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Studies about the variables that determine the ability to innovate at sectoral level are scarce and present a series of limitations. This paper tries to bridge this gap by building a model of sector innovation capacity based upon existing approaches related to the study of sectoral innovation (lifecycles of industries, evolutionary theory and the sectoral innovation systems approach) and a model of determinants for national innovation capacity. The empirical analysis is based upon data from the Survey on Innovation of Firms for Spain and the methods used comprise the application of panel data, factor analysis and ordinary least squares regression analysis. The main findings of the paper are the confirmation of the relevance of all the variables in determining sector innovation capacity, the formulation of the sector innovation capacity determinants model, the consistency of the proposed model confirming both the validity and appropriateness of the variables identified and, therefore, the value of using the variety of approaches selected.  相似文献   

Market pioneers can develop first-mover advantages that span decades. The most general first-mover advantage that helps explain higher pioneer market share levels is a broad product line or brand proliferation. In markets for experience goods, pioneers tend to shape consumer tastes and preferences in favor of the pioneering brand. While the preliminary results vary by industry, they indicate that market pioneers donot tend to perish more often than later entrants. Accounting profits for market pioneers generally are lower in the first four years of operation, but higher thereafter. Overall, market pioneers follow innovative strategies that have high initial costs and risks, but yield high potential returns.  相似文献   

We examined the recent occupational regulation changes in China and their labour market impacts. Using data from the China Labor-Force Dynamic Survey from 2014 to 2018, we found an earning premium of approximately 10 per cent, as well as more employment-based benefits, for those with an occupational license compared to those without one. Licensed workers reported higher skill-job task match than unlicensed workers. Our data cover the period of occupational regulation reform in China, when 70 per cent of occupations previously licensed or certified were deregulated. Over this period, the licensing status remained associated with positive earning and employment benefits premiums, and better skill-job task match at the labour market level. However, delicensing led to a distributional shift in the earning dispersion, especially at the bottom of the earning distribution; earning premiums rose sharply for the 10th to 30th percentiles. Workers directly affected by the licensing reform reported a significant decrease in employment benefits and in subjective job quality measures (i.e. skill-job task match and voice at work) after delicensing, relative to never-licensed workers. We suggest that non-wage compensation is lost in the short term because the signal of competency is no longer valued by employers after delicensing.  相似文献   

Bankruptcy and bankruptcy reorganizations have been identified as remedies for financial distress, but there is little agreement on their value to firms, managers, and the general economy. This paper provides a brief review of proposed bankruptcy strategies and some alternative views about their costs and benefits followed by an empirical study of the outcomes of 73 bankruptcies and subsequent reorganization efforts. The evidence suggests that there are few successful reorganizations, bankruptcy is a costly response to financial distress, and managerial choice in bankrupt firms is highly constrained by forces external to the firm. The diversity of stakeholder interests limits the value of global judgements about success or failure of bankruptcy strategies. Firm size dominates all other factors in predicting success in completing the reorganization process. Delayed filings primarily reflect failed efforts to avoid bankruptcy, not deliberate strategies. Reasons for the use of bankruptcy in spite of its high costs are discussed.  相似文献   

Valuation of venture capital investments: empirical evidence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using the valuation data of 421 US venture capital transactions and 176 initial public offerings, we test a simple binomial valuation model in modelling the risk‐return profiles of venture capital investments. We find that the model is consistent with the previous knowledge on the risk‐return profile of venture capital investments. The results also confirm the hypotheses that early‐stage ventures have higher implied risk and implied volatility of the returns than more established ones.
Additionally, we analyse the predictive power of the binomial pricing model and compare it to corresponding 'traditional' models that utilize risk‐adjusted rates of return. We construct one‐step ex post return forecasts for the sample ventures and compare the results to the actually realized returns. The findings indicate that the fit of the binomial model is better than the fit of the corresponding 'traditional' models.
The results imply that option‐based methods have empirical relevance in the pricing analysis of privately held companies and projects. Furthermore, practitioners can benefit from using these methods when analysing the risk‐return structure of private companies and R&D projects.  相似文献   

