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秦建军  武拉平 《财贸研究》2011,22(3):19-27,85
基于对财政支农投入与农村贫困减少之间关系的考察,理论推导发现:在特定的经济环境和技术水平约束下,财政支农投入增长的农村减贫效应呈现边际递减规律。利用误差修正模型(ECM)的实证研究表明:改革开放30年间,总体上,财政支农投入对农村贫困缓解起到了一定的作用。短期内,财政支农投入增长对农村减贫效果较为明显;而长期内,财政支农投入的农村减贫效果趋于平稳。短期有效长期平稳的减贫效果,要求政府的财政支农投入增长具有持续性。  相似文献   

利用中国大陆1991—2010年的统计数据,在特定的政府公共支出的背景下,对农村居民的行为反应特征如何反映其受益情况和减贫效果进行实证分析,结果发现:政府医疗卫生支出能有效增加农村居民支出,达到减贫目的;政府支农支出对农村居民支出的影响则相反;其他支出项目对农村居民支出的影响显著不同。  相似文献   

中国农村是一个典型的"关系社会",社会资本对于信息分享和资源配置具有较强的干预。本文基于中国家庭追踪调查2016年的农村样本数据,采用分位数回归方法,从收入增长与收入差距缩小的双重视角考察社会资本对中国农村贫困户减贫的影响。研究结果显示:2010-2016年间,中国农村的贫困发生率呈逐年下降趋势,这一趋势主要源于收入增长,而不是收入差距缩小。社会网络、社会参与和社会信任所体现的社会资本可以显著提高农户的收入水平,有效发挥减贫作用。就缩小收入差距的视角看,社会网络对农村的减贫作用比社会参与和社会信任更为显著。注重农村贫困人口社会资本的构建,尤其是提高贫困农户的社会网络质量,对于农村减贫具有重要的政策意义。  相似文献   

我国农村扶贫的制度性陷阱:一个基于组织的分析框架   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
胡敏华 《财贸研究》2005,16(6):21-27
目前,中国农村扶贫陷入了制度性陷阱,具体表现为:扶贫的边际效益出现递减趋势;农村贫困人口存在着严重的脆弱性,贫困人口“返贫”的压力依然很大。为此,需要对现行政府主导型的农村扶贫制度进行重新审视。研究发现,构建农户的“内在激励机制”可能有助于冲出扶贫制度陷阱,而农户组织化则为该机制的运行提供了有益的组织支撑。通过对贫困农户组织化的内在逻辑和组织化效应的系统分析,本文有力地支持了农户组织化与农村扶贫存在有机统一性的推断。  相似文献   

郭建宇 《商业研究》2011,(3):193-197
对于贫困农户来说,社会资本可以通过为其提供机会、增强能力来减缓贫困。由于贫困农户的社会资本匮乏,维护社会资本能力较弱,且发展社会资本途径较少,通过推进农业产业化经营、提高贫困人口能力、培养农村民间组织、推动参与式扶贫,以及发挥NGO作用,可以有效提高贫困农户的社会资本,进而减轻其贫困。  相似文献   

目前,黑龙江人口的贫困发生率和农村人口的贫困发生率都高于全国平均水平,是贫困发生率较高的地区,这凸显出黑龙江农村贫困人口社会救助工作的艰巨性。黑龙江省贫困人口社会救助主要包括生活社会救助、医疗社会救助和生产社会救助,这对农村贫困人口的生产、生活起到了重要的作用,但是仍存在救助范围狭窄、救助内容过于侧重绝对贫困、救助形式单一等问题。为解决这些问题,黑龙江省应重视对农村贫困人口的教育救助,加强农村社会救助对象与救助标准的透明度,增强农村贫困人口医疗社会救助的投入力度。  相似文献   

我国信贷扶贫资金存在投向偏差、资金使用效率低下等问题,一方面影响扶贫的可持续性;另一方面,影响金融的可持续性,使扶贫政策效应大为削弱.本文分析了扶贫资金使用效率低下的深层次原因,提出了进行信贷扶贫方式改革的思路.  相似文献   

