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清代河北获鹿县编审册之地权分配资料显示:地权分配在康熙年间至乾隆初年呈逐渐集中之势;乾隆中叶以后,地权分配渐趋分散,前后形成周期性波动。这种波动既不同于俄国恰亚诺夫式周期,也与中国的治乱周期相矛盾。它是由土地市场变动及诸子分家继承制共同形成的,具有中国特色。  相似文献   

在理论与实践中,传统课程作为外在价值的手段和工具,具有工具理性主义属性.随着工具理性主义课程对人的"科学"灌输,人一步一步被还原为物;具有不同爱好、动机、需要、气质、性格和智能的具体人变成了抽象人.工具理性主义的课程造成悲剧性后果--"人的分裂".因而,超越工具理性主义课程要实现课程目标的多元化和课程实施的人格化.  相似文献   

In August 1984, the second International Conference on Population took place in Mexico City. The substantive discussions confirmed that the population-development debate of the 1970's has faded and that the center of influence within the population movement has shifted from the West toward the developing countries. They also pointed toward a growing commitment among the developing countries to address population issues and probably led to an increased willingness among the developed nations to continue providing sizeable financial aid for this purpose. Overall, they suggested that large United Nations gatherings are not inevitably prevented from yielding results of substantive significance by the political haggling that so often plagues them.  相似文献   

Little attention has been given to the cigarette bans that were enacted by many states in the late-19th and early-20th century. The recent study by Alston et al. [Explorations in Economic History 39 (2002) 425] represents the only empirical analysis of this issue. Alston et al., as typical for many other studies of historical regulatory movements, rely on legislative vote outcomes. In this article we examine the only occasion when a cigarette ban was put to a popular vote, in Oregon in 1930, and highlight the benefits of studying direct-democratic votes to assess support for regulatory movements. To study the relationship between the anti-cigarette movement and other reform movements of the era, we compare the determinants of support for the cigarette ban with support for an Oregon alcohol prohibition referendum in 1933. Our results suggest that supporters of both reform movements were more likely to be found in counties with higher percentages of women, evangelical Protestants, and rural residents, which contrasts with Alston et al.’s study of state legislative behavior. In addition, greater support for alcohol prohibition in particular was found in counties with a larger percentage of immigrants and, to a lesser extent, more registered Republicans.  相似文献   

The remarkable economic success of the United States in the1990s led many observers to talk about a ‘New Economy’.This paper provides an overview of the main issues, includingfaster productivity growth, the stability of inflation despitevery low unemployment, the reduction in output volatility, therole of monetary policy, and the boom in the stock market. Thepaper also considers whether or not the acceleration in productivitygrowth can be sustained, and the possible implications for therest of the world.  相似文献   

窦玉生 《走向世界》2009,(24):38-40
如今,京沪高铁济南西客站正处在有条不紊的建设过程中.十一运和园博会即将盛大开幕,西部新城初露峥嵘,槐荫这块热土的建设更是如火如茶。拥抱了空前的发展机遇之后,槐荫光明的未来已经毋庸置疑。  相似文献   

Discussion in this paper of the areas and scope for domestic policy action aimed at improving the process of domestic resource mobilization, allocation and use is developed in several stages. First, the authors assess the progress made by LDCs in raising their rates of saving and investment over the past 25 years. Next, government policies — government tax expenditure and pricing policies, in particular — and their effect on public savings are discussed. This is followed by treatment of the issues of private saving performance and allocation, i.e. how to stimulate and make better use of household savings. Institutional and policy measures are suggested as means of promoting a more active role of the banking system. Brief reference is made to the role of development banks in project preparation and in tapping the capital market.  相似文献   

