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在大型国有企业中,如何充分发挥效能监察的作用,以取得显著的经济效益和社会效益,是一个长期性的课题。作者从介入分包队伍选择监督、介入创新分包模式监督、介入分包定额编制监督、介入分包一体化管控监督、介入分包成本管理五个方面,论述了"加强分包费用定额监察,提升分包工程效益"的方式方法。  相似文献   

工程分包作为时下工程项目建设的普遍模式,可在极大程度上减少总包方的投资风险与项目管理成本,助力总包方实现"降本增效"并规避"低价中标"所致影响,但因分包方的综合水准往往"参差不齐",一旦分包方选择不当或是施工过程中的分包管理不到位,则极易导致施工质量不达标、施工进度滞后等问题,影响项目的顺利交付,造成项目收益受损,对总包方的声誉与形象带来极大不利影响,并且还会牵扯出许多不必要的行政处罚事项.因此,切合项目实际全面强化分包管理极为关键.基于此,文章就水利工程项目分包管理普遍现状展开简要分析,并结合现状提出了相应的改善、优化策略,以供借鉴参考.  相似文献   

王霞 《审计月刊》2007,(9):51-52
为了进一步规范交通建设市场秩序,强化工程项目和资金管理,确保工程质量,本文就交通工程"转分包"的相关概念、分包注意事项、转分包的管理等做一解析。  相似文献   

本文结合本人多年管理实践经验,从建筑工程项目管理的角度,详细阐述了项目的概念和内涵,并对加强分包管理和分包模式进行了详尽分析探讨,对分包过程管理及常见问题处理措施进行系统论述,以达到科学管理的目的.  相似文献   

在当前建筑行业中,劳务分包已成为较为普遍的用工模式,而且必将成为建筑行业未来用工模式的主要发展趋势.从建筑施工企业劳务管理现状入手,对目前建筑行业劳务分包管理存在的主要问题进行了分析,并进一步对提高建筑企业劳务分包管理效率的措施进行了具体的阐述.  相似文献   

张强 《价值工程》2019,38(26):50-52
架子队用工模式改变了管理层与作业层两层分离问题,但其对管理人员需求的大幅增加造成企业负担加重,铁路工程分包隐匿于架子队背后已长期存在,而层层转包、以包代管现象又被长期诟病,结合铁路工程用工模式现状,对改进劳务用工管理现状提出针对性建议,作出施工总承包企业发展自有建筑工人为作业层班组长、专业作业企业劳务用工为主体的多元用工方式的展望,建议施工总承包单位向工程总承包转型,并发展培育优质分包资源。  相似文献   

本文从施工企业现有的两种劳务分包税金抵扣模式——差额纳税和代扣代缴模式的纳税流程、纳税成本账务处理、资金成本以及结算单格式等方面入手,详细分析了两种模式的优势及劣势,对于加强劳务分包模式下施工项目对劳务分包工程款的税金成本管理,提升其市场竞争力都有重要意义。  相似文献   

劳务分包单位作为施工单位的一部分,其管理制度健全与否对整个工程至关重要。文章具体分析了目前国内劳务分包单位的组织结构模式以及劳务分包制度存在的问题与对工程管理的影响,从而提出了建筑市场亟需的劳务分包形式。  相似文献   

文中以阿尔及利亚南北高速公路53km项目分包管理实践为例,分析了国际公路工程总承包中分包商及分包模式选择、采购、过程管理与服务、考核与评价的关键点。并结合国际化资源组织特点阐述了分包管理各环节的工作要点和风险事项,对类似国际工程实施具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

程维娜 《价值工程》2019,38(22):40-41
本篇文章通过简单介绍EPC总承包模式的概念及其特征优势,以及目前我国该模式下的项目分包招标管理现状,并在此基础上对EPC总承包模式下的项目分包招标管理策略进行探究,希望能够给予相关工作者一定的灵感和启发。  相似文献   

于川 《价值工程》2014,(29):99-100
本文首先对建筑工程项目分包管理进行了简要说明,随后就加强分包管理的意义进行了阐述,最后提出了完善分包管理体系的具体措施,以便更好地指导分包工作。  相似文献   

李琼 《价值工程》2022,41(4):50-52
随着时代的发展,我国的经济水平逐渐提高,部分企业将自己自身的工程分包给其他的劳务公司,以此来获得更多的收入,降低工程量,并且带动的整体施工行业,更加趋向于专业化发展.本文对房建施工企业劳务分包管理工作进行分析,探讨劳务分包制度改革的意义,并结合劳务分包制度存在问题,从制度、监管工作等方面对劳务分包工作开展提出一些建议.  相似文献   

文章试图通过对劳务分包模式的分析,查找总结出其中存在的风险,并提出应对风险的主要策略—架子队建设。并对架子队建设的模式和方法进行简单介绍,其可有效避免各种法律风险,具有可操作性。  相似文献   

