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近年来,外来物种人侵给我国带来了巨大的经济损失,引起了国内学界及相关部门的重视。鱼类外来物种入侵给我国的渔业经济同样造成了巨大的经济损失。目前,却缺乏相应的法律管制。本文从我国当前的鱼类外来物种入侵现状着手,分析我国当前的外来物种人侵法律管制体系及存在的立法理念落后、法律规定缺位、管理机构混乱等问题;在此基础上,对鱼类外来物种入侵的法律管制提出了一些建议,希望能对加强鱼类外来物种入侵管理做出贡献,以促进渔业经济的健康发展。  相似文献   

为实现渔业资源的可持续利用,海洋捕捞业转型升级势在必行。本文选取浙江省为代表,从产业链的视角对浙江省海洋捕捞业的捕捞产量、渔获构成、渔船现状、作业方式、从业人员等方面进行分析,认为海洋捕捞业主要存有捕捞强度和捕捞产量居高不下、捕捞种类以鱼类居多、作业方式结构不合理、渔业从业人员结构有待调整且整体文化素质偏低以及捕捞渔民养老较难等问题。最后,针对当前存有问题提出相应建议,以优化海洋捕捞业产业结构,完善海洋渔业产业链。  相似文献   

正电力捕鱼是一种竭泽而渔的掠夺性捕捞方式,严重破坏渔业生态环境,影响生态平衡,对渔业资源造成了毁灭性打击,彻底杜绝渔业非法捕捞行为已经势在必行。一、主要危害电捕鱼是非法捕捞中最常见、危害最大的非法捕捞方式,对人类、鱼类、环境所造成的危害极大。(一)对人类的危害。一方面电捕的  相似文献   

今年来,我国基于加强对近海渔业的保护和管理加大了船舶监控系统(VMS)的使用,该系统提供了大规模的渔船轨迹数据,这些数据通常被研究和管理人员用于对近海渔船捕捞的时空运行模式进行研究和分析。但是在渔船捕鱼航行轨迹中,经常会出现一段轨迹数据丢失的情况。本文利用了计算机图形学的形态学分析和迭代法方案,利用VMS轨迹数据来粗略识别捕捞活动之间的航段和捕捞区域的热力分布。这样不仅能较为准确的利用VMS数据分离出捕捞区域和航行区域,也可以正确的识别和分析各个捕鱼区之间的航路关系,有助于渔业研究和管理人员进一步利用VMS数据分析渔船行为及加强渔业管理。  相似文献   

淡水捕捞渔业作为碳汇渔业的重要组成部分,其碳汇量评估方法是学术探讨的重要内容。在对福建省淡水捕捞渔业主要水域生产渔船进行分层抽样的基础上,通过样本船全年监测数据统计,获取了样本船生产数据以及淡水捕捞渔获物主要品种结构特征,采用营养级法评估了样本船捕捞生产的碳汇量为1516.65吨,其中江河捕捞渔业碳汇量为656.95吨,占比为43.32%;水库捕捞渔业碳汇量为859.7吨,占比为56.68%。利用样本船渔获物的品种结构数据,评估了2016年福建省淡水捕捞鱼类、虾类和贝类等渔获物形成的碳汇量为1758794.69吨,相应采用元素法的碳汇量评估结果仅为营养级法的0.63%。建议开展淡水捕捞渔业碳汇量评估方法专题研究,制定淡水捕捞渔业碳汇量评估标准。  相似文献   

珠江流域西江下游渔业现状调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
珠江流域面积44.3万km2,主干流西江长2129km.20世纪80年代,珠江鱼类385种,其中西江有130种.近年来渔业生产效益发生较大的变化,为深入了解当前渔业资源与水域生态环境、渔民生产生活及渔业管理措施情况,2007年5月,由珠江流域渔业管理委员会办公室、珠江水产研究所、广东省渔政总队肇庆支队组成了"西江下游渔业综合调研组",选择了具有代表性的西江肇庆至梧州江段进行调查.调查结果显示:西江鱼类种类减少了50.8%,资源仍不断衰退,捕捞渔民老龄化,渔业水域生态环境恶化,渔业综合效益下降.本文根据此次调查的结果,分析探讨了西江下游渔业资源衰退和效益下降的主要矛盾,并提出了应对措施.  相似文献   

鲨鱼作为顶级捕食者处于海洋食物链顶端,对维持海洋生态系统的平衡具有重要作用。近年由于过度捕捞导致鲨鱼资源出现衰退,致使鲨鱼资源可持续利用与管理问题成为国际社会和区域渔业管理组织关注的重点。本文利用联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)提供的全球鲨鱼捕捞及贸易数据,结合主要国家和地区捕捞鲨鱼种类及数量情况、《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)附录Ⅱ中鲨鱼捕捞现状、各国制定和执行《鲨鱼物种养护管理国家行动计划》(NPOA-Sharks)的情况以及鲨鱼制品贸易状况,分析全球鲨鱼捕捞及其制品贸易现状,探讨了区域渔业管理组织(RFMOs)及CITES通过实施一系列养护管理措施对鲨鱼资源利用和贸易管理中的积极影响,但在鲨鱼捕捞及贸易过程中仍面临其兼捕率增加、过度捕捞和缺乏科学数据收集等问题,针对以上问题提出实施捕捞许可证制度、设立捕捞配额和使用渔船电子监控(electronic monitoring, EM)等建议。本文通过对全球鲨鱼捕捞现状及其制品贸易初步分析,为研究或希望了解鲨鱼捕捞和制品贸易的有关渔业管理人员和企业提供参考。  相似文献   

