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Until relatively recently the majority of large publicly listed UK companies have not produced annual environmental reports. Of particular note is the slow take‐up of environmental reporting amongst the UK's top 350 companies, the FTSE 350. Using the results of a postal questionnaire, the reluctance of a majority of the FTSE 350 to voluntarily report is linked to 13 drawbacks. Results from non‐reporting respondents to the questionnaire allowed the relative importance of these drawbacks to be placed in a ranked order. Senior management doubt over the advantages of reporting was shown to be the most important drawback, closely followed by the effort required for data collection. A comparison in the uptake of corporate environmental management practices (other than reporting) was also made amongst reporters and non‐reporters. Reporters were shown to have a generally higher level of uptake, although company sector type and size was influential on environmental engagement overall. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. 相似文献
Tesfaye T. Lemma Martin Feedman Mthokozisi Mlilo Jin Dong Park 《Business Strategy and the Environment》2019,28(1):111-126
The study examines the interplay among corporate carbon risk, voluntary disclosure, and cost of capital within the context of South Africa, a “rising power” in the climate policy debate. We develop a system of simultaneous equations models and analyze data drawn from firms traded on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE), for the period 2010 to 2015, using the three‐stage least squares procedure. We find that voluntary carbon disclosure is associated with lower overall (and equity) cost of capital, after controlling for corporate carbon risk. We also find that firms with higher carbon risk tend to provide better quality carbon disclosure and signal the possibility of high carbon risk to avoid negative market reactions resulting from concealing carbon information. Although the capital market does not appear to incorporate individual firm's carbon risk exposure into the required cost of capital, we find that it generally requires higher returns for companies operating in carbon‐intensive sectors. These findings suggest that firms could exploit the virtues of voluntary carbon disclosure to reduce their overall (and equity) cost of capital. Our findings also imply that regulators and policymakers could point to the cost of capital reducing role of voluntary disclosure to lure firms into voluntarily providing superior quality carbon disclosures. 相似文献
This paper examines the direct effect of internal control quality (ICQ) on cost of equity capital and whether ICQ has a moderating effect on the association between voluntary disclosure and cost of equity capital in an emerging market (Egypt). ICQ is measured using a survey of external auditors. A content analysis approach is used to proxy for the level of voluntary disclosure in annual reports. Finally, the Capital Asset Pricing Model framework is used to estimate cost of equity capital. Based on a sample of 512 firm‐year observations over the period 2007–2014, we find that ICQ is negatively and significantly associated with cost of equity capital, indicating that better controls reduce cost of equity capital as predicted by theory. In addition, ICQ moderates the association between voluntary disclosure and cost of equity capital since this association is only negative and significant for companies characterized by high ICQ. These findings remain stable after controlling for endogeneity concerns and political instability. Our study contributes to the internal control literature by focusing on an emergent unregulated market with respect to internal control disclosure and documents that ICQ plays an important role in reducing cost of equity capital (either directly or indirectly) by increasing the value relevance of voluntary disclosure among investors on the Egyptian stock exchange. 相似文献
