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自2000年以来,中国食品不安全的问题不时在海外媒体中被传播。基于这一现实,本文从中国食品出口现状出发,分析强化企业社会责任对中国出口食品的影响机理,认为中国食品出口确实存在安全问题,但通过加强食品企业的社会责任意识,可以确保中国出口食品安全和提升食品出口企业国际声誉和形象。  相似文献   

基于卡罗尔的企业社会责任四层次理论,首先界定农业企业社会责任的经济责任、法律责任、伦理责任和慈善责任四个方面的内容,然后分析农业企业履行社会责任存在的问题,最后提出促进农业产业化龙头企业履行社会责任的对策建议.  相似文献   

唐锋 《南方农村》2014,(1):8-12
中国作为一个农业大国和贸易大国,近年来农产品贸易却连续出现贸易逆差,且逆差呈现扩大态势。导致农产品贸易逆差的重要原因之一是中国农产品出口遭遇到的标准壁垒。本文提出为应对这种情况,除要进一步加强国内农业发展,农产品标准的建设外,针对进口国不合理的农产品贸易标准,我国应该在全面深刻地了解WTO关于农产品标准规则的基础上,利用WTO争端解决机制来保护和促进我国农产品出口。  相似文献   

党的十九大提出了新时代下农业农村发展的目标任务,对实施乡村振兴战略提出了新的指导,但当前我国农业企业的生产仍然面临诸多社会责任方面的问题。在供给侧结构性改革逐步深入的大背景下,农业企业应该主动改进其履行社会责任的现状以更好地适应市场经济发展的趋势;政府和社会需要协同起来通过政策引导、法律强制约束以及社会舆论监督,促进农业企业改进其社会责任行为。  相似文献   

日前,发展绿色生态农业与农药企业社会责任座谈会在北京召开。 会上。农业部党组成员张玉香指出,农药产业发展面临的形势越来越复杂,任务越来越艰巨。一是粮食等主要农产品增产的刚性需求对农药的有效供给提出更高要求。二是农产品质量安全对农药的安全性提出了更高要求。  相似文献   

农业龙头企业因其行业特性的不同而有着与其它企业不同的社会责任。温氏集团积极的社会责任实践,使企业获得了快速发展。对温氏集团的案例分析表明,企业良好经济绩效的取得和不断传承的企业文化(企业家精神)是农业龙头企业承担社会责任的物质和精神基础,而保障农户利益、维护食品安全、改善生态环境和慈善捐赠是其社会责任的重要内容。  相似文献   

针对目前中国一些私营企业为了自身短期利益,盲目追求利润,生产各种假冒伪劣产品、过度消耗资源、污染环境,不惜损坏消费者及社会公众利益,漠视社会责任的现状,以阳江地区支柱产业——五金企业为例,通过调查研究,分析得出阳江五金企业社会责任的内涵,并结合阳江地区"建设幸福和谐阳江"的实际,提出阳江五金企业在发展过程中履行企业社会责任的建议。  相似文献   

"十二五"规划是我国转变经济发展方式,实现可持续发展的关键时期,石油企业以积极态度履行社会责任,披露社会责任信息,是实现石油生产稳定安全和推动"十二五"规划顺利进行的重要保障。本文基于中石油2010~2013年社会责任报告,从利益相关方责任、环境责任和社会责任三方面分析研究,详细阐述中石油社会责任履行和信息披露情况,促进其社会责任的有效履行。  相似文献   

农业"走出去"是国家"走出去"战略的重要组成部分,也是落实"一带一路"倡议的重要抓手。总体来说,中国农业企业"走出去"是"遍地是黄金,处处是陷阱"。投资区域日趋广泛,集中于中亚地区;投资主体日趋多样,民营企业发展迅速;投资领域日趋多元,加工贸易优势突出;投资经营日趋规范,本土化特征明显;由农产品加工贸易模式向农业技术转移模式转变。但面临着国外政策环境方面的资源困境、技术困境、人才困境、舆论困境,国内政策制度方面的投资审批、种质资源、农产品检验检疫限制,企业经营管理方面的市场竞争环境较激烈、企业国际化能力不强、企业的品牌价值不高、社会责任塑造能力弱,社会服务体系方面的行业信息服务不到位、政府涉外服务不到位等问题。建议政府部门建立和完善推动农业企业"走出去"的支持服务体系,同时,引导和支持农业企业提升"走出去"的投资经营能力。  相似文献   