[本刊讯]长江是我国第一大河,也是亚洲第一大河,世界第三大河.长江水系支流众多,径流量大,流域面积约占全国淡水面积50%.长江水域具有饵料丰富、生物种类繁多等得天独厚的条件,构成了渔业资源赖以生长、繁衍、生息所需的饵料、温度、空间等优良自然水域生态环境;长江是我国淡水渔业的摇篮、鱼类基因的宝库、经济鱼类的原种基地、水生野生动物的乐园、生物多样性的代表.长江渔业在全国渔业中具有苗种资源、名特优鱼类资源、种质资源及水生野生动植物资源的优势,渔业产量约占全国淡水渔业产量的60%,是我国重要的渔业产区,在我国淡水渔业中具有举足轻重的地位.然而,随着长江流域经济的发展,长江渔业的地位面临来自多方面的威胁,如水域环境污染、水利工程建设、围湖造田、过度捕捞等因素,使长江渔业资源及水生哺乳类资源处于严重衰退的状态,直接影响到长江渔业经济的发展.  相似文献   

本文根据1957—1995年的东海区渔业统计资料,应用schaefer’s剩余产量模型,对东海区渔业生态系的生产力和目前的资源状况、资源利用程度、适宜捕捞强度,进行了分析评估。结果表明:东海区渔业资源结构发生了很大的变化。传统目标种资源利用过度,非传统经济鱼种资源尚有潜力;底层鱼类资源利用过度,中上层鱼类资源尚有潜力。目前的捕捞强度已远远超过了适宜捕捞强度。最后,提出了实现东海区渔业资源持续利用的对策与建议。  相似文献   

<正>提到挪威,大家会联想到清澈湛蓝的海水、干净清新的空气和可持续发展的渔业。挪威的渔业在短期内达到可持续性发展,得益于采取的一系列可行措施:诸如关注渔业最重要的项目、关注稳定的生态系统和鱼类资源、关注可持续发展的海洋捕捞和适当的资源管理、关注水产品安全和卫生,这些措施是保障渔业发展的首要关键。挪威的海岸线很长,而且拥有许多的海港和峡湾,渔业资源丰富。水产品是  相似文献   

对渔获量实行总量控制,是保障渔业可持续发展的需要。作者认为应通过严格执行捕捞许可制度、配额捕捞制度、鱼货统营制度等,对渔获量实行总量控制  相似文献   

The management of small pelagic fisheries is difficult due to environmental regime changes that generate multi‐decadal cyclic fluctuations in stock abundance. Lagged management responses to environmental factors can amplify the effects of fishing and may even result in stock collapse. In this paper, we develop an age‐structured bioeconomic model to explore the effectiveness of alternative management approaches for cyclically fluctuating small pelagic fish stocks. The fishery outcomes are evaluated against the overall profit of the fishery and the intertemporal distribution of fishing profits. The model is parameterised for the Japanese sardine fishery, once the largest fishery in Japan, which has experienced a prolonged period of stock collapse over the last 100 years. The results show that the duration of fishery collapse is mostly determined by the extent of cyclic fluctuations in the recruitment of immature sardines, but the effects of the fluctuations on the fishery are heightened by the cumulative impact of fishing. We further show that restricting fishing reduces the fishery’s overall profits, but smooths the intertemporal distribution of profits, resulting in greater intergenerational equity. This income smoothing effect is particularly pronounced when the stock exhibits high levels of cyclic fluctuations.  相似文献   

本文分析了北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼的渔业现状和国际组织对该渔业资源的管理措施。目前,长鳍金枪鱼已经处于充分开发状态,2004年总渔获量已达到86073t,主要捕捞国家是日本、美国、中国台湾、加拿大等,主要捕捞渔具是延绳钓、曳绳钓等。在此基础上,本文分析了中国的渔业现状,并从政府支持、捕捞技术、渔场开发和渔业统计等方面提出了我国在北太平洋发展长鳍金枪鱼渔业的对策。  相似文献   

随着增殖放流种类及数量的增加,为评估增殖放流的效果,各种标志技术日渐发展成熟,DNA分子标记作为一种新型的标记手段,在国外的增殖放流中已经开始逐渐使用。本文将以分子标记在日本褐牙鲆增殖放流中的应用为例,阐述如何将分子标记成功地应用于增殖放流,以期为将分子标记技术成功引入中国的渔业资源增殖放流效果评估中提供基础理论依据。  相似文献   

