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企业管理活动中最为关键的三个要素就是人、制度和文化。首先是人的要素,因为企业管理归根结底是对人的管理;第二是制度要素,制度是企业正常运转的基本保障;最后是文化要素,文化是促进企业健康运营无以替代的潜在力量。人性和人性的法则关于组织行为的研究的一个重要的基本假设  相似文献   

以人为本首先表现为对人性的尊重,尊重员工需要,满足员工需求。以人为本的概念是建立在对人的基本假设即对人性的界定之上的。以人为本意味着要尊重人权,体现人性,考虑人情。具体以人为本的管理模式可归结为制度管理模式、情感管理模式、自我管理模式和文化管理模式。  相似文献   

以人为本首先表现为对人性的尊重,尊重员工需要,满足员工需求.以人为本的概念是建立在对人的基本假设即对人性的界定之上的.以人为本意味着要尊重人权,体现人性,考虑人情.具体以人为本的管理模式可归结为制度管理模式、情感管理模式、自我管理模式和文化管理模式.  相似文献   

从管理的角度,人性假设实即企业对员工人性的基本态度,它将直接影响企业对人力资源管理模式的 选择,影响领导风格和管理作风,最终影响到企业的经营管理效果。因此,我们应重视和加强对员工人性的调查 与研究。基于实践调查和分析,我们把当前我国企业员工人性特征概括为环境性,学习性,实利性和复杂性。  相似文献   

从管理的角度,人性假设实即企业对员工人性的基本态度,它将直接影响企业对人力资源管理模式的选择,影响领导风格和管理作风,最终影响到企业的经营管理效果。因此,我们应重视和加强对员工人性的调查与研究。基于实践调查和分析,我们把当前我国企业员工人性特征概括为环境性,学习性,实利性和复杂性。  相似文献   

罗孝高 《商场现代化》2007,(31):266-267
知识型员工作为一个特殊的群体,具有鲜明的个性特征。基于知识型员工人力资源的独有特征,提出一种新的人性假设——"价值人"假设,即企业组织中知识型员工是工具价值与自我价值二维存在的统一体。在"价值人"的人性假设条件下,基本的管理理念是实施价值管理,管理模式从传统的"命令—控制"型向"引导—激励"型转变。  相似文献   

王希泉 《商业时代》2008,(14):108-109
公司战略性慈善行为是非市场战略中的一种子战略,从人性观对公司战略性慈善行为进行理论透视,可以发现战略性慈善所基于的人性基础发生了经济人假设向社会人假设及道德人假设的嬗变,但在现阶段,我国对战略性公司慈善行为的理解还不能完全脱离技术经济理性,企业脱离了现实的利益计算和对未来收益的常理策划,公司慈善将成为无水之源.  相似文献   

本文从人的需求角度分析了人性假设中的混沌特征,认为人性假设中存在着一种内在随机性和对初始条件的敏感依赖性等混沌特征,由于混沌吸引子的存在,这种混沌特征中又存在着一种普遍性和规律性,以此为基础研究了企业员工的行为激励问题。  相似文献   

在中国明清时期,晋商成为闻名国内外商界的一支重要力量。晋商最成功的方面莫过于其员工管理,尤其是晋商首创的身股制,这一制度不仅具有西方经典激励理论——"双因素理论"的特点,同时也凝聚了现代人力资本管理精髓。本文基于"儒"文化的人性假设论述了晋商的员工管理模式,并且揭示了晋商员工管理模式对现代人力资源管理的启示。  相似文献   

李辉 《江苏商论》2004,(6):90-91
管理思想建立在对人的本性和行为动机更为恰当的认识上,因而管理模式的选择应该以人性假设为前提。本文剖析了我国的人性观,结合基于人性假设管理模式选择流程提出了我国企业管理的基本模式。  相似文献   

As the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy requires promoting employee participation and initiating meaningful changes in organisational culture, the involvement of the human resource management (HRM) function in policy formulation and implementation is highly desirable. The relationship between the HRM and CSR functions is, however, under-investigated than other areas. Hence, there is a lack of clarity concerning HRM roles and the conditions under which they may be strategic or operational in nature. By drawing on data from interviews with 29 CSR and HRM professionals of large organisations in New Zealand, this paper argues that the role and contribution of the HR function in CSR is contingent on organisational variables such as the CSR structure, the scope and application of CSR and the nature of the HR functions. It concludes that in such contexts HRM is more likely to offer operational support in executing CSR rather than strategic input.  相似文献   

We build on limited research concerning the mediation processes associated with the relationship between ethical culture and employee outcomes. A multidimensional measure of ethical culture was examined for its relationship to overall Person-Organization (P–O) fit and employee response, using a sample of 436 employees from social economy and commercial banks in Spain. In line with previous research involving unidimensional measures, ethical culture was found to relate positively to employee job satisfaction, affective commitment, and intention to stay. New to the literature, ethical culture was also found to be associated positively with employee willingness to recommend the organization to others. These effects were observed even when perceptions of P–O fit were controlled. Importantly, ethical culture was also positively related to overall P–O fit, which in turn, partially mediated the relationship between ethical culture and employee outcomes. Our findings add to studies that focus on the importance of the degree of ethical congruence between the individual employee and the organization. They suggest that ethical culture, with its expected impact on virtuousness and emotional well-being, will positively influence outcomes independently of the degree to which there is a match between employee and organizational values.  相似文献   

