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交际需要距离,或远或近分寸有度,交际就会产生奇效, 而一切过犹不及的交际只能事倍功半,甚至会半途而废。  相似文献   

消费者在购买商品或接受服务过程中,如遇到不满意或有损失时,往往会涉及到"什么样的情况下可以向生产商或服务商提出索赔"、"什么样的索赔会依法得到支持"等不容回避的问题,下面本信箱介绍两个案例以示读者.  相似文献   

如果你对电动汽车的充电没有任何规划或管理,把充电时间大多选择在电价更高的白天或用电高峰,那么你的电费账单将很可怕假如你拥有一辆电动汽车,你的电费账单会增加多少?美国一家研究机构测算,一个家庭大约会为此多支付30%的电费。如果你对电动汽车的充电没有任何规划或管理,把充电时间大多选择在电价更高的白天或用电高峰,那么这个数字还会进一步加大。因为在美国很多地区,用电高峰的电价大约是深夜用电低谷时的5倍左右。  相似文献   

去杠杆化就是一个公司或个人减少使用金融杠杆的过程,将原先通过各种方式(或工具)借到的钱退还出去的潮流。单个公司或机构去杠杆化并不会对市场和经济产生多大影响,但如果大部分机构和投资者都被迫或主动地将过去采用杠杆方法借的钱吐出来,那这个影响显然不一般。一些机构认为,如果这股风潮蔓延,那么原先支持金融市场的大量复杂的组合、杠杆放大的投资工具会被解散,衍主品市场会萎缩、相关行业会受创,市场流动性因此  相似文献   

静电放电对人体的影响似乎并不明显,但在电子元件的生产过程中,或在电子产品的安装、调试及检验过程中如不消除静电,将会影响生产或降低产品质量。尤其是半导体器件和微电路生产行业,由于静电放电更会引起器件失效。  相似文献   

心理暗示,是指人接受外界或他人的愿望、观念、情绪、判断或态度影响的心理特点。每天,我们都会不断从自己或他人那里接受各种暗示,这种影响有时会给我们带来喜悦和信心,有时又会使人觉得郁闷不安。以下几种快乐的自我心理暗示,可以帮助我们更加乐观地面对生活。  相似文献   

张其镇 《企业经济》2005,(12):171-172
作为履行审计监督职能的注册会计师来说,在执业过程中除了有其风光的一面,也会有其灰暗的时候,比如会受到形形色色的各种考验:或嘲弄、或鄙视;或打击、或利诱。如何来面对这些问题,并妥善处理之?笔者认为树立一种精神,一种注册会计师特有的审计精神,十分必要。本文试图略陈管见,以期起到抛砖引玉之功效。  相似文献   

如果一个酒店能够取得并保持全面的成本领先地位,那么它只要能使价格相等或接近于该行业的平均价格水平,就会成为本行业中高于平均水平的超群之辈。当成本领先的酒店企业的价格相当于或低于其竞争厂商时,它的低成本地位就会转化为  相似文献   

啤酒行业"大鱼吃小鱼,快鱼吃慢鱼"时代已经到来。大多数中小区域啤酒品牌未来生存空间将会越来越小,或整合,或兼并重组,或走向破产境地。  相似文献   

旧城改造中常常会因为道路拓宽或河道整治,对周边建筑结构的稳定产生影响,而周边新建建筑有时设计施工不合理也会反过来影响河道或道路基础设施的稳定,因此确保结构是否稳定至关重要,本文针对这一问题结合工程实例进行稳定检测分析.  相似文献   

Since the work of Cliff and Ord (1973), increasing attention has been paid to the unique statistical and econometric problems associated with the use of spatial or areal data. In this paper it will be shown that the way in which spatial data is aggregated, or gerrymandered, will alter the estimation results of a model. Specifically, a well known model developed by Kain to measure the loss in black jobs in a metropolitan area resulting from residential segregation will be estimated. It will be shown that by alternative areal aggregation, or gerrymandering, of the data it is possible to reach diametrically opposed conclusions (i.e., blacks either gain or lose jobs as a result of residential segregation using the same model.  相似文献   

彭静波 《价值工程》2011,30(33):308-308
护理差错是指护理人员在治疗护理过程中因责任心不强、违反操作规程或技术问题等原因造成工作过失或疏忽,给病人带来或轻或重的伤害和痛苦,影响其治疗,甚至危及生命。那么如何避免或减少护理差错?  相似文献   

美国商业房地产特别是多家庭住房是支撑本轮经济复苏的重要力量。商业房地产中公寓楼空置率最低且下降最快,但需求扩张力度在减缓。商业抵押恢复较为缓陵,收缩幅度呈缩小趋势,可能成为继多家庭抵押之后房地产复苏支撑力量。商业房地产复苏有相当强的联邦政府支持背景,机构和GSE支持抵押池、国民存款机构和私人养老基金的抵押对商业房地产复苏的支撑力度在逐渐加大。商业和多家庭抵押的信用风险状况改善较快。未来商业房地产价格呈上升趋势,但公寓楼价格升势可能减缓。商业房地产销售缓慢增长;多家庭住房销售呈扩张趋势,但势头逐渐减缓。多家庭租房空置率降势在下半年可能转为缓升势头;住房开工扩张势头开始减缓,明年可能平稳或发生变化。商业抵押呈波动式缓良扩张态势;多家庭抵押持续扩张势头减缓,明年下半年可能逆转。商业房地产抵押贷款支持证券(CMBS)发行扩张,但余额扩张缓陵。商业抵押、商业银行商业抵押以及CMBS的拖欠率继续下降各级CMBS的风险利差可能平稳波动或缓慢趋高。商业房地产市场的活跃程度可能略有加强,明年商业房地产整体情况将略好于今年。  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze a stochastic dynamic advertising and pricing model with isoelastic demand. The state space is discrete, time is continuous and the planing horizon is allowed to be finite or infinite. A dynamic version of the Dorfman–Steiner identity will be derived. Explicit expressions of the optimal advertising and pricing policies, of the value function and of the optimal advertising expenditures will be given. The general results will be used to analyze the case of impatient customers. Furthermore, particular time inhomogeneous models and homogeneous ones with and without discounting will be examined. We will study the social efficiency of a monopolist's optimal policies and the consequences of specific subsidies. From a buyer's perspective, our analysis reveals that waiting – when looking at (immediate) expected prices – is never profitable should two or more units be available. But we will also prove that the sequence of average sales prices is monotone decreasing. Moreover, the techniques applied to solve the discrete stochastic advertising and pricing problem will be used to solve a related deterministic control problem with continuous state space.  相似文献   

