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电信运营企业的核心竞争力——顾客资产研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,国内电信运营企业的竞争日趋激烈,价格大战此起彼伏,但就其竞争的根本而言,实质就是对顾客资源的竞争。因此,如何对本企业的顾客资产进行客观的分析和评价,并在此基础上更好的保护、使用本企业的顾客资产,是电信运营企业可持续发展的前提,也是电信运营企业取得良好经济效益的根本保证,更是电信运营企业核心竞争力的所在。  相似文献   

The two leading US long-distance carriers—AT&T and MCI—have recently been acquired by two of the four major incumbent local exchange carriers—SBC and Verizon—and shortly thereafter, the new AT&T (SBC and the old AT&T) acquired BellSouth. Contemporaneously, alternatives to traditional voice communications provided by cable television and internet- based providers indicate a shifting of competition from a single voice market to the “triple play” of voice, video, and high-speed data. These developments imply a fundamentally different model of competition and industry structure than the one of “dominant firms” supplying essential inputs to new entrants for traditional voice service that was envisioned in the 1996 US Telecommunications Act, as implemented by Federal Communications Commission. In response to these developments, state governments, the FCC, and Canadian authorities have enacted legislative or regulatory changes that limit retail price regulation to services such as the basic residential telephone line. Approaches for assessing market power and other competitive issues that account for the specific characteristics of the emerging (converging) industry are also discussed. The paper concludes by describing the implications of the emerging nature of telecommunications competition for future ex ante and/or ex post regulation, market power assessment, continued regulation, and antitrust analyses.
Timothy J. TardiffEmail:

During the early days of professional baseball, the dominant major leagues imposed a “reserve clause” designed to limit player wages by restricting competition for labor. Entry into the market by rival leagues challenged the incumbent monopsony cartel's ability to restrict compensation. Using a sample of player salaries from the first 40 years of the reserve clause (1880–1919), this study examines the impact of inter-league competition on player wages. This study finds a positive salary effect associated with rival league entry that is consistent with monopsony wage suppression, but the effect is stronger during the 20th century than the 19th century. Changes in levels of market saturation and minor-league competition may explain differences in the effects between the two eras.  相似文献   

随着移动通信行业的资费不断下调,移动业务逐渐被培养成国民的消费习惯.以前的时候,新家里必不可缺的就是一部甚至一部以上的固定电话;现在人们搬新居,尤其是年轻人,有些都不装固定电话,原因是在手机资费越来越低的情况下,固定电话利用率太低了,白白可惜了月租.  相似文献   

Rapid growth of mobile telecommunications is a widespread phenomenon in the world. This emerging network is supposed to be closely interdependent with the wire-based network. In this paper, after reviewing the Japanese regulatory scheme for mobile telecommunications, we investigate the interdependency by estimating both price elasticities and network effects among them. The own-price elasticities are relatively high, and the substitution, as well as the network, effect is substantial. Moreover, the resulting super-elasticities of mobile telephones are consistently larger than those of fixed-line telephones. These findings indicate that the Ramsey optimal price structure may have required a lower price–cost margin of mobile networks, relative to that of fixed-line networks. It should be noted, however, that the difference in super-elasticity between the two networks seems to have substantially diminished during our sample period. J. Japan. Int. Econ., December 1999, 13(4), pp. 311–335. Shinshu University, Nagano 390-8621, Japan and InfoCom Research Institute, Tokyo 107-0062, Japan. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: D12, L43, L96.  相似文献   

发达国家药品安全规制经验及对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发达国家药品安全规制机构独立,法律体系及召回制度完善,对中国建立健全药品安全规制体系具有重要启示作用。我国需要建立健全独立高效的药品安全规制机构,完善药品安全规制法律体系,发挥药品专家咨询委员会的作用,健全药品召回制度,提高技术支撑能力。  相似文献   

日本的《天店法》及对中国零售业规制的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余晖 《开放导报》2006,(4):108-110
本文通过对日本《大店法》在不同阶段对日本零售业的规模、国际化程度及立地所产生的影响分析,提出中国有必要借鉴日本的经验,通过立法对零售业进行规制,以限制大店过度竞争,保护居民生活环境,合理利用工地等资源。  相似文献   

市场竞争、激励机制与国有企业生产率决定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李利英 《南方经济》2006,109(6):30-37
本文用CASS数据实证检验了国有企业的主要改革措施对生产率的影响,研究结果表明非国有企业的发展带来的竞争、国有企业参与利润的分配、企业内部激励手段的运用和产量自主权、投资自主权的获得对生产率的增长都起到了积极的作用。这一结论在一定程度上肯定了我国国有企业改革的渐进式改革方式,仅就生产率增长而言,在不改变国有企业的产权归属的前提下,靠决策权力的下放和利益的再分配及市场竞争的压力也能达到预期的目的。  相似文献   

At the China Development Forum in Beijing, March 2002, I was asked to be discussant to Governor Dai Xianlong, but his paper, as in most cases, was not made available beforehand, so my own comments had to be made independently. Following that event, I can now remark on the Forum as well as reproducing my discussant paper. In this latter, I emphasize the importance of developing professional skills, greater competition and the application, through regulation, of appropriate incentives for the continued improvement of China's financial system.  相似文献   

文章在给出股票市场合作概念的基础上,提出现阶段的东亚股票市场合作的内容应包括股票市场监管的合作、证券交易所的合作和交叉上市。本文基于这三方面内容分析东亚股票市场合作的发展现状及存在的问题,并针对问题提出了东亚股票市场合作的发展战略。  相似文献   

