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2003年底,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)根据《萨班斯法案》第208(a)条款的规定,重新修订发布了关于注册会计师独立性的规则,禁止注册会计师向审计客户提供某些形式的非审计服务,要求注册会计师在提供未被SEC规定禁止的非审计服务前取得审计委员会的批准,要求会计师事务所每五年轮换审计项目主管合伙人,并要求审计项目组成员在被审计客户雇用前有“冷却”期。与此同时,美国注册会计师协会(AICPA)也开始启动修订职业道德准则中的“独立性规则101”的计划。2003年9月,AICPA职业道德委员会完成了独立性规则的修订工作,发布了修订后的“独立性…  相似文献   

美国怎样保证注册会计师的独立性艾宝君,杜春平在美国,把主要从事审计工作的人员称为注册会计师(CertifiedPublicAccountant,CPA)。他们拥有与企业内部会计人员不同的职能。企业内部会计人员主要对经济业务进行记录、分类和汇总,为企业...  相似文献   

独立性是注册会计师的灵魂,这是执业公平客观的保证.失去独立性,注册会计师所提供的审计鉴证信用服务就会误导投资者,同时也会削弱公司治理的功效.因此,为保证会计信息的质量就必须保持公司治理生态中注册会计师这一环节的超然独立.注册会计师审计只有独立,才能得到社会的信任和尊重,才能保证审计的经济监督、经济评价、经济鉴证职能,审计报告才更加可信,审计才更有权威性.  相似文献   

论注册会计师的独立性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
注册会计师职业道德是一个全世界都面临的问题。在注册会计师职业道德中,最重要的组成部分是注册会计师的独立性。综观这几年的证券市场的舞弊案件,多多少少和注册会计师独立性的丧失有关。注册会计师职业一旦丧失了独立性,其审计结果的客观性和公正性就会受到人们的怀疑。因此,独立性是注册会计师职业取信于投资大众和社会公众的必要条件。  相似文献   

当前我国的社会主义市场经济体制尚不完善,我国注册会计师行业的发展尚处于初期阶段。市场游戏规则不完善,市场主体行为不规范,资本市场内幕交易频繁,执业人员素质低下等等,这些都严重干扰了我国注册会计师审计的独立性。本文分析了我国注册会计师保持独立性的原因、意义及影响我国注册会计师独立性的主要因素,并对注册会计师如何保持独立性作了一些粗浅的分析。  相似文献   

会计师事务所承接非审计业务与注册会计师独立性之间的关系问题历来是审计理论界争论的主要焦点之一,在一系列审计失败案件之后,更是成为界内的热点。笔者认为,要解决这个问题,必须明晰独立性的概念,尤其是要深入剖析目前对形式独立性的理解。  相似文献   

注册会计师独立性的再审视   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
陈晓  陈武朝 《会计研究》2005,(10):76-81
本文通过系统考察非标准无保留审计意见与“保壳”和配股资格等因素之间的关系对我国注册会计师的独立性进行了再审视。我们的实证检验结果表明,尽管我国注册会计师已能够发现上市公司的一些会计问题,并开始对上市公司的某些会计信息失真问题说“不”,但这种独立性十分有限。当事关配股、利润分配等上市公司切身利益的事项时,注册会计师更多的是选择沉默。  相似文献   

本文总结了影响审计独立性的因素和加强审计独立性的对策,为提高审计独立性提供参考依据。  相似文献   

随着当今经济的飞速发展,在社会主义市场经济的体制下,由于会计职业道德中偏差的存在,致使各个经济主体同国家利益、社会利益之间的矛盾越来越多,这无疑对社会秩序造成影响.当前,我国的审计市场还不够健全,影响我国注册会计师审计独立性的原因是会计师事务所自身体制上的缺陷、审计人员业务能力的低下.本文就注册会计师审计现在存在的问题,对影响独立性的多种因素进行简要分析,并且在此基础上提出相应的解决措施.  相似文献   

美国证交会最近又有新动向,在共同基金、董事选举和对冲基金方面下手了  相似文献   

Review of Accounting Studies - An emerging literature shows that shareholders benefit from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) filing reviews in terms of improved disclosures and...  相似文献   

秘密申报是美国证交会主席沃尔特J·克莱顿(Walter J. Clayton)上台后的新政,被他作为政绩来宣传的.特朗普上台后声称要兑现其竞选期间的承诺,克莱顿是特朗普提拔的证交会主席,是金融监管机构的小特朗普.小特朗普也是要兑现自己先前的承诺:上台后要去监管.  相似文献   

