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航天事业进入新的发展时期后,科研生产任务极其繁重,多型号任务同步实施,研制批产交叉并行,各型号的研制生产交付和飞行试验任务总量快速攀升并屡创新高,航天推进技术研究院完成高密度发射任务和各型号动力系统的研制、试验、交付任务的压力巨大。载人航天工程、探月工程、新一代运载火箭等一系列重大工程进入关键实施阶段,弹、箭、星、船、器配套动力系统必须严格按照计划节点统筹安排,组织实施,空前紧张、繁重的研制交付任务给工艺工作带来了极大的挑战。  相似文献   

载人航天是一项高科技工程,更是一项软件密集型工程.软件好比飞船和火箭上的中枢神经系统,遍布在飞船和火箭各个分系统和各类设备中,起着监测、通信、控制和管理等核心作用,直接关系到载人航天工程的成败.因而必须在飞船发射前对这些软件的可靠性和安全性进行评测,以确保它们在运行时万无一失.中国航天科工集团公司所属的北京计算机技术及应用研究所成功地对火箭和飞船上的许多关键软件进行了独立评测,为“神舟”六号载人航天飞行圆满成功作出了重要贡献.  相似文献   

创新,孕育奇迹 世界航天业有一组数据令人震惊:在引发航天发射故障的原因中,有38.5%是由火箭发动机造成的.由此可见,被称为火箭“心脏”的发动机系统,对每一次航天发射均起着决定性的作用.  相似文献   

按照中国航天科技集团公司第四次工作会精神和航天科技工业新体系建设要求,根据新一代运载火箭研制生产和建设国际一流的天津航天产业化基地的需要,天津航天长征火箭制造有限公司(简称“天津火箭”)于2008年11月28日注册成立。  相似文献   

2012年11月27日,我国新一代小型液体运载火箭在航天推进技术研究院所属北京航天试验技术研究所进行了首次动力系统试车,并获圆满成功。此次试车是在地面验证火箭动力系统的整体可靠性、系统匹配性和设计正确性。新一代小型液体运载火箭由上海航天技术研究所抓总研制,火箭动力系统采用的新一代大推力液  相似文献   

当前首先需要摆脱传统的“经典”的“机械”含义,与时俱进地扩展机械的内涵,把机械理解为结构和控制系统的统一体,涵盖金属材料的刚性体、非金属材料的柔性体及活性体。  相似文献   

<正>面向产品的设计与制造是现代航天运载火箭和导弹武器结构(弹箭体结构)设计发展的重要方向。"面向产品"就是以产品为核心,最大限度地实现同一产品或同一系列产品在不同型号上的通用,且必须关注产品全生命周期的所有剖面。"设计"不单是指产品自身的设计,也指产品全生命周期的设计。面向产品的设计技术是一种集成化的技术,需要体现系统化的设计方法,在设计阶段需要考虑产品的性能、质量(可靠性等)、可制造性、可装配性、可测试性、服务和价格等因素,从而对产品进行优化  相似文献   

金秋十月是一个收获的季节,2005年10月12日,挺拔的CZ-2F火箭直刺蓝天,“神舟”六号飞船顺利入轨,茫茫太空又增添了2名中国航天员的身影.在这次成功发射中也凝聚着首都航天机械公司全体员工的智慧与汗水.  相似文献   

正未来10年全球商业卫星发射市场需求继续保持强劲,以空间太阳能电站为代表的重大工程需要大规模的运载能力、高效率的发射能力,同时低成本商业太空旅游近年来成为热点。21世纪以来,尤其是近5年来世界主要航天国家均把低成本作为运载火箭的重要发展方向,并且在总体方案优化、专项技术发展等方面  相似文献   

运营卓越化是保持和推进公司竞争力的关键,可以带来世界级的质量、生产率和客户服务。在当今的市场上,技术革新、外协外购、电子商务和全球性竞争无所不在,追求卓越对公司日益重要,要实现卓越运营,掌握现代制造技术尤为重要。[编者按]  相似文献   

2008年是不寻常的一年,我们接连经历了许多历史罕见的挑战和考验,成功抗击了南方冰冻灾害和5.12汶川大地震,成功举办了北京奥运会。“神七”实现了中国太空行走的伟大梦想,面对百年一遇的世界金融危机……  相似文献   

北京市发展现代制造业的经济分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
北京市发展现代制造业,必须打破传统所有制观念的限制,即国有经济成分的多少代表一定的社会属性的观念,让行业的技术特点和生产组织形式决定行业的各种经济份额比例,使各种所有制资本在现代制造业的发展中各尽所能,发挥其最大作用;并且北京市的一般机械制造业生产技术传统,组织形式落后,只有用现代的光电技术进行改造,才能提升行业的层次,而信息行业和汽车制造业则需通过非国家资本提升行业的生产技术和集中度,至于医药行业则需通过国家资本开发新产品和提高行业集中度,这样才能提高这些行业的经济效益。  相似文献   

