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Foodstuff Processing: Based on the traditional agricultural advantage, Baoding will introduce more famous company and enterprise with famous brand, encourage the enterprises to make OEM product and also create its own brand, and develop foodstuff processing, drink and wine industry, fruits & vegetable processing, and grain, oil & meat products processing in a rationalized structure.  相似文献   

I met Al Chandler in late 1962 (or early 1963), when he visitedthe Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, as a guestof Associate Dean Clarence Walton. Chandler gave a seminar,based on his new book Strategy and Structure. I was then atColumbia Business School, completing my (and Frank Ernest Hill’s)archive-based history of Ford Motor Company's internationaloperations, which was my first book. As my next project, I wasseeking to write an overall history of US business abroad. Iwanted to figure out whether patterns I had found in my researchon Ford abroad were typical (or atypical) of US corporations,in general, as the latter expanded worldwide. Recently, I looked at the preface (dated June 1963) of our AmericanBusiness Abroad: Ford on Six Continents, published in 1964;there was no acknowledgment of the  相似文献   

姜英姿 《江苏商论》2020,(1):134-136
在新旧动能转换之际,战略性新兴产业培育发展新动能,是现阶段区域经济转型的重要因素。本文从历史由来、发展规律、发展现状、制约因素等四个方面,对徐州市重点发展的四大战略产业进行深入探讨,得到五项相关提升对策,对徐州市经济高质量发展具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

目前,国内连锁超市等零售商靠收取通道费实现更大盈利模式,是毋庸讳言的客观事实。供应商为了进入连锁超市而支付一定的通道费,本属于市场经济中正常的交易行为,但一些大型连锁零售企业以各种名目收取不合理的通道费,损害了供应商合法权益,扰乱了市场正常交易秩序,在一定程度上,甚至损害了消费者的合法利益,不利于零售业的健康发展。目前对通道费的研究基本上是单独从经济学或法学分析角度,文章试图从经济学与法学综合分析的视角,探讨通道费问题。首先阐述了通道费的特征,其次回顾了国内外关于通道费的经济学和法学理论研究主要观点,第三部分提出了法学视角分析通道费问题的思路,其中重点分析了对大型连锁零售商滥用相对优势地位收取通道费的行为可以比照滥用市场支配地位进行规制。最后就进一步健全通道费的规制框架提出几点建议,力求寻找出解决通道费问题比较妥当的路径。  相似文献   

在演化博弈论的框架下,根据战略性新兴产业与传统产业的博弈收益矩阵,本文构建了复制动态方程,揭示了两类产业的动态演化规律,并求得在不同初始条件下的进化稳定策略。研究结果表明新兴产业与传统产业之间存在开放性的非线性递进关系,不一定表现为动态正向的线性关联;战略性新兴产业与传统产业的演化博弈结果依赖于初始条件的选择;新兴产业从萌芽、到与传统产业"双峰逼近"、再到两类产业协调发展、最后形成新兴产业对传统产业"良币驱逐劣币"阶段,新兴产业在经济当中占据的比重越来越大,经济的增长主要依靠新兴产业快速成长的增量扩张。  相似文献   

江苏杭集洗漱用品产业集群是一个在全国闻名的典型的原发性产业集群。这种原发性产业集群在促成区域和企业量的扩张方面具有优势。但在实现产业升级过程中,又会因“原发性”而面临诸多矛盾或冲突。邗江区和杭集镇政府从“十五”以来实施的“四个三”工程,是解决矛盾或冲突,促进原发性产业集群的产业升级的有益尝试。  相似文献   

我国粮食流通体制改革的回顾与评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,价格改革和流通主体的确立是粮食流通体制改革的基本问题.粮食流通体制改革以双轨制为起点,并逐步深入.这种渐进武的改革已取得成功,既减轻了财政压力,又促进了整个农村和国民经济体制改革,其立足点是保护"三农".为了进一步推进粮食流通体制改革,应深化国有粮食企业改革,加大商业性经营的力度,缩小保护价收购范围,取消粮食订购任务,并要加强粮食销售,促进生产与流通.  相似文献   

何宇青 《商业研究》2003,(21):13-15
“棘轮效应”会导致政府对政策性垄断产品客观定价机制的失效,而转型期经济对局部政策性垄断存在无可避免的依赖,如何发现政策性垄断领域的真实成本水平是公共管理中的一大课题。通过政府主导下的投资主体多元化和经营权的竞争性投标相结合,改变单一政府垄断的格局,可以在政策性垄断行业中建立真实成本水平的市场发现机制,使转型期的政策性垄断纳入良性的经济发展轨道。  相似文献   

PromisingSalesVolumeforFarmingMachineryAccordingtoaforecastbytheChinaFarmingMachineryCorporation,eventhoughChina'sproductionoffarmingmachinerywillnotincreasegreatlyin1999,themachineryforwaterconservancyandinfrastructureconstructionwillbefurtherexpanded,witnessingrisingmomentum.Inparticular,farmingmachinery,transportmachinery,smallconstructionmachinery,tractors,combinedriceandmaizeharvesterswillfaceapromisingmarket.China'ssownareaofmaizeis23millionhectares,neXtonlytoriceandwheat.Itispredict…  相似文献   

