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Human Capital, Trade, and Economic Growth. — Human capital, because of its special role in innovative activity and technological progress, has formed the bedrock of the new theories of endogenous growth. However, it not only serves as an engine of growth but also as a productive input along with labor and physical capital. In this study, the authors find evidence of the importance of both roles of human capital. They also find that the relationship between growth and the external effects of human capital vary according to trade regime. When literacy rates are relatively high, open economies grow about 0.65 to 1.75 percentage points more than closed economies.  相似文献   

China's economic development has advanced from a high-speed to a high-quality growth stage in recent years. The optimization and upgrading of the economic structure require high-quality human capital to support an innovation-driven economy. In this paper, a general equilibrium model of human capital (Xiang & Yeaple, 2018) is applied to estimate the cognitive and non-cognitive productivities based on Chinese provincial-level macro-data and individual labor's micro-data from 2008 to 2017. The weighted power mean of cognitive and non-cognitive productivities helps calculate the provincial-level human capital quality index (HCQI), which provides a realistic estimate of human capital quality. We find that the improvement of the HCQI leads to convergence in economic growth in China's provinces. HCQI can help explain the differences in economic growth levels in different regions of China. Our study provides a constructive step in understanding cognitive and non-cognitive abilities and HCQI in China, which could help guide education investment policy in China and its provinces.  相似文献   

中小企业融资体系构建及相关问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文论述了人力资本的双重性 ,即个体性与社会性 ,知识管理的特点与功能 ,以及知识管理与人力资本之间的关系。  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship capital and economic growth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper shows how and why the Solow growth accounting frameworkis useful for linking entrepreneurship capital to economic growth.The knowledge filter impedes the spillover of knowledge forcommercialization, thereby weakening the impact of knowledgeinvestments on economic growth. By serving as a conduit forknowledge spillovers, entrepreneurship is the missing link betwninvestments in new knowledge and economic growth. Entrepreneurshipis an important mechanism permeating the knowledge filter tofacilitate the spillover of knowledge and ultimately generateeconomic growth. The emergence of entrepreneurship policy topromote economic growth is interpreted as an attempt to promoteentrepreneurship capital, or the capacity of an economy to generatethe start-up and growth of new firms.  相似文献   

Total capital and economic growth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In contrast to the official estimates of gross private domestic investment and associated capital stocks prepared by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), the author presents estimates of total investment and capital, human and nonhuman, tangible and nontangible, by all sectors of the U.S. economy. Total investment is 3.1 times the BEA estimate in 1929, rising to 4.1 times in 1990. It accounts for almost half of adjusted GDP in the latter year. As hypothesized, real total capital stocks rise at about the same 2.9 percent average annual rate as real gross domestic product 1929–90, 0.1 percentage points more in the total economy and 0.2 points less in the predominant business sector. Increases in nontangible capital (mainly education, training, health, and research and development—“R&D”-) largely explain the growth in total tangible factor (capital) productivity in the whole economy. Nontangible, human capital has grown relatively faster in the business sector than in the entire economy, helping to explain its more rapid productivity advance. The author recommends that when BEA shifts to the U.N. standard system of accounts, it include nontangible and human tangible investments and capital in “satellite” accounts, as well as tangible investments for all sectors in the core accounts. This will greatly facilitate the analysis of economic growth. Presidential Address at the Thirty-Sixth Atlantic Economic Society Conference, October 7–10, 1993, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  相似文献   

A new but simple model of the impact of foreign capital–in particular foreign direct investment–on the economic growth rate of poor countries is described and tested. A feature of this model is that it aims to allow separately for structural economic effects and the direct impact on the balance of payments position. Results confirm the favourable impact of aid flows and domestic savings, but suggest that direct investment is associated with structural effects that retard growth. An attempt is made to interpret these results in a wider context than usual for the purpose of assessing possible policy implications.  相似文献   

Annual growth in GDP/adult in Japan has declined from over 10% in 1969 to an average of 1% since the financial crisis in 1991. I show that a dynamic Solow growth model, augmented with human capital, weekly hours worked, and oil prices, explains Japan’s annual growth rates from 1969 to 2007 as conditional convergence to a steady-state rate of 1%/year. Each year of average adult schooling attainment raised GDP/adult directly or indirectly by 20 percent, and weekly hours worked had an output elasticity of 0.5. The marginal product of schooling in 2005 is double the marginal product of physical capital.  相似文献   

We investigate human capital accumulation in Spain using income- and education-based alternative approaches. We, then, assess human capital impact on labor productivity growth and discuss the implications of its alternative measures for TFP growth. Trends in human capital are similar with either measure but the skill-premium approach fits better Spanish historical experience. As education is a high income elastic good, human capital growth computed with the education-based approach seems upward biased for the recent past. Human capital provided a positive albeit small contribution to labor productivity growth facilitating technological innovation.  相似文献   

Conservation capital and sustainable economic growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An endogenous growth model, which links pollution to ineffectiveinput-use, is developed to examine the potential for achievingbalanced growth while preserving the environment through investmentin conservation capital. We derive conditions under which individualpreferences for environmental quality and private incentivesfor investment in conservation capital can lead to non-decreasingenvironmental quality with balanced growth even in the absenceof environmental regulations. Additionally, conditions underwhich investment in conservation capital can enable an environmentallyregulated economy to achieve a higher rate of sustainable balancedgrowth than otherwise are analysed.  相似文献   

