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大规模定制生产方式及其竞争优势   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
以信息技术为代表的高技术的飞速发展,正在使大规模定制这种人们梦寐以求的生产组织方式成为现实。企业要实现向大规模定制生产方式的转变,必须从产品设计、零部件制造、装配、供应链以及销售服务等多个阶段和多个环节采用多种方法实现顾客的多样性需求和共性需求。在IT及相关技术的支持下,大规模定制生产方式将充分发挥大规模生产和定制生产各自独特的优势,为率先采用这种生产方式的企业赢得竞争优势。  相似文献   

何雪峰 《现代商业》2014,(20):207-208
大规模定制的核心是以大规模生产的低成本和高效率满足顾客的个性化需求。然而企业要想满足顾客的个性化需求,则首先要准确理解顾客需求。论文首先分析大规模定制产品需求的内涵,并提出定制需求生命周期概念,从定制需求主体和定制需求时间方面进行定制需求特性分析。研究对于企业准确理解顾客需求,成功实施大规模定制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

梁锴  刘超凡 《华商》2008,(11):8-9
随着生活水平的不断提高,人们已不再满足于同质化、标准化的产品,而是追求多样化和个性化的产品。文章认为,这种消费观念的转变,给中国制造业带来了严峻的挑战。全文在分析了大规模定制相关理论及中国制造企业目前状况的基础上,引出中国制造企业向大规模定制生产模式转变的问题。分析了针对中国制造企业面向大规模定制生产模式转变过程中可能出现的障碍和问题,并提出了几点针对之策。  相似文献   

大规模定制生产模式 ,是继大规模生产和精益生产方式后又一极具竞争力和生命力的新型生产模式 ,目前已被很多国外企业所认识和采用 ,并取得了令人满意的效益。然而由于对其内涵理解不够深刻 ,企业在对大规模定制的实施过程中也步入了一些误区。因此 ,企业决策者要深刻理解大规模定制的内涵并采取相应措施 ,真正享受大规模定制带来的巨大利益。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,客户追求差异化产品和服务的欲望越来越强,成本和质量已不再是制胜的关键因素,企业竞争的焦点集中在如何对越来越分散、日益扰动的市场做出灵活而快速的响应,更好地满足多样且定制化的客户需求。大规模定制是在信息时代为了适应新的市场环境而提出的一种新的生产范式,它试图以大规模生产的低成本和高效率,为单个或小批量客户定制任意数量的产品和服务,以无限的产品外部多样化满足每个客户的个性化需求,大规模定制有助于企业全面提高对市场需求变化的适应能力,是企业未来竞争战略的发展方向。  相似文献   

焦新龙  刘春朝 《商业时代》2006,(26):110-111
大规模定制生产模式作为未来的主流生产模式,使企业的客户资源得以更合理的利用。但是大规模定制生产模式的实施应用必须要有与之相适应的企业文化做支撑,因此企业文化已成为大规模定制能否发挥效能的前提条件,同时大规模定制的成功实施又为企业文化新的变革提供推动力。只有经过文化改造和整合的企业,才能更好地使大规模定制的实施与应用水到渠成,使企业获得更强的生命力。  相似文献   

大规模定制与现代企业组织研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着个性化需求的增强 ,人们不再满足于大规模生产模式带来的低价同质产品 ,而转向偏好异质的个性化产品。大规模定制 (masscustomization)综合了单件定制 (customization)和大规模生产 (massproduc tion)的优点 ,能够使公司快速设计、生产出满足顾客差异化需求的产品。同时 ,与单件定制的产品相比 ,存在产品价格低、品质高、生产速度快等特点。大规模生产向大规模定制转变是必然趋势。  相似文献   

孙彦东 《中国市场》2009,(18):36-37
大规模定制生产模式作为本世纪最具发展潜力的生产模式,正被国内外许多企业研究和实践着。定制化的高成本低效率如何有效嫁接于规模化生产是困扰企业界的难题所在。本文简要分析了大规模定制生产模式的基本思想和现实意义,研究了这种生产模式的重要特征,比较系统地提出了实现大规模定制生产的具体策略,希望为我国企业实施大规模定制模式提供借鉴。  相似文献   

大规模定制为企业带来了变革和影响.企业从大规模生产转变为大规模定制时,企业的技术、方法、流程等都发生变化,对企业的成本管理也提出了新的要求.传统成本管理在大规模定制中的不适应性,主要体现在管理目标、管理对象、管理重点、核算方法、管理范围等方面.企业应从以顾客满意是大规模定制成本管理的前提;作业是大规模定制成本管理的基础;大规模定制的成本管理是产品全生命周期管理;间接费用采用作业管理,直接分配到作业等方面入手,定制大规模成本管理的思路.  相似文献   

由于大规模定制生产模式是大批量生产方式与定制生产方式相结合的,大规模定制模式下的企业在某些环节采用大批量生产方式,而在另一些环节应用定制生产的方式。因此单单的适用预测模型和单一的预测方法并不能够准确的对其进行预测。本文就是针对大规模定制模式的特点对大规模定制模式下的需求预测方法进行了初步探讨,参考了供应链的驱动模型理论,引进大规模定制供应链中客户定单分离点的概念,研究了如何进行预测需求确定与预测数据选择。  相似文献   

近年来,把大规模定制与供应链结合起来的研究较多。本文回顾和整理了国内外的大规模定制供应链文献,分析了大规模定制供应链特征、运作优化、延迟策略、计划调度、客户订单分离点定位对大规模定制供应链影响等研究热点,提出了大规模定制供应链运作存在的局限性,对大规模定制供应链的未来研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