包容性增长:基于相对贫困视角下的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
包容性增长致力于解决相对贫困的三个维度,即收入不平等、人的发展和人的脆弱性问题,与此相对应,包容性增长的内涵也可概括为可持续的与平等的增长、社会包容和赋予权能及安全。包容性增长在中国实现的三个关键因素是,坚持公有制的主体地位,不断完善市场机制,坚持以人为本。第一,坚持公有制的主体地位,实行初次分配改革,提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重;第二,完善社会主义市场经济体制,使国民待遇逐步趋同;第三,以人本发展观取代物本发展观,加强发展中对人的关注,提高人的发展水平,保障人的安全。  相似文献   

基于信贷配给对农村贫困作用的内在逻辑,运用面板门槛模型剖析了信贷配给对农村地区贫困的非线性作用及其地区差异。研究发现:降低信贷配给程度是减缓农村地区贫困的有效途径,且具有显著的门槛特征;随着农业信贷配给程度由高水平区间向低水平区间的转换,农村地区贫困与信贷配给程度的关系呈“U”型变化;信贷配给对农村地区贫困的门槛效应具有明显的区域特征,东部农村地区随着信贷配给程度的降低,增加信贷有效供给的减贫效应逐渐变弱,中西部农村地区随着农业信贷配给程度由高水平区间向低水平区间的转换,农村贫困与信贷配给程度的关系呈倒“U”型变化。  相似文献   

运用博弈论、行为经济学对我国农村小额信贷的可持续发展进行分析,从中可以发现小额信贷的可持续发展不仅是基于农户的"理性人"假设,机构与农户之间的"互惠性"也是重要因素之一。其发展的关键在外部环境(宏观、中观、微观层面)的影响而并非农户本身。  相似文献   

In interdependent social groups, microfinance traps occur when conflicts arise between borrowers’ affective ties related to family needs and instrumental ties related to obligations toward their loan group. Thus, the social capital that facilitates microfinancing can lead to conflicting obligations toward business needs and economic obligations toward family. Building on an inductive field study among female entrepreneurs in Tanzania, we conceptualize microfinance traps. By using relational contract theory to interpret the qualitative data, we argue that microfinance traps can be reduced by balancing role integrity, preserving norms and reciprocity, and harmonizing the social matrix toward the family and loan group.  相似文献   


We have employed the three-dimensional continuous Morlet wavelet transform methodology to explore the co-movement amongst the returns of four major currencies in Ghana (dollar, euro, pound, and yen) for the period May 1999 to February 2018. The analysis reveals that the dynamics of the interdependence of the currencies is time-varying and heterogeneous. Our empirical findings demonstrate that the currencies are closely linked or interconnected. The lead–lag relationships between the returns of the exchange rates established that volatilities in the euro and yen significantly affect movements in the other currencies in daily and weekly exchange rate returns. The presence of lead–lag effects and stronger co-movements at short-run fluctuations may induce arbitrage and diversification opportunities to investors, albeit with limited space. The differences in the co-movements of returns and the evidence of contagion among the foreign exchange markets provide reliable incentive to the monetary authorities for unflinching strides to halt the speeding exchange rates.  相似文献   

This paper examines owner commitment and relational governance in the privately-held firm. The proposed model goes beyond agency theory to include research on organization commitment and organization citizenship behaviors, as well as stewardship theory, organizational social capital theory, social identity theory and social exchange theory. Results support predictions of stewardship theory and organizational social capital theory that owner commitment and firm performance are positively related.   相似文献   

二十世纪中国女性翻译家研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在二十世纪的中国,一大批杰出的女性翻译家活跃在翻译领域。她们的成就主要体现在外国文学翻译方面。在翻译方法上,她们以直译为主,意译为辅,译文忠实流畅;在翻译风格上,她们温婉、细腻、多样。她们都有着相同的成长环境,优越的家庭条件和良好的教养是她们成就的基础,优秀的创作才能丰富了她们的翻译技巧。尽管她们在翻译领域作出了巨大贡献,但她们的社会地位依然是边缘化的,她们应该受到社会更多的关注。  相似文献   

