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The question has recently been raised whether the basic needs approach to development conflicts with Third World aspirations for faster industrialization and the establishment of the New International Economic Order. This paper argues: (a) That to meet the basic needs of the poor in the Third World on a sustainable basis, it is necessary to transform its productive structures. In this transformation modern industry (including in most cases an appropriate capital goods industry) must play a central role. (b) That a properly conceived basic needs strategy should in general positively aid Third World industrial development. The paper concludes that accelerated industrialization and a substantially redistributive fiscal policy must be the two pillars of any effective basic needs programme.  相似文献   

This paper looks at what kinds of relationships exist between different indicators of basic needs satisfaction in order to make some general statements about linkages and priorities - for example, to see whether countries that have done better than average in meeting basic needs (i.e. have higher than average life expectancies) also have above-average performance in each of the basic needs sectors (primary education, basic health care, nutrition, clean water, adequate sanitation, shelter), or only in some of them. Rather than examining the experience of one particular country, this paper examines statistical indicators for the basic needs progress and basic needs inputs, constructed from World Bank data covering 86 developing countries. The results of four different methodologies confirm a high association between literacy and life expectancy. From this evidence, I suggest that basic education should have high priority in any program of meeting basic needs.  相似文献   

内蒙古乳业竞争战略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乳业是内蒙古的传统优势产业,在内蒙古国民经济中占有极其重要的地位,对地方经济的发展起到了极大的推动作用.内蒙古乳业有优势,也有劣势,要抓住机会发展自己.对目前全国乳业行业环境和内蒙古乳业竞争力做出分析,在竞争战略选择上,应根据企业的竞争地位、规模大小选择差别化、集中化和低成本等基本战略.  相似文献   

Though the large basic needs literature has clarified some issues related to anti-poverty strategies, it has also raised others. This paper identifies some of these unsettled questions: (1) who is to determine basic needs? (2) do basic needs refer to the conditions for a full, long and healthy life or to a specific bundle of goods and services that are deemed to provide opportunity for these conditions? (3) what is the purpose of participation? what form should it take? how does a right to participate (if it exists) relate to the political/administrative structures necessary for efficient implementation of basic needs approach? (4) what is the relationship between the redistribution approach to development and the basic needs approach? does the basic needs approach require fundamental systemic change, or is it a palliative? (5) what is the relation between meeting basic needs as an end in itself and as an instrument for developing human resources? (6) in what manner should international support for basic needs approaches be mobilized? (7) what is the relation between poverty eradication and reducing income inequalities?  相似文献   

This paper presents an assessment of Cuba's performance in terms of redistribution of income and provision of basic human needs following the revolution in 1959. It discusses the evolution of Cuba's post-revolutionary economic strategy, in particular its approach to the oft-cited dilemma of growth vs equity. The eradication of mass unemployment as one of Cuba's major priorities is evaluated, as well as Cuba's achievements with regard to health, education, and redistribution of income and assets. Comparisons are occasionally made with Brazil and Peru, as examples of different development strategies. This paper concludes with some comments on prospects for the 1980s.  相似文献   

价值创新战略是新的竞争环境下提出的一种新的战略逻辑.实行价值创新的企业另辟蹊径,开创蓝海,为企业带来丰厚的利润.然而,单纯的价值创新逻辑导向并不意味着其必然成功.价值创新能否成功,需要高超的执行能力加以支持,需要整合的、和谐的企业运营过程给予保证.本研究以苹果公司创新绩效和过程为例进行了分析,在此基础上提出了将战略与执行相结合的基于价值创新战略的企业过程管理能力的构建方向,以期在推动相关理论深化、繁衍的同时,为我国企业基于顾客价值进行的创新实践活动提供一些启发和指导.  相似文献   

Critics of the basic-needs approach to development have argued that by emphasizing activities which are essentially consumption oriented, the basic-needs approach implies a reduction in the rate of growth. On the other hand, proponents of this approach point to the human capital aspects of basic needs, which could be instrumental in increasing productivity and growth in output. This paper attempts to marshal some further evidence of the growth-basic needs trade-off by undertaking econometric estimates of the variables explaining LDC growth during the 1960–1973 period. The general finding is that countries which had done well on basic needs in 1960 had above average growth rates during the period 1960–1973. Improvement in basic needs during the period are also correlated with higher growth rates of GNP, but it is impossible to ascertain if this improvement is a cause of or an effect of the higher growth in output.  相似文献   

陈倩 《特区经济》2012,(9):81-83
随着金融自由化、全球一体化和信息技术的日新月异,操作风险成为商业银行所面临的重要风险之一。在后金融危机时代,如何实现对操作风险的准确度量和有效管理,成为金融业界和监管部门所共同关注的核心问题之一。以商业银行操作风险为研究对象,具体分析了我国银行对操作风险管理的现状,归纳总结现阶段所存在的问题,最后提出优化商业银行操作风险管理的相关建议和对策,力求对我国操作风险的度量和管理有所启示。  相似文献   

我国社会保障体系的建立和完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会保障制度是由国家和社会根据一定的法律和法规,为保证社会成员的基本生活权利而提供救助和补贴的一种制度。改革开放以来,我国初步建立了基本适应社会主义市场经济体制要求和生产力发展水平的社会保障体系和运行机制。本文分析了我国建立和完善社会保障体系的意义与对策。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relationship between basic needs and human rights and addresses such questions as: is the satisfaction of basic needs a human right? or, are human rights themselves basic needs? are there basic needs other than material needs which embrace human rights? do the respect for rights and the satisfaction of needs go together or car there be conflict? The paper attempts to distinguish between a variety of ‘rights’ — positive, negative; social, economic, political, civil — and to clarify the best means by which to achieve maximum fulfilment of these ‘rights’.  相似文献   