Our aim is to develop a set of leading performance indicators to enable managers of large projects to forecast during project execution how various stakeholders will perceive success months or even years into the operation of the output. Large projects have many stakeholders who have different objectives for the project, its output, and the business objectives they will deliver. The output of a large project may have a lifetime that lasts for years, or even decades, and ultimate impacts that go beyond its immediate operation. How different stakeholders perceive success can change with time, and so the project manager needs leading performance indicators that go beyond the traditional triple constraint to forecast how key stakeholders will perceive success months or even years later. In this article, we develop a model for project success that identifies how project stakeholders might perceive success in the months and years following a project. We identify success or failure factors that will facilitate or mitigate against achievement of those success criteria, and a set of potential leading performance indicators that forecast how stakeholders will perceive success during the life of the project's output. We conducted a scale development study with 152 managers of large projects and identified two project success factor scales and seven stakeholder satisfaction scales that can be used by project managers to predict stakeholder satisfaction on projects and so may be used by the managers of large projects for the basis of project control.  相似文献   

Game theory is a branch of mathematics which analyses interdependent decision-making. It attempts to explain how decision-makers might take into account the likely response of others in formulating their own decisions. It has long been applied to microeconomics especially to the theory of the firm under oligopoly where the firm, in devising its pricing and production strategy, will take into account the likely reactions of other firms within the industry. More recently it has been appreciated that many situations in macroeconomics can be analysed in terms of game theory. For example, if one country introduces import controls, how will others react? If one country tries to control inflation by adopting a tough monetary policy, or tries to reflate, what will other countries do? How will exchange rate speculators respond to the government's announcement that it will not intervene in currency markets? Will they believe the government or will they adopt actions which will eventually force the government to intervene? How will markets respond if the government changes its macro-economic strategy? In some cases the “players” are the government and the business community, in other cases one government may be playing against another. In this Briefing Paper we introduce some ideas and results from game theory and show how they can be applied to macroeonomics as well as microeconomics.  相似文献   

The small and medium enterprises had played an important role during the economy development at Taiwan. Under the competitive environment, the managers or the decision-makers will frequently meet a scenario with the complicate decision-making problems, e.g. the importance tradeoffs between the multiple criteria or the multiple attributes. That is, the consensus and differences among evaluation-makers will be frequently met for most practitioners in multiple criterions decision-making (MCDM) consideration. How to incorporate those characteristics into analysis to enhance the evaluation quality of performance will be a meaningful issue to be addressed. In this study, a case about performance evaluation of the multiple projects owing to a small and medium enterprise at Taiwan will be applied to demonstrating the rationality and feasibility of proposed approach based on the fuzzy aggregation weight effect incorporating the consensus and differences among evaluation-makers.  相似文献   

The 1990s will be a decade of increasing dramatic and traumatic change for hospitals. Reimbursement, technology, and consumers, either alone or in concert, will be the forces that will shape hospitals in the future. At the end of the 1990s we will have hospitals that offer technology to the critically ill, outpatient surgical services, and comforting care for those in the late years of life. Material management will be important to hospitals because expense control will be as important as ever. However, I believe the role of a material manager will diminish as the services provided change and as the role is folded into the responsibilities of those who manage one of the three critical business areas hospitals will be in. This new hybrid of today's manager will still apply all of the concepts to the distribution of supplies in a hospital as today's material managers do but will use them as only a part of their overall management responsibility.  相似文献   

罗亮 《价值工程》2008,27(2):11-15
作为一种企业的战略,转型成功与否关键在于执行。财务管理是战略管理的执行层,支撑战略转型的财务管理体系必须上承企业宏观的战略规划目标,下达企业具体的作业实施。为此,以电信业的转型为例,指出财务管理体系首先要借助战略地图从企业愿景或战略目标出发,并以此为核心提出整合企业资源的财务目标,形成财务管理的行动方案;以作业成本管理为工具,正确反映不同成本核算对象对提升企业价值的贡献;最后通过平衡计分卡进行绩效衡量,找出能创造未来财务成果的关键性"绩效驱动因素",创建出相对于财务成果而言的所谓"领先引导指标",使财务管理跨越绩效衡量层次,直接进入了战略衡量层次。  相似文献   

马翔 《价值工程》2010,29(27):135-135
在电力系统当中,当用电量过大或有其他原因的时候,会造成电网电压过低,使用电设备处于低压运行的状态,对用电设备,对电网都是不利的,甚至会造成严重的危害。本文阐述了电网低电压运行时对用电设备及电网的危害,以及一些防止措施。  相似文献   

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