食品生产供应链中,各个阶段、各交易节点之间的契约模式选择在交易成本的约束下,最终会对食品的质量安全水平产生影响。本文以交易成本的三个维度为研究视角,从理论上分析了食品供应链上的交易主体在交易成本约束下的契约选择行为,进而考察其对食品安全供给的影响。研究表明:首先,专用性资产投资越多,交易契约越倾向于紧密型,有利于食品的安全供给;其次,不确定性(质量、价格等)程度越高,下游企业越倾向于生产契约形式,有利于食品的安全供给;第三,交易频率越高,交易双方对彼此的信任程度越高,企业越倾向于采取生产契约模式,有利于食品的安全供给。  相似文献   

Strategically deploying customized products in an e-commerce environment not only helps businesses respond with greater agility to customer needs and strengthen their market position, but also helps businesses gain competitive edge and increase profitability. Underlying successful mass customization within the digital marketplace, a firm needs a methodology for striking a balance between the degree of customization and product pricing and delivery time—a critical supply chain issue. Providing either too much or too little customization can negatively impact both the business and the customer.

This study introduces a decision-making method for product customization. This method takes into account the level of customization, production costs, and the product delivery time and applies the concept of postponement strategy to the product supply chain to boost overall supply chain effectiveness and customer satisfaction. Bicycle customization is used as an example to demonstrate the feasibility of the new approach to determine the optimal level of customization in product deployment.  相似文献   

Mass customization is presented as one of the ways to deal with the increasingly demanding and turbulent environments. Achieving mass customization requires the development of multidimensional strategic capabilities. In an evolutionary process these capabilities can be developed. In this paper the capabilities required to realize mass customization are made explicit and postponement is presented as an operational method to move towards a mass customization strategy. Results of an exploratory survey (among 101 companies) are presented to assess the trend towards mass customization based on the development of the necessary strategic capabilities and the application of postponement.  相似文献   

冯根尧 《商业研究》2006,(19):21-23
基于流程设计的服务性企业分类,分析高度标准化服务与高度定制化服务两种极端模式的片面性,探讨大批量定制化模式在服务性企业的应用及“顾客感知点”概念,明确在不影响服务质量的前提下,推迟服务链中的“顾客感知点”是服务性企业提高自身效益的有效途径。  相似文献   

基于多元化战略的集团公司销售协同探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,多元化战略是很多大型集团公司采用的经营方式,也是实现协同效应的重要方式,同时协同效应是实施多元化战略的重要动因。销售协同的关联存在于销售活动价值链的各个环节,且相关多元化公司更容易找到这种关联。不同协同方式各有特点及适用条件,公司应考虑其产品类型、经营区域、目标客户及公司战略等因素来选择恰当的方式。文章提出,在实现销售协同的过程中应注意以下问题:不同协同方式如品牌延伸、人员共享与跨部门使用、销售基础设施共享、共享物流、建立销售子公司等有各自的优劣势和适用条件。在实施销售协同过程中应该注意由高层推动与设定共同战略目标,创造良好的环境氛围,选择恰当的协同方式,建立有效的评价激励制度等方面的问题。  相似文献   

食品质量安全供应链规制研究:以乳品为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在现有的质量规制政策下,食品质量安全事故频繁发生的原因是强制性公共规制难以有效地介入食品供应链的质量生产过程。对供应链生产过程的公共规制失灵,为被规制者以质量手段谋求利益最大化留下了充分的对策性空间。由供应链核心厂商实施的私人质量规制,以其信息成本优势、对策性行为少和规制的可持续性,能够有效地弥补公共规制对供应链的质量规制空白。  相似文献   

In recent years, China has experienced many crises related to food safety which have challenged the legitimacy of food production companies and damaged the reputation of relevant state law enforcement agencies, as well as influenced consumer confidence. Based on recent interviews with 20 food and drink production companies in the Shanghai region, this paper aims to address a key research question: what are the institutional and organizational factors that influence the production systems in general and the quality and safety of products in particular? The outcome of this research indicates that the pressure to minimize costs driven by price competition, changing consumer expectations, as well as a lack of enforcement of state regulation, cause companies to struggle to stay afloat and impede their commitment to social responsibility.  相似文献   

In recent decades sustainability and dual-route retailing have been adopted by many big industries. Companies are now bound to maintain such strategies that fulfill the sustainable goals developed by the United Nations. Industries face a huge penalty if carbon emissions exceed a certain boundary. Moreover, factories should maintain sufficient flow in retail chains and product quality. This paper demonstrates 3-pillar sustainability in dual channel retailing, empowering firms to integrate the financial-economic pillar with the non-financial (environmental, social, and ethical) pillar. The core product is made available through the traditional channel and customized products are through online channels. The model is enabling the customers with customization provisions where they can influence the products. Thus, as a novel approach, the article incorporates a presumed threshold limit on the product's (standard and customized) selling price difference. Due to customization, a new product is developed which needs extensive quality checks. The study introduces an investment in checking the quality of the customized product which reduces the probability of customization defects exponentially. Additionally, current research adapts the carbon emission cost, penalties charged to a firm for overshooting the limit, and social costs in a smart supply chain. It also exemplifies that production is directly proportional to financial investments in meeting sustainability objectives. The numerical analysis reflects that as production increases, penalty costs decrease at a significant rate but after reaching optimal production penalty cost again starts to increase. It is observed that the downfall of penalty is 20% more for the single-channel than dual. Adaptation of the customization policy makes the retailing strategy more cost-effective. The model exemplifies that it is more economical to adopt dual-channel retailing compared to single-channel as there is approximately a 14.0625% reduction in total cost in dual-channel retailing. Moreover, an 80% improved quality is observed with a financial investment, which improves consumer satisfaction.  相似文献   

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