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Law seeking to provide protection for pregnant workers has proved to be complex and uncertain. This article aims to examine the legislation — recently amended — and case law and to assess their effectiveness. The conclusion is that a coherent scheme is emerging but that the level of maternity pay remains problematic.  相似文献   

Workers in the public sector have commonly been subject to a more restrictive labour law regime than their private sector counterparts. This article argues that this has become anachronistic and proposes a more sophisticated model for according differential treatment to particular groups of workers.  相似文献   

A bstract . The spirit of capitalism arose not from a change in religion, as Max Weber claims, but from a break in the philosophic tradition that was initiated by Machiavelli , whose economic consequences were spelled out by the Neapolitan Antonio Serra in a path breaking treatise of 1613. Serra called for an active government promoting manufacturing enterprises that would enjoy ever advancing technology and indefinite declines in unit costs. A newly-structured market economy would guarantee an ever-growing consumer basket in an acquisitive system centered in self advantage, national and individual, pursued in independence of traditional moral restraints on avarice. Writing in jail, Serra advances his new and anti-scholastic ideas with great discretion for fear of persecution by political and ecclesiastical authorities who were, at the time, against innovation of all kinds.  相似文献   

Ex-offenders comprise a significant percentage of the labor force but frequently face stigmatization at work. Previous research on the ex-offender stigma has focused almost exclusively on its deleterious implications during the selection process. We seek to provide insight by adopting a cross-disciplinary approach and drawing from theoretical foundations in social psychology to present a model of the process and outcomes of the stigmatization of ex-offenders in organizations. In doing so, we outline the relationships between stigmatization, labeling, stereotyping, and treatment discrimination in the employee-observer relationship, to suggest how stigma leads to employee outcomes such as reduced performance and satisfaction as well as higher turnover. Further, we offer critical boundary conditions along each step of the process and discuss strategies that ex-offenders can use to manage their stigma as well as organizational practices that may help employers and managers avoid negative outcomes for ex-offender employees.  相似文献   

The role of the shop steward in Australian industrial relations is probably as important as that of his British counterpart. In this article the author uses the three types of shop steward described by Miller and Form: management, union and employee oriented, to analyse a survey of 260 shop stewards in Western Australia.  相似文献   

This paper provides a critical examination of the meaning of organizational politics (OP) for human resource management (HRM). We develop our discussion in three main sections. First, we explain the commonly negative image of OP and argue that it also has some positive dimensions useful for understanding HRM. Based on this rationale and on previous writings we present a balanced and non-judgmental approach towards politics in HRM. We extend the discussion to suggest a specific typology and model that, in our view, better explains the meaning of OP for HRM than current definitions. The model includes aspects of positive/constructive HRM, negative/destructive HRM, ineffective HRM and virtual HRM. Finally, we examine the implications of the model in the context of the changing Israeli cultural environment. This historical–cultural analysis pertains to similar global shifts and points to future HRM challenges in Israel and around the world.  相似文献   

Manufacturing unemployment is caused by many kinds of organizational change, often a change to automatic production. A framework is suggested here for analyzing the relationship of automation-change to other organizational changes.  相似文献   

Conclusions The primary objective of this paper has been to provide a broadened framework for combining economic and demographic planning in a way which is also consistent with planning and accounting models developed and employed by both demographers and economists. In addition we also want to have this same framework available for extension to other types of multi-dimensional social-economic planning possibilities. One set of such examples may be found in the work by Stone [28], Wilson and Rees [34] and the United Nations' current program for developing systems of social and demographic accounts for possible use in new and improved approaches to country development planning. Another example, which, though broader, is also somewhat more theoretical may be found in [25] where explixit use is made of the E matrix for linking economic and demographic dimensions in planning applications.In this paper we have focused on Leontief-type analyses, extended to provide demographic linkages, because we want to adapt some of the sharper concepts of economics (e.g., Pareto optimality) to provide additional assistance for guiding and coordinating eco-demographic planning interactions. To be sure, such concepts are of interest in their own right, as when, say, an improvement in conditions for fulfilling career aspirations may cause a wrosening in one or more components of final demand. They are also of interest for other reasons as well. In particular they are of interest as an alternative to only empirical extrapolations or predictions for long range plans especially when, as we show here, they can yield relatively stable guides for longer range plans.The idea, of course, is to utilize these stable patterns in relatively flexible ways and not for the purpose of only imposing a supposedly coherent regimen on all subsequent activities in an economy-or other such social unit. This means that some idea of the significance of these guidelines and their potential alterations must also be available. It is to this end that our kind of theoretical underpinning is supplied. On the one hand, it provides access to a well thought over body of concepts, e.g., from the main body of welfare economics. On the other hand, it supplies access to manipulative and computational power which is readily available from demographic as well as economic analysis in ways that can be readily implemented via modern electronic computational facilities, etc.Other extensions are also in order, of course, and may be effected via stochastic formulations to deal with items like labor turnover and considerations of inter-sectoral and occupational mobility and employment. Growth and other phenomena which relate to demographic as well as economic dimensions will also need to be essayed but these are best left aside for subsequent treatments which can consider them separately with more explicit attention to other quality of life dimensions to which they are evidently related25.  相似文献   

