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This article investigates the gender diversity of the corporate board of European Union banks. Employing a large sample of 612 European banks from 20 European countries, it identifies organizational characteristics that could be predictive of women??s presence on bank boards. We identify three factors that play a particularly important role in defining bank board gender diversity. First, the proportion of women on the board is higher for lower-risk banks. We argue that there may be some statistical discrimination behind this relation, although it could also be explained by a real risk-aversion hypothesis. Second, banks with larger boards have a higher proportion of women on their boards, which could be considered a signal of some kind of preference for homogeneity on small boards. Finally, banks that have a growth orientation are more prone to include women on their board, since they may be seen as providers of diverse external resources that are more valued by firms operating under critical circumstances.  相似文献   

This paper’s objective was to explore low-income unbanked consumers’ perceptions of bank fairness and the way these perceptions were linked to consumer experiences of vulnerability. Qualitative data were used to analyse low-income consumers’ perceptions about banks’ services and communications. The study finds that although consumers’ financial inclusion is partially hindered by their personal circumstances, the perceived unfair treatment by banks has an even more negative impact on their financial inclusion. Low-income unbanked individuals report banks avoiding them, discriminating against them and impeding their financial inclusion. Banks’ perceived unfairness towards low-income consumers leads those consumers to experience vulnerability in numerous ways. Finally, we provide public policy implications for low-income consumers’ well-being and financial inclusion and to assist them in mitigating their vulnerability.  相似文献   

19981997BankNameCapitalTotalassetsCapitalPretaxprofitAverageCapitalAssetsasetrateprofitratereturns2225Industrial&Comm115.9343...  相似文献   

Shenzhen is the Chinese southern border city where foreign banks and other financial institutions were set up earlier than other places in China. Since 1982 the first bank——the Shenzhen Branch of the Hongkong Nanyang Commercial Bank was set up here, 45 foreign financial institutions have been set up, including 18 foreign banks. Their business has developed rapidly. The Shenzhen Branch of the Japanese Sanwa Bank has developed all the commercial bank business spheres excluding RMB business. The Shenzhen  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a vigorous revival of the long-standing debate about the uniqueness of German banks. To date little consensus has been reached; while some see few differences between the role of banks in Germany and in other countries, others claim that universal banks' equity shareholdings in and nomination of representatives to the boards of nonfinancial firms are the key institutional features driving the rest of the German model of long-term investment in high-quality, internationally competitive manufacturing. This article argues that the uniqueness of the German banking system lies (1) in its unusually high capacity to provide industrial finance in the form of long-term debt capital, and (2) in its avoidance of the speculative boom-credit crunch cycle experienced by almost every other advanced industrialized country in the 1980s and early 1990s. These two key characteristics are attributable to a regulatory framework which involves strict prudential regulation, access to long-term refinancing sources, and a federalist form of corporatism. Furthermore, the behavior of German banks must be analyzed within a broader institutional system of economic governance which includes corporatist labor market institutions and a relatively large and modern SME sector.  相似文献   

Overseas banks are quickening network expansion in China with players like HSBC, Standard Chartered and BEA posting branch plans in late September. Standard Chartered Bank(China)Ltd.said on September 21 it has received approval from the China Banking Regulatory Commission to establish its Hangzhou branch as its first foray in Zhejiang Province.  相似文献   

Domestic insurance firms should speed up their strategic cooperation with local banks to help the reform of China's financial sector, the country's insurance regulator said on Dec.21.  相似文献   

Four Foreign-funded Banks took the lead to receive approval in China to handle Renminbi business lor Chinese enterprises. China's banking industry has made a significant step in opening up to the outside world.The four banks were Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), Japan's Mi/uho Bank Shanghai Branch, U.S. Citibank Shanghai Branch and Hong Kong-hased Bank of East Asia Shanghai Branch.On February 13, a Chief from the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) said, the CBRC announced on December 1, 2003 that in the light of a commitment to the World Trade Organization (WTO), overseas banks could lend Chinese Yuan to Chinese companies after receiving approval. This provided new opportunities for overseas banks to de-  相似文献   

