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正2014年1月我国政府公布了《2014年能源工作指导意见》,重申要安全高效发展核电,明确了今年核电发展思路,同时引发了业界对我国核电发展要统一技术路线的讨论。统一技术路线,其目的是为了保障核电安全和提高核工业整体效率,即促进和保障核电安全高效发展。那么,技术路线是什么?不同的人却存在不同的理解,引发业界众多纷争。本文以俄罗斯VVER的AES-2006为  相似文献   

坚持发展核能是国际共识 记者:日本福岛核事故以后。国际核电发展的形势如何? 郁祖盛:目前,核电发展的国际形势,主要强调三个方面:一是历史上三次大的核电事故,客观上都对核电的技术发展起到了促进作用。特别是前两次核事故催生了第三代核电技术,目前第三代核电技术已经成熟并开始工业化了,核电在世界范围内开始复苏。  相似文献   

从核电发展史看,技术终将超越事故。全球核能发展不会因事故而停止。从核电安全性看,每一次核事故都是对核电安全性的再认识,促使核安全理念和核安全标准大幅提升,核电技术水平实现再一次跨越。  相似文献   

秦山和大亚湾核电站的持续安全运行,以及“九五”核电项目逐个顺利建成,为我国核电发展打下了坚实的基础。党的十六大提出了全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,随着能源需求的增加,对核电发展提出了新的要求。如何更有效地加快核电发展是摆在我们面前的一项重大任务。一、解读部委发展核电文件今年以来,关于下一步核电发展问题,国家再次明确了“采用先进技术,统一技术路线,适度发展核电”的精神。此后,有关部委作了相应部署。  相似文献   

海盐县与核电的相互沟通了解,历经了这样的几个阶段:起初人们不了解核电;当国家积极发展核电时,民众开始关注核电;三里岛事故和切尔诺贝利事故催生核电忧虑;通过核电知识的普及,民众逐渐对核电有了正确的认识,对核电厂安全性已经非常放心。由此也由"避核"向"亲核"转变:核电的安全性为越来越多的人所共识,核电项目也日益成为各地争抢的香饽饽。海盐县在招商引资过程中,充分发挥零距离接轨核电的优势,大打核电牌,由此造就了核  相似文献   

纵观世界核工业发展的历史,每一次核事故发生后,都会带来核工业大规模的技术改进与管理创新,从而使大量核电新技术得到开发和应用。福岛核事故改变了人们对自然灾害和事故叠加的传统认识,也提醒人们正确认识核电发展和核安全管理。福岛核事故发生后,瞄准更高的标准,发展更安全、更先进的技术,不仅是核  相似文献   

随着核电技术的不断发展和提升,从设计上对核事故的防范措施日趋完善.因技术原因导致的核电事故越来越少。但近年来,因核电厂员工人为失误导致的事故/事件所占比例却居高不下。统计表明。核电厂发生的各类事件中直接或间接与人因相关的事件占到总数的60%~70%。  相似文献   

核能是一种清洁、安全、经济的能源。21世纪我国应适当发展核电工业,这对于国民经济可持续发展和国防建设都具有重要意义。然而,发展核电受国家宏观政策的影响,因此希望政府有关部门在方针政策、规划目标、技术路线、经费投入、项目安排等方面给予指导与支持。国民经济实施可持续发展战略需要发展核电,核电本身是否可  相似文献   

只有把核心技术掌握在自己手中,才能真正掌握竞争和发展的主动权.自1997年提出"177堆芯"方案,不管外部环境如何变化,中核集团始终坚持自主百万千瓦核电技术的研发攻关,在全集团树立顽强拼搏、自力更生的志气,集合精锐力量,坚持通过重点科技专项、"龙腾2020"科技创新计划等项目进行自主研发投入,制定了自主核电技术发展路线...  相似文献   

正提及乌克兰核电,大多数人首先会想到1986年发生的切尔诺贝利核电站事故。事实上,作为老资格的核电大国,乌克兰所拥有的丰富的核电技术经验、专业的核电技术团队以及丰富的铀矿资源都是不可多得的。另一方面,对于贫油少气的乌克兰来讲,继续发展核电能够极大满足该国在能源使用方面的可延续性。而我国具备完整的核工业全产业链能力。因此,探究中乌两国在核能领域合作的可行性,对双方未来核能发展都有实质性意义。  相似文献   

贵州省是煤矿瓦斯事故的高发地区,瓦斯事故通常会有大量人员伤亡,造成煤矿重大经济损失,本论文运用安全系统工程的知识,把事故树和模糊数学相结合,以贵州省某煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故为案例,建立煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故分析模型,分析煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故。  相似文献   

