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徐辉 《民营科技》2009,(4):81-82
论述了情感和艺术之间的关系,情感的真实性在艺术创作中的重要地位以及论题的现实意义。艺术和情感密不可分,情感在艺术创作中起着其它任何东西所不能代替的作用。艺术作品只有包含着艺术家强烈而真实的情感,才能具有非凡艺术感染力,让观者产生情感共鸣。我国艺术创作中的主要问题就是功利主义对艺术创作产生的影响,导致艺术情感的虚假性,在艺术创作中必须认识到情感的真实性的重要地位.情感真实是艺术创作最基本的要求也是最终的要求。  相似文献   

素质教育是一个系统。而音乐艺术教育和其他艺术教育是素质教育中一个不可或缺的有效手段和重要方面。它通过情感与心理中介的训练和培养而影响人的审美观、人生观和价值观。作为人类文明的艺术,音乐教育在决定人的心理内容和发展水平上,在弥补人的素质缺陷、促使人的健康的心理要素成熟上,有着其他教育所不可替代的功能,被誉为是一种“心灵的体操、灵魂的净化剂”。1音乐艺术教育在素质教育中的功能价值音乐具有认识、美育、教化和娱乐功能。音乐艺术教育在学生的智能发展、审美素养、人格精神及身心健康等方面的培养与提高上,具有不可替…  相似文献   

刘勃宏  李翔 《价值工程》2012,31(15):222-223
CG艺术虽然很大程度上是依赖于技术,但技术无论多么重要它都只是手段而不是目的。依靠技术的手段,在数字媒体上把无形的人类情感用视听艺术的实在形式和艺术语言理性的表现出来,这才是CG艺术的真正追求。  相似文献   

吴欢章 《秘书》2011,(11):40-45
毛泽东诗词充满丰富多彩的情趣和理趣,这是获得千百万读者喜爱的一个重要因素。 所谓生活情趣,包含诗人对生活的立场态度、憎爱情仇、兴趣喜好和向往追求等等,是诗人的总体情感倾向的一种流露。这种生活情趣在诗歌创作中转化为一种审美态度和审美趣味,就是对生活美的一种发现和把握,对生活诗意的一种追寻和捕捉,因而构成一种引起人们审美愉悦的艺术元素。审美情趣总是熔铸为二种艺术个性,而且不能脱离艺术个性而得到表现。  相似文献   

“艺术是令人明白真理的谎言。”艺术根本就属于爱,属于美,属于情感,属于生命。走进一个书法家及其艺术领域不是一件容易的事情。因为书法是至高无上的艺术,是书法家用线条创造的另一个世界,独自存在的,富有个性的,它演绎着书法家丰富多彩的心理结构,传达着书法家所有的心灵倾  相似文献   

陆萍 《价值工程》2011,30(10):211-211
音乐是一门情感艺术,音乐教育是以音乐艺术为手段,通过生动、具体、形象的直观,给予人以教益,或者说是将教育寓于情感之中、趣味之中和娱乐之中,潜移默化地使人在情操上得到陶冶、道德上得到修炼、心灵上得到震撼。因此,音乐教育是在潜移默化中对学生进行情感教育,是培养学生对音乐艺术审美的感受、表达和创造能力的主渠道。  相似文献   

声乐艺术是用人声来表达情感的一种艺术。针对心情,表达心情,只有当声音和感情完美结合时,歌唱才能被人称为“艺术”。在动声之前先动情,寓情于声,歌唱才更有感染力。这不是即兴而发,而是经过精雕细刻艺术处理后得到的声情并茂的高度集中。  相似文献   

声乐艺术是人们抒发情感,表达情感,寄托情感的艺术,是人们情感体验的表现.要想完美从容地演唱好一首作品,首先也是最基本地要深入了解歌曲的创作背景,理解歌词的涵义,歌曲的创作情感等.本文以音乐家黄自创作的艺术歌曲《思乡》为例,从歌曲创作的时代背景与民族特色,作品的创作特点和音乐风格,以及歌曲的演唱技巧和情感处理等方面进行分析,准确把握基本情感以及演唱中的情感变化等方面,对这首歌曲进行探索和分析.  相似文献   

音乐表演中的艺术直觉与想象是表演中的一项重要的心理活动。音乐表演是一种创造性的艺术直觉与想象的心理活动,要进行舞台表演就必须先进行艺术想象活动,没有艺术想象的表演,是没有思想的表演,没有内涵和情感的表演。表演离不开想象,想象在表演中占有重要的作用,想象是艺术的深化,也是情感艺术中表现的必要条件。没有想象的表演就没艺术创作,就没有感人至深,更不能成为表演艺术。  相似文献   

殷青 《企业导报》2012,(5):209-210
传统的民族声乐是运用民族语言和民族审美来表现民族的音乐风格,是表达民族情感的一种艺术形式;"百戏之祖"的昆曲是中国现存戏曲剧种中历史最悠久、最能体现民族特色、影响最为深远的一个剧种。本文结合这两种艺术手段各自的特点,简要分析和探索了融入昆曲元素的民族声乐教学模式。  相似文献   

贾建忠  杨杨 《价值工程》2012,31(17):300-301
通过线性回归分析了乡村徒步旅游游客感知价值对游客满意及游客忠诚的影响,研究发现,乡村徒步旅游游客感知价值的四个维度价格价值、功能价值、社会价值及情感价值对游客满意和游客忠诚都呈显著性的正相关;其中情感价值的影响最大也最显著,其次是功能价值;同时游客满意对游客忠诚也呈显著性正相关;通过中介效应的分析发现,游客感知价值是通过游客满意来影响游客忠诚的,即游客满意起到了部分中介的作用。  相似文献   

