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一、前言随着无线网络技术的成熟,在金融网络体系中推广移动终端应用将有着广阔的前景。由于无线广域网具有全天候和全地域的服务功能,因此可考虑将其作为金融服务领域开发无线服务的应用平台。由于移动终端面向应用和客户需求,因此无线金融服务的关键就在于金融移动终端的相关  相似文献   

目前,IBM Tivoli、HP OpenView、CA Unicenter、BMC Patrol等商用系统管理软件已具有强大的系统管理功能,能够对操作系统、网络、数据库、应用等进行有力的监控和管理,但是,对于中小企业来说,这些强大的商用系统管理软件仍然十分昂贵和复杂。现在大部分中型的企业系统都采用Unix作为业务处理主机,如何利用有效的系统管理手段实现对Unix系统的管理,而无需太大投资呢?自己动手编写系统管理程序是目前大部分系统管理员的首要选择。  相似文献   

四大问题困扰温州建行信息化建设,正在紧锣密鼓准备上市的中国建设银行备受关注,温州建行为配合总行上市,在信息化建设方面不遗余力,勇于尝试新的产品和解决方案。温州建行终端设备的主要应用模式是:业务系统使用传统字符终端,办公系统使用PC。行业信息化程度的不断提高及新业务系统的推出,对设备提出了新的需求,具体表现为:对客户端设备要求有跨平台的处理能力,同时支持Unix、Windows操作系统。在新的应用需求下,原有的应用模式凸现四大问题。  相似文献   

随着开源理念的推广,Redhat Linux得到了普遍应用。如今RedhatLinux+MySQL+PHP已经成为诸多网站的首选配置,同时Windows操作系统以其易用性得到了诸多用户的青睐,于是便产生了在Linux平台上挂接Windows分区的需求。在此,简要介绍在Linux平台上挂接Windows分区的方法。  相似文献   

作为关键业务系统的系统平台,SCO Unix操作系统以稳定、可靠和开放的特性,在铁路、邮电、电力、金融等行业得到了广泛应用。双机热备份是指通过提供冗余的服务器来保证计算机系统稳定、可靠、有效、持续运行:双机热备份技术指的是使用HA(High Availability)软件管理2台服务器,当一台服务器发生故障或宕机时,不需要用户的干预,不中断用户访问,自动将用户对关键业务的请求切换到另一个服务器,  相似文献   

Kaplan RS  Porter ME 《Harvard business review》2011,89(9):46-52, 54, 56-61 passim
U.S. health care costs currently exceed 17% of GDP and continue to rise. One fundamental reason that providers are unable to reverse the trend is that they don't understand what it costs to deliver patient care or how those costs compare with outcomes. To put it bluntly, few health care providers measure the actual costs for treating a given patient with a given medical condition over a full cycle of care, or compare the costs they incur with the outcomes they achieve. What isn't measured cannot be managed or improved, and this is all too true in health care, where poor costing systems mean that effective and efficient providers go unrewarded, and inefficient ones have little incentive to improve. But all this can be remedied by exploring the concept of value in health care and carefully measuring costs. This article describes a new way to analyze costs that uses patients and their conditions--not organizational units or narrow diagnostic treatment groups--as the fundamental unit of analysis for measuring costs and outcomes. The new approach, called time-driven activity-cased costing, is currently being implemented in pilots at the Head and Neck Center at MD Anderson, the Cleft Lip and Palate Program at Children's Hospital in Boston, and units performing knee replacements at Sch?n Klinik in Germany and Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston. As providers and payors better understand costs, they will be positioned to achieve a true "bending of the cost curve" from within the system, not in response to top-down mandates. Accurate costing also unlocks a whole cascade of opportunities, such as process improvement, better organization of care, and new reimbursement approaches that will accelerate the pace of innovation and value creation.  相似文献   

实施监管的目的是为了保护消费者利益,同时,对促进互联网金融行业规范化的可持续发展,倒逼传统金融业加快变革,也有积极意义。  相似文献   

2006年末,中国工商银行黑龙江省分行(以下简称“省行”)按照中国工商银行(以下简称“工行”)关于做好通用终端推广实施工作的有关要求,在完成了新终端平台通用终端推广实施技术准备、测试及培训工作的基础上,按照《通用终端安装规范》,依据终端设备自然更新和适应新业务应用推广需要的原则,开始在全省逐步推广新终端平台通用终端,以实现字符终端、原图形终端向通用终端的自然替换。  相似文献   