本文总结企业社会责任定义,从经济、制度、道德三方面解释企业履行社会责任的动因.基于以上动因框架理论,结合辽宁省农业龙头企业发展现状,分析农业产业化进程中提升龙头企业社会责任的重要意义,并提出相关对策建议.  相似文献   

Canada's Agricultural Trade in North America: Do National Borders Matter?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Canada and the United States are each other's largest trading partner. Trade in agricultural goods has grown continuously since the signing of the Canada–United States Trade Agreement in 1989. The trade agreement removed most tariffs on traded agricultural goods. However, many nontariff barriers remain. We estimate the border effects for a select group of agricultural commodities and find that the quantity traded is less than would be predicted under free trade.  相似文献   

This paper examines the composition of China's international trade from 1980 to 1997, with a focus on agriculture and a view towards understanding agriculture's changing trade structure relative to other sectors. We analyse the time series behaviour of individually traded goods at the Standard Industrial Trade Classification three-digit level, categorised into three groups: agricultural commodities, 'other' primary commodities and manufactures. We find that China's agricultural trade has expanded along comparative advantage lines in only a very modest way, suggesting that World Trade Organization membership will have a large impact on China's agricultural trade patterns.  相似文献   

Many developed countries have reduced agricultural market performance in the last decade with increased domestic subsidies and trade barriers. Several data sets were used to illustrate the extent of market distortion among some markets. Economic theory can show that these distortions reduce the general welfare in the countries with high trade barriers as well as the traditional agricultural exporting countries. The dairy industries appear to have the highest Producer Subsidy Equivalent. Among the developed countries, Western European countries and the Pacific Rim countries have caused major distortions in international markets of many agricultural products. Market performance in agricultural industries would be substantially improved if these major distortions were eliminated.  相似文献   

Government support and trade restrictions on agricultural commodities are among the most globally distorting protectionist policies. This is especially true with regards to corn. Vast production subsidies and import barriers, primarily within the European Union and China, have artificially inflated the global supply of this commodity, while restricting the available consumer markets. This impact is augmented by the preferential treatment granted in these countries to the production and importation of the best available substitute to corn, soybeans. Using an econometric model with commodity data over the past 20 years, this article predicts the likely impact of potential World Trade Organization (WTO) trade pacts on these corn trade distortions. Despite the WTO setback in Seattle, the vast global benefits resulting from agricultural trade liberalization in corn alone validate a continued push towards freer trade.  相似文献   

We investigate the impacts of multilateral removal of all border taxes and farm programs and their distortions on developing economies, using a world agriculture partial equilibrium model. We quantify changes in prices, trade flows, and production locations. Border measures and farm programs both affect world trade, but trade barriers have the largest impact. Following removal, trade expansion is substantial for most commodities, especially dairy, meats, and vegetable oils. Net agricultural and food exporters emerge with expanded exports; net importing countries with limited distortions before liberalization are penalized by higher world prices and reduced imports. We draw implications for current World Trade Organization negotiations.  相似文献   

International markets for agricultural products are often subject to a range of trade barriers, and horticultural products are no exception. This article examines the economic implications of tariffs and sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) regulations that are applied to global markets for fresh apples and fresh oranges. We calculate regional‐level tariff rates and ad valorem equivalents for SPS barriers following the price‐wedge approach. A simulation model is developed and used to assess the price, quantity, and welfare implications of reducing tariffs, removing SPS barriers, and removing SPS barriers that have been identified as a Specific Trade Concern (STC) by the World Trade Organization. Results suggest that a 36% reduction in global tariffs would lead to greater welfare gains than would the elimination of SPS measures in apple markets. However, in orange markets, we find that SPS measures have much larger economic implications for producers and consumers. Here, a 36% reduction in tariffs would lead to smaller overall welfare effects compared to removal of all SPS measures, and only slightly larger effects than those from removal of STCs alone.  相似文献   

