement called anime pilgrimage. Anime pilgrimage involves traveling to locations that resemble particular scenes in anime pieces, even though the locations themselves may be ordinary places. The authors constructed two models to describe the determinants of visit intention and destination loyalty based on research into ordinary and film tourism. The results suggested that, during the pre-tour period, otaku are motivated by the desire for interaction with other otaku and the wish to visit a new location. Moreover, they are also seeking to interact with the local people, and such experiences result in higher destination loyalty during the post-tour period.  相似文献   

基于旅游者偏好和知觉风险的旅游者决策模型分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
焦彦 《旅游学刊》2006,21(5):42-47
市场营销管理者对购买者决策过程的了解直接影响着营销工作的开展.本文将基于旅游者偏好和知觉风险对旅游者购买行为决策进行探讨,在构建旅游者决策模型的基础上对旅游者偏好和知觉风险进行分析,以期打开旅游者决策过程中的黑箱,为旅游产品的营销管理者提供建设性意见.  相似文献   

黄华  王洁  明庆忠  王峰 《旅游学刊》2012,27(9):40-45
旅游地空间系统是一个复杂而敏感的系统,易受空间内外部各种因素特别是市场要素变化的影响.文章在对以外来旅游需求为牵引的传统旅游空间系统及其不足和形成机理进行深入分析的基础上,结合国民休闲和内需扩大战略背景下本地旅游需求不断提升的现实变化,重构了内外需求更为平衡条件下的新旅游地空间系统.该系统应具有良好的空间外部环境、通畅高效的信息流、域面平滑流畅的旅游地发育、便捷立体的旅游通道、趋向均衡互补的内外部旅游市场等内涵,从而对传统旅游空间系统进行了补充和完善.  相似文献   

旅游区服务产品特性分析及管理策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王莹 《旅游学刊》2002,17(4):35-39
旅游区是人们观光、休闲的主要对象,是现代消费中不可缺少的组织部分,加强旅游区的服务质量管理,对于提高旅游者的满意度有着十分重要的意义。文章分析和强调了旅游区服务产品的个性特征,如服务内容的复杂性、发散性,服务设施的室外性,服务消费的非完全排他性等,并以此为依据,有针对性地提出了旅游区服务质量管理策略。  相似文献   

旅游景区游客满意度测评体系研究   总被引:62,自引:7,他引:62  
稳定的规模化游客流是经营性旅游景区的生命线 ,游客满意度是游客流的根本动力。本文在分析旅游景区业务流程的基础上 ,提炼了影响旅游景区游客满意度的主要因素 ,构建了测评游客满意度的指标体系 ,运用模糊综合评价法建立了测评游客满意度的数学模型 ,试图为旅游景区经营管理者提供一个掌握游客满意度水平的决策辅助工具  相似文献   

旅游合同立法初探   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
葛宇菁 《旅游学刊》2001,16(1):74-76
新《合同法》的颁布 ,确立了合同法领域的无过错责任原则。由于旅游行业本身的特点 ,这一原则的确立使旅游业经营者的经营风险随之增加。这就使旅游合同立法变得极为迫切。本文阐述了旅游合同立法的迫切性 ,探讨了旅游合同的界定、无过错责任原则、合同安全保障的方式、以及立法形式等基本问题。  相似文献   

The motorcycle leisure sector has evolved from a rebellious culture of the 1950s to a large mainstream market sector today. Motorcycle touring has grown significantly in recent years, with a shift to larger capacity motorcycles and an increase in the average age of motorcyclists. The demographics of this group has meant that, increasingly, motorcycles are used for leisure purposes rather than commuting. Peripheral locations, with a high proportion of the mountain and scenic roads favoured by motorcyclists, have seen a dramatic influx of these recreationists. Despite this significance there has been little academic work on the subject, or concerted efforts to embrace this market sector by destination marketing organisations. This paper discusses the findings of an investigation into the motorcycling leisure and tourism sector in Wales, UK, examining travel patterns of motorcycle tourists, motivations and preferences of this group and the potential economic impact.  相似文献   

旅行社质量保证金赔偿问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅行社质量保证金制度自实施以来,存在着赔偿范围不尽合理、赔偿标准过于刚性的问题。同时,通过司法个案中所反映出的态度和旅游执法实践中管理机关对自身职能的回避,都说明质量保证金对旅游者进行赔付的作用体现得是不充分的,不足以实现该项资金设立的初衷。本文对质量保证金赔偿制度所存在的问题进行充分的探讨,并通过对各国法律的比较研究和个案分析,提出完善该项制度的立法设计和管理思路。  相似文献   


It is more than a decade since hyped stories about the impact of Internet Technology in the tourism industry have caused much of a stir in the minds of academics, practitioners and public policy makers, among others. Most of the discourses figured throughout around the theme painted pictures of a myriad shades and hues of the days to come. Internet-based marketing and e-commerce are two major, interrelated areas of development impacting the sector. The former reduces information asymmetry between tourists and ultimate service providers in destinations. The latter was predicted to eliminate intermediaries who are either information brokers or those guaranteeing services at the destination. This is true all the more in an environment where tourism is a global industry (with some part of the value chain in the country of origin of the tourist and the remaining in the countries that are destinations) and extremely dependent on information and communication industries. Today, the consumer has more information to make decisions and to access sellers globally, with almost real-time market information providing him with new quality service and experience. With this fundamental power shift of producers to consumers, the way in which marketers think needs to adapt (Corfu, Laranja & Costa, 2003). This paper is focused on the case-study “Solares de Portugal” and basically aims to find out: (1) the importance given by the manor house owners to specific features of travel-related websites' design and their global evaluation of the “Solares de Portugal” website; (2) the perceptions of Internet users on the before mentioned features' website effectiveness as well as their global evaluation of the “Solares de Portugal” website; (3) the correspondence between the two perspectives. The study has provided conclusive evidence about the relevance of efficient website services, as well as other practically employable findings. Thus, it seems reasonable to conclude that society is becoming more familiar with technology, in particular with the PCs and the Internet. This means that the travel industry has now the opportunity to deploy the Web in a more accurate, agile and innovative way. The tourist experience begins with its planning and anticipation stage (Liebman Parrinello, 1993) in the context of which the Internet may provide new quality experiences. From the perspective of the demand side, this may lead to new opportunities of improving the quality of operations and services through the Internet. However, further research will be necessary to dig deeper into those business implications.  相似文献   

王镜  马耀峰 《旅游学刊》2007,22(3):64-70
本文通过对国家旅游局权威性的游客调查资料的分析,发现导游服务质量是我国旅游服务质量体系中的一块"短板",但近年我们从理论和实践上都未抓住导游服务质量问题的根源.文章认为,以往从管理部门的角度进行导游管理,无法从根源上提高导游服务质量.提高导游服务质量应该基于游客体验的新视角,文章基于时游客体验问题、导游服务质量问题、导游管理体制问题3个层次的分析,提出导游管理改革的一些建议.  相似文献   

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