Assessing the quality of information disclosed by companies is a complex task. Accounting studies usually rely on analysing the content of corporate reports using measures to obtain a proxy for the information reported by companies. However, there is no consensus about the best design for these measures. The objective of the current paper is to investigate if there are significant differences in the results generated from seven alternative measures for assessing the quality of FTSE100 environmental sustainability reporting. Seven measures/indices have been used to assess disclosure quality. The three unidimensional measures include two “quantity measures” and one “scope measure” that measure the volume and width/coverage of information, respectively. Three compound measures are adopted from the literature, and the final measure is a multidimensional quality model, based on the results of a questionnaire ascertaining the perceptions of 86 preparers and 177 users of annual report (AR) and/stand‐alone corporate responsibility report (CRR). Although the results of the empirical analysis indicate that the measures are significantly correlated, the choice of a specific method can result in the very different ranking of companies. The evidence presented indicates that the choice of measure is of key importance. 相似文献
通过研究2013—2016年深市中小板上市公司发现,企业技术创新能力越强,权益和债务资本成本也就越低,同时技术创新能力对权益资本成本的影响程度要大于对债务资本成本的影响。进一步研究发现,不同生命周期的企业技术创新能力对权益和债务资本成本的影响有明显差异,处于成熟期的企业技术创新能力对权益资本成本影响更大,处于成长期的企业技术创新能力对债务资本成本影响更大。因此企业应注重提高技术创新能力,降低资本成本。同时股东和债权人应充分识别投资企业所处生命周期阶段,从而选取合理投资方案。 相似文献
Rafaela Gjergji Luigi Vena Salvatore Sciascia Alessandro Cortesi 《Business Strategy and the Environment》2021,30(1):683-693
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure has become a critical component of corporate reporting. However, the effectiveness of this type of disclosure remains poorly explored among small and medium enterprises (SMEs), despite the fact that these businesses represent the majority of firms around the world. By leveraging on a dataset of Italian listed SMEs, we fill this gap to shed new light on the effects of nonfinancial disclosure on the cost of capital. The study reveals that, in stark contrast with the evidence on large companies, environmental disclosure for SMEs is bound to provoke an increase in the cost of capital. Yet this pattern is capsized when the company is a family SME, as it benefits from environmental disclosure, as large companies do. 相似文献
本文探讨了希腊国债危机对银行信息披露的动态影响。经过对173家欧洲银行2009和2011年年度报告的数据统计,分析显示:自危机爆发以来,欧洲银行增加了其年度报告的长度,尤其是年度报告中的风险管理部分的长度。经过实证分析还发现,不管是银行的年度报告还是其风险管理报告长度的增加都与银行的资本成本所受到的外源性冲击相联系。而这种对资本成本的外源性冲击主要是希腊危机引起的。最后研究还发现,2011年风险管理报告部分的增加在一定程度上缓解了之前银行资本成本所收到的冲击,而年度报告的增加与此没有明显的关联。 相似文献
Filippo Vitolla Antonio Salvi Nicola Raimo Felice Petruzzella Michele Rubino 《Business Strategy and the Environment》2020,29(2):519-529
Integrated reporting is a new reporting tool that includes financial and nonfinancial information, which represents a natural evolution of the corporate reporting movement. Although this practice has gained increasing attention in recent years, both from an academic and professional perspective, the quality of the reports still represents a critical aspect due to inadequate investigation. Only a few studies have focused on integrated reporting quality, and contributions on the effects of quality have been even rarer. This study aims to investigate on the impact of integrated reporting quality on the firm's cost of equity capital, owing to the paramount importance of this parameter for firms and investors. Our results highlight that integrated reporting quality has a significantly negative association with the cost of equity capital, suggesting that integrated reporting quality represents an innovative way to reduce the cost of equity. To our knowledge, this is the first study that examines the relationship between integrated reporting quality and a firm's cost of equity. 相似文献
以2007年至2012年深圳证券交易所A股主板上市公司为研究对象,采用深交所公布的信息披露考评结果作为信息披露质量的代理变量,实证检验政治关联、信息披露质量和债务融资成本之间的关系,结果显示:企业信息披露质量的提升能够显著降低其债务融资成本;政治关联的存在削弱了企业信息披露质量与其债务融资成本之间的相关性。 相似文献
Luigi Vena Salvatore Sciascia Alessandro Cortesi 《Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting》2020,31(2):191-214
