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Total quality management (TQM) is widely recognised as a management philosophy for improving customer satisfaction and organisational performance. However, there is no consensus over the critical success factors of TQM, in particular, in higher education (HE) and developing countries. Literature shows mixed results on the success and applicability of TQM principles in education, thus, underlining the need to revisit the application of TQM principles in HE. This paper identifies the critical success factors of TQM in Pakistani universities. Data was collected from faculty members of universities through questionnaires. The findings reveal that ‘leadership’, ‘vision’, ‘measurement and analysis’, ‘process control and evaluation’, ‘programs design and resources allocation’ and ‘stakeholder focus’ emerge as the critical success factors of TQM in HE. The findings have implications at macro, meso, and micro levels of HE.  相似文献   

文章对质量管理体系建立的过程和方法,以及自我完善与持续改进的思路进行了论述。  相似文献   

综合素质教育是指通过教育环境的影响熏陶、教育内容和手段的规范制约以提高受教育者综合素质为目标的教育。  相似文献   

论企业危机管理体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章主要通过对企业危机管理理论的分析,从系统的角度对企业危机管理体系的构建进行了初步探索。  相似文献   

While the application of quality management and total quality management in higher education (HE) are discussed in literature, quality assurance (QA) of academic programs—the main services offered by higher education institutes (HEIs)—is yet to be fully understood. Scepticism prevails on how the principles of QA—having origin in manufacturing sector—can be applied in HE. The main question addressed in this article is ‘how the academic processes can be designed for QA?’ This paper suggests the use of systems approach for a number of reasons: first systems approach brings wide range of stakeholders into organisational consciousness. Second, it allows deployment of QA strategically through the development of a mission for the HEI. Third, it allows alignment and realignment of academic processes with the mission of the HEI. Finally, it allows systematic management of QA implementation with an essential focus on continual improvement. The mentioned elements are embodied in a framework consisting of a list of diagnostic questions to guide the integration of QA into academic processes. The framework should help HEIs integrate QA into academic programs with continual improvement as an essential ingredient.  相似文献   

As one of the major developing locations that are playing a critical role in determining the national competitive advantage to accomplish the Taiwanese national goal of becoming a Republic of Creativity (ROC) and a kingdom of innovation, Taipei County has started to become a highlighted issue by both researchers and practitioners. Because a higher education system is at the core of generating innovation in a nation, how to prompt the creativity of higher education system in Taipei County has been one of the top concerns for the Taipei County government. Therefore, the aim of this study is to select critical creativity strategies that were developed by the Taipei County government for the higher education system to implement creativity improvement and enhancement. Based on the results, the most effective creativity strategy is Creative Intelligence. The higher education system in Taipei County is encouraged to improve and enhance creativity in accordance with the results so as to enhance the Taiwanese innovation level and fulfill the Taiwanese national goal of efficiency.  相似文献   

为了培养更多高素质的高级应用型人才 ,增强办学实力 ,提高办学效益 ,办出水平和特色 ,北京市经济管理干部学院采取了抓观念转变 ,重制度建设 ;抓师资建设 ,重双师素质 ;抓专业教改 ,重能力培养 ;抓教学质量 ,重品牌特色等改革措施 ,走出一条“创新建校、特色立校、品牌强校”的办学之路。  相似文献   

提高高职院校教学质量,为社会输送合格的技能型、实用型人才,是高职院校生存和发展的根本。本文围绕校企合作人才培养模式下对教学质量监控的要求、教学质量监控体系的构建等问题,进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

略论高等教育评价创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评价主体的互动性、价值判断的复杂性与有效评价的滞后性,是高等教育评价的基本特征,教育创新有赖于评价创新,评价创新的核心是人才质量观的创新,选择性评价、课程性评价与过程性评价,是教育评价创新的本质体现、现实基础与基本途径。  相似文献   

烟草行业工艺质量管理与生产成本控制关系浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
控制成本不能忽视质量,在进行产品质量管理的同时,把消耗降到最低点,才能为企业创造更好的效益。在明确了两者的关系后,文章指出保证质量、降低消耗、合理控制生产成本就成为企业生存发展至关重要的保障。  相似文献   

This study aims to scrutinize the antecedents that force the evolution of Taiwanese higher education from an elite to a universal system in the past two decades. From policy perspective, this study looks at how Taiwanese government encouraged educational reform in a way that has led to the massive expansion of both the numbers of colleges and universities and the increasing enrollment rate in higher education. This study also discusses the governmental policies that emphasized the quality enhancement and identified the lack of mechanism of quality assurance in Taiwan’s early educational reformation and how government reacted to the concerns associate with quality assurance that has been brought by the public after the educational reform. Taiwan’s case illustrated in this paper reveals a possible dilemma and lesson that developing countries may encounter when seeking to expand higher education for human capital by imposing incongruous policies that on the one hand promote the growth of higher education institutions, especially the private ones, and on the other depress their existence for the sake of quality assurance.  相似文献   