根据测算,未来十几年铁路建设需要投入资金将达2万亿元,也就是说平均每年花费1000亿元,用于扩展铁路基础设施.但目前每年投入到铁路建设的资金总共只有不到600亿元,可见资金缺口之大 根据<中长期铁路网规划>,中国的铁路总长将从2003年年底的7.3万公里增加到2020年的10万公里.这种短期内大幅扩张铁路里程的方法无疑将缓解铁路的运力瓶颈,但巨额的投资需求也随之而来.本文着重研究中国铁路运用BOT、TOT、ABS等当前主要的项目融资方式进行融资的可行性,并结合当前实际对其实施方法进行探讨.  相似文献   

Morieux Y 《Harvard business review》2011,89(9):78-84, 86, 136
As the world has become more complex, companies have steadily increased their performance requirements: Now they strive to offer low prices and high quality; to customize products for local markets and standardize them for greater returns; to innovate and be efficient. The typical corporate response to such conflicting goals complicates things further: Firms restructure and try to align their organizations with extra coordinating functions, processes, and incentives. This approach does more harm than good. Managers' time gets sucked up by reports and meetings, leaving little time to work with employees. But there is a better way, says BCG senior partner Yves Morieux: Instead of strangling employees with new rules and procedures, create an environment in which they're compelled to work with one another to develop solutions to complex challenges. Managers can create this environment by applying six "smart rules": (1) improve understanding of what coworkers do and the real constraints they face, (2) determine which people are the firm's natural integrators and strengthen their roles, (3) expand the amount of power available to everyone, (4) increase the need for reciprocity in the system, (5) make employees feel the "shadow of the future," and (6) hold uncooperative people accountable. By tapping employees' ingenuity through the use of smart rules, firms can manage complexity quickly and creatively-and streamline their organizations.  相似文献   

This paper uses a model with a continuum of equilibrium steady state unemployment rates to explore the effectiveness of fiscal policy. The existence of multiple steady state equilibria is explained by the presence of search and recruiting costs. I use the model to explain the current financial crisis as a shift to a high unemployment equilibrium, induced by the self-fulfilling beliefs of market participants about asset prices. I ask two questions. (1) Can fiscal policy help us out of the crisis? (2) Is there an alternative to fiscal policy that is less costly and more effective? The answer to both questions is yes.  相似文献   

文章探讨农业银行经营转型与新形势下对支行行长的挑战。  相似文献   

鼓励第三产业的创业,尤其鼓励高附加值的知识密集型产业上的创业,第一,解决大学生就业问题。由于知识密集型产业对知识型人才的需求最大,拥有相对较高的知识水平、较强的创新能力、朝气蓬勃的大学生无疑是创业者们最需要的人才,巨大的需求可以缓解中国日益严峻的大学生就业问题。第二,促进行业完全竞争,减少因垄断带来的无谓损失,提高社会总效率。第三,促进科学技术发展,缩短中国在高科技产业上与西方发达国家的差距,提高中国产业链的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

How to implement a new strategy without disrupting your organization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Throughout most of modern busi ness history, corporations have attempted to unlock value by matching their structures to their strategies: Centralization by function. Decentralization by product category or geographic region. Matrix organizations that attempt both at once. Virtual organizations. Networked organizations. Velcro organizations. But none of these approaches has worked very well. Restructuring churn is expensive, and new structures often create new organizational problems that are as troublesome as the ones they try to solve. It takes time for employees to adapt to them, they create legacy systems that refuse to die, and a great deal of tacit knowledge gets lost in the process. Given the costs and difficulties involved in finding structural ways to unlock value, it's fair to raise the question: Is structural change the right tool for the job? The answer is usually no, Kaplan and Norton contend. It's far less disruptive to choose an organizational design that works without major conflicts and then design a customized strategic system to align that structure to the strategy. A management system based on the balanced scorecard framework is the best way to align strategy and structure, the authors suggest. Managers can use the tools of the framework to drive their unit's performance: strategy maps to define and communicate the company's value proposition and the scorecard to implement and monitor the strategy. In this article, the originators of the balanced scorecard describe how two hugely different organizations--DuPont and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police-used corporate scorecards and strategy maps organized around strategic themes to realize the enormous value that their portfolios of assets, people, and skills represented. As a result, they did not have to endure a painful series of changes that simply replaced one rigid structure with another.  相似文献   

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