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Sexual harassment training is a common human resource activity, and the practitioner literature is replete with advice about how to implement it. Little research, however, has specifically explored what makes sexual harassment training effective. This paper uses what we know from general training research and theory and sexual harassment research to assess the extent to which the practitioner literature is making relevant and reasonable recommendations for sexual harassment training. We identify practitioner‐research gaps in the literature, including areas that academic research and theory suggest are important for training effectiveness but where the practitioner literature falls short. The practitioner literature may be silent, offer incomplete advice, make recommendations that do not directly link to research findings, or present recommendations that are inconsistent with research findings. We recommend that these gaps be bridged and we provide specific suggestions for how human resource managers can improve the quality of the sexual harassment training they provide. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Faculty policy and procedure manuals are an integral part of academic employment contracts. Yet their importance is underestimated by instructors and educational institutions alike. They are usually referred to in crisis situations only, when the relationship between an educator and a school has begun to deteriorate. It is at this point that faculty allege a violation of their rights and turn to written documentation to support their contention. Colleges and universities, who as the drafters of these documents are thoroughly familiar with their contents, are forced to respond by using the handbooks as shields against legal claims. An academic's failure to review faculty manuals at the outset of employment experience leaves himself uninformed as to his rights as an employee and vulnerable to attacks regarding his responsibilities as a professional.  相似文献   

As part of this journal's provocation series, John Godard criticised the psychologisation of human resource management and expressed concern with the psychologisation of employment relations. This article uses four explicit frames of reference on the employment relationship to further explicate Godard's concern with the distancing of the field from questions about the structural nature of the employment relationship. This discussion is then extended to consider the magnifying implications of the turn within the field toward organisational behaviour research. Ultimately, the complexity of work and employment means that the field needs to be vigilant in embracing not only multidisciplinary but also multiperspective approaches rather than letting the field become excessively unitary.  相似文献   

The employment relationship is fiercely contested both in theory and practice. This article examines recent theoretical initiatives in economics that have sought to illuminate the nature, specificity, and complexities of the employment relationship. It examines claims by proponents of the new institutional economics (NIE) that they can account for the historical emergence of authority relations and the dominance of hierarchical work organisations without reference to the forces of class power, coercion and labour subordination. The NIE is contrasted with the ‘old’ institutional economics (OIE) and the distinctive insights of an industrial relations perspective. The paper considers in conclusion whether a synthesis of NIE and industrial relations research would achieve a deeper understanding of the institutional forms of wage‐labour in contemporary capitalist economies.  相似文献   

With the world becoming increasingly digitalized, determining the relationship between the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and educational outcomes takes on special relevance for guiding educational policy decisions in a reasoned way. The objective of this research is to explore the relationship between different types of ICT use at school and at home, students' attitudes towards ICT, and academic performance, as well as to see if these associations differ according to the level of performance of the students. For this purpose, we apply multilevel regression models and quantile regression models with data from the Programme for International Student assessment survey (PISA) 2015. The results show differences in the sign of the association according to the ICT variable analysed. The positive association between ICT use and academic performance is related with its use for entertainment at home, the students’ interest in ICT and an earlier starting age for using ICT. Results also show that higher availability of computers per student in the schools is associated with higher levels of academic performance. However, the use of ICT for schoolwork at home, the use of ICT by students in schools and the importance of ICT as a topic in social interaction for students, are factors negatively associated with academic performance. Finally, our quantile regressions by ability levels suggest that certain types of ICT use appear to be particularly associated with the academic performance of students in the lowest percentiles of performance. These results highlight the need to consider and include ICT as an input into the educational production function. Moreover, public policies should consider the interaction between ICT and the educational performance of underperforming students.  相似文献   

Drawing upon research conducted in thirteen organisations between 1980 and 1984, the authors illustrate, by the use of case studies, a range of developments in joint consultation. They specifically link their findings on consultation to other industrial relations activity and the nature of the product market in which the companies find themselves.  相似文献   

Conventional content analysis uses “hard-edged” categories for coding qualitative data (e.g., content themes), and this practice not only loses valuable information but also restricts the ways in which such data may be analyzed. This paper presents a procedure based on fuzzy set theory which extends content analysis by permitting the researcher to use fuzzy, or “blurred” categories for coding. These categories are allowed to overlap one another, thereby enabling the researcher to investigate overlap and inclusion relationships among thematic categories. The technique is briefly explained, and the bulk of the paper is devoted to a demonstration of its use in an applied research context. The final section discusses some extensions of this technique and its applications in exploratory data analysis.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes how international outsourcing affected individual employment security. The analysis is carried out at the micro-level, combining monthly spell data from household panel data and industry-level outsourcing measures. By utilizing micro-level data, problems such as aggregation and potential endogeneity bias, as well as crude skill approximations that regularly hamper industry level displacement studies, can be reduced considerably. The main finding is that international outsourcing significantly lowers individual employment security. Interestingly, the effect does, however, not differ between high-, medium-, and low-skilled workers but only varies with job duration.  相似文献   