We examine the role of a typical set of determinants of loan repayment performance of SMEs in the context of a rural bank’s setting in Ghana. Our analysis using survey data suggests that, while higher application cost, loan size and interest rate exert significantly negative influence on loan repayment, higher educational background of the SME operators is associated with significantly better repayment performance. Interestingly, in comparison with those with only primary-level education, SME operators with tertiary education register the best repayment performance followed by those with secondary education. We provide detailed discussion and managerial implications of these findings.  相似文献   

This article investigated Chinese and U.S. attitudes toward women as managers with the goal of establishing an empirical basis for comparison and understanding of the glass ceiling potential in each culture. The authors used the Women as Managers Scale (WAMS) to measure perceptions of 919 U.S. and Chinese participants. Results indicated differences in perceptions by gender and nationality. Overall, women were perceived less favorably as managers by Chinese and U.S. males as compared to perceptions of Chinese and U.S. female participants. Findings are discussed in terms of existing research and areas for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

This research sought to utilize the stages of change model to assess HIV/AIDS testing intentions among university students in Ghana. A quantitative research method using a questionnaire based on a random sampling method was employed to interview 167 students of the University of Ghana Business School in Accra. The analysis of variance and one-sample t-test statistical methods were employed to establish the relationship between variables. The study found that most university students in Ghana (80.9%) are at precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages. This suggests that social marketing intervention programs encouraging university students to know their HIV/AIDS status have not been effective, since most university students in Ghana have not yet taken action to test for HIV/AIDS. The study also found some university students at more than one stage at a time.  相似文献   

This study focuses on analyzing food wastage behavior of consumers in Singapore. Qualitative research with experts from food waste management organizations and restaurant operators indicated key reasons for food wastage to be food spoilage, risk of hurting brand due to substandard food, lack of appropriate methods for sorting food, reverse logistics for proper waste collection/disposal, and appropriate recycling facilities. High costs of waste disposal, lack of government incentives or regulations governing service providers, and lack of awareness among consumers also contributed to solid food waste in Singapore. A survey with consumers recorded their habits with regard to planning food purchases, food wastage while cooking, and wastage during consumption of cooked, canned, and ready-to-eat products. A stepwise multiple discriminant analysis done on a key categorical variable “How much effort do you take to minimize amount of uneaten food you throw away?” yielded two groups that differed significantly along several attitudinal/behavioral dimensions.  相似文献   

As the role of information technology (IT) in business innovation becomes increasingly important, an increasing number of organizations have started to consider how to promote IT-enabled business innovation. Although extant studies have identified organization, environment, and innovation's characteristics as substantial determinants of IT innovation, they do not emphasize the accompanying innovation in processes, products or services, which distinguish IT-enabled business innovation from general IT innovation. Therefore, the reason why few companies succeed in realizing IT-enabled business innovation remains obscure. Anchored on the institutional entrepreneurship theory, this paper examines determinants of the success of IT-enabled business innovation in a fast-growing company using the case study approach. Our findings indicate that IT-business coordination competency, degree of institutionalization, participation of business managers, top management team's (TMT) attitude towards the innovation, and the innovation's relative strength, have significant impacts on the success of IT-enabled business innovation. Our findings also contribute to IT innovation research by identifying special determinants of IT-enabled business innovation and redirecting research ranging from innovation in IT itself to IT-enabled innovation in business processes, products or services.  相似文献   

Multinational corporations (MNCs) and other foreign firms can be conduits for technology and knowledge (T&K) transfer to host countries in the developing world. Most of the existing research focuses on T&K transfers through FDI and are drawn from Asia not Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), although SSA is increasingly receiving foreign investment. There is a paucity of research that gives insights into project-level T&K transfer issues in SSA countries. Using the Ghanaian construction industry as an empirical focus, this article explores T&K transfer potential. The findings reveal significant weaknesses in T&K transfer across industry subsectors and between foreign and local firms. This arises from the potentially complementary but dissimilar resource and knowledge bases. The weaknesses are compounded by the absence of coherent government T&K development policies.  相似文献   

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