Little is known about the satisfaction with employee performance management systems in higher education institutions. In this study, we contribute to this field by focussing on the alignment features of employee performance management systems, on communication related to these systems and on control tightness in the academic unit. An important contribution to the literature is the adoption of an integrated approach to employee performance management in higher education institutions. Employee performance management system features and satisfaction result from a survey to which 589 employees of a Flemish University contributed. Separate estimations are done for different tenure types of academics. The estimation results show that a higher level of internally consistent employee performance management systems, more communication and tighter control are associated with higher academic employee performance management satisfaction. The study also reveals that employee performance management satisfaction depends on the tenure type, suggesting that a diversified employee performance management policy should be considered in universities.  相似文献   

Countries have progressed during the decades through internationalization of their products. Pakistan is also trying hard to internationalize its products and has succeeded as far as the textile and sport ware industries are concerned. Pakistani Sports industry, though always relying on high quality products, lacked a formal quality management program till 1990’s. It was during this decade that most sports industries adopted a formal quality management program in the shape of ISO-9000. This paper encompasses different aspects of quality management and establishes its role in internationalization. Research findings presented in this paper are carried out in two phases. In phase-I, the detailed analysis of 6 sports industries is done, whereas in phase-II, a survey of one hundred industries was conducted and the role of quality management was established based on obtained results. It was found that 85% companies adopted ISO-9000 as a formal quality management program. The quality impact on internationalization was probed and it was found that the following quality management programs increased the sale, exports, profitability and the well being of the owner and the workers.  相似文献   

We analyze the decision whether to participate and where and what to study in a public system of higher education, based on a unique dataset of all eligible high school pupils in an essentially closed region (Flanders). We find that pupils perceive the available institutions and programs as close substitutes relative to the outside option. This implies an ambiguous role for travel costs: they hardly affect the participation decision, but have a strong impact on the decision where and what to study. To illustrate how our empirical results can inform the debate on reforming public systems, we assess the effects of tuition fee increases. Uniform cost‐based tuition fee increases achieve most of the welfare gains; the additional gains from fee differentiation are relatively limited. These welfare gains are quite large under conservative assumptions on the social cost of public funds, and there is a substantial redistribution from students to outsiders. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article presents a trust‐centered, integrated model for achieving educational excellence in the higher education industry with focus on governing boards and strategies for academic quality and financial performance. The discussion includes leadership themes and strategies on development of teacher‐leaders, creating a culture of shared leadership and effective governance for performance outcomes, robust evaluations of student‐learning assessments for continuous improvement, and strategic leadership in the implementation of high‐quality programs. Perceptions of trust form the foundation of the integrated model with influences of personality, culture, motivation, values, reliability, competence, and intuition. Trust among board trustees is essential for creating collaborative environments for innovative change and educational performance excellence. Collaborative environments promote a sense of shared leadership and governance to encourage innovation and performance excellence at all levels within the educational institution.  相似文献   

文献回顾发现,无论是国外还是国内在现代学徒制的探索中进行了较多的有益尝试,德、澳、英、美、法各国的现代学徒制各具特色.酒店管理专业作为高职院校校企合作最为紧密的专业之一,在高职教育的现代学徒制实践中已有较好的应用,同时也存在政府、企业、院校、学生等多方面的问题,需要在实践中不断反思改进.  相似文献   

The article questions the myth of inequality and elitism on the grounds of tuition fees in higher education. It argues that the key to a successful transformation in higher education lies in the ability to provide ‘high quality products,’ driven by independent charges or fees and an equitable loan finance system. Unless these conditions are met, the author predicts an overcrowded university system and falling academic standards.  相似文献   

在日益激烈的市场经济竞争和人才竞争中,高等院校如何在社会公众面前树立起良好的形象,以赢得社会的赞许和信任,关系到自身的生存与发展.因而导入"学校形象识别",发挥其在学校管理中的作用有着重要的现实意义.文章从企业形象(CI)的认知出发,对学校形象识别和校园文化建设进行了有益的探索.  相似文献   

运用实际审核经验,通过对ISO9000质量管理体系标准中"生产和服务提供的控制"的深入阐述,从而说明其在质量管理体系运行中的作用,为企业提高质量管理水平和加强质量体系审核工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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