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对于经历过10年高速增长的在华企业来说,高增长时代已经远去,在如今无论是国际需求还是国内经济环境都发生着巨大变化的情形之下,提高生产率势在必行。根据近期安永中国宏观经济发展趋势的研究,过去10年中,在华企业(包括国有、民营、外资企业)取得了杰出成绩。然而现在有何不同?中国经济增长的原始引擎正在降温。众所周知,在过去两年中,无论是来自国际的需求还是国内的 相似文献
一、关于内部控制流程设计研究背景的思考回顾我国的内部控制发展历程,上世纪90年代中期我国《独立审计具体准则》首次明确了内部控制的定义,让内部控制问题第一次走进了国内财会理论和实务界的研究视野,而财政部等五都委先后于2008年和2010年联合发布的《企业内部控制基本规范》(以下简称《基本规范》)和《企业内部控制配套指引》(以下简称《配套指引》),则可视为国内内部控制实践模式从粗放向集约转型的分水岭,当时高达84%的企业认为内部控制实施的主要障碍源于缺乏具有可操 相似文献
对高速公路运营企业固定资产内部控制的方式进行了分析,指出了高速公路运营企业固定资产内部控制存在的问题,并阐述了高速公路运营企业加强固定资产内部控制的措施,通过应用内部控制措施能够保证企业各项经营活动能够顺利开展,确保企业固定资产管理的科学性. 相似文献
《企业内部控制基本规范》的出台为企业规范管理、强化内部控制、提升抵御风险能力提供了指导。科学、有效的内部控制制度,是实现企业经营管理目标的有力保证。本文仅结合目前集团公司实行的市场化运作和基数增长政策及本企业实际,就发电企业在生产经营管理中如何建立有效的内控制度,提出自己的建议和想法。 相似文献
<正>自从20世纪90年代发生的美国的安然、世通等财务欺诈案件,以及2008年爆发的金融危机,使各大企业都开始反省企业的内部控制系统是否完善,认识到光有成熟、完善的内部控制框架是远远不够的,更为实质和重要的应是内部控制框架的有效运行。 相似文献
税务风险管理不是财务管理的分支,而是企业风险管理的分支和企业内部控制管理的重要部分.税务风险管理体系建设要避免脱离企业内控而成管理孤岛,应当结合企业内控,建立健全一个目标五大机制的企业税务风险管理体系,实现降低纳税风险,促进企业依法纳税的税务风险管理目标. 相似文献
采购业务是企业进行生产活动的首要环节,同时也是生产的准备阶段以及运营资金循环的开始阶段。采购业务直接涉及商品与现金的进出,关系到企业的生产和销售计划的实现。其运行复杂且环节多,若无法严格控制则会导致资金的支付或负债的增加,产生不必要的纠葛。对于汽车制造企业来说,采购业务是企业运营的关键环节,它关系到企业成本和利润的高低。所以,加强其采购环节的内部控制,是降低经营成本、提高汽车企业效率的重要手段,也是增强竞争力的重要途径。 相似文献
近年来,我国企业面临着日益复杂的竞争环境,需要更加重视“强基健体”,不断提升企业的治理效能,对内部控制工作予以更多的关注和重视。在充分探讨企业内部控制评价的必要性的基础上,指出了企业内部控制评价流程中存在的问题,并提出了企业内部控制评价流程的优化路径,帮助企业完善内部控制评价流程,增强企业的核心竞争力。 相似文献
Stewart GB 《Harvard business review》2004,82(7-8):59-63, 186
Many companies have posted impressive top-line growth over the past two decades in their respective economic regions--for instance, Wal-Mart in North America, BP in Europe, Toyota in Asia, and News Corporation in the Southern Hemisphere. But which were the best at converting all of that revenue growth into shareholder value? Harvard Business Review asked C. Bennett Stewart III, the senior partner of the consulting firm Stern Stewart & Company, and his colleagues to come up with the answer. For the period 1983 to 2003, they assembled a list of the top 20 high-growth value adders (and laggards) in each of the four regions cited above. Their calculations gave equal weight to companies' revenue growth and market-value-added scores, revealing the important effect of region on the performance of companies in the same industry. For instance, while automakers are positioned high on the Asian list of high-growth value adders, U.S. carmakers GM and Ford--each of which reported revenue growth in excess of 100 billion dollars between 1983 and 2003--are among the value laggards on the North American list, as are DaimlerChrysler and Volkswagen on the European list. The Japanese win through better efficiency, higher quality, and narrower product mixes, the author says. And while there are four telecom companies represented among the European high-growth value adders, there are none on the North American list. That's probably because the European telecoms enjoyed more protective regulation, made fewer high-priced acquisitions, and didn't bet as big on the overblown dot-com economy, the author says. 相似文献
阿里巴巴的融资过程非常成功,无论是发行阶段还是上市阶段,都有良好的表现,创造了许多新的历史记录.阿里巴巴的成功经验表明,海外上市不仅要把握好上市的时机、地点,而且上市公司自身应当有独到的盈利模式,能够保持业绩的高速增长 相似文献
The profitable art of service recovery 总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58
In services, mistakes are a fact of life. No matter how hard companies try, they can't prevent the occasional late flight or missed delivery. But they can learn to recover from them. Consider how Club Med-Cancun turned a service nightmare into a memorable experience. When a flight to Cancun left New York six hours late, made two unexpected stops, ran out of food, and had a rough landing, the vacationers on board were certain their holiday was ruined. But the Club Med manager greeted the travelers with food and music and chauffeured them back to the resort. In the end, the vacationers had a better time than if the flight had gone like clockwork. Service recovery starts with identifying the problem. The Bank of Maine in Portland pays customers $1 for writing a letter about the service they received. American Express uses an "800" number to solicit customer complaints. Once they've identified a problem, service companies must act fast. When Smith & Hawken realized that it was taking months to resolve customers' problems by mail, the company decided to use the phone instead. Most important, service companies should encourage frontline employees to deviate from the rules when necessary. Some companies use role playing to help employees develop the creative thinking needed to deal with unusual situations. Sonesta Hotels uses a game in which teams win points for coming up with good solutions to realistic problems. Also, employees must have the authority and responsibility to act on their beliefs-to make phone calls, credit accounts, or send flowers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Freeman KW Nolen G Tyson J Lewis KD Greifeld R Gulati R 《Harvard business review》2004,82(7-8):124-32, 189