In a growing number of families, members are dispersed across country borders, but maintain close ties. Despite their growing prevalence, an overarching theoretical framework to explain this phenomenon is absent and little is known about work-family experiences in this type of family. With this in mind, we provide a typology that can be applied to the transnational family as a theoretical lens through which diverse forms of transnational families can be understood. Next, we provide a definition of work-family balance (WFB) that considers unique aspects of transnational families while also drawing upon previous definitions of WFB developed in the domestic work-family literature. Finally, we discuss how WFB may differ depending on the characteristics of transnational families. We conclude by discussing implications and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

新形势下拓宽大学生就业渠道的路径探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
招生规模的持续增长和我国宏观经济不确定性对就业的制约,给我国大学生就业带来较大的负面影响;经济体制转型、选用人才存在盲目性等成为影响大学生就业的主要因素;做好毕业生就业工作,必须依靠各部门的密切配合、齐抓共管,政府更要高度重视,给予政策支持.  相似文献   

This article examines changes in Northern Ireland employment law in the last decade, with a view to establishing whether the unions there were handled more gently by government than at national level. It concludes that in 1992 ideological orthodoxy finally overwhelmed any feeling of benignity which may have survived from an earlier period.  相似文献   

This article examines the debate on reforms in industrial relations law in India, needed to support its economic liberalisation programme. Analysing a distinctively Indian experience of state intervention in industrial relations, it concludes that the thrust of the reform should be towards entrusting union recognition and promotion of dispute settlement to an authority that is independent of the state executive.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first empirical evidence on the effect of the threat of unionisation on the use of a predominantly non-union type of employment, i.e. temporary employment. The identification strategy exploits an exogenous variation in union threat induced in the UK by new legislation enabling unions to obtain recognition even against the will of the management. The analysis finds no evidence of an effect on the probability that a firm employs fixed-term workers, and some weak evidence of a negative effect on the probability of using agency workers. Furthermore, estimates of the effect on the share of temporary employment are negative and statistically insignificant. Overall, therefore, there is no support for the hypothesis that firms under the threat of unionisation are more likely to use this type of non-union employment.  相似文献   

A typology of mixed methods research designs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mixed methods paradigm is still in its adolescence, and, thus, is still relatively unknown and confusing to many researchers. In general, mixed methods research represents research that involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting quantitative and qualitative data in a single study or in a series of studies that investigate the same underlying phenomenon. Over the last several years, a plethora of research designs have been developed. However, the number of designs that currently prevail leaves the doctoral student, the beginning researcher, and even the experienced researcher who is new to the field of mixed methods research with the challenge of selecting optimal mixed methods designs. This paper presents a three-dimensional typology of mixed methods designs that represents an attempt to rise to the challenge of creating an integrated typology of mixed methods designs. An example for each design is included as well as a notation system that fits our eight-design framework. This paper won the James E. McLean outstanding paper award.  相似文献   

A typology of project-level technology transfer processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops a conceptual typology of inward technology transfer (ITT), which explicitly considers technology transfer at the project, rather than the firm, level of analysis. Building on extant technology management literature and the organizational theories of information processing and interdependence, we carefully characterize the three dimensions of the typology: the technology uncertainty of the technology that is transferred, the organizational interaction between the technology source and recipient, and transfer effectiveness. Appropriate matches of technology uncertainty and organizational interaction result in four archetypal cases called “transfer process types”, which represent the most effective approaches to technology transfer. Real-life examples of effective and ineffective matches are presented, and implications of the typology for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Pay dispersion has received growing attention in the management literature. Despite an increasing number of studies, research evidence on the effects of pay dispersion has not yet been consistent. The purpose of this paper is to review existing work and to provide a comprehensive theoretical framework that can advance pay dispersion research. Specifically, our framework suggests four unique types of pay dispersion and discusses three existing theories (equity theory, expectancy theory, and tournament theory) to integrate existing research from an employee reaction perspective in the pay dispersion area. We build upon this taxonomy and theoretical explication to suggest an agenda for future pay dispersion research.  相似文献   

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