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作为美国历史上最大的城市破产案件,底特律市破产案件透射出美国市政债务重组机制的法律与政治逻辑。美国联邦破产法第九章的市政债务重组程序构成美国地方政府破产拯救的法律框架。州权力保留使得州政府在市政债务处理过程中扮演重要角色。整个市政债务重组过程是一个专业人士与政府官员协调配合的过程。  相似文献   

In recent times, organizations have experienced consumer backlash as a result of decisions to support controversial causes. To date, little research has attempted to explain consumers’ negative response as a function of religion. This study addresses that gap in the literature and examines consumer religious commitment and Christian consumers’ conservative beliefs in the United States as motivating factors for consumer activist behavior and boycott participation. Findings from a national sample of 531 consumers suggest that consumers evaluate seller’s actions and form ethical judgments. These judgments are a major explanatory variable in consumers’ voice complaints, third-party complaint intentions, and boycott intentions.  相似文献   

The development and current state of the scholarly field of Consumer Economics in the United States is discussed in relation to the Consumer Movement and other forces that have impinged upon it. Membership in the American Council on Consumer Interests, the scholarly organization for consumer economists, is used as one measure of the size and health of the field. Other forces impinging on the field that are discussed include: the baby boom induced increase in the demand for college education; the subsequent decline in the support for higher education as higher education costs rose throughout the 1980s and 1990s; the decline in the Federal Government's support for consumer research and consumer education; and the development of competing organizations.  相似文献   

While previous surveys of bankrupts and cross-sectional analyses of state data have provided a profile of “typical” bankrupts and the various constraints under which they operate, little in the economic and legal literature on personal financial failure explains the postwar growth in consumer bankruptcies in the United States. This paper constitutes a first attempt to model the theoretically appropriate determinants of aggregate failure rates and to test them empirically for the period 1945 to 1981. The data indicate that the incidence of financial failure has been exacerbated by rising divorce rates, unemployment and credit use, which increased through the mid-1970's. These trends were largely mitigated by increasing consumer wealth held in the form of real estate. However, there is tentative evidence that during its first two years, the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978 may have encouraged consumers to petition for bankruptcy.  相似文献   

Over a decade ago Hansen and Schoenheit (1986), in their Journal of Consumer Policy article, concluded that Consumer Affairs Departments (CADs) offer potential for improving organisational performance in the market place and that their transferability to the European context would be warranted. In this article we trace and analyse the development of Consumer Affairs Departments in the United States and the Netherlands on the basis of fourteen case studies. On the basis of a comparative analysis we conjecture that the application of information technology, the application of communication technology, and personnel management style could be considered as major determinants of differences with regard to CADs in the aforementioned countries. We conclude the article with a number of building blocks that organisations may use in preparing their CADs for the decade to come.  相似文献   

The United States has experienced a large trade deficit in consumer products. This paper argues that the deficit is due in part to the institutional and behavioral frameworks in which consumer products are marketed. The existence of an effective mass distribution system, a large market relative to promotion expenditures and the change-orientation of the consumer can influence greatly the ability of nations to expand markets and stimulate sales of consumer products. These factors prevalent in the American economy have attracted imports. In contrast, their absence in the economies of our trading partners has limited our access to foreign markets. Policy implications of this situation and areas for further research are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

To gain a better understanding of consumer engagement in brand-related social network site (SNS) groups, this study examines how consumers engage with the brand and other members of the groups among different national cultures through the lens of brand community characteristics and collective value creation practices within brand communities. Through conducting a directed qualitative content analysis of two cases—consumer wall posts in a Facebook group and a Renren group—this study finds supporting evidence that although consumers in both groups actively shared their product use experiences, consumers in the Renren group tended to explicitly express their shared consciousness with other group members, share their product use experiences in a modest and respectful way, and actively engage in social networking, while consumers in the Facebook group tended to focus on product use sharing. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对中美两国大学生(n=795)的调查,测量和比较了两国年轻消费者对肯德基(KFC)的消费行为、品牌印象和重购意愿。相对美国被访者而言,中国被访者更愿意呆在肯德基餐厅里就餐,时间也更长;中国被访者对肯德基的正面印象更多;美国被访者对肯德基未来光顾的可能和满意之间的相关度高于中国被访者。  相似文献   

通过对中美两国大学生(n=795)的调查,测量和比较了两国年轻消费者对肯德基(KFC)的消费行为、品牌印象和重购意愿.相对美国被访者而言,中国被访者更愿意呆在肯德基餐厅里就餐,时间也更长;中国被访者对肯德基的正面印象更多;美国被访者对肯德基未来光顾的可能和满意之间的相关度高于中国被访者.  相似文献   