Food demand studies in Sub-Saharan Africa: a survey of empirical evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T. Teklu 《Food Policy》1996,21(6):479-496
The recent empirical food demand studies on Sub-Saharan Africa show significant advances in demand specification and methodology, especially in the application of less restrictive and theoretically consistent flexible functional forms. The findings to date establish some broad patterns on effect of income, household demography and life cycle, location, and prices on food demand patterns. However, the numerical values of the demand estimates are less generalizable because of an insufficient number of data points to separate the true demand component from other confounding factors, which are linked to differences in modeling and estimation of demand relations. The priority for future research is to generate sufficiently detailed demand estimates that have a high utility for disaggregated policy analysis, but are based on a theoretically consistent and comparable methodology.  相似文献   

Although one might expect differences between manufacturing and service firms in pioneering advantages, the extent of these differences has not yet been investigated. This is the first cross‐national study that compares such differences in nine countries/regions: the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Singapore. We develop several hypotheses concerning the perceptions of managers of manufacturing firms and service firms regarding the benefits and post‐entry risks of pioneering, and the cost and differentiation advantages accruing to the pioneering firm. We test the hypotheses with data from 2,419 firms representing all nine countries and both industrial sectors. We find that: (1) managers from all countries perceive pioneering to be associated with higher market share and/or profitability; (2) manufacturing firm managers perceive pioneering risks to be significantly more important than do service firm managers; (3) cost and differentiation advantages of pioneering are, for the most part, more significant to manufacturing than to service firm managers; (4) Western manufacturing firm managers perceive the cost advantages to be more important than Asian Pacific manufacturing firm managers. We conclude by presenting the managerial implications of our findings. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on a survey of 111 senior executives this study finds that tailoring a firm's strategic planning system to its context is not a popular practice, despite its presumed importance. Moreover, the lack of fit between a firm's strategic planning system and its context appears to be inconsequential to how managers rate their planning systems. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

We review evidence on the impacts of CGIAR research published since 2000 in order to provide insight into how successfully the CGIAR Centers have been in pursuing the System’s core missions. Our review suggests that CGIAR research contributions in crop genetic improvement, pest management, natural resources management, and policy research have, in the aggregate, yielded strongly positive impacts relative to investment, and appear likely to continue doing so. Crop genetic improvement research stands out as having had the most profound documented positive impacts. Substantial evidence exists that other research areas within the CGIAR have had large beneficial impacts although often locally and nationally rather than internationally. However, the “right-time, right-place” nature of successful policy research and the relatively limited geographic scale of much natural resource management research often limits the overall scale of impacts of these programmatic thrusts vis-à-vis genetic improvement research. We conclude that given the evidence available, the CGIAR’s portfolio of research allocations has become overly skewed toward natural resource management and policy research over time. Hence, restoring somewhat the share of resources allocated to crop genetic improvement is warranted. In addition, the CGIAR needs to prioritize impact assessment of resource management and policy research to deepen its understanding of the social and environmental impacts of its work.  相似文献   

Employee trust for the general manager is proposed as an internal organizational characteristic that provides a competitive advantage for the firm. This paper empirically examines the relationship between trust for a business unit's general manager and organizational performance. Trust was found to be significantly related to sales, profits and employee turnover in the restaurant industry. Managers who were either more or less trusted differed significantly in perceptions of their ability, benevolence and integrity. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to empirically verify impacts of intellectual capital (IC) to the anticipated future sales of small- and medium-sized companies within the biotechnology industry. The study creates and develops tools for the valuation of companies by relating the existing intangibles and the expected value creation of the companies in that industry displaying high growth prospects but long and insecure product development phases. Theoretically, IC is divided into the following three categories: human capital (HC), structural capital (SC), and relational capital (RC). In the empirical setting, survey data of small- and medium-sized Finnish biotechnology companies are used. In the econometric analyses, the interactions, or empirical co-variation, between the three categories of IC explain two-thirds of the variance in the anticipated future sales of the sample companies. Thus, it seems that a well-balanced combination of HC, SC, and RC implies value creation potential and high anticipated future sales.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the indirect effects of the boom in horticultural exports in Senegal on child schooling. The export boom has caused a dramatic increase in female off-farm wage employment, which led to increased female bargaining power in the household. We investigate the causal effect of female wage income on primary school enrolment. We develop a collective household model with endogenous bargaining power to show that, if women have higher preferences for schooling than men, the impact of female wage income on school enrolment will be the result of a positive income effect, a negative labour substitution effect and a positive empowerment effect. We address the question empirically using original household survey data from Senegal. We use different econometric techniques and show that female off-farm wage income has a positive effect on primary school enrolment for both boys and girls, and that female empowerment is specifically important for the schooling of girls. Our results imply that the horticultural export boom in Senegal has indirectly contributed to the second and third Millennium Development Goals of universal primary education and elimination of gender disparities in primary education.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the demand and supply characteristics of the Indian telecommunications market, with the aim of contributing to the debate on the effectiveness of universal access policies in developing countries. The discussion is supported by some empirical evidence derived from a small time-series-cross-section dataset, containing mainly information on the fixed-lines segment of the market. The analysis suggests that the price elasticity of demand for fixed lines might be sensibly higher than the levels usually found in developed countries, while the crucial role of income and other sociodemographic variables seems to be confirmed. The paper also studies the impact of cellular penetration on fixed-lines diffusion. The results suggest the existence of a (positive) network effect in low penetration areas, while substitution (displacement) seems to arise in the most developed ones. Finally, the paper analyzes the supply side of the market, to assess the impact of market competition on investment. Competition seemingly helps stimulating investment in the most developed areas, but does not seem to have a significant impact in the less developed ones.  相似文献   

