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Despite the abundant opportunities are presented by Chinese market, many foreign practitioners have commented that operating in China is more complex and time consuming than necessary, and of the 53 companies interviewed by Hong Kong's Bank of East Asia, 42% were reported not to be profitable (Economist Intelligence Union (EIU), 1995). Given the fact that China's potential as a market is unparalleled, while many foreign business practitioners have commented that operating in China is difficult to be profitable, and it is more complex and time consuming than it is necessary (Ewing, Garuana & Wong, 1999), a large number of researches on doing business hi China recogniZe the concept of Guanxi, a business relationship network, as the key for conducting successful business in China This study co llectsboth primary data and secondary data to explore the issues of Guanxi. The review on the secondary data helps to build the analysis techniques and study instruments. A survey questionnaire is developed after the study on the secondary data, and the primary data is collected from the surveys, which are faxed to sample groups in both Taiwan and Mainland China. The study on the Mainland China senior managers is to find the current Guanxi concept of China, while the Taiwan senior manager group and the Mainland China college student group are chosen to explore the future Guanxi changes. By using statistical techniques of the mean and standard deviation calculations, the t-test for two samples with equal variances, and the correlation test, the findings of this study help to answer the critical questions concerning the study objectives. The practical interpretation and implications of this study of Guanxi are gained from the summary of the statistical results. A conclusion and recommendations of this study on the Guanxi concepts are presented to business practitioners both inside and outside of China.  相似文献   

陈超 《魅力中国》2013,(10):299-300
在品牌效应盛行的当今,广告无疑成为了最好的销售媒介。而随着世界经济一体化脚步的日益加快。广告翻译也彰显出了其独特的重要性。中外语言学家、翻译学家们对中英广告语互译展开了广泛的研究,并取得了颇丰的成果,其中,最为突出的是美国著名的翻译理论家、语言学家尤金·A·奈这(EugeneA.Nida)。他的功能对等翻译理论培广告语翻译注八了新的血液,在这一领域起着不可替代的作用。本文作者正是以奈迭的功能对等翻译理论为基点,通过大量的翻译实例及应用效果来验证这一理论对于指导实践的可行性,并提出自己独到的见解,以期从不同的视角来分析和探索英汉广告互译的有效途径。  相似文献   

Strategic value chain analysis method can be adopted to analyze the existing cost causality so as to confirm and optimize the value chain. Strategic cost driver analysis method that is used on the income of the owners and daily operators, production and operating activities, administration, resources, culture, etc in an enterprise can further enlarge the strategic cost scope. For analysis of the enterprise and its external environment factor, PEST analysis is represented as the extroversive analysis of cost causality. Three analytical methods of different kinds having some commonness on cost causality analysis can be combined together to form the causality analysis method, which will expand the visual angle of analysis and help to establish the integral frame of strategic cost causality analysis.  相似文献   

China is arranging a boom of commercial street development across the country and Hangzhou works as an outstanding example. Commercial street economy is boosting China's urbanization and industry prosperity. Concerning on the rapid and sound development of commercial street in China, this paper introduces many problems and conflicts that block domestic commercial street development. With the guidances of China Commercial Walking Street Committee and Hangzhou Bureau of Economy and Trade, data analysis by Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Statistics, and case study of commercial streets in Hangzhou, the paper states that commercial street development beyond China's socialism economic system should follow the guidance of scientific outlook on development, insist on government-led and market-driven, design first and service-oriented, and highlight core feature and comprehensive facility. Also, it is essential to unify and ensure legal status of management committee, and streamline organizational structure, balance between interest groups, weaken conflicts of public and private, and promote industry association development and privately-operated public affairs to ensure sustainable development of commercial street, which will truly benefit domestic urbanization as well as improve people's material and cultural life. For the other developing countries in the urgent progress of industrialization and urbanization, the paper is expected to be guidelines.  相似文献   

Proceeding from the historical retrospect of the Grammar-Translation Method, this essay clarifies its present application in China’s foreign language teaching and analyzes the reasons for its popularity and adaptation in China. Finally, some constructive suggestions are given on how to apply the Grammar’Translation Method more effectively and improve China’s foreign language teaching.  相似文献   

Sonnet 19 is a reflection of Shakespeare's dialectic time philosophy.For one thing,time is extremely destructive by killing off beautiful attributes of everything and everybody.However,the speaker can make full use of poetry to perpetuate the beauty of his sweetheart.Thus time has amazingly intertwined its destructiveness with beauty retention.  相似文献   

This paper explains guiding and support effect of innovation of concept and thinking mode in the mutual dynamic among innovation of concept and thinking mode, market institutional innovation and technological innovation by a tentative study of them. That is, the change of ideas and values lead to variation of variety and multilayermarket demand that develops demand of innovation of product that further induces market institutional innovation to gear to changes of ideas and values. Technological innovation basing on innovation of concept and thinking mode, simultaneously, is materialized for innovation of product and innovation of craft, material and management which satisfy variation of variety and multilayer market demand.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to discuss the internationalization strategy of Chinese finns from a latecomer's perspective. First, this paper reviews five existing conceptual frameworks of foreign market entry mode for the internationalization of finns from developed countries. Then, this paper integrates the different factors considering in existing frameworks to a comprehensive framework. With this modified framework and Chinese finns' unique characteristics, some propositions are presented about the path and features of Chinese finns' internationalization based on the comprehensive framework discussed from a latecomer's perspective. This paper also discusses that the future studies on Chinese finns' internationalization strategy should attempt to increase the congruence between the theoretical and operational level, to clarify concepts and variables of the frameworks and the relationships among those variables.  相似文献   