Disadvantaged consumers are often the victims of consumer fraud; low‐income Latino a immigrants are especially likely to be victims due to their lack of English proficiency and inexperience in the local marketplace. A qualitative research study using purposeful sampling was conducted to identify areas of consumer fraud experienced by 45 Latino immigrants. Types of unscrupulous practices are identified, including sales of automobiles, prepaid telephone cards and counterfeit documents. Problems with fraud are discussed in terms of a model of disadvantaged consumers and implications for education are suggested to counteract the identified problems.  相似文献   

美国和欧盟作为反垄断立法发达的国家对滥用市场支配地位行为的规制有了较为成熟的经验。主要体现在对支配地位的界定、对滥用行为构成要素的分析和对超高定价、掠夺定价、价格歧视、搭售、拒绝交易等行为的具体认定上。借鉴国外成功经验,并结合中国特有国情,对我国反垄断立法和实践具有重大意义。  相似文献   


Hall (1976) argued that “Culture is communication and communication is culture” (p. 169). Because cultures are dynamic, they are subject to change due to a variety of influences, and while cultural change is usually slow and takes years or sometimes generations to materialize, the authors believe the new media technologies may shorten this time of change. The purpose of this report is to examine the cultural orientation of the Arab world and the communication styles used there as they relate to advertising persuasion and compare it to that of the United States. The results suggested the some changes in the well-known Arabic culture may be taking place.  相似文献   

The purpose is to identify decision-making styles of young consumers in Korea and to find if these styles are similar to those of U.S. young consumers. An instrument, based on previous research in the United States, was administered to 310 college students in Korea. Data are factor analyzed and alpha coefficients are computed for scale reliability. Findings indicate the generality of some consumer decision-making styles. Similarities and differences between cultures are discussed, and implications are provided.  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - Scandals involving celebrities’ moral transgressions are common in both Western and Eastern cultures. Existing literature, however, has been primarily based on...  相似文献   

Country of origin cues ofien trigger global evalua- tions by which consumers infer the presence of quality, performance levels or product attributes that they are unable or unwilling to evalu- ate directly. This premise is used as a basis for this study in which the perceptions held by Malaysian, Taiwanese and Australian consumer samples regarding U.S. and Japanese-produced consumer goods were compared and contrasted. Across each market, Japanese imports were perceived as significantly more desirable along a number of perceptual dimensions. Implications for the strategic promotion and competitive repositioning of U.S. consumer goods within each mar- ket are developed.  相似文献   

The author explores three models of individual bankruptcy law which might provide some guidance for analysing policy and for posing further research questions in relation to bankruptcy as a legal and social institution. The models are: (1) Bankruptcy law as a response to deviant behaviour; (2) Bankruptcy as consumer protection; (3) Bankruptcy as social welfare law. Some tentative thoughts are also offered on the comparative analysis of consumer bankruptcy as a focus for understanding relationships between legal and social norms.  相似文献   

This article investigated Chinese and U.S. attitudes toward women as managers with the goal of establishing an empirical basis for comparison and understanding of the glass ceiling potential in each culture. The authors used the Women as Managers Scale (WAMS) to measure perceptions of 919 U.S. and Chinese participants. Results indicated differences in perceptions by gender and nationality. Overall, women were perceived less favorably as managers by Chinese and U.S. males as compared to perceptions of Chinese and U.S. female participants. Findings are discussed in terms of existing research and areas for future research are suggested.  相似文献   


Using a conviction-based measure, we find that local (state-level) public corruption exerts a negative effect on the lending activity of US banks. Our baseline estimations show that the difference in public corruption between, for example, Alabama, where corruption is high, and Minnesota, where corruption is low, implies that banks headquartered in the former state grant 0.55% less credit (or $3.52 million for the average bank) ceteris paribus. Using proxies for relationship lending and monitoring, we also find that these bank characteristics weaken the negative effect of public corruption on lending. These results are robust to tests that address endogeneity, to the use of perception-based measures of corruption, and after controlling for credit demand conditions. In further analysis, we show that these effects are more evident for smaller banks and banks operating in a single state. These findings provide evidence that public corruption could facilitate information asymmetry in the lending market and, thus, could hinder local development by reducing bank credit.


During September through November of 2006, in-store intercept surveys of consumers who buy live seafood in retail markets in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania revealed that the average live seafood consumer makes 6.2 visits per month, spends $14.80 per visit on live seafood, travels 7.8 miles mainly by car, and is purchasing for 3.7 people in his or her household. Consumers value physical appearance of the product over price, generally have no preference for either “Product of the USA” or imported, and generally have no preference for either wild-caught or farm-raised. Many had no preference whether their fish was alive or dead before leaving the store, but if the fish is to be slaughtered in-store, preferred to have their fish gutted or filleted. Consumers generally prefer to purchase live seafood during the winter months and on either a Friday or Saturday.  相似文献   

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