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我国个人所得税改革存在一定的误区:税制改革的重点在于流转税、当前个税属于综合与分类相结合的税收模式、劳动所得作为个税的改革核心等。反思改革误区,我国个人所得税改革应实现三点突破:一是个税改革重点应由劳动所得转向资本所得,以股息和红利所得作为资本所得课税的改革核心,取消根据持有时间长短而差别计税的优惠政策;二是不断扩大个人所得综合征税的范围,逐步实现对资本所得的综合课税、以半二元模式作为我国综合与分类相结合的个税改革模式;三是缓步实现对个人所得税的"增税"调整,促进我国税制结构向"双主体"模式合理过渡。  相似文献   

曹彦 《价值工程》2011,30(30):128-129
税收的主要职能与作用是筹集财政收入,调节收入分配和调控经济。其中,个人所得税是调节收入分配的重要手段,我国个人所得税政策实行以来,在这方面一直都发挥了积极的作用。但是随着社会主义市场经济的不断发展,个人所得税体制也需要改革。文章根据最新个税草案,对我国个人所得税存在的问题进行分析,并对充分发挥个税调节功能,缓解分配不公的矛盾提出改革建议。  相似文献   

1994年至今,个人所得税已经历四次重大改革,个税改革是税制改革的重点内容。本文将从个人所得税对居民消费影响的理论研究和实证研究方面,对现有个人所得税的研究文献进行梳理总结,并进行述评,总结现有文献研究存在的不足之处,以期为进一步研究个人所得税对居民消费影响研究提供依据和方向。  相似文献   

任蕾 《价值工程》2012,31(1):140
个人所得税作为国家一种宏观调控收入分配的手段和有力杠杆,个人所得税的改革方向也是我国目前改革的一个关键环节。文章针对此次我国工薪个人所得税"起征点"、税率和级距改革征收的问题及对个人所得税改革的发展趋势做了相关研究探讨。  相似文献   

This study explores volatility smiles when stock market information is lagged, specifically in the REIT industry. A usual requirement is that REITs can only disseminate information relating to their property valuations once per year; therefore, this leads to the lagging effect. Within the context of exchange options (i.e. mergers), it seems that no study has researched on this theme. This article uses the Black & Scholes model to calculate implied volatilities and their corresponding implied options to illustrate arbitrage opportunities when exchange options emerge. The results illustrate that implied volatilities are different from non-implied volatilities. Further, arbitrage is still higher among REITs as opposed to other capital market instruments. Finally, just like other capital market instruments, REIT acquisitions generate alpha.  相似文献   

陈清 《企业经济》2012,(5):152-155
《个人所得税法》自1980年9月颁布后,历经多次调整。新近通过的税法修正案将个税改革又向前推进了一步,但仍存在免征额调整影响力有限、动态调整机制缺失、费用扣除未体现个体差异、边际税率过高、征管技术粗糙、征管信息流通不畅等问题。应在深入研究的基础上转换税制模式,增加特殊减免额;运用指数化方法确定费用扣除标准,降低边际税率;建立税务代理和税务稽查相辅相成的制度,加强高收入人群的个税征管。  相似文献   

梁文涛  张清亮 《价值工程》2007,26(5):139-141
我国自1980年开征个人所得税以来,特别是1994年新的“个人所得税法”颁布实施以来,个人所得税呈大幅度增长趋势,在税收中所占的比重也逐年提高,现今已经成为我国的第四大税种。但是随着我国市场经济体制的深入发展,居民收入水平的明显提高,个人所得税税制本身和征管中都存在和暴露了一些问题,对其进行改革已经势在必行。文中对我国现行个人所得税税制本身和征管中存在的一些问题进行探讨,并提出相应的改革思路。  相似文献   

Using the most current data available, this study seeks to identify any new as well as traditional determinants of personal income tax evasion. A variety of empirical estimates find that income tax rates, the IRS audit rate and IRS penalty interest rates, and the unemployment rate all influence tax evasion. In addition, rarely investigated variables including the tax‐free interest rate, the public's job approval rating of the president, and the public's dissatisfaction with government, along with previously unstudied variables, namely, the real interest rate yield on Moody's Baa‐rated long‐term corporate bonds and the real interest rate yield on three‐year Treasury notes, also affect income tax evasion.  相似文献   

浅议我国现行个人所得税制改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韦小虹 《价值工程》2011,30(24):291-292
个人所得税作为调节居民收入分配的一个重要税种,在我国经济生活中起着至关重要的作用。个税调整直接关系百姓钱袋子,在通胀形势下成为关注热点。随着我国经济的增长,居民可支配收入也在逐年增多,但是作为调节贫富收入差距的"个人所得税"这一税收杠杆却滞后于我们经济的变化,这些问题不仅严重影响了税收调节经济的功能,而且对社会稳定也极为不利。本文在阐明了我国个人所得税制改革中存在的相关问题后,有针对性的提出了相关学者的政策建议。  相似文献   

袁秀云  王萍 《价值工程》2012,31(32):178-180
随着市场经济的发展,人们收入水平普遍提高,收入的提高,应缴纳的个人所得税也将相应增加。本文结合笔者工作实践,对工资薪金和劳务报酬等劳动性所得的个人所得税纳税筹划方法作初步探讨。  相似文献   

