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女性旅游者研究综述   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
作为旅游市场的重要组成部分,女性市场已经成为业界普遍关注的重点,但理论研究相对滞后和缺乏.文章搜集了国内外关于女性旅游者的所有可检索到的文献,按照从一般到特殊的研究方法将以往研究成果归纳为一般女性旅游者研究、特殊女性旅游者研究两类,而后者又分为特定区域女性旅游者、特殊群体女性旅游者、特定时期女性旅游者三个研究方向.文章在对文献的总结和梳理的基础上,指出国内外对女性旅游者的研究角度各有偏颇和利弊,国内的研究在总体上落后于国外.  相似文献   

国内外旅游化研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘睿 《旅游学刊》2015,30(2):110-117
随着西方大众享乐消费时代的到来,旅游化现象开始逐渐得到学术界的关注.文章从研究关注的起点和主要内容等方面分别梳理了国内外学术界关于旅游化的研究脉络,发现国内外学术界关于旅游化的研究路径颇不相同:国外学术界关于旅游化的研究包括文化资源的旅游化、全社会的旅游化和作为一种“秩序化效应”的旅游化;而国内学术界的研究包括作为一种发展策略的旅游化、作为一种现象的旅游化,以及对旅游化水平的测度.最后指出,从总体上看,目前国内外学术界对旅游化的研究尚不成熟,但其未来发展前景值得期待.  相似文献   

黄潇婷  马修军 《旅游学刊》2011,26(12):26-29
旅游者的移动很早就引起了研究者的关注,但是基于二手统计数据的宏观和中观尺度的旅游流研究较多。而关注旅游者微观个体时空行为的研究相对较少。文章以生物节律和时间地理学为基础理论和研究方法,以2010年12月在北京颐和园完成的GPS调查数据和日志调查数据为基础,研究旅游者在景区空间尺度内的活动过程、节奏和规律。GPS追踪数据真实准确地记录了旅游者活动过程,为研究者更好地理解和分析旅游者活动节奏和规律提供了数据基础。基于GPS数据的旅游者活动节律研究结果能够为旅游者行为质量评价、旅游者行为修正与优化和旅游景区动态管理等提供理论指导。  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,酒店为推动服务创新,越来越强调知识共享.本文以长沙市高星级酒店为例,研究知识共享对服务创新的影响,发现利他主义和利益追求动机对知识共享行为有正向影响,利他主义的影响较强,利益追求的影响较弱;知识共享行为对创新环境优化、员工创新意识、员工创新表现均有强烈正向影响,对员工创新意识的影响最强,对员工创新行为的影响次之,对创新环境优化的影响较弱.  相似文献   

基于差距模型的饭店服务质量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
差距分析是一种服务质量的分析方法,本文在综合前人研究成果的基础上提出一个饭店服务质量综合差距模型,并以此模型为基础提出了11个研究假设。结合问卷调查所获数据.本文对该差距模型进行了实证研究。实证研究结果发现了饭店服务提供过程中存在的一些问题,并以此为基础提出了改善和提高饭店服务质量的几点建议。  相似文献   

基于DEA-MI模型的城市旅游效率演进模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
效率水平是衡量行业发展的重要因素。一些学者从空间维度对旅游效率进行了评价和研究,但较少从时间维度对其发展规律和动态变化进行探讨。因此,文章采用DEA-MI模型,以广东省21个地级市连续7年的面板数据为资料,通过比较和分析各市旅游效率的大小差异和动态变化,揭示城市旅游效率的发展规律及演进模式。研究发现:①广东省总体旅游效率较高,但各市之间存在较大差异,其差距有缩小的趋势;②根据旅游效率的"大小"和"变化"两个维度作出四分图,可将城市按效率状态分为I、II、III、IV 4种类型;③中短期内,按照各城市在四分图中对应点的运动轨迹,可将其效率演进模式分为稳定式、往复式、渐进式和突变式4种。该结论为旅游研究和管理实践提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   

Halal tourism is one of the new phenomenon emerged from the growth of Halal industry. As Halal matters advancing tourism industry, many Muslim and non-Muslim countries are set to capture the Muslim tourists market by providing the tourism products, facilities and infrastructures to cater their needs. While affirming this new phenomenon, there remain a shortage of theoretical publications and research in this area. On top of that, when it comes to the real concept of Halal tourism and its trends, it has nevertheless been found that lack of research has been conducted in providing and determining the so called concept. Thus, due to the scarcity of literature and specific studies in this area this paper aims to explore and illustrate the concept of Halal tourism within the Islamic context with special reference to Quranic verse and Hadith (primary sources in Islam). Meanwhile, to appreciate the existing implementation on this concept, this paper will further provide cases on current trend of Halal tourism in selected countries in Asia. This study adopted qualitative research method and employ library research for data collection technique. The outcomes of this study include the current development of Halal tourism concept and comparison on Halal tourism cases in Asia. On top of that, it would also discover its opportunities and potentials for Muslim and non-Muslim countries to embark on the same journey.  相似文献   