When taking each step, the country had to with- stand various difficulties and risks but received re- markable improvements and progresses. State-owned commercial banks are the major part of China's banking industry.Their growth and devel- opment is in direct relation to the overall economy and financial growth in the country.After the Asian financial crisis at the end of last century,the Chinese government has taken a string of financial measures.To some extent,the financial results have been improved in state-owned  相似文献   

Chinese central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan said recently that China will continue to fur- ther its joint-stock reform of state-owned commercial banks. Zhou gave positive comments on the  相似文献   

Into the Mainland by the People'sBank of ChinaDai Xianglong, president of thePeople's Bank of China (PBC) said a fewdays ago, his bank had approved theaccession of two Taiwan-based banksinto the mainland. One is the UnitedWorld Chinese Commercial Bank(UWC…  相似文献   

After Japanese Mitsui Sumitomo Bank Ltd. got permission to enter Hangzhou, Zhejiang local banks have made great breakthrough in introducing foreign technology. It is reported that Hangzhou Urban (Rural) Credit Cooperative will cooperate with the world-famous bank  相似文献   

Insurance premium of China's com mercial banks grew 121% to about 26.2 billion yuan (3.2 billion U.S. dollars) in January and February. 34% of the nation's total insurance premium of the months.  相似文献   

According to InternationalFinance, in order to cope withthe impact on the opened-upfinancial market after entry to the WTO,China will accelerate to establish anumber of new type of private bankswholly owned by private companies, andwill launch 10 regional private financialsetups according to a preliminary plan.Zhejiang Tailong, Shenyang Ruifeng,Shaanxi Changcheng, and Jiangsu Shendawill be the major initiators andstockholders of four of the new banks.These corporations are each worthappro…  相似文献   


With increasing use of point of sale terminals at stores, banks are seeking to achieve a bigger portion in such financial exchanges. An important problem for banks is to identify the most profitable professions. For this purpose, a new application using recency, frequency, and monetary (RFM)-based clustering and customer lifetime value analysis containing two extensions of RFM is proposed for guild segmentation. The methodology is applied on a real data from an Iranian state bank. The findings reveal that this methodology is applicable in practice and could be very effective for bank managers of any other banks.  相似文献   

Magnificent history In China,the private banking sec- tor is relatively new,even though it has a 100-year history in the U.S.and Europe. After originating in Geneva,Switzer- land,private banks have undergone leg- endary growth.  相似文献   

Liu Mingkang, President of China Bank Regulatory Commission said that China‘s regulation on foreign-invested banks is rigid and scientific and the cooperation between domestic invested banks and foreign invested banks will not threaten the security of finance.  相似文献   

The global financial crisis is striking the international financial market severely. Since July 2007, foreign banks and brokers have been suffering an enormous loss caused by the financial crisis. More than 160 thousand jobs have been cut this year by financial institutions like Citibank, HSBC and Morgan Stanly, etc. However, what shows a strong contrast with global job cutting is that these foreign banks are rapidly expanding their business in China. According to the data of related market, seven foreign banks have opened more than nine new branches in two months alter September 17, the day that Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy protection. November 17, HSBC issued China UnionPay debt cards in 17 cities of China.  相似文献   

Global consulting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) issued a report about foreign banks in China this May. According to the report, it was the great market potential and the ever-improving business performance in China that attracted more foreign investment rushing into the country.[第一段]  相似文献   

Global consulting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC)issued a report about foreign banks in China this May.Accord- ing to the report,it was the great market poten- tial and the ever-improv- ing business performance in China that attracted more foreign investment rushing into the country. As one of the world's largest and most vigorous emerging finan- cial market,China has been at the limelight of the financial institutions all over the globe. Foreign banks' business in China  相似文献   

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