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 brought sweeping changes to the accounting profession. One important mandate was for the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to strengthen the rules of auditor independence. To meet its legal responsibility, the SEC issued Final Rule No. 68 [United States Securities and Exchange Commission (USSEC) (2003). Final Rule 68: Strengthening the commission’s requirements regarding auditor independence. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office [Issue Date: January 28, 2003 (www.sec.gov/rules/final/33-8183.htm and Retrieval Date: January 25, 2004)]], thereby adopting new independence rules for auditors of public companies.  相似文献   

It has been argued that economies with more independent central banks experience lower inflation over time. In this paper we show that this relationship is sensitive to the methodology through which central bank independence indices are constructed. We stress the importance of employing dynamic central bank independence indices in two ways. First, we perform unit root tests with structural breaks to verify if the implementation of central bank reforms represents a structural break for the inflation rate dynamics. Second, we implement a panel data analysis.We find evidence that legislative reforms that modify the degree of independence of a central bank have a strong impact on the inflation rate dynamics. Moreover, underlying the importance of employing dynamic central bank independence indices, we confirm the negative relationship between the latter and inflation for a sample of 10 OECD countries.  相似文献   

Ostensibly, the SEC's new round of regulatory activity is motivated by a bout of well-publicized business scandals and an explosive increase in financial innovations and instruments. Many critics of the “new” SEC question the proportionality and usefulness of the responses, which move the SEC well beyond reliance on disclosure and promotion of transparency. Others argue that more heavy-handed and far-reaching regulation is necessary given the vast changes in financial markets, the increasing importance of (largely unregulated) hedge funds and private equity, and corporate scandals that allege fraud and deception. This paper provides a rationale for studying recent regulatory changes and for addressing the overarching question of how to define the boundaries of SEC intervention in financial markets. The study provides an overview of papers in this special issue and concludes with suggestions for how policymakers can use research to better evaluate the costs and benefits of regulation.  相似文献   

In overlapping generations models, money growth creates intergenerational wealth effects and leads to the breakdown of the Friedman rule; the rule can be restored via lump-sum tax and transfers that neutralize these wealth transfers. Additionally, and in contrast to money-in-the-utility-function models, the Friedman rule is not the unique first-best solution in cash-in-advance-constraint models of money: a continuum of combinations of money growth rates and consumption taxes implement the first-best allocation. This paper traces through the intellectual origins of the first (old) result, which was recently restated in Bhattacharya, et al. [2005. Monetary policy, fiscal policy, and the inflation tax: equivalence results. Macroeconomic Dynamics 7, 647-669.] and formally demonstrates the second (new) result.  相似文献   

资产负债管理是影响寿险公司经营成败的重要因素,其长期目标是经济价值最大化.在信息不对称的情况下,会计报表成为寿险公司实施资产负债管理的重要依据和管理内容.我国保险业实施新会计准则后,寿险公司资产与负债的计量方式发生重大变化,会计报表的波动性显著增加,对资产负债管理提出了严峻的挑战.本文研究了新会计准则对传统险、分红险和...  相似文献   

Under SEC Rule 14a-8, shareholders can petition management to include a topic for vote on the annual proxy statement. In response, management may request no-action relief from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) staff to exclude unwelcome proposals. Using a sample of 3,040 no-action letters from the SEC between 2008 and 2019, I examine the determinants of the SEC staff’s decision to grant no-action relief. I find that legal characteristics, pressures on the staff, and proposal attributes have a statistically significant association with the SEC’s decision. Beyond these factors, I find evidence individual SEC staff members differ in the likelihood that they grant no-action relief. On average, these staff members appear to add value, as evidenced by a positive market response to their decisions, but this favorable valuation effect is concentrated among relatively more experienced staff.  相似文献   


This study examines the impact of SEC comment letters on future financial reporting outcomes and earnings credibility. Naïve Bayesian classification identifies comment letters associated with future restatements and write-downs. An investor attention-based quantitative measure of importance, using EDGAR downloads, also predicts these outcomes. Disclosure-event abnormal returns, revenue recognition comments, and the number of letters in a conversation appear to be useful quantitative metrics for classifying importance in certain settings. This study also documents trends in comment letter topics over time and identifies topics associated with the textual and quantitative classifications of importance, providing insights into the factors that draw investor attention and that relate to future restatements and write-downs. Innocuous comment letters are associated with improvements in earnings credibility following comment letter reviews.


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