企业是技术创新的主体,在科技高速发展的今天,企业该如何提高自身的技术创新能力,使其能够持续、快速、健康地发展,便成为一个不可忽视的问题。本文在对企业技术创新能力研究综述的基础上,从协同的角度进一步完善了企业技术创新能力评价理论基础,给出了企业创新协同系统的概念和企业技术创新能力要素。遵循科学性、系统性、可操作性和代表性的原则,从研发能力、财务能力、协同能力和产出能力四个方面,选取了15个有代表性的评价指标,构建出了基于创新协同理论的企业技术创新能力评价指标体系。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the capitalization of flight accident risk in housing prices near military bases in Virginia from 2003 to 2016. We focus on a localized shock caused by a fighter jet crash into an apartment complex near the Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach. Although flight accident hazards were transparently disclosed by sellers and local governments years beforehand, the crash led to a temporary (approximately 3 years) decline in the prices of properties within accident potential zones (APZ) and by a lesser magnitude, properties slightly outside the APZ boundaries. This analysis sheds light on how market participants react after an extreme event, emphasizing the role of recency in the capitalization of risk.  相似文献   

有限外部化:技术进步对企业边界的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文从技术进步的角度动态地研究企业组织边界的变动。通过理论上论证快速的技术进步对内部组织治理与外部交易活动的影响,我们认为快速的技术进步既增大了企业内部化的不确定性,也导致了市场交易费用的降低。但是,由于技术进步并不能完全消除市场交易活动中的不确定性,所以,我们提出了在快速的技术变革条件下,企业边界变动是有限外部化的理论假设。并选择了1998—2002年间我国各省市区高新技术产业发展与外包活动作为一个分析案例,验证的结果有力地支持了我们提出的理论假设。  相似文献   

Technological leadership in an industry certainly seems like a ticket to ongoing success. However, overemphasis on existing technological capabilities may produce a form of myopia in product development. In other words, by focusing primarily on developing and improving their core technologies, organizations miss opportunities to exploit new technologies and thus create breakthrough products. Ken Kusunoki proposes that problem-solving approaches in a technologically leading firm paradoxically may impede radical product innovation. Suggesting that such firms are inherently oriented toward incremental innovation, he presents a conceptual framework of the dynamic interaction between technological and product development problem-solving in the context of product innovation. He then illustrates this conceptual framework by examining a case of radical innovation in the Japanese facsimile industry. For a technological leader, product innovation typically is driven by technology development. In other words, such a firm quite reasonably relies on the technological advantage it holds over competitors as the basis for its product developments. By refining and enhancing its industry-leading technological capabilities, the firm can successfully introduce incremental innovations in its products. Because of this strong emphasis on exploiting existing technological capabilities, however, the technological leader may fail to capitalize on new technologies that can produce radical innovations. In the race to develop high-speed, digital facsimile equipment during the early 1970s, for example, Matsushita held a decided technological advantage over competitors such as Ricoh. Notwithstanding Matsushita's technological edge, however, Ricoh brought this radical innovation to market two years before Matsushita introduced its first digital machine, causing a serious decline in Matsushita's market share. Ricoh's approach to technological and product problem-solving—an autonomous team structure, with a strong project manager and frequent transfers of engineers among interdependent units—contrasts dramatically with Matsushita's functional structure and strong emphasis on technological problem-solving. Interestingly, Matsushita regained its technological advantage by 1976, thanks to a rapid series of incremental innovations in its product technologies.  相似文献   

On August 1, 1985, an accident occurred at Triad Chemical damaging portions of the primary reformer. The accident was caused by ignition of natural gas pockets which entered the system during attempts to light an auxiliary boiler burner. The article reviews the cause of the accident, the resulting damage, the required repair, and the modifications made to prevent a recurrence.  相似文献   

目的提高我国医药企业的技术创新能力和增强我国医药企业的核心竞争力。方法从内、外两个方面对我国医药企业技术创新动力因素进行理论分析,从本质上阐述技术创新的动力机制。结果与结论我国医药企业技术创新动力不足,医药技术创新和科技成果迅速产业化的机制尚未完全形成,医药企业技术创新能力比较弱。  相似文献   

The establishment and effective use of R&D potential is considered as a way to reduction of technological delay. On the basis of analysis of alternative starting positions of a follower on the technological scene the adequate trajectories for technological pursuit are drawn. Five strategies are indicated as the most typical ones. Illustration is given for respective strategies of pursuit based on S-shaped performance development within given technological generation. Conditions and limitations are indicated in order to adapt general analysis to the practice of a company willing to overcome the technological gap and/or reduce the existing delay.  相似文献   

从建筑产品生产全过程的视角,提出了面向建筑产品的技术创新和技术扩散,探讨了面向建筑产品的技术扩散的三种形式。在借鉴国外学对参与技术扩散的角色研究的基础上,分析了影响面向建筑产品技术扩散的主要因素。  相似文献   

This paper analyses how universities leverage knowledge coming from different technological, institutional, and geographical domains to develop technologies exerting a relevant impact for firms’ technological advancements. The analysis is based on a panel of 219 worldwide universities that filed, at least, a patent belonging to the alternative energy production sector in the period 2002–2010. Results show that using external knowledge originating in different technological and institutional domains exerts an inverted U‐shaped effect on the firms’ subsequent technological progress, while the geographical origin seems to do not exert any influence.  相似文献   

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