Since its introduction, integrated reporting (IR) has triggered a rich debate covering several aspects, from the structure and the features of a document to the effects of its publication. Very recently, scholars have examined the negative relationship between IR and the cost of capital for firms, completely missing the opportunity to understand whether this fact is contingent on the cultural context that adopting companies operate in. We fill this gap by resorting to a panel sample of 211 adopters from 31 countries over the period spanning 2009–2017, counting 1,455 observations. Our evidence confirms that adopters, on average, benefit from a 1.4% decrease in the cost of capital. Yet, more importantly, IR effectiveness is exalted in countries with low power distance, strong collectivism values, and high level of masculinity, while uncertainty avoidance, long‐term orientation, and indulgence do not seem to play any moderating role. 相似文献
The global development of integrated reporting (IR) is underpinned by the recognition of increased complexity of businesses and stakeholder demands for information relating to financial performance, management, corporate governance, and sustainability being provided in a single, coherent document which facilitates stakeholder decision making. This paper examines the lexical properties of IR following the introduction of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) Framework. Using an international sample, we find that when adopted voluntarily, IR are lengthier, use more complex language, and contain more boilerplate statements. Our findings suggest that without regulation, firms may continue to produce long and difficult to understand reports in fear of being perceived as omitting “bad news.” This fear might be justified as we find loss of analyst following and greater analyst uncertainty when voluntarily adopted IR is concise. In the regulated setting of South Africa, however, we find IR has become more concise, and firms that produce longer and more complex documents suffer from a deterioration of their information environment. Our findings suggest that regulators and practitioners need to be cognizant of the potential for an increased volume in reporting to obfuscate the message rather than inform stakeholders. 相似文献
文章基于会计管制的角度将会计信息分为强制性披露的部分和自愿性披露的部分,采用实验研究的方法,在一个相对"干净"的环境中寻找会计信息披露影响资本市场配置效率的证据。研究结论表明,强制性披露的会计信息质量与资本市场配置效率正相关,且这种正相关性在具有较高自愿性披露会计信息质量的公司中更为明显。 相似文献
本文从博弈论的视角对上市公司环境会计信息披露与政府监管进行了分析,通过建立博弈模型,深入剖析了二者之间的利益与冲突,并进一步从政府监管等角度考虑如何解决当前我国上市公司环境会计信息披露存在的问题,提高上市公司环境会计信息披露的概率与质量。 相似文献
We investigate whether environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure is related to default risk. Using a sample of US nonfinancial institutions from 2006 to 2017, we find that ESG disclosure is positively related to Merton's distance to default and is negatively related to the credit default swap spread, which suggests that firms with a higher ESG disclosure have lower default risk. Our analysis further indicates that the inverse effect of ESG disclosure on default risk is through increased profitability and reduced performance variability and cost of debt. We also document that the negative impact of ESG disclosure on default risk is existent only for mature and older firms. These results are important for all stakeholders of firms, including shareholders and bondholders to consider firm's ESG disclosure in conjunction with life cycle stage before making their investment decisions. 相似文献
投资者关系管理起源于美国,是西方成熟资本市场的产物,它通过加强与投资者之间的信息沟通来增强投资者对公司的满意度,从而达到实现增加公司价值的目的。基于西方学者关于投资者关系管理的相关研究,对IRM的构成要素进行了重新界定,并分别对IRM的构成要素与资本成本的关系研究进行了回顾述评,总结出了一些有助于我国IRM发展的经验和启示,以期推动我国理论界和实务界探索并构建符合我国资本市场特点的IRM模式。 相似文献
本文探讨了企业信息透明度与债券资金成本间的关系。研究样本涵盖1996年至2001年间,共103家发行公司债的台湾上市公司,对其年报自愿性披露水平进行了分析。结果发现,企业发行公司债增额举债成本与其年报自愿性披露水平间呈显着负相关,显示信息的充分披露能获得较低的举债成本。而依市场风险高低所作的分组测试,则显示具有高市场风险的企业,披露水平与债券发行资金成本间关联性并未较低市场风险的企业密切,且高市场风险组的企业,年报中所披露的策略性信息,与债券发行资金成本间的关系并未达显着水平,此也反映出投资人评估企业信息披露是"质"、"量"并重的。 相似文献
随着国内温室气体减排工作的深入,企业温室气体量化成为实现温室气体减排目标的必然选择。本文简要介绍了企业温室气体量化方法,论述了企业温室气体量化时的几个关键问题:1)确定排放边界方法;2)选取基准年方法;3)确定温室气体排放源方法4)如何选择量化方法;4)收集活动数据的方法;5)如何对数据进行量化以及对量化数据进行不确定分析。本文介绍的方法可以指导企业进行温室气体量化。 相似文献
基于物流完成周期的企业物流成本综合控制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
企业物流系统是一个复杂系统。本文将企业物流系统划分为一系列物流完成周期,一系列的物流完成周期成本构成整个企业物流成本,物流完成周期成本是企业物流成本控制的最小基本单元,通过对物流完成周期成本有效控制实现对企业物流成本的综合控制。 相似文献
中小企业融资难在融资景气指数下降的环境下更显突出。本文以2010年中小企业板块的浙江公司为样本,研究其信息披露质量与股权融资成本间的关系,采用剩余收益模型计算股权融资成本,通过多元回归证明,中小企业信息披露质量对其股权融资成本同样会产生正面影响,基此提出了应对建议。 相似文献