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不知何时开始,人们对酒楼食肆的喧嚣开始厌倦,热爱美食者钻进横街窄巷,寻找美味佳肴,还有那份流失已久的恬淡心情。近几年,高档餐厅逐渐出现一股集约化、个性化的趋势,无大厅、少房间、多厨师,采用精耕细作的经营模式,无论环境的装修与布置,还是在出品的结构上,更突出无省界、无国界的概念,所以有专家断言,吃文化的时代正在拉开序幕。所谓私房菜,就是在私密的自家厨房里烹制而成、无所谓菜系,无所谓章法,只要味道独特。一个世纪前,北  相似文献   

紧邻外滩,半岛酒店的对面,一座红砖建筑低调的矗立着。时不时会看到林志玲、刘嘉玲模样的美女闪入其中,更可见劳斯莱斯、兰博基等豪车扎堆停泊。它就是益丰外滩源!前身是益丰洋行的益丰大厦始建于1911年,在外滩经历百年风雨后,华丽转身成为一间名媛富豪荟萃的顶级精品购物会所。虽说楼内品牌都是奢华大牌:BV国内最大旗舰店、Valentino上海旗舰店、GUCCI男装定制概念店……却沿袭着欧洲贵族不爱张扬的低调传统,安静的橱窗广告、优雅的老克勒导购、淡雅甜美的香气,外滩源更像是位于欧洲老城的商业店铺,充满着人文艺术气质和历史的沉淀。除了国内时尚粉们耳熟能详的大牌,  相似文献   

Arcosanti in Arizona, USA, is a yet-to-be completed ecological settlement which reflects the major ideas of Paolo Soleri, an Italian architect and philosopher, on an alternative type of city. Based on field research using interviews, participatory observation and the survey method it examines the relationship between tourism and eco-settlements, using Arcosanti as a case study, in order to discuss current approaches to sustainable tourism and to examine visitor profiles, perceptions, and attitudes. The data indicates that ecological settlements such as Arcosanti can be an attractive tourist destination and it is clear that although Arcosanti had started life as an urban experiment based on ecological and alternative ideas, today it is a place that attracts many visitors. Regardless of whether Arcosanti can be categorized as an eco-village or eco-city, its valuable attractiveness results from Paolo Soleri and his tangible/intangible heritage that contributes an income via sustainable tourism. The study concludes that Arcosanti is an excellent case which offers the promise that ecological settlements can have significant potential for sustainable tourism.  相似文献   

A cross-cultural approach is adopted to examine factors related to perceptions of and attitudes toward medical tourism by American, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese tourists to Korea. Results from a survey with a sample of 883 tourists show that respondents' overall attitudes significantly differ across the four nations. Russian patients hold most positive attitudes, followed by Chinese and Japanese. Major perceptual factors are found to have different effects on overall attitudes among respondents. While travel-related risks are the most influential factor among Russian, Japanese, and Chinese patients, Americans are influenced mostly by health-related risks. American and Japanese attitudes are also affected by cost factor but not by convenience factor. On the other hand, convenience factor significantly affects Russian and Chinese attitudes. Additionally, post-operative risk, access to information, and availability of procedures have different effects across the four nations. Possible explanations and practical implications are discussed in conjunction with the cultural contexts of the four nations.  相似文献   

This paper utilises a motive-based segmentation to understand tourists to cultural heritage sites in Arizona, USA. The data for this study were collected through mail survey from a representative sample of 671 tourists to three Native American cultural heritage sites. Using cluster analysis based upon motives for cultural history learning, three distinct segments were found: (1) ‘culture-focused,’ (2) ‘culture-attentive’ and (3) ‘culture-appreciative’ tourists. These groups differed significantly in terms of behaviour, experience and interpretation. The culture-focused segments spent longer at the sites, stayed more nights away from home, considered visiting archeological sites as their primary activity, and placed more importance on interpretation. In addition, the culture-focused groups were more satisfied with their trip, appreciated the preservation of archeological resources and reported more learning experiences. Overall, the study supports the notion that heterogeneity exists within cultural heritage tourist markets. Implications of these findings in conceptualisation, management and marketing cultural heritage tourism are discussed.  相似文献   

入境旅游是衡量一个国家知名度、影响力和旅游发展水平的主要因素,也是赚取外汇和旅游收入的重要路径。上海是外国游客入境重要的目的地,也是中国最大的入境游客中转站。文章分析了德国、法国、英国、美国、泰国五个上海主要入境旅游客源国2004年第一季度至2018年第三季度的数据,运用计量经济学方法建模,并实证分析了上海入境旅游需求的影响因素。研究表明,口碑效应、客源地的收入水平与上海入境旅游需求正相关;上海入境旅游具有较大的季节波动特点,冬夏两季入境游客数量减少;世博会对上海入境旅游拉动作用较大。同时,对德国、法国、泰国三大市场未来十年的旅游季度需求进行了预测,预测发现,德国、法国、泰国三大市场未来十年都有较大增长,特别是泰国市场的年均增长率达到4%。  相似文献   

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