Although growth has occurred in contract employment arrangements both in the public and private sectors, scant research has been conducted on the organizations and employees affected by these arrangements.This study examines the employment relationship of long‐term contracted employees using a social exchange framework. Specifically, we examine the effects of employee perceptions of organizational support from contracting and client organizations on their (a) affective commitment to each organization and (b) service‐oriented citizenship behavior. We also examine whether felt obligation toward each organization mediates this relationship. Our sample consists of 99 long‐term contracted employees working for four contracting organizations that provide services to the public on behalf of a municipal government. Results indicate that the antecedents of affective commitment are similar for the client and contracting organization. Employee perceptions of client organizational supportiveness were positively related to felt obligation and commitment to the client organization. Client felt obligation mediated the effects of client perceived organizational support (POS) on the participation dimension of citizenship behavior. Our study provides additional support for the generalizability of social exchange processes to nontraditional employment relationships. Implications for managing long‐term contracted employees are discussed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Training that is relevant to employers is not necessarily enriching for employees, especially those on the lower salary scales. The authors argue that the analysis of training and development needs to be understood in the context of the employment relationship. Drawing on reasearch evidence from six case studies in the public sector, the article examines the impact of changes in work organisation on workplace learning, managers' and employees' own strategies towards it and the limitations of tools such as appraisal. Since employees' existing qualifications are poorly utilised and their development needs often frustrated, issues concerning job design, occupational progression routes and employee entitlements need to be addressed.  相似文献   

This article examines AT&T's efforts to deal with force management issues by developing Resource Linksm, an internal service unit that uses payroll management employees to help meet the variable work force needs of AT&T. Resource Link is discussed in terms of its contributions to increasing employment stability, improved learning, better governance, and helping to renew the psychological contract between employees and employers. The paper calls for future research in four major areas: skills development, teamwork, reward systems, and career management. It also addresses the potential applicability of this type of program to other firms. © 1995 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper, we empirically investigate the relationship between informal sector employment and micro-level socio-demographic characteristics, political acts and attitudes, and individual norms. Using self-reported individual micro-level data from the World Values Survey for seven developing countries (China, Ecuador, Egypt, Mexico, Peru, South Africa and Yemen), our cross-country regressions and principal component analysis reveal that socio-demographic characteristics of individuals are strong predictors of their informal sector employment. Our estimations further document that individual preferences for an economically strong, interventionist and egalitarian state and confidence in state and political institutions are positively and significantly correlated with informal sector employment, whereas variables associated with confidence in free market institutions and support for competition are negatively and significantly correlated with informal sector employment. We also show that individuals who participate either actively or inactively in peaceful and lawful political processes are significantly less likely to work in the informal sector. Finally, we document that individual norms, such as religiosity and tax morale, are negatively correlated with informal sector employment. Throughout our analysis, instead of having to rely on ad-hoc informality categorizations of third parties, we base our measurement of informal sector employment directly on the self-evaluation of individuals, who have the best information on the degree of their informality.  相似文献   

兰州市产业结构调整与就业弹性问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成学真  雷霄雯 《城市问题》2007,(3):58-62,74
从产业结构调整对就业增长影响的角度,以兰州市各产业产值就业弹性为切入点进行数据统计分析,结果表明,兰州市三次产业的发展虽然保持着比较高的速度,但各产业产值就业弹性均在不断下降.过去十几年间,第一产业所能吸收的劳动力非常有限,第二产业产值的增长不仅不能促进就业增长,而且释放出大量失业工人,第三产业已经成为拉动就业的主要力量.为避免出现经济增长和失业并存的局面,有必要促进产业结构的转变以增加就业.  相似文献   

In this article, Phil Beaumont reports research findings from a questionnaire-based study of some of the more important aspects of the relationship between union-appointed safety representatives and their workforce constituencies.  相似文献   

由于道德与智慧的背离,某些高校教师出现了"不端的学术行为",损害了高等教育的整体学术声誉.治理"传道"者"失道"的多元途径:一靠"自律",二靠"他律".  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the dynamics in employment and informal care outcomes of women in England. To this end, we develop a dynamic model to describe pathways leading to a negative correlation between informal care and employment in a cross-section. The model allows for different types of caregiving, correlated permanent unobserved heterogeneity and initial sorting. The model is estimated on data from 6 waves of the BHPS 2000–2005. Our findings suggest modest feedback effects. We find a negative effect of co-residential caregiving on future employment and a negative effect of employment on future co-residential and extra-residential caregiving. We also find evidence of positive state-dependence in caregiving although most of the persistence in such activities is related to unobserved heterogeneity rather than state-dependence.  相似文献   

The present study attempts an examination of the extent to which Greek firms use flexible employment arrangements, the kind of jobs in which they are used and the factors affecting their use. It concentrates on three types of flexible work: temporary workers, independent contractors and subcontractors. Drawing upon data from a sample of seventy-five companies, it identifies factors affecting: a) firm's decision to use flexible forms of work or not and b) the percentage of flexible workers used.

The main findings indicate that different types of flexible worker are used by the same firm for the accomplishment of different kinds of job and are affected by different factors. Training costs and monitoring problems appear to be the most influential factors explaining the use of temporary workers, while low frequency of specialized tasks is the main factor affecting the use of independent contractors and often the recourse to subcontractors. Results from the Greek national context would add to existing evidence on this important issue.  相似文献   

HRM and the leader are often assumed to play a joint role in affecting employee reactions. In a multilevel, time-lagged study, we examined the joint role of the employment relationship and leader-member exchange (LMX). We tested whether this joint role is essential to when LMX leads to affective well-being via psychological empowerment. We build on HRM literature to expect that the relationship of LMX with psychological empowerment is stronger when the employment relationship is consistent with LMX quality. Results indicated that psychological empowerment mediates the relationship between LMX and affective well-being. This mediation is stronger for employees in a mutual investment employment relationship. The findings point at the importance of consistency of resources from the employment relationship and LMX. Nevertheless, the findings also suggest that resources from LMX compensate for employment relationships with low resources. Our findings contribute to scholars’ understanding of the joint role of HRM systems and leader behaviors.  相似文献   

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