加强个人所得税征管的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐旭川  余国良 《价值工程》2010,29(26):231-232
我国的个人所得税收入增长强劲,但税款流失十分严重。造成这种状况的原因主要在于个人所得税制本身不完善,以及个人所得税征管的不足。本文认为,改革现行的税制需要经历较长的法律程序,当务之急应在提高个人所得税的征管水平上下工夫,并提出通过加强税源管理,严格纳税申报,加大税务稽查和处罚力度,以及优化纳税服务等途径,堵塞税收漏洞,提高征管效率,更好地发挥个人所得税的调控作用。  相似文献   

Concurrent taxation is a feature of many federal systems. As a result, the tax policy of one level of government affects the tax base of the other. A way to check the empirical relevance of this hypothesis is to test for the existence of interdependencies in the tax setting behaviour of various layers of government. Following this approach, this paper estimates the reaction of US state personal income and general sales taxes to federal tax rates, taking into account the special features of the US tax system. We find that when the federal government increases taxes, there is a significant positive response of state taxes.  相似文献   

目前我国个人所得税及征管存在诸多问题,本文试图通过分析我国个人所得税的现状以及存在的问题来提出相应的措施和建议。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the role of taxation on long-run income performance. In the theoretical part of the study, we develop a stylized model based on Barro (1990), in which income taxation has two contradictory roles in the standard Solow (1956) setup: on the one hand, taxation appropriates resources that would otherwise be used for physical capital accumulation, and on the other, it is the source of government spending, which is used to support private production. In the empirical part of the study, the impact of consumption tax, personal income tax, corporate profit tax and property tax on income is estimated using the common correlated effects (CCE) panel cointegration approach, which allows for cross-sectional dependencies and provides both panel- and country-specific results. The panel findings for 30 OECD countries for the period of 1995–2016 indicate that only consumption tax has a statistically significant negative effect on long-run income. However, because the type and sign of the tax coefficients are heterogeneous for the country-specific results, we conclude that taxation has heterogeneous effects on income.  相似文献   

Imputation systems integrate corporate and shareholder personal income taxes to alleviate double taxation of dividend income. In this study, we empirically examine whether a corporate tax rate reduction under an imputation tax system benefits shareholders. Using Taiwan as a setting, our analyses indicate that decreasing the corporate tax rate is associated with an increase in dividend payout ratio and foreign investment. Moreover, the increase in dividend payout ratio is even greater for firms that have a higher increase in foreign ownership. Additionally, the market reacts positively to an announcement of a tax rate reduction; specifically, positive stock price reactions are stronger for firms that experienced a greater increase in foreign ownership in response to the tax rate reduction, for firms with greater liquidity constraints and more growth opportunities before the tax rate reduction, and for firms with a bigger decrease in effective tax rates after the tax rate reduction. Overall, we provide evidence that a tax rate reduction is associated with economic impacts and that foreign shareholders appear to be the main beneficiaries of a tax rate reduction under an imputation tax system.  相似文献   

顾瑞鹏  陈响  潘岳 《价值工程》2011,30(20):103-104
随着中国市场经济的发展与税收分配制度改革的深入,个人收入来源形式也日益多样化,个人所得税在税收比重中所占的份额越来越重,如何使税后利益最大化已成为关系纳税人切身利益的重要问题,如何合理分配与规划企业职工薪金报酬也受到越来越多纳税人的关注。本文着重讨论这一问题。  相似文献   

成本与市价孰低法是会计学上对存货和短期投资计价的方法。在税收方面,为了加强对所得税税前列支项目的控制,我国税法在企业所得税和个人所得税应纳税额的计算过程中设计了许多绝对金额与相对比率控制相结合的方法,要求将某些税前扣除项目的实际发生总额与按规定比例计算的最高列支限额相比较,然后选择两者中数值较低者进行扣除。论文将有关规定进行了归纳整理,称为金额与比例孰低法。  相似文献   

Tax competition is supposed to lead to inefficiencies in the provision of public goods and difficulties for decentralized redistribution. A necessary condition for these effects to occur is that residence and location decisions are determined by fiscal considerations. In this paper, the impact of personal income taxes and transfer payments on residence decisions of taxpayers is analyzed using cross sectional data on the distribution of different groups of taxpayers in different income groups among the 26 Swiss cantons and the 137 largest Swiss cities. We find that tax competition with respect to personal income taxes is relatively strong in Switzerland.  相似文献   

随着我国个人所得税制度的不断完善,其作用越来越受到社会的关注。对工资薪金所得征税,关系着所有工薪阶层的利益。通过计算和分析对我国纳税人样本的个税负担后发现,我国个人所得税制度总体上能够体现公平原则,不同纳税人个税负担的差异主要是由劳动报酬或收入水平的差异所导致的,但个人所得税制度的调节作用存在逆向调节倾向,且免征额提高所产生的减税效应总体也不显著。在当前我国税收制度框架下,降低工资薪金的个税负担仍然是工薪阶层直接受益的重要方式,因而需要对工资薪金所得适用税率进行改革,消除当前存在的逆向调节效应。  相似文献   

This study employs the generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic in the mean (GARCH-M) methodology to investigate the return generating process of real estate investment trusts (REIT). The trade-off between excess returns and the conditional variance was positive for both equity and mortgage REITs but it was significant only for the latter. Changes in interest rates and their conditional variance were found to be inversely related to REIT excess returns. The 1986 tax law had a negative impact on the excess returns to both REIT sectors but the coefficient was significant only for mortgage REITs. The GARCH-M specification was determined to be more appropriate for the mortgage REIT portfolio than for the portfolio of equity REITs.  相似文献   

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