When does it make sense for companies to grow from within? When is it better to gain new capabilities or access to markets by merging with or acquiring other companies? When should you sacrifice the bottom line in order to nurture the top line? In a thought-provoking series of essays, five executives--Kenneth Freeman of Quest Diagnostics, George Nolen of Siemens USA, John Tyson of Tyson Foods, Kenneth Lewis of Bank of America, and Robert Creifeld of Nasdaq--describe how they have approached top-line growth in various leadership roles throughout their careers. They write candidly about their struggles and successes along the way, relaying growth strategies as diverse as the companies and industries they represent. The leaders' different tactics have almost everything to do with their companies' particular strengths, weaknesses, and needs. Freeman, for instance, emphasizes the importance of knowing when to put on the brakes. When he first became CEO of Quest, he froze acquisitions for a few years so the company could focus on internal processes and "earn the right to grow." But for Greifeld, it's all about innovation, which "shakes up competitive stasis and propels even mature businesses forward." The executives agree, though, that companies can grow (and can do so profitably) by distinguishing their offerings from those of other organizations. As Ranjay Gulati of Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management points out in his introduction to the essays, no matter what strategies are in play,"it's important to remember that growth comes in many forms and takes patience.... The key is to be ready to act on whatever types of opportunities arise." 相似文献
过去五年间,中国经济年均增长率约为7.4%,而中国对外直接投资年复合增长率却高达16.9%.中国国内经济增速的放缓以及海外投资相对的低成本使更多中国企业积极通过海外并购寻求增长动力.2015年,密集释放的政策红利和迫切的转型升级需求推动中国企业掀起新一轮出海热潮,中国对外直接投资在经济增长乏力的阴霾下再创历史新高. 相似文献
This paper investigates the profitability of technical trading rules in the foreign exchange market taking into account data snooping bias and transaction costs. A universe of 7650 trading rules is applied to six currencies quoted in U.S. dollars over the 1994:3–2014:12 period. The Barras, Scaillet, and Wermers (2010) false discovery rate method is employed to deal with data snooping and it detects almost all outperforming trading rules while keeping the proportion of false discoveries to a pre-specified level. The out-of-sample results reveal a large number of outperforming rules that are profitable over short periods based on the Sharpe ratio. However, they are not consistently profitable and so the overall results are more consistent with the adaptive markets hypothesis. 相似文献
在百度百科上,关于"行业自律"给出的解释是:一方面是行业对国家法律法规的遵守和贯彻,另一方面是行业内制定和执行行规行约,以约束自身行为,实现行业内部的自我监督和保护. 相似文献
金融机构如何支持清洁发展、支持绿色环保,中国建设银行批发业务总监许会斌对此介绍说:中国建设银行(以下简称建设银行)将积极创新信贷模式,支持低碳发展。中国建设银行愿与各界一道,让资本向绿色企业聚集,向人类展示低碳转型的中国!许会斌在演讲中说 相似文献
提及垃圾分类处理.人们通常想到的是飞尘满天飞的垃圾场和戴着口罩、手套,全副武装的垃圾分类人员,而长沙三超机械制造有限公司(简称:三超机械)改变了这一场景,环保工人坐在办公室里就可远程操控垃圾的分类处理。三超机械依托自主知识产权的专利技术和国际领先的城市生活废弃物综合处理创新技术,专注于从源头分类处理生活垃圾.它生产出的“多功能生活垃圾分类压缩站”.填补了国内外在源头进行生活垃圾分类资源化的空白。因此荣登2012“十大绿色创新企业”之榜 相似文献
We present a new profitable trading and risk management strategy with transaction cost for an adaptive equally weighted portfolio. Moreover, we implement a rule-based expert system for the daily financial decision-making process using the power of spectral analysis. We use several key components such as principal component analysis, partitioning, memory in stock markets, percentile for relative standing, the first four normalized central moments, learning algorithm, and switching among several investment positions consisting of short stock market, long stock market and money market with real risk-free rates. We find that it is possible to beat the proxy for the equity market without short selling for 168 S&P 500-listed stocks during the 1998–2008 period and 213 Russell 2000-listed stocks during the 1995–2007 period. Our Monte Carlo simulation for both the various set of stocks and the interval of time confirms our findings. 相似文献