How Industries Evolve   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Firms can improve their performance by tailoring investments to ride industry trends rather than to fight them. This article sheds light on how. It argues that better corporate performance hinges on understanding how industries evolve and that the main frameworks currently in use (the five forces and the S-curve/product life cycle models) are incomplete for this purpose. Building on an extensive body of fieldwork and statistical research, the author identifies four basic models of industry evolution which she calls 'receptive', 'blockbuster', 'radical organic', and 'intermediating'. Each kind of evolution involves specific kinds of risks, and each carries different implications for the relevance of established capabilities and investment priorities.  相似文献   

Project management is a developing area in the service industry, as more unique and customer-tailored services are being developed. This paper presents a benchmarking research study, aimed at improving project planning capabilities in the service industry. Based on data collected from 275 project managers from several industries, including 79 from the service sector, project management strengths and weaknesses within the service industry were investigated. It was found that project managers from the service sector excel in cost and procurement planning processes, compared to project managers from other industries. On the other hand, project managers from the service sector achieve the worst score in quality management processes. Moreover, in the service industry quality management was found to have the most significant impact on project success. Hence, managers in the service sector would benefit from acquiring proper knowledge and techniques relating to quality management in the planning phase of projects. It was also found that the success level of projects performed in the service sector depends most on the qualifications of the project manager. A project manager in the service sector gets very little support from the organisation itself. Support processes should focus on the main weaknesses of the service industry, mainly ‘developing project management procedures’ and ‘increasing the extent of training of their project managers’. The paper presents and analyses strengths and weaknesses of the service industry in project planning and suggests a detailed roadmap for improvement.  相似文献   

重新审视我国粗放型劳动密集产业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国是劳动力资源大国,在国际经济贸易关系中,发展劳动密集型产业符合我国的比较优势。劳动力成本的比较优势应当是劳动力资源的成本和劳动力资源的效率的综合体现。而我国劳动密集型产业所表现出来的情况是,伴随着时间的推移,劳动力资源的成本呈上升趋势,劳动力资源的效率则呈下降趋势。因此,必须从战略的高度,重新审视我国粗放型劳动密集产业的比较优势与竞争优势的问题。  相似文献   

From November 7 to 8, 2002, sanctioned by the State Council, EU Commission and CCPIT jointly held 2002 Partenariat in China International Expo Center in Beijing.382Chinese companies and 298 enterprises from 15 EU members conducted 2961 rounds of one-to-one exclusive business talks, reached 120 agreements, involving 555 cooperation projects as trade, investment and all kinds of economic and technology cooperations.  相似文献   

From November 7 to 8, 2002, sanctioned by the State Council, EU Commission and CCPIT jointly held 2002 Partenariat in China International Expo Center in Beijing.382Chinese companies and 298 enterprises from 15 EU members conducted 2961 rounds of one-to-one exclusive business talks, reached 120 agreements, involving 555 cooperation projects as trade, investment and all kinds of economic and technology cooperations.……  相似文献   

1999年,东亚经济形势迅速发生了变化,受金融危机打击的东亚地区的经济复苏速度比专家们原来的估计要快,东亚经济的复苏是由于遭受冲击的国家深化改革并采取一系列调整,和刺激经济的政策,以及我国人民币不贬值,美国经济持续走强等外部和内部因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

农村城镇化问题研究的回顾与思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王悦华 《商业研究》2003,(20):170-172
农村城镇化是十六大报告的重要内容 ,各级党和政府十分关注 ,农村城镇化也将成为 2 1世纪人类社会发展的主旋律。用回顾和思考的形式 ,对现有研究成果中农村城镇化概念的科学界定、科学属性、基础理论、发展机制、道路与模式选择等理论与观点 ,进行了相应地阐述  相似文献   

碳税在西方国家已实行多年,实践证明碳税是控制碳排放的有效经济手段.本文以碳税率为主要研究对象,采用定量分析的方法,以灰色GM(1,1)预测模型为基础,结合柯布道格拉斯函数,研究我国因开征碳税而引起的产值及CO2排放量的变化,对石化塑胶行业在不同税率下的碳排放成本进行分析.结果表明,开征碳税可以实现我国的减排目标,且应针对工业企业采取逐步提高的碳税收策略.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the capital structure across different industries for companies quoted on a stock exchange and headquartered in the United States. The paper demonstrates significant difference in the capital structure depending on the industry where the company operates. The debt ratio sensitivities to the explanatory variables differ significantly between the five industries studied. Almost every significant coefficient obtained in our regressions is in accordance with capital structure theory and other studies. Debt ratio is negatively related to profitability, growth, and age, while asset structure and company size are positively related. However, the debt ratio of the 50 largest companies in the sample is negatively related to company size, which gives support to a currency hedging hypothesis.  相似文献   

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