海洋渔业资源增殖放流效果的主要影响因素及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔业资源增殖放流的效果是渔业行政主管部门、渔业生产者和渔业科研单位共同关注的问题,也是增殖放流实践中的重要内容。基于国内外研究现状、多年海洋渔业资源增殖放流实践和水生生物增殖放流相关标准,对影响增殖放流效果的苗种质量、生态容纳量、放流策略、放流后期管理等4个主要因素进行了分析,探讨了各因素的影响程度、影响范围以及后果等问题,提出解决对策,指出在海洋渔业资源增殖放流实施过程中应该以理论指导实践,以实践验证理论,使我国增殖放流工作建立起科学的长效机制和一套完善的体系。  相似文献   

汤加金枪鱼渔业以延绳钓渔业为主,主要捕捞鱼种是长鳍、黄鳍和大目三种金枪鱼。本文主要从船队结构、渔获量、销售市场、评估管理四个方面阐述了汤加金枪鱼渔业近几年的发展情况,并展望其发展前景。  相似文献   

Fisheries management is characterised by multiple objectives, some of which may be complementary, while others may require trade‐offs between outcomes. Balancing these objectives is made more complex in the case of multispecies and multigear fisheries. In this paper, we develop a bioeconomic model that captures the key elements of such a fishery to test a range of potential harvest strategies to provide insights into how economic target reference points could lead to both desirable and undesirable management outcomes (e.g. discards). The model is developed as a long‐run optimisation model to identify target reference points to achieve multispecies maximum economic yield, and a dynamic recursive optimisation model, which includes more realistic representation of fishers’ behaviour, such as discards and trading of under‐caught species quotas. The potential economic, social and ecological impacts are evaluated using data envelopment analysis (DEA). The results suggest that the use of proxy target reference points can result in short‐term economic benefits at the cost of slower stock recovery and higher discarding. Limiting the number of species subject to quota controls may also prove beneficial in multispecies fisheries, while ensuring quota markets are efficient is likely to produce benefits irrespective of the harvest strategy adopted.  相似文献   

Protected areas in fishery management have been suggested to hedge management failures and variation in harvests. In this paper, a stochastic bioeconomic model of a two-species fishery in the Manning Bioregion is used to test the performance of protected areas as a management tool in a fishery. The establishment of a protected area is analysed under the assumption of heterogenous environments that are linked via density-dependent or sink-source stock dispersal relationships. The sensitivity of the results to different degrees of management is also explored. The model is applied to the Ocean Prawn Trawl, and Ocean Trap and Line fisheries within Manning Bioregion in New South Wales, Australia. The focus of the study is placed on the biological and institutional characteristics that yield benefits to the fishery. It was found that protected area use in the Manning Bioregion is likely to have differing effects on the two fisheries examined, benefiting Ocean Trap and Line fishers but adversely affecting Ocean Prawn Trawl fishers. Overall, it is unlikely that protected area use will lead to an increase resource rent in the fishery.  相似文献   

The banana prawn component of Australia's Northern Prawn Fishery (NPF) is currently managed through the use of annually updated trigger catch rates as a means of achieving maximum economic yield (MEY) in the fishery, taking into account the estimated price and cost components for that season. The estimation of these target catch rates is based on the assumption of relative homogeneity of the fleet in terms of efficiency, productivity and cost structure. In this study, these assumptions are examined through the estimation of a stochastic production frontier. While technical efficiency varies between vessels, average efficiency is relatively constant over the fishing season. However, average productivity of the fleet increases, with smaller vessels (in terms of engine power) exiting the fishery earlier. This would likely increase the average cost of fishing towards the end of the season, with implications for setting the target catch rate. Based on a standard assumption as to the relationship between costs and vessel size, we find that the MEY target catch rates are most likely currently underestimated. However, the implementation of a precautionary minimum catch rate (which is above the MEY target catch rates for recent years) has maintained the fishery at a profitable level.  相似文献   

Annual recruitment of the New Zealand longfin eel (Anguilla dieffenbachii) has decreased by 75 per cent since significant levels of commercial fishing began in the early 1970s. This motivates application of a multiple‐cohort bioeconomic model to a New Zealand longfin eel fishery to investigate its optimal management and ascertain the suitability of existing regulatory policy. The use of historical harvest to calculate total allowable catch is asserted to be unsustainable based on recovery dynamics. In addition, individual transferable quota systems are argued to be fundamentally flawed for the protection of longfin fisheries because of high‐grading, low‐surplus production and a current lack of effective stock‐assessment procedures. Area closure and the spatial definition of harvest rights are attractive alternatives given the territoriality of longfins and high larval spillover. The importance of unfished reserves is reinforced when significant uncertainties regarding population strength, harvest intensity and growth dynamics are considered. Restriction of exploitation to older cohorts in fished areas is demonstrated to maximise economic yield.  相似文献   

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