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The objective of this study is to determine factors influencing brand preferences of wine consumers in the Marmara region
where viniculture and wine production is so important in Turkey. First, the consumers’ preferences survey has been conducted
with 1022 persons in the region randomly selected and evaluated. Then, the informative factors influencing brand preferences
collected in these surveys have been determined by the multinomial logit model. A lot of independent variables have been used
in the multinomial logit model, but, because some independent variables were not found as significant according to Likelihood
Ratio test, these variables are not included in the multinomial logit analysis. Six important factors influencing wine brand
preferences have been determined. These factors are brand change causes of consumers, occupation of consumers, marital status
of consumers, birthplace of consumers, income of consumers and gender of consumers. In addition, whether the wine brand preferences
are independent, has been tested with Testing Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives of Hausman. According to this test,
it has been found that the wine brand preferences are independent. 相似文献
This study shows that independence between voters’ skills and states of nature improves the majority voting efficiency relative to the case when such independence does not exist. This implies that specialization (state of nature wise) is not advantageous under the simple majority rule. 相似文献
For a long time researchers have recognized the need for applying stochastic models for analyzing data generated from agents’ choice under risk. This paper compares and discusses recent axiomatizations of stochastic models for risky choice given by Blavatskyy (2008) and Dagsvik (2008). We show that some of Blavatskyy’s axioms are equivalent to some of Dagsvik’s axioms. We also propose new axioms and derive their implications. Specifically, we show that some of the results of Dagsvik (2008) can be derived under weaker axioms than those he proposed originally. 相似文献
In a recent paper Zheng (1997a) proposed a new specification test of independence between two random vectors by the kernel
method. He showed asymptotic normality under the hypothesis and local alternatives. The present work investigates the asymptotic
distribution of the corresponding test statistic under fixed alternatives. In this case asymptotic normality of a standardized
statistic is still valid but with a different rate of convergence.
Received: January 1999 相似文献
This paper studies independence of higher claims and independence of irrelevant claims on the domain of bargaining problems with claims. Independence of higher claims requires that the payoff of an agent does not depend on the higher claim of another agent. Independence of irrelevant claims states that the payoffs should not change when the claims decrease but remain higher than the payoffs. Interestingly, in conjunction with standard axioms from bargaining theory, these properties characterize a new constrained Nash solution, a constrained Kalai–Smorodinsky solution, and a constrained Kalai solution. 相似文献
Randall S. Schuler Peter J. Dowling Helen De Cieri 《International Journal of Human Resource Management》2013,24(4):717-764
The globalization of business is making it more important than ever to understand how multinational enterprises (MNEs) can operate more effectively. A major component of this understanding appears to be the field of human resource management and, in particular, the field of international human resource management (Brewster, 1991; Hendry, 1992; Desatnick and Bennett, 1978; Dowling, 1986; Dowling and Schuler, 1990; Evans, 1986; Evans, 1989; Laurent, 1986; Tung, 1984). The trend over the past few years has been to identify the linkage of human resource management with strategy and offer an understanding of how single country or domestic human resource management can facilitate organizational understanding and effectiveness (Wright and McMahan, 1992). In this article we attempt to extend this line of work into the international arena. We do this by offering a framework of strategic international human resource management (SIHRM). Anchoring SIHRM in the strategic components of MNEs, namely their interunit linkages and internal operations, strategic aspects of international human resource management are described. Using several theoretical bases, numerous propositions are offered. These propositions reflect the single and multiple influence of the strategic components of MNEs and several exogenous and endogenous factors on SIHRM. The intention is to offer a framework that can serve both academics and practitioners in furthering our understanding of strategic international human resource management. 相似文献
Wulf Christian Gaertner 《Journal of economic surveys》2017,31(2):369-392
In an article from 1973, Rittel and Webber distinguished between ‘tame’ or ‘benign’ problems on the one hand and ‘wicked’ problems on the other. The authors argued that wicked problems occur in nearly all public policy issues. Since different groups adhere to different value-sets, solutions can only be expressed as better or worse. By no means can they be viewed as definitive or objective. In this paper we consider, from this very angle, the theory of social choice which is about the aggregation of individual preferences with the aim to derive a consistent social preference. We show that collective choice offers wicked problems of various types which differ in their degree of severity. We hereby concentrate on welfare functions and voting schemes of different kinds and discuss these in the light of various criteria such as Arrow's independence condition, Condorcet consistency, monotonicity, manipulability, and other properties. 相似文献