前进中的网纹辊套筒技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网纹辊套筒最早出现于八年前,但只是近两年才被广为传知。随着无齿传动技术的不断发展,以及印版套筒技术为印刷厂带来的诸多好处,已经得到了十分广泛的开发和应用。无齿传动印刷机具有许多优点,比如易于套准、便于质量控制、方便维护和保养等等。此外,采用网纹辊套筒还可以大大降低操作人员的劳动强度,而且还具有存贮方便、运输成本低等优点,因此两者都受到了广大用户的青睐。据一位资深的网纹辊套筒开发专家介绍,最初的设计是在网纹辊套筒的外层复合材料上没有金属涂层,这给产品质量带来了一定的影响。首先,喷涂陶瓷涂层时的切变不能很好地…  相似文献   

Technology represents the primordial force for companies and organizations in securing long‐term competitiveness. In the intensive search to access new technology, organizations are more and more looking beyond the borders of the focal firm and becoming involved in various networks with suppliers, consultants, partners, and others. However, the distinction between the focal firm, on the one hand, and networks, on the other, is in this paper argued to be too extensive without intermediating nuances. Less focus is given to an in‐between perspective configured by business groups or concerns here defined as parent corporations with subsidiary companies. It is this perspective of business groups with characteristics between individual firms and open networks that is of interest in this paper. The focus is on manufacturing business groups in which the companies will typically have individual as well as common technologies. The research aim is to develop a framework to be used as an analytical tool for understanding and organizing technology sharing in manufacturing business groups. The research approach was to study technology sharing in a natural setting combining multiple in‐depth sources of evidence in a clinical research setting. A prestudy identified key dimensions in classifying cases leading to four clusters of typified cases. Data were gathered from meetings with 24 managers from various research and development (R&D) units who met regularly every other week during seven months, in‐depth interviews, internal documents and protocols, and workshops. Following the clinical field‐study approach, findings are theoretically validated in relation to literature. The analysis identifies and depicts four different types of technology‐sharing scenarios in manufacturing business groups. Each type has particular characteristics of its own. The four scenarios together provide a synthesized portfolio with different types of dimensions. A first dimension makes a distinction between sharing new technology development versus existing technology. Another distinguishes between technologies aimed at the whole business group and those aimed at specific segments. The two dimensions together comprise four different types of technology‐sharing alternatives. Each one of them can be used at the focal firm, and together, they are applicable from a business group perspective comprising technology‐sharing portfolios of manufacturing business groups.  相似文献   

This article considers the problem of introducing technology education as a school subject in development countries. Should the subject draw inspiration from everyday circumstances in these countries, or should it leapfrog to the space age? Answers depend upon circumstance. Alternative scenarios for how technology can be introduced in these settings are set forth. They include technology as reconstituted industrial arts, and technology across the curriculum.  相似文献   

This article considers the problem of introducing technology education as a school subject in development countries. Should the subject draw inspiration from everyday circumstances in these countries, or should it leapfrog to the space age? Answers depend upon circumstance. Alternative scenarios for how technology can be introduced in these settings are set forth. They include technology as reconstituted industrial arts, and technology across the curriculum. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

基于RP技术的模具快速制造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速原型(RP)技术是20世纪末在制造业领域诞生的一门高新技术,该技术将计算机辅助设计(CAD),计算机辅助制造(CAM),计算机数字控制(CNC)、精密伺服驱动和新材料等先进技术集于一体。作为一种新颖的加工方法,该技术已经受到工业界的高度重视。本文阐述了RP的工艺原理、特点及其在模具制造中的应用,并就各种快速制模方法进行了比较,指出了RP在模具制造中的应用前景。  相似文献   

任人唯贤的用人观.公司领导班子的用人观,决定了对中层干部的选用原则.而有什么样的中层干部,就会带出什么样的职工队伍.  相似文献   

The adoption of new technologies in Italian manufacturing industries is analysed using data for 13,334 firms selected from the 1990–92 Community Innovation Survey. The determinants of technology adoption are analysed in an econometric framework (logit model) which is a general test of different theoretical explanations of technological diffusion. We particularly refer to the rank, epidemic and information effects which significantly affect the use of new technology in Italian manufacturing industries. We use a set of explanatory variables which enables us to set up a well specified empirical model and to use odds ratios to determine the effect of their changes on the adoption probability, thus giving a more precise picture of the determinants of technology adoption.  相似文献   

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