The basic needs strategy turns out, on examination, not to be a development strategy at all. Most versions neglect the most basic of all development needs–the need for structural transformation as well as a quantum jump in modern industry and modern technology. Considerations of equity, indispensable as they are, do not require that consumption goals be placed ahead of all others. A society is entitled to set its priorities for consumption as part of an overall programme for comprehensive change and development, recognizing that a choice may have to be made between the earliest possible attainment of minimum standards of living and a more rapid and secure advance in such standards in future. International agencies should not take strong positions on such matters, and should concentrate their efforts in the areas where their experience and competence lie.  相似文献   

关于"跨国合资经营",中国经历了以"走进来"为主转变为更多的中国企业"走出去"的过程。本文从企业运作管理的角度,对已有的成功与失败的案例进行总结并提出:在跨国(跨地区)合资经营中切注重把母公司的战略规划/实施延伸为合资企业的全面的运作战略规划与实施,在合资经营中把"生产经营"与"企业运作改造"相结合,把中短期的经营目标与中长期的合资企业运作全面进步结合起来,重视企业的运作战略。  相似文献   

成渝双城经济圈建设旨在使成渝地区成为全国高质量发展的重要增长极,高校联盟科技创新是其发展的重要动力来源。区域联合基金的设立对于高校开展基础研究,更好地服务于区域经济和社会发展提供坚实的制度和经济保障。通过分析成渝高校联盟科技创新的总体战略、产业战略和运行战略3个不同层次的内容,分别从战略协同、组织协同和资源协同3个维度,阐述高校联盟科技协同创新的总体战略和产业战略,以及从环境协同、项目研发、技术转移、成果辐射和一体化集群5个方面对其运行战略进行研究,为成渝高校联盟依托区域联合基金项目开展成渝特色优势产业基础研究领域的科技创新提供参考,助推高水平科技自立自强战略目标的实现。  相似文献   

Nigerian trademarks reflect the basic principles of market economy, embodied in the Paris Convention of 1883, which had the effect of integrating the underdeveloped economies in those of the developed capitalist countries. Emphasis is laid on the protection of private property rather than of consumers or the national interest at large. While attempts are being made to deal with some of the worst aspects of trademarks, the mixed economy philosophy is likely for a very long time to lead to both psychological and economic dependency as well as cultural distortion. Greater government participation and correct political orientation are imperative if trademarks are essentially to serve basic local needs.  相似文献   

邹昭晞 《改革》2012,(5):101-109
东道国的引资战略可分为"出口导向型"和"进口替代型"。对我国两个"进口替代型"引资战略代表产业汽车制造与制药产业的研究发现,"进口替代型"引资战略促进了本土品牌的崛起。进一步运用迈克尔.波特的钻石模型分析我国"进口替代型"引资战略中本土品牌得以生存发展的基础条件后认为,我国本土品牌的发展应从提高安全高效地利用两个市场、两种资源的能力;整合"大产业链",构筑新的竞争优势;增强企业与外资品牌进行竞争的能力等方面着手。  相似文献   

The role assigned to public enterprises is related to the type of development strategy pursued by less developed countries. The potential net benefits associated with state enterprises will be high when an industrialization strategy requires the establishment of large‐scale, capital‐intensive basic industries. Their role should be reappraised where they fail to realise their potential net benefits and where the emphasis of development strategy shifts to the alleviation of poverty. Measures designed to improve the efficiency of state enterprises need not conflict with programmes to provide basic needs and develop appropriate technology. State participation in these programmes is best effected through institutions specifically formed to promote their objectives.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes some of the main issues related to the World Bank's basic-needs oriented lending programme. In particular, based on country experience it discusses the lessons learned with regard to sectoral policies and programming for their basic needs and their implications for future lending.  相似文献   

Singapore attained self-government in 1959. Her policy of relying on the MNCs to achieve industrialization has proven to be very successful. The Singapore model shows that economic strategy must be flexible to meet the changing needs of the Singapore economy. One such economic strategy is the wage system.
During the period 1959–1990, the wage system in Singapore changed twice, once in 1968, and again in 1985. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we examine the need for wage reform, and secondly to discuss various patterns of flexible wage models in Singapore. The main conclusion is that Singapore's flexible wage models can benefit both the worker and the employer.  相似文献   

程振兴 《特区经济》2014,(1):131-133
镇村集体经济组织投资发展楼宇经济,即是集体经济转型升级的迫切需要,也是快速城市化背景下,镇村积极构建农民基本权益保障机制的有益探索,而在此背景下发展起来的楼宇经济,又面临着诸多特殊性难题。本文以上海市虹桥镇为例,试图对该镇楼宇经济的发展现状及面临问题作简要分析,发现集体经济组织在为楼宇经济发展注入强大动力的同时,也在基本要素、管理运营、规划等方面存在先天不足。  相似文献   

吴晓匀 《特区经济》2007,216(1):213-214
当今市场竞争已进入顾客导向时代,在服务型企业中实施正确科学的顾客满意战略尤为重要。本文阐明了顾客满意战略管理的概念和内涵,揭示了我国当前服务型企业在实施顾客满意战略管理过程中存在的问题和难点,最后提出我国服务型企业顾客满意战略的实施途径和措施。  相似文献   

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