The liberalization of telecommunications has contributed to considerable price reductions in international telephony and to rising volumes of telecommunications. This raises the issue of the economic impact of international telephony. Falling international information and transaction costs should stimulate competition and enlarge the market radius for producers in the tradables sector—this lets us to expect trade creation effects of international telecommunications; this in turn should raise output provided that more intensive international telecommunications stimulates international diffusion of knowledge or brings about trade-related specialization gains. Based on a modified gravity equation which is taking into account the role of international telecommunication volumes—based on new ITU data—we show that international telephony has a significant positive impact on trade volume: A rise of the international telecommunications volume by 10% raises trade by 2% in Europe. At the same time the coefficients of the traditional variables, GDP in the exporting and the importing country, are smaller than in traditional approaches. Thus from a policy perspective the modernization and growth of the international telecommunications network—within a system of enhanced competition—is crucial for Europe: economic integration will be reinforced. From this perspective the Lisbon Agenda is right to emphasize the importance of creating a digitally networked knowledge society.
Paul J. J. WelfensEmail: URL: www.euroeiiw.de


Unreported income is an important factor that distorts China’s household income accounting and Gini coefficient calculation. On the basis of comparing NBS household survey data and data from China’s Cash Flow Statement, this paper estimates the size and structure of unreported income in China over recent years. Our study found that about 20% of household disposable income has not been covered by existing household surveys in recent years. In 2015, the omission rate was 19.5%. Operating income and property income have the highest omission rates. Considering that unreported income is primarily owned by high-income people, China’s falling Gini coefficient since 2009 may have resulted from the statistical omission of partial incomes of high-income group. If unreported income is re-included, China’s Gini coefficient would increase by 10 percentage points rather than decrease.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Auswirkungen der staatlichen Preisdiskriminierung und deren ?quivalenz zur Zollpolitik. — In diesem Aufsatz wird ein wichtiges nichttarif?res Handelshemmnis — die diskriminierende ?ffentliche Beschaffungspolitik ⦌ystematisch unter weltweiten Wettbewerbsbedingungen untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, da\ es bei dieser Marktstruktur drei verschiedene F?lle gibt. In zwei von drei F?llen gelingt es der staatlichen Preisdiskriminierung, zwei traditionelle Ziele der Handelspolitik zu erreichen, n?mlich die Importe zu vermindern und die heimische Produktion zu erh?hen. Danach wird ein Vergleich zwischen der Politik der staatlichen Preisdiskriminierung und der Zollpolitik in Form einer ?quivalenzanalyse durchgeführt. Das Hauptergebnis ist, da\ eine Zollpolitik die Importe wirksamer verringern kann. Dieses Resultat beruht auf den unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen der beiden handelspolitischen Ma\nahmen auf den Konsum. Au\erdem wird gezeigt, da\ das Niveau der sich auf das Inland beziehenden Variablen, das mit der jeweiligen Politik erreicht wird, nicht ?quivalent ist. Infolgedessen kann die Politik der staatlichen Preisdiskriminierung eine Zollpolitik nicht ersetzen.
Résumé L’effet de la discrimination des prix gouvernementales et son équivalence avec la politique douanière. — Cet article présente une analyse systématique d’un obstacle non tarifaire (ONT) important — la politique des achats publics discriminatoires — sous des conditions de concurrence mondiale. L’auteur démontre qu’il y a trois cas distincts dans cette structure de marché. En deux cas la discrimination des prix gouvernementale (DPG) est effective de réaliser les deux buts traditionnels de la politique commerciale, c’est-à-dire d’abaisser les importations et d’augmenter la production locale. Puis, l’auteur présente une comparaison, en manière d’une analyse d’équivalence, entre la DPG et la politique tarifaire. Il arrive à la conclusion principale qu’une politique tarifaire est plus effective en diminuant les importations. Ce résultat est gagné à cause des effets différents de chaque politique sur la consommation. De plus, l’auteur démontre que les niveaux des variables locales obtenus sous chaque politique sont non-équivalents. C’est pourquoi la DPG ne peut pas remplacer une politique tarifaire.

Resumen El impacto de discriminación de precios gubernamental y su equivalencia con la tarifa. — Este artículo ha presentado un exámen sistemático de una importante barrera no tarifaria — politica gubernamental de consecución discriminatoria — bajo condiciones competitivas mundiales. Se demostró que existen tres casos diferentes dentro de esta estructura de mercado. Para dos casos se vió que la discriminación de precios gubernamental (DPG) fue efectiva para alcanzar los dos objetivos tradicionales de la política comercial, es decir disminuir las importaciones, y aumentar la producción doméstica. Se prentó una comparación, en la forma de un análisis de equivalencia, entre la DPG y la política tarifaria. La principal conclusión fue que una política de tarifa fue más efectiva para reducir las importaciones. Este resultado se produjo debido a los efectos diferentes de cada política sobre el consumo. También los niveles de variables domésticas obtenidos bajo cada política se mostró que eran no equivalentes. Por lo tanto, es posible que los efectos de la DPG pueden no ser capaces de reemplazar todos los efectos de una política tarifaria.

通道费的避税效应与规制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
收取通道费在我国已成为零售企业的一种盈利模式,而零售商向供应商滥收通道费引起我国当前工商矛盾尖锐化。本文分析了我国通道费的概念和构成,发现零售商收取通道费具有避税效应,这是我国通道费盛行的原因之一。由于通道费构成的复杂性,解决通道费问题不宜硬性取消或强制采取控制的规定,政府可以采用征收通道费税的办法予以规制。本文通过模型设计,得出调节通道费的控制变量,设计了针对通道费的征税机制,为政府规制零售商收取通道费行为提供了依据。  相似文献   

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