消费选择问题是企业社会责任是否能够进行价值创造的关键环节。本文在结合弗洛伊德的精神分析理论基础上,将心理因素纳入传统的偏好效用框架,在消费者精神偏好视角下建立了全新的消费选择模型,并进一步分析发现,企业社会责任能够满足消费者精神层面的需求,得出主要结论如下:第一,不同层次的企业社会责任可以使其企业的产品满足消费者精神层面的需求并获得消费者偏好;第二,企业可以通过消费者精神层面需求的特征实现市场细分,并通过企业社会责任战略与项目的设计与实施,实现盈利能力的提升。 相似文献
公平与效率之间有着一定的内在的联系,都是社会发展所需要的。有效率,社会经济才会发展得更快;有公平,社会才稳定、和谐。没有效率的公平只能助长"懒汉作风",导致共同贫穷;没有公平的效率,则会产生贫富悬殊,造成两极分化。随着"和谐社会"的提出,现在政府无论在政策制定还是实施执行方面都越来越重视"公平的作用"。本研究从福利经济学角度分析了在效率与公平的权衡中,公平对促进效率及经济发展的重要作用,赞成实际收入更为公平的分配,即使这种分配可能是低效率的。 相似文献
This article applies a social relations discourse to examine the use of expatriates in Chinese multinational companies (MNCs). Expatriates are analyzed based on two sets of social relations: the social functions of expatriates (which include the global function of capital and the collective function of labor) and the pathways of expatriation (which include intra‐ and interfirm transfers). In particular, the framework incorporates the collective function of labor into the analysis of expatriation, which has received limited attention in the existing international HRM literature. Conceptually, the social relations discourse allowed us to frame staffing in an open system in which HR practices involving expatriation are shaped by the intersections between the choices of MNCs, the actions of workers, and the mediation of institutional players. Empirically, this article presents three case studies of Chinese MNCs in Europe to illustrate the tiered expatriation of managerial staff, technicians, and operational workers from interchangeable sources of labor. The HR policy implications suggest greater diversity in the formation of international staffing for MNCs. 相似文献
研究和探索基层党组织建设的新路子、新模式,强化党组织化解各类社会矛盾和处理突发性事件的能力,是企业提高经济效益、实现科学发展及和谐发展至关重要的组织保证。文章以南宁市交易场三楼商场党组织的实际工作案例,分析企业党组织在化解社会矛盾和处置突发事件过程中如何更好地发挥主力军作用,并从思想教育、组织建设、制度建设等方面入手,创新活动载体,紧紧抓住群众路线的工作核心,发挥基层党组织的战斗堡垒作用和党员的维稳核心作用,实现早发现、早疏导、早化解,使矛盾纠纷化解在基层。 相似文献
We develop a general theory of epistemic democracy in large societies, which subsumes the classical Condorcet Jury Theorem, the Wisdom of Crowds, and other similar results. We show that a suitably chosen voting rule will converge to the correct answer in the large-population limit, even if there is significant correlation amongst voters, as long as the average covariance between voters becomes small as the population becomes large. Finally, we show that these hypotheses are consistent with models where voters are correlated via a social network, or through the DeGroot model of deliberation. 相似文献
研究和探索基层党组织建设的新路子、新模式,强化党组织化解各类社会矛盾和处理突发性事件的能力,是企业提高经济效益、实现科学发展及和谐发展至关重要的组织保证。文章以南宁市交易场三楼商场党组织的实际工作案例,分析企业党组织在化解社会矛盾和处置突发事件过程中如何更好地发挥主力军作用,并从思想教育、组织建设、制度建设等方面入手,创新活动载体,紧紧抓住群众路线的工作核心,发挥基层党组织的战斗堡垒作用和党员的维稳核心作用,实现早发现、早疏导、早化解,使矛盾纠纷化解在基层。 相似文献
大学教育的核心功能在现代大学教育体系中很少被提及。理想主义和启蒙运动学者曾探讨过此问题,但很快又陷落在了本土化的逻辑定式并行进至今,但其定位的逻辑是否与其客观规律契合,笔者觉得尚可一论,本文试图探索一二。 相似文献
Kai Helge Becker Axel Haunschild 《International Journal of Human Resource Management》2013,24(5):713-727
Research on careers has recently discovered the growing relevance of inter-organizational, boundaryless careers. The new paradigm of career studies that goes hand in hand with the concept of boundaryless careers, though, has not yet paid very much attention to the impact of new career patterns on how organizations function. To fill this gap, the paper analyses the effects of boundaryless careers on organizational decision making. Drawing on Niklas Luhmann's theory of social systems, we elaborate how observing a (potential) employee's life in terms of career generally facilitates organizational decision making by what we call the evaluative capacity of career. Further, the paper shows in what respect employing this mode of observation is rendered more difficult by the emergence of boundaryless careers. Based on the theoretical framework developed, we finally deduce and apply a scheme of classification of possible reactions to the organizational problems caused by boundaryless careers. In sum, the paper provides a new theoretical approach to analysing different ways of how organizations can cope with the challenges of new career patterns. 相似文献
B.F. Schriever 《Statistica Neerlandica》1987,41(2):99-109
For some non–parametric testing problems (one–sided two–sample problem, k –sample trend problem, testing independence against positive dependence) a partial ordering, denoted by ≥, over the alternatives is defined. This partial ordering expresses the strength of the deviation from the null–hypothesis. All familiar rank tests turn out to become more powerful under "increasing" alternatives; that is, all familiar rank statistics preserve the ordering stochastically in samples whenever it is present between underlying distributions. As a tool, the sample equivalence of ≥ is introduced as a partial ordering over pairs of permutations. Functions, defined on pairs of permutations, which preserve this ordering are studied. 相似文献
哈尔滨社会经济综合数据库的建设;将统计元数据库管理、业务自定义、数据采集、数据处理、数据发布、监测分析等覆盖统计行业的全部业务流程进行无缝连接;将我市经济、社会、人口、科技和环境资源等基础性信息进行有计划地收集、整合、汇总、存储、管理和统计数据监测。 相似文献