At present, water scarcity is the strongest problem in North China Plain. From the aspects of agricultural water efficiency and sustainability, the paper analyzes the input-output elasticity, allocation effect and potential efficiency of the water for agriculture in the three major grain production provinces of Hebei, Shandong and Henan in North China Plain, and assesses the coupling effects between water utilization and economic development. As a result, the paper identifies ways and measures for the enhancement of the efficiency and sustainability of the water for agriculture in these three provinces.  相似文献   

This paper uses comparative advantage theory of international trades and related economical models to analyze American protection behavior on the iron and steel industry. And the studies show that the decline of American iron and steel industry is not resulted from the impact of steel imports, but the domestic reasons.  相似文献   

Despite there are breakthroughs in some special fields of the theoretical research on f'mance management, it lacks a systematic study in pursuit of the general knowledge on finance management theory. Hence, so far, there is no clear theoretical framework system. Starting from the definition, feature and function of finance management theory, the author demonstrates the purpose and value of studying TFOFM and five composites as main body, assumption, goal, element, process and methods. Furthermore, the author proposes the nature of finance management as TFOFM logic starting point.  相似文献   

A definition of sport tourism based on these dimensions and featuring a sociological perspective of sporting activity is presented. The distinguishing features of sport as a tourist attraction are then highlighted through the use of Leaper's systems model of attractions. Finally, the paper proposes a framework which highlights a series of research questions systematically explored that emerge as the relationships between the fundamental dimensions of sport tourism.  相似文献   

Brand strategy has become more and more important during the course of building up competence. Combined with the characteristics of brand strategy and based on input-output as well as marginal analysis, this paper makes a thorough discussion on scheme generating and selecting of brand strategy. What's more, this paper discusses the operation and management of brand strategy decision and puts forward the fundamental frame of brand strategy decision.  相似文献   

I.IntroductionSinceChinasentryintotheWTOinlate2001,thenationsenterpriseshavefacedincreasinglyfiercecompetition,mainlywithregardtoattractingforeigninvestment,whichisconsideredasanimportantengineinnationalandlocaleconomicgrowth.Becauseoflowbusinesscostscomparedwithothercountries,Chinahasabsorbedalargeamountofforeigninvestmentinrecentyears.However,asgreateramountofforeigncapitalflowintoChina,businesscostswilltendtoincreaseinsomeareas,especiallythecoastalareas.Laborcostsarethemostimportantaspec…  相似文献   

Foreign literatures on stock dividends mostly based on signaling hypothesis and optimum price zone hypothesis. In our country, studies on stock dividends focused on two fields: signaling effect and influencing factors. Few researcher studied correlation between stock dividends and sustainable growth. According to growth management theory, we carry out statistical tests on stock dividends in China A-share stock market by using 345 listed companies that had only distributed stock dividends from 1993 to 2001 as total sample. The result indicates that there is a high correlation between stock dividends and sustainable growth rate. Listed companies pay out stock dividends basing on their development. It consists with the sustainable growth theory.  相似文献   

Since 2000, the focus of the study of the RMB ex change rate has transferred from debate on whether it should appreciate or depreciate to the overall planning and the envisaged improvement of the RMB exchange rate regime.  相似文献   

The scarce resources put into the enterprise include material assets and human resources. Different human resources have different degree of asset-specific, which will determine the governance structure. Design of motivation is a key factor to governance. The single method of motivation cannot motivate the enterprise's employees effectively because of the complexity of human resources. This paper holds the point that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation should be applied together to motivate enterprise's employees in China, then establishes a motivation model and advises that enterprises should use different methods of motivation for different employees based on the asset-specific of human resource.  相似文献   

Antitrust law prohibits monopolies while intellectual property law grants legal monopolies. But this protection is not unlimited. Antitrust law imposes important restrictions to ensure that inventors are not overstepping their boundaries by restricting competition. This paper tries to answer the most debated question of the day: how should the laws of antitrust and intellectual property work together to achieve their common goal of enhancing social welfare.  相似文献   

The investment of urban rail transport brings a large scale of benefits to the society, and the calculation of these benefits makes sense of evaluating of the investment return accurately and establishes the approach for return of urban rail transit development benefits. Theoretically this paper analyzes the relationship between railway construction and land price. Based on the property value method, we emphatically discuss the calculation methods for estimating the investment benefits through land price rising degree. The paper establishes the model of urban rail transport construction on land value impacts based on the data of No. 13, Beijing light rail, and gives the proof of model using another rail of Beijing——Batong Rail.  相似文献   

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