2010上海世博会参观客流引导系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李进  李金华  李常敏 《物流科技》2008,31(9):138-140
对世博会园区规划和人员流动问题进行了分析,确定了所要设计系统的目标,利用信息、RFID、通讯和决策技术,设计了世博会参观客流引导系统,包括游客和决策支持,此系统的建立可以有效地缓解世博会接纳庞大客流的压力.同时为游客提供优质的服务。  相似文献   

Measurement of service quality has been instrumental in making service industries more competitive. The new era of accountability in the museum sector means that if museums and galleries are to be successful in growing visitor numbers and developing greater access, they must learn more about the factors that are important to visitors' evaluation of service quality. The aim of this study is to understand the concepts that are significant to visitors engaging in museum experiences. A repertory grid study was conducted among visitors to 11 prominent London museums; the results suggest that there is greater variety of factors influencing their decisions than is measured by traditional approaches to visitor satisfaction surveys. Copyright © 2002 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

A bstract . A survey of 800 historic houses in England. Wales. Scotland and Northern Ireland , which produced detailed data on 108, indicates that restaurants, gardens and souvenir shops are most beneficially related to income. Collections increase visitor numbers, particularly for houses with larger revenues. The higher the number of amusements and services, the higher the annual income. But educational and interpretive services do not appear to increase visitor numbers. Houses have some latitude to increase admission charges. Only 20 percent of the properties showed a profit. With more effective and cost-efficient advertising, an appropriate pricing policy and a reconsideration of promotional and educational programs, more might cover their costs.  相似文献   

A bstract . Data from a National Endowment for the Arts survey done by the U.S. Bureau of the Census in 1982 and 1985 (n = 2,678) reveal the modern wilderness lover is better educated, more affluent, and more heavily engaged in leisure activities than the less frequent visitor to the wilderness. Today's frequent wilderness user is also more likely to participate in out-of-home activities including movies, sports events, museums, and amusement parks, than is the generally less active infrequent visitor. Frequent users are almost exclusively white; with nearly equal participation rates for men and women ; they reside in the suburbs and work as professionals. They are better educated and pursue more intellectual leisure-time interests such as reading, reading poetry, and attending cultural events. Less educated infrequent users were poorer, participated in less challenging pursuits, and were predominantly male. However, the two groups exhibited only minor differences in their preference orderings , suggesting that the groups may move towards similarity if their opportunities change.  相似文献   

浅议旅游景区门票的功能拓展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李田玲 《企业技术开发》2009,28(12):118-119
旅游景区门票,是对游客开放的各种旅游景点所收取的游览参观费用的票据,在旅游业中占据重要的地位。景区门票具有多方面的功能,如何在方寸世界上简单、直观的融入更多的信息,便于景区的管理和游客的出游,是门票设计的核心宗旨,也是功能拓展的立足点。应在充分发挥门票的原始功能的基础上,不断拓展其衍生功能,在形式和内容上不断的创新。  相似文献   

  • This paper explores visitor behaviour in relation to making donations for Chichester Cathedral upkeep. It found that 94% of respondents were aware of the donation appeals and that 71% of them went on to make a donation, with the visitors aged 50 to 69 years and living within 25 mi of the Cathedral being the most frequent and generous donors. When asked to suggest what they would consider an appropriate donation, 44% of respondents gave a figure between £1 and £2. This paper argues that the present donation management measures at Chichester Cathedral are insufficient to bring the desired income and makes recommendations on the measures that Cathedral managers can implement to increase visitor donations. Among these recommendations, the most significant are the profiling of visitors, the identification and targeting of donors' personal meanings to give a donation and, in the case of Chichester Cathedral, to specifically target these meanings on their local, middle‐aged visitors.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

郭永涛  刘振华  宋瑶 《价值工程》2012,31(22):158-159
现代企业在人力资源激励过程中往往投入很多,但是得到的效果不是很显著,原因之一便是员工在激励过程中没有感受到公平。因此,在人力资源激励过程中要注重公平,这就需要运用激励理论中的公平理论作为理论指导。员工之所以感到不公平,是因为他们进行了横向和纵向的比较,在比较后,如果自己的投入产出比与他人的不等,或者自己现在的投入产出比与过去的不等,就会产生不公平感。管理者应注意运用公平理论解决问题,从而使员工感到公平,实现有效的激励。  相似文献   

周振平  金靖芝 《价值工程》2011,30(28):294-295
排球运动在比赛和训练中对运动员的球感要求较高,准确掌握球感形成和培养的内在规律,科学把握球感训练中的关键环节,从而快速有效地提高少年排球运动员对球的控制和支配能力,是当前排球训练的一个重要环节。  相似文献   

S. K. Bar-Lev  P. Enis 《Metrika》1992,39(1):165-175
Summary Two parametric sets of normalizing transformations for the compound Poisson process are considered. The transformations in the first set are also variance stabilizing, and the optimum variance stabilizing transformation and an optimum normalizing transformation in this set are determined. The second set consists of power transformations, and an optimum normalizing transformation is obtained. Some comparisons with respect to normalization are made between these optimum transformations. The work of this author was performed while he was a visitor at the Department of Statistics, State University of New York at Buffalo.  相似文献   

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