This empirical study investigated the impact of organizational training on employee commitment focusing on employees' emotional and affective responses towards their organization. Organizational training is conceptualized within a multidimensional framework consisting of motivation for training, access to training, benefits from training and support for training. The hypothesis of this study has been built on a resource‐based view, social exchange theory and psychological contract theory. Field research was conducted through surveys with 298 participants of four‐ and five‐star hotels operating in Izmir, Turkey. Confirmatory factor analyses were used to analyse the quality of the training scales and multiple regression analyses were conducted to test the hypotheses of the study. The results revealed that all dimensions of training positively affected employee commitment. Implications have been presented for both researchers and human resource practitioners as to how to utilize organizational training factors to increase employee commitment.  相似文献   

基于企业文化建设的员工满意度提升策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业文化建设已经成为现代企业管理的重要内容,成为增强企业核心竞争力的重要途径。员工满意度是员工通过把现实感受与期望结果进行比较得出的。而在企业实际经营过程中,如想提高客户满意度,必须提升员工满意度。企业文化建设对员工满意度提升有着明显的促进作用。建设企业文化的目标就是实现员工个人和企业的满意和双赢。企业可以从精神意识文化、制度管理文化、行为习俗文化、物质生活文化四方面着手进行文化建设来提升员工满意度。  相似文献   

文章以333名员工和68名主管在两时间点进行的配对调查为样本,基于群体卷入模型的研究视角,探析了高参与人力资源实践与员工前瞻行为之间的关系,对员工感知的高参与人力资源实践如何通过员工组织地位感知促进前瞻行为进行了研究。研究结果表明,员工感知的高参与人力资源实践能够正向预测员工的前瞻行为,而员工组织地位感知在这一关系中起完全中介作用。同时,员工主动性人格会削弱组织地位感知对前瞻行为的正向影响,即相对于高主动性人格的员工,主动性人格较低的员工更易受到由高参与人力资源实践导致的组织地位感知的正向影响,进而更多表现前瞻行为。  相似文献   

The employee owned company (EOC) might be the ideal blend of capitalism and communitarianism that vitalizes the global economy. EOCs – based on the concepts of employee participation and control – have sprung up in the United Kingdom, some parts of the European Union, the United States, Japan, and the former Eastern Bloc countries. Research has shown that they are able to compete effectively with more traditional companies. However, in addition to the pressures of business competition, EOCs face two other key problems as they strive to survive: (1) degeneration and (2) human nature and the abuse of power. After introducing the idea of the EOC and describing briefly these two key problems, this article presents seven recommendations for sustaining employee owned companies. These recommendations – grounded in sound organizational theory and the writings of experts in the field of employee ownership – are offered as hypotheses to be examined empirically by future researchers.  相似文献   


This study discusses the establishment and evolution of effective internal communications in pre-IPO start-ups, with a focus on 6 variables: employee communications, organizational structure and culture, public relations and communication models, leadership styles, decision-making approaches, and employee motivation. The qualitative study explores how these variables establish effective internal communications in growing pre-IPO start-ups. In addition, the study provides an ideal internal communications model to guide entrepreneurs in establishing start-ups. The findings also emphasize human resources (HR) as a 7th influential variable.  相似文献   

This paper explores the benefits of measuring emotions and their dynamic nature during the customer experience with neurophysiological measures. In this study, emotions are measured during a service interaction (with self-service technology or a human employee) going through a series of touchpoints, including a service failure. We show that creating a loyalty card with the help of a service employee or self-service technology did not impact customers’ perceived service satisfaction and their behavioral intentions. This paper demonstrates that neurophysiological measures such as Galvanic Skin Response might be better equipped to unveil the dynamic nature of emotions (e.g., arousal) during the customer experience and that valence measured by neurophysiological tools (using electroencephalography) better reconciles with the effect found for satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Our findings have implications for both researchers and practitioners who want to understand and bolster customer experiences, thereby taking customer emotions and its appropriate measurement tools into consideration.  相似文献   

As an increasing number of customers choose to interact with service firms via technology, there is an urgent need to understand whether consumers react differently to technology-based failures/recovery efforts than human failures/recovery efforts. Using resource exchange theory as a framework, the present investigation examined the role of failure mode (SST vs. face-to-face encounter) and recovery mode on customers' fairness perceptions. Results from Study 1 suggest that compensation offered by a front-line employee might be more effective in restoring justice with traditional failures (match condition) than with SST failures (mismatch condition). Findings from Study 2 further support the matching hypothesis in terms of distributive justice. On the other hand, human touch seems more effective in restoring interactional fairness than on-line recovery. The follow-up study extends the matching hypothesis to satisfaction with problem handling and repurchase intent. Managerial implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

目前我国零售业的人力资源管理面临较大的困境,如对企业人力资源管理的战略地位认识不足;缺乏人力资源规划;员工流失比例高;员工缺乏培训等。从人力资源管理理论演变的过程说明,其原因是人力资源管理的职能没有转变。零售业人力资源部门应逐渐从行政性管理工作中解放出来,开始更多地从事战略性人力资源管理工作,对于那些行政性的事务应进行虚拟化运作,制定员工管理虚拟、招聘虚拟、培训虚拟等对策。  相似文献   

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