More than twenty-five years ago, Simon Kuznets formulated some procedures to measure the contribution of the agricultural sector to economic growth and development. This article provides a view of the experience of various countries at different stages of economic development to examine how they fare individually in terms of Kuznets’s suggestions. A major objective is the exploration of relationships between the levels of income and agricultural product and labor contribution to economic growth. It was found, as Kuznets perceived, that the contribution declines as the level of income rises.  相似文献   

张利国 《特区经济》2011,(11):246-249
在人力资本出资法律问题上存在着肯定说和否定说。持否定说的学者认为人力资本出资存在诸多法律障碍:主要表现为人力资本出资不具有出资适格性,人力资本出资不利于债权人利益的保护,人力资本难以评估。然而,人力资本作为一种新型的资本形式,在经济社会发展中凸现出越来越重要的作用。对待人力资本出资,科学的态度是理性地分析影响人力资本出资的各种障碍性因素,积极建构人力资本出资的法律制度。  相似文献   

常亮 《亚太经济》2000,(2):42-45
国际贸易和国际直接投资促进了中国经济的持续高速增长。本文较为全面地考察了我国和世界上其他一些主要的发展中国家工业化进程中对外贸易依存度和直接投资依存度的变化趋势,分析了我国经济增长中国际贸易和国际直接投资的贡献,提出在新时期要大力发展外向经济、提高直接投资依存度、保持对外贸易依存度的稳定增长,共同促进我国经济的增长对策。  相似文献   

教育、人力资本与经济增长   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李锋 《亚太经济》2002,(5):14-16
本文从人力资本开发的角度对HPAES的经济增长进行了理论与计量分析,认为HPAES地区较高的人力资本水平对其经济增长起到较强的促进作用,而且政府在促进教育发展和人力资本形成的过程中扮演了重要角色.与此同时,也不能忽视HPAES地区人力资本开发现状与其经济发展要求之间还存在着一定的差距.  相似文献   

Cannon  E 《Oxford economic papers》2000,52(4):670-676
The endogenous growth literature includes two competing viewsconcerning the influence of human capital on output growth:human capital may be a conventional input and determine justthe level of output or it may be essential to raise productivityvia R&D. Distinguishing empirically between these two alternativesis important. This paper shows that the suggestion by Aghionand Howitt (1998) for how to distinguish the two approacheswill not work.  相似文献   

We examine the mechanism by which human capital affects economic growth and convergence, using provincial level panel data from China. We specify alternative measures of human capital and apply them to an enhanced growth model, which we estimate parametrically, nonparametrically, and with a threshold model. Our results show that economic convergence is pronouncedly conditional on human capital across all measures. The positive “benefit of being backward” due to lower initial income is almost trumped by the negative impact of low levels of human capital in the poorest areas.  相似文献   

The human capital approach increasingly has been absorbed within the folds of cultural determinism. The trend has been so pronounced that it prompted the organization of a session at the December 1984 American Economic Association meetings in Dallas, Texas, entitled “Human Capital and Culture: Analyses of Variations in Labor Market Performance.” The papers from that session are available in the May 1985 issue of theAmerican Economic Review. One of the discussants for the session was Stephen Steinberg, a sociologist at Queens College. Steinberg was invited to comment on the presented papers for two major reasons—first, he had written an outstanding study that debunked many of the conventional linkages made between culture and ethnic achievement,The Ethnic Myth, and second, as a sociologist, he was expected to provide a perspective on the subject quite different from the rest of the panelists, all of whom were economists. In the midst of the coven of economists, Steinberg appeared well armed. He arrived with his own paper, a paper that went far beyond comments on the presented papers. Unfortunately, the current rules governing the inclusion of papers in the AEA proceedings prohibit publication of the discussants’ remarks. Fortunately, Steinberg graciously has consented to have the paper appear in theReview of Black Political Economy.  相似文献   

知识经济的出现 ,从根本上动摇了传统的经济结构 ,对社会经济各领域产生了深远的影响。智力资本是使公司得以运行的所有无形资产的总和。管理会计必须对企业智力资本进行衡量和报告。  相似文献   

一、资本流动的古典分析分析资本项目可兑换与经济增长之间的关系之前,首先要分析资本流动。在古典经济理论中,假定资本稀缺国家的资本边际产品要大于资本富裕国家的资本边际产品,即MPk(LDCs)>MPk(DCs),如果资本完全自由流动,那么资本从资本富裕国家向资本稀缺国家的流动将会同  相似文献   

Capital flows, whether between individuals or nations, are dominated by a two- fold paradox. Borrowers are initially primarily interested in obtaining sufficient funds for their needs, but once they have obtained a loan, their indebtedness becomes their principal concern. While a loan is being negotiated the lenders usually have the upper hand, but once it is made, they become dependent on the borrowers for repayment with interest. Their power to withhold future loans becomes their only real measure of control. Borrowing and lending has costs and benefits, and these balance out only in exceptional cases for both the borrowing and lending countries and the principal social groups within them. The debate about the impact of international capital flows accordingly has a long history. This paper begins with a historical perspective, and then reviews the principal characteristics of capital flows to developing countries since the 1950s. A discussion of the impact of capital flows on development, with a particular emphasis on trends in developing country indebtedness, follows. A brief examination of borrowing and debt management issues for borrowers, lenders and the international community concludes the paper.  相似文献   

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