Barone-Adesi (1985) has formulated a multivariate test (likelihood ratio) of an arbitrage equilibrium model, based on a quadratic specification of the process generating returns, that can be related to a three-moment CAPM. Australian equity returns are used to replicate this approach over the period 1963 to 1987. Furthermore, a generalised method of moments test of the Barone-Adesi model is also conducted. The results are favourable with regard to the arbitrage model. In addition the quadratic market model performs well against its traditional counterpart. This latter conclusion is robust with respect to allowing for monthly seasonal regularities in Australian returns. However, evidence regarding the three-moment CAPM is largely inconclusive.The author is a senior lecturer in the Department of Accounting and Finance, Monash University, Clayton, Australia. The author is pleased to acknowledge the helpful comments of Tim Brailsford, two anonymous referees, the participants of the Seminar Series at Monash University, and participants of the Second International Conference on Asian-Pacific Financial Markets, Hong Kong, 1991, the 1992 Annual Conference of the Accounting Association of Australia and New Zealand and the Fifth Annual Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney, 1992.  相似文献   

Berg A  Austin J 《Food Policy》1984,9(4):304-312
This article assesses the effectiveness of nutrition programs and policies since the World Food Conference, 10 years ago. The authors perceive several distinct approaches. Just before the World Food Conference, nutrition programs had passed through an era of enchantment with technological solutions (single-cell protein, oilseed protein isolates). Supply was regarded as the problem; protein inadequacy as the crisis. None of the technological fixes had much of an impact on the malnutrition problem. This contributed to a willingness to entertain a much broader approach to nutrition. The new paradigm manifested itself 1st as a movement toward integrated nutrition planning. The national planning process was assumed to be the appropriate vehicle for applying this methodology. However, integrated nutrition planning threatened, conflicted with or at least brought pressure for change in the administrative and political reality of governmental organizations. Moreover, the nutrition community's capacity to respond to the demands flowing from the new paradigm was limited. The difficulties encountered in trying to achieve full integration led to a reexamination of working within traditional sectors but addressing the problem in several key sectors simultaneously, such as health and agriculture. The past decade also saw a move toward analyzing and improving the design and implementation of various kinds of nutrition interventions. The emphasis was on understanding and dealing with the administrative, economic and political realities of such efforts. Incorporation of consumption and nutrition considerations in the analysis and formulation of food policies in some countries is 1 of the important achievements of the past decade. This overwhelmingly economic approach focuses on pricing policies and market effects, recognizing that poverty and purchasing power are central to the malnutrition problem. Analysis of macrofood policy has filled an important void, giving a more concrete and inclusive view of food security. Nutrition progress during the next decade will require the development community to confront a changed environment and several key challenges, namely the surge of conservative politics in the early 1980s, and the severe economic problems most countries face. There is a need to be realistic about the tenacity of the problem and the multiple barriers to implementation of nutrition policies. The challenges face both national governments and development agencies. There is agreement that, during the decade since the World Food Conference, the field of nutrition has gone through a metamorphosis and that there has been progress. However, the development community still faces an unfinished nutrition agenda.  相似文献   