我国是农业大国,农产品的国际贸易对我国经济发展具有较大的影响。随着我国农产品贸易出口量的增加,国外许多国家,尤其是发达国家开始制定许多措施来限制我国农产品的出口,其中技术壁垒对我国农产品出口产生很大的阻碍。为了更好地促进农产品贸易发展,我国逐渐将特色果蔬作为农产品贸易的主要竞争力,特色果蔬不仅具有较高的经济效益,其区域特色、品质特色及丰富的营养结构等优势更是顺应了消费者对农产品质量要求越来越高的新变化。文章通过阐述特色农产品与技术壁垒等的相关概念,进而分析我国特色果蔬国际贸易发展存在的相关问题,从不利与有利因素来研究技术壁垒对我国特色果蔬国际贸易带来的影响,以此为我国特色果蔬贸易的发展提出以下几点政策建议:(1)提高特色果蔬产品质量安全水平;(2)完善特色果蔬质量标准体系建设;(3)实现特色果蔬集约化生产与运输。  相似文献   

The Doha round of multilateral trade negotiations commits World Trade Organization (WTO) members to improving market access for both agricultural and nonagricultural goods. Tariff barriers on wool products represent a small but important subset of these negotiations. To inform the debate on the round, we analyze the distortionary effects of recent (1997–2005) tariff barriers on wool products using a model that applies a comprehensive analytical approach with regard to the production, trade, and consumption of wool products. We also account for any indirect effects of wool tariff barriers on the nonwool economy by incorporating the production, trade, and consumption of nonwool products, that is, the framework is a comparative‐static global general equilibrium model with a detailed representation of the world wool market. Changes in wool tariffs over 1997–2005 lead to positive welfare effects for most regions; Italy, China, and the UK are estimated to have gained the most from the changes. The results indicate that the nature of recent wool tariffs severely distort the size of wool industries in different regions. The changes in the output of wool commodities are extreme reflecting the discriminatory nature of the tariffs.  相似文献   

China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) is an important milestone in the integration of this nation into the world economy. Substantial reduction in trade barriers by China, one of the world's largest and most rapidly growing economies, is expected to have a significant impact, both on China itself and on the global economy. In assessing likely impacts on trade between China and North America of China joining the WTO, a priori one might expect new opportunities for China in labor intensive activities/products, while for the United States and for Canada one might expect added export market opportunities, as China grows, in activities/products that require land, resources and capital. However, the extent to which China and its trading partners will benefit from China's increasing integration into the global economy will largely depend on the internal changes in policy and infrastructure that may be adopted by China. China has embarked on a process of economic reform, but the speed and extent to which this continues to be pursued will affect this nation's ability to capitalize on its comparative advantages and to meet new challenges that are associated with the opportunities of access to a larger market. The difficulty of forecasting such internal changes means that China continues to be a major source of uncertainty in projecting world markets and trade flows. This uncertainty is particularly evident for trade in agricultural products  相似文献   

A variety of public policies and private strategies have been implemented to stimulate farmers to implement nature conservation measures. Examples include publicly funded agri-environment schemes (AES) but also eco-labels and Alternative Food Networks; strategies that have been implemented in response to the continuous decline in species abundance and diversity due to agricultural intensification and scale enlargement. Whereas AES as a distinct governance strategy has been evaluated in detail, less is known about other strategies. In this paper, we assess the relative importance of the variety of public and private strategies aimed at enhancing species abundance and diversity in Italian olive farming through a reduction in agrochemical use. In a survey of olive farmers in the region of Tuscany, we found that although farmers are exposed to a variety of public and private strategies, personal motives to reduce agrochemical use are most important. Moreover, having a Corporate Social Responsibility plan or engaging in direct sales to consumers are the only strategies that are related to a reduction in agrochemical use. These findings suggest self-governance is a powerful strategy for enhancing species diversity and abundance in agricultural landscapes. Yet it also means contributing to nature conservation and restoration is a voluntary act. Olive farmers who do not voluntarily contribute to nature conservation by reducing agrochemicals need to be incentivized by show-casing farmers who did reduce their agrochemical use, by critical consumers or by stricter rules in AES or in generic agri-environmental legislation.  相似文献   

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