Using data from a panel of Spanish manufacturing firms, I examine factors that explain firms' production subcontracting decisions and test whether there is any evidence that production subcontracting is facilitated in areas typically associated with higher agglomeration economies. The results show that location matters. Firms in industry agglomerations are more likely to subcontract production activities. While in general, larger and older firms as well as high wage firms show a greater probability for production subcontracting, industry agglomeration particularly facilitates subcontracting for smaller and lower wage firms and it allows firms to respond to a greater degree to expansive demand conditions by taking advantage of subcontracting.  相似文献   

Trans-national corporations (TNCs) expanding their production bases to developing countries having better conditions of manufacturing and domestic markets provide increasing opportunities for local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to have subcontracting relationships with these TNCs. Even though some theoretical and a few empirical studies throw light on the nature of assistance provided by TNCs to local SMEs through subcontracting relationships, none of the studies so far quantitatively analysed the role of this assistance on the innovative performance of SMEs leading to better economic performance. This paper probes the extent and diversity of assistance received by SMEs from a TNC through subcontracting and its influence on technological innovations and economic performance of SMEs, in the Indian automobile industry. Indian SMEs were able to receive mainly product related and purchase process assistance, thereby implying that subcontracting is largely confined to purchase–supply relationships. However, assistance received through subcontracting is beneficial as it promoted technological innovations of SMEs: the higher the degree of assistance, the higher the level of innovations carried out by these SMEs, which, in turn facilitated their economic performance. Thus, this paper substantiates in the Indian context that subcontracting relationship with a TNC can be an important source of technological innovations and enhanced economic performance for SMEs.  相似文献   

This article examines the variation in the post‐privatisation pattern of labour and employment relations in the telecommunications sectors of Argentina and Mexico. The findings suggest that the initial mode of privatisation—negotiated vs. imposed reform—shaped changes in employment, subcontracting and work rules in the period following privatisation. The research also suggests, however, that negotiated reform is more likely to emerge only when certain political incentives are present.  相似文献   

The ‘dependency development’ approach attributes the phenomenal economic growth of Hong Kong and Taiwan to their structural linkage with the advanced industrialised countries through trade. Foreign buyers and sourcing agents of the multinationals subcontract to the Hong Kong and Taiwanese manufacturers for low-cost and flexible production of labour-intensive consumer products. Such a dependency relationship is, however, successfully managed by the manufacturers in the two economies of the operation of a very similar subcontracting system in major industries. This paper examines the nature of the subcontracting system, the reasons for subcontracting, the operating dynamics, the sustaining mechanisms and the inherent structural problems of the subcontracting network. With the industrial restructuring process taking place in Hong Kong and Taiwan, there are changes to the subcontracting system which have significant implications for the welfare of the workers.  相似文献   

Recent interest in the growth of subcontracting, as part of a broader trend towards greater ‘flexibility’in forms of employment relationship, has not as yet been matched by a full consideration of its organizational and managerial implications. In particular, the question of whether or not subcontracting has an impact upon, or is affected by, the organization's structural characteristics remains largely unexplored. the aim of this article is to report findings from a detailed study of subcontracting practices across a sample of British industry, which focuses upon the relationship between subcontracting and organizational characteristics. the results indicate several important points about the practice. Firstly, that there is wide variation in the use of subcontracting across industry, although the overall extent is limited. Secondly, that variation in the practice is significantly related to basic firm characteristics - namely, industrial sector, type of production system and pattern of ownership and control. Thirdly, that, on balance, subcontracting is associated with more, not less, structural complexity. Finally, that this greater complexity is found in particular types of firms - notably, outside the manufacturing sector, in mass and process production systems and amongst British independents and subsidiaries, rather than in their foreign competitors.  相似文献   

浅谈水利水电工程的施工分包管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苗春雨 《价值工程》2011,30(9):242-242
目前,水利水电工程分包施工已是一种工程施工的方案,分包管理则是一个现代企业所必须具各的,其对分包的管理好坏,直接影响到企业的形象、利益。如何更好地做好分包工作的管理工作,最大限度地发挥分包施工的优势,最大能力地规避分包施工中的风险,是未来水利水电工程建设市场竟争的核心。  相似文献   

Labour subcontracting is an important labour-use strategy in the construction industry. In their search for labour-market flexibility, employers in the construction industry in Singapore rely extensively on the Kepala (labour subcontracting) system. The Kepala system offers a 'convenient' way of managing operative (skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled) construction workers. Essentially, this paper discusses the merits and demerits of the Kepala system. It is argued that, although employers in the construction industry derive some strategic benefits from the use of labour subcontracting, on the whole, the system has some adverse consequences for workers, companies, the industry and HRM functions. But, in the absence of any better system that the employers can turn to, it is necessary for the Kepala system to be refined. Thus, it is suggested that the Japanese model of labour subcontracting offers lessons, but will require modifications and adaptations before being applied in Singapore.  相似文献   

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