As the Web is becoming a major communication channel to bridge hotels and customers, great marketing efforts have been made to attract new customers and repeat business. A wide variety of studies have been conducted to identify factors that could affect customers' purchase behavior on the Web. Little research, however, has been documented that assessed the effects different pictures presented on the Web had on customers' online purchase behavior. Based on the content analyses with 203 existing hotel Websites, this study examined the potential effects of Website format, Website contents, and Website realism on customers' behavioral intentions. Results indicate that the content and realism of picture presentations are important predictors of customers' attitudes toward the Website. The attitudes appear to be a strong predictor of behavioral intentions on the Web. Suggestions and implications are included for the lodging industry and future research.  相似文献   

Youth on the road: Reflections on the history of tramping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tourism is conventionally traced to the eighteenth century Grand Tour of aristocratic youth which, it is then suggested, was gradually democratized and adopted in modified form by the middle classes. In such a perspective, the road culture of contemporary youth travelers would simply represent one form of this democratized elite tradition. This paper argues instead that contemporary road culture is better seen as an upwardly rather than downwardly mobile cultural form. Tramping originated as a well-institutionalized travel pattern of working class youth. Despite its instrumental functions, it always had touristic components, serving as the young workingman's Grand Tour. When, in the course of the nineteenth century, it declined as a labor institution, it was romanticized and adopted by middle class youth for exclusively tourist purposes.  相似文献   


This study assessed the opinion of Kentucky consumers regarding smoking policies in restaurants. It examined differences in opinion between smokers, nonsmokers, and former smokers, and predicted restaurant behavior if a smoking ban was enacted. Data was collected through a telephone survey in winter 2003, yielding 825 interviews. There were no significant differences in frequency of eating out between the three smoking status groups. Significantly, different reactions to smoking bans were found with regard to certain demographics: smoking status, place of residence, and education. Smokers believed smoking in restaurants is less of a problem than nonsmokers and former smokers, whereas nonsmokers and former smokers were more likely to choose a restaurant based on it being smoke-free and to believe smoking makes dining out less enjoyable. Nonsmokers and former smokers are significantly more likely than smokers to predict that they will dine out more or about the same if a smoking ban is implemented, whereas smokers are significantly more likely to eat out less. Implications for the hospitality industry are discussed.  相似文献   

基于休闲时空涉入的地方认同模型之研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缺乏对外派驻地的地方认同感、难以在驻地从事有益的休闲活动来调适外派压力,已成为长期派驻大陆的台资企业台籍人员外派失败的主因之一.文章以广州市台资企业台籍人员为研究对象,通过实证研究探讨外派人员在驻地休闲时空涉入与地方认同的关系,并以结构方程模型方法验证建构基于休闲时空涉入的地方认同模型.研究表明:(1)台籍人员的职业倦怠与休闲感知自由呈显著负相关、与休闲调适策略呈显著正相关,休闲感知自由对于职业倦怠与休闲调适策略的影响关系存在显著负向的中介调节效果;(2)台籍人员的休闲感知自由与休闲调适策略、休闲时空涉入两者皆呈显著正相关,休闲调适策略对于体闲感知自由与休闲时空涉入的影响关系无显著的中介调节效果存在;(3)台籍人员的休闲调适策略与休闲时空涉入无显著的因果关系存在;(4)台籍人员的休闲时空涉入与地方认同呈显著正相关,地方认同与休闲时空涉入呈显著正相关、存在正向的互惠效果;(5)就休闲涉入前因关系模型而言,台籍人员通过休闲感知自由影响休闲时空涉入的因果关系影响敏感性强于通过休闲调适策略,即当处于同等程度的职业倦怠时,台籍人员通过休闲感知自由程度影响休闲时空涉入程度的效果较好.研究成果可作为海峡两岸相关主管部门、台资企业协会与台资企业完善台籍人员休闲生活管理制度的参考.  相似文献   

基于“一站式体验”的文化旅游创意产业园区研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
在旅游产业集群化发展趋势以及旅游产品越来越呈现出文化创意产业特点的背景下,文化创意产业与旅游业的融合产生了文化旅游创意产业;而文化旅游创意产业在特定空间的集聚构成文化旅游创意产业园区.本文尝试性地对"文化旅游创意产业园区"这一实践早于理论的新兴旅游产品进行了定义;从"一站式体验"的角度出发,总结了文化旅游创意产业园区开发的主流模式;以建设旅游目的地为目标,提出了文化旅游创意产业园区开发的对策.  相似文献   

结合瀑布沟电站实际负荷资料,提出基于解集模型与标幺值原理的负荷预测模型,并进行超短期负荷预测实例验证,预测结果与电网下达的计划出力对比分析结果表明,模型预测结果与实际负荷的偏差明显小于计划出力与实际负荷的偏差.本文所建负荷预测模型可用于指导水电站的生产运行管理,特别是指导发电企业参与现货市场交易决策.  相似文献   

Retirement has only recently become institutionalized in the United States. Earlier, most older men remained in the labour force, but today retirement is the overwhelming norm for the older American worker. The macroeconomic and microeconomic functions of retirement are distinguished. The ‘selling’ of retirement and the accompanying changes in attitude are illustrated by the treatment of retirement in the media, positive thinking being the dominant ideology. But retirees are often victims of cultural inconsistencies: changes in attitude to work and leisure lag behind changes in workforce participation.  相似文献   

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