Past research has reported that learning processes in early stage R&D are either chaotic, or absent. We challenge this finding by elaborating Van de Ven et al.’s trial‐and‐error learning model and explore an alternative conceptualization. We explored the combinations of positive and negative outcomes and action course continuation and modification. We use data gathered in an R&D setting of a 4‐years pre‐competitive knowledge generation project in the Dutch paper and board industry. Whereas the Van de Ven and Polley (1992) approach applied on our data also would lead us to conclude that ‘no learning’ would happen, our decomposed model identified three distinct learning patterns: (1) a virtuous pattern of positive outcomes resulting in continuations of action courses; (2) a vacuous pattern of negative outcomes resulting in modifications of action courses; and (3) a verification pattern of positive outcomes resulting in modifications of action courses. We observed the virtuous and verification patterns during the first 2 years and virtuous and vacuous learning in the second 2 years. These results might be useful for R&D managers since they provide insight into how an early stage R&D project can develop and where managers might intervene and adjust action courses.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between firms' strategies to share knowledge with their innovation system and innovative performance. The empirical analysis showed that many firms designed strategies to share technological knowledge with competitors, and those firms that shared knowledge with their innovation system earned higher innovative performance than firms that did not share knowledge. In addition, firms that interacted with their global innovation system earned higher innovative performance than firms that interacted with only their national innovation system. These results should help managers and researchers understand how to devise technology strategies in globally integrated industries. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The recent privatization of state‐owned enterprises in the Czech Republic forms a natural experiment to test and compare the predictive ability of the resource‐based view (RBV) against the market‐based view (MBV) under conditions of great change. It has been recognized in the literature that, under normal stable circumstances, a firm's internal resources and its external market power are fundamentally intertwined. Consequently, it is difficult to identify the relative roles of these two theories in explaining expected firm performance and firm value. However, when market conditions are in a state of flux, as in the case of the Czech Republic in 1992, we expect the firm's resources to be the primary determinants of firm value. In order to test this notion, an RBV model was developed, based on a set of firm features reflecting the rare and valuable ability to compete in the emerging capitalistic economy (as opposed to the currently prevailing bureaucratically planned economy). A contrasting MBV model was also developed, highlighting the role of market power in this regard. These models were assessed in a cross‐sectional sample of 988 Czech firms undergoing privatization. The empirical findings show that the RBV‐driven variables are remarkably better at explaining share values of Czech firms in the period of privatization than MBV‐driven variables. These results underscore the role of firm resources as a primary determinant of firm value in rapidly changing environments. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Indian telecom sector, post-liberalization, is characterized by the heavy dependence on the imports of telecom products, even though several policy initiatives have been taken by the government during the last three decades to reduce import dependence. This study investigates to what extent the policy measures adopted after 2012 have impacted the import, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and domestic manufacturing performance in the telecom sector. A series of non-linear time series techniques are employed to capture the complex dynamics among these variables. The outcomes of the study suggest that the import, FDI, and Index of Industrial Production (IIP) in the telecom sector share non-linear relationships that exhibit regime shifts, time-varying behavior, and asymmetry. The study highlights that the FDI drives the import and, in normal circumstances, FDI and imports have the potential to influence IIP in the telecom sector in the long-run. The findings indicate that the policy measures adopted by the government are justifiable as the import substitution strategies have the potential to get transmitted to the telecom sector in the future. Based on the empirical findings, the study proposes a set of policy measures, which should help the sector to grow intrinsically while lowering the import dependence.  相似文献   

Emerging countries are using privatization as a key strategy in their drive to become free market economies. Although these ownership changes are rapidly gaining prominence, the academic literature has been equivocal about the performance benefits of private vs. state ownership. The lack of clarity in findings can be largely traced to the underspecification of the models that prior studies have examined. Specifically, prior studies have mostly ignored the central role of competitive rivalry. This paper proposes a model that centers around the interactive, inseparable effects of ownership and competitive rivalry on firm performance. Results of the empirical examination set in India show that competitive intensity moderates the relationship between ownership and performance. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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