今年3月4日,68岁的寿光果农黄荣名将鼠标轻轻一点,一笔向几千公里之外的厦门销售大棚早熟葡萄的买卖就敲定了。这是黄荣名自今年2月8日在互联网注册开张“荣名水果店”以来,做成的第三笔网上生意。由于山东省把建设“网上山东”作为21世纪的一项重大战略决策,作为其中的一个重要环节,近两三年来,电子商务得到了迅猛的发展,由此带来的人们在工作效率上的提高、生活上的便利,是以前无法想象的。 山东电信建设电子商务发展平台 在推进电子商务化过程中,作为通信产业主体企业的电信无疑起着举足轻重的作用。 作为山东最大的电子商务网络接入商和方案提供商,山东电信电子商务系统是中国电信总局确定的10个电子商务试点省市中第一个开通的符合中国电信电子商务技术规范的系统,该系统包括  相似文献   

今年一季度重庆经济发展速度创历史新高,令人振奋.这是直辖10年找基础、建平台赢来的新跨越,是站在直辖10年新起点上一个充满后劲的新腾跃.经过10年积累后,重庆正以令人惊奇的速度释放能量,进入新一轮经济增长周期的扩张期,为践行党中央新的战略部署,拉动了强力引擎.  相似文献   

作为中国最早的现代化运动,洋务运动期间我国兴办了不少的股份公司,然股份公司制度毕竟是与先进的社会大生产方式联系在一起的,需要社会在典章制度,精神和习俗等方面及时地加以配合,因此股份公司在中国出现了一系列的不适应症,为此,洋务思想家提出了一系列的建设股份公司理想,如加强对股份公司成立资格的审查;必须建立,健全公司的法人治理结构,以及强调规范证券市场等,这些思想对今天的股份公司建设仍有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

Financial inclusion remains at the heart of governments concerns. By creating favorable conditions for access to a diversified range of adapted financial products and services at affordable costs for the populations, financial inclusion generates important opportunities that could lead to increased tax revenue mobilization. This paper analyzes the effects of financial inclusion on tax revenue mobilization, using panel data from West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) countries over the period 2006–2019. The findings suggest that financial inclusion positively and significantly influences government's tax revenue. Moreover, by looking at the effects of disaggregated financial inclusion dimensions (access, use, and affordability) on various components of tax revenue, we find that the estimated coefficients on the subcomponents of financial inclusion are statistically significant. Results also indicate that the magnitude of effect of financial inclusion is higher on indirect taxes compared to direct tax revenues. This research recommends that policy-makers should prioritize financial inclusion in their policies and development agenda through National Financial Inclusion Strategies (NFIS) because it can increase countries' resource mobilization and help them to build fiscal resilience.  相似文献   

戏戈 《今日重庆》2006,(10):30-33
郎咸平:“我知道重庆正在打造时尚之都,并大力发展创意产业,这不个想法很有代表性。”[编者按]  相似文献   

为学习贯彻胡锦涛总书记、温家宝总理关于科技自主创新和加快国家高新区发展的重要指示精神,推动国家高新区实施以增强自主创新能力为核心的“二次创业”发展战略,更好地发挥国家高新区高新技术产业化重要基地的优势,推动国家高新区成为促进技术进步和增强自主创新能力的重要载体,科技部于2005年8月25~26日在北京召开“国家高新技术产业开发区工作会议”。  相似文献   

重庆两江新区 中国打造的内陆开放新高地   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
重庆两江新区的成立,标志着中国继上海浦东新区、天津滨海新区之后的第三个国家级开发开放重点新区在内陆重庆建立。这是自中国共产党十一届三中全会确立改革开放战略三十年以来,  相似文献   

网络营销引发了营销革命 ,改变了人们的营销理念 ,成为重要的广告媒体和销售渠道。我国为了跟上这一潮流 ,应加强通讯网络建设和相应的法制建设  相似文献   

项杰 《重庆与世界》2011,(22):10-15
在或急或缓、或激昂或悲怆的乐曲声中,大型原创歌剧《钓鱼城》缓缓拉开帷幕,观众被带到700年前的一段历史城墙下——公元1234年,南宋和蒙古联手灭掉金朝,蒙古人随即将长矛指向南宋。1259年,蒙古大汗亲率10万大军挥师南下进入四川,欲效仿西晋灭吴之法,先取道长江  相似文献   

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