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一、在飞机上On the airplane空姐:各位旅客,十分钟以后,我们就要到达北京首都机场了,请您系好安全带。Flight Attendant:Ladies and gentlemen,we will be arriv- ing at Beijing Capital Airport in I0 minutes.Please fasten your seat belts.大卫:终于到北京了,我真高兴! David:Finally arrive in Beijing.I am so happy!李小姐:这是您第一次到中国吗?  相似文献   

Make A Call Ⅱ     
对话 Dialogue 王经理:喂,是大卫吗? Manager Wang:Hello,is that David? 大卫:是我,哪位? David:Yes.Who's calling? 王经理:我是王欣,美好丝绸公司生产部门的.  相似文献   

丽丽:早上好,David! 大卫:早!这几天都没有看到你。  相似文献   

对活二服务Dialogue 2 Services (大为房间的空调坏了,他给服务台打电话。) (There is something wrong with the air conditioner in Da- vid's room. He is calling the front desk.)服务台:您好,服务台。先生,有事么? Reception: Front desk. Sir, may I help you'? David:这间房间的空调好像坏了,请帮忙检查一下。David: The air conditioner in my room doesn't seem to be working. Can you please help me to inspect it?服务台:好的,工作人员马上去。  相似文献   

We regret the source of the article, serious omit of the M&A in Mittal Steel Case, in China's Foreign Trade Issue 2009/15. It was originated from the article in Knowledge Wharton. For the original authors, please contact our editorial department for compensation. We extend our sincerest apology to the original authors and our dear readers. Thank you for all the support that you've given to us!  相似文献   

对话一登记Dialogue 1 Registration服务台:先生,请问,您要住宾馆吗?需要什么样的房间? Reception:Sir,would you like to check in?What kind of room dO you need?大卫:单人房就行。一个晚上多少钱? David:A single room  相似文献   

The Embassy of the Republic of Moldova takes the opportunity to inform that business people from the Republic of Moldova are searching for Chinese companies and businessmen who can be interested to create joint (Moldo-Chinese) ventures for utilizing used plastic bottles and producing new ones. If this offer is interesting for you, please contact as for the details:  相似文献   

(凌晨一点钟,片都机场)大卫:您好!我要去友谊宾馆。出租车司机:夜间行车,请您系好安全带。友谊宾馆在哪儿。您能说详细点么?大卫:我也不清楚。稍等。(大卫递给司机一张纸)大卫:这是地址,您看看。出租车司机:哦,中关村南大街。  相似文献   

Reporter: In December 1994, the China National Chemical Import and Export Corporation (Sinochem) was officially approved by the State Council as the first experimental enterprise of a national complex. This is Sinochem's another strategic step—also the first step among China's foreign trade corporations since 1988 for internationalized management on a trial basis. President Zheng Dunxun, as a pioneer for restructuring the state's foreign economic and trade institutions and national medium-to-large enterprises, would you please say something about  相似文献   

对话 Dialogue 张经理:我们给贵公司的商品目录和报价单,你们满意吗? Manager Zhang: Are you satisfied with the product cata logue and price list we gave you? 大卫: 家具和服装的价格,我们比较满意。但是,贵公司是否可以考虑调整一下工艺品的报价? David:We are OK with the price of furniture and clothing, However, could you take the consideration to readjust the price of handicrafts?  相似文献   

Columnist:Li MinyuTel:68013344-8822For news release,please contact the columnist.delivering a speech on GVIA China ForumNew economic development shakesthe world for its high returns. The mythof Silicon Valley encourages a lot ofChinese youths to create wealth throughhigh-tech products with the assistanceof venture capital, thus bringing aboutSina, Sohu, NetEase and China.comlisted on NASDAQ which were once thepride of China.But as the bubble of the interneteconomy disappeared, global…  相似文献   

<正>车老师:您好!在此我要真诚的对您说声:谢谢!感谢您的授艺之恩。我叫彭孔燕,男,今年29岁,是2006年8月通过函授学习的车牌牙签肉技术。收到您快件寄来的资料和调料  相似文献   

What materials are needed for foreign-funded enterprises to increase capital? Where to handle? For foreign-funded enterprise adjusting registered capital,please submit the examination and approval materials to the former approval organ for direct examination and approval in according to the provisions including the Circular of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, and the State Administration of Industry and Commerce on Relevant Provisions and Procedures for Foreign Investment Enterprises to Adjust Total Investment and Registered Capital (Wai Jing Mao Fa [1995] No. 366) and the Notice on printing and distributing the Provisions on the Alteration of Investors' equity in Foreign Investment Enterprises.  相似文献   

大卫·金(David King)爵士(Sir David King),英国化学家,皇家学会院士。2000 - 2007年,担任英国政府首席科学顾问。2013-2017年,担任英国外交部气候变化特使。1993-2000年担任剑桥大学化学系主任,1995-2000年担任剑桥大学唐宁学院院长,参与创立牛津大学史密斯企业与环境学院并担任院长,现为剑桥大学气候恢复中心(The Centre for Climate Repair) 创始人并担任主任。  相似文献   

亲爱的读者,为适应社会主义市场经济的要求,更好地面向全国、面向市场,经广西和国家新闻出版管理部门批准,<市场论坛>(刊号:CN45-1328/F)今天正式与您见面了.希望我们的刊物继续能得到您的大力支持,我们将携手走向新的辉煌.在此我们先道一声:谢谢!  相似文献   

Grand ClassDiscover a new way of travelling in the new Grand Class from Austrian Airlines. Enjoythe highest levels of comfort. Enjoy our unique culinary delights. Enjoy our wideranging in-flight entertainment.The new Grand Class-on all long-haul flights with Austrian Airlines. With acomfortable cabin for 24 Grand Class passengers on the Airbus A330 or 30 passengerson the Airbus A340. New, even more comfortable seats, even greater legroom andculinary delights to please the demanding gou…  相似文献   

A:史密斯先生,我已经看过了贵公司的所 有材料,你们的业绩不错啊! B:谢谢。我知道您是一位著名的商务顾问, 不知道您对我们新的组织机构有什么建议。 A:首先,从您公司的运作开始吧。您应该建 立独立的行政、文书、后勤和支持部门。否则,您 职员的工作量就太大了。 B:没错。他们  相似文献   

兴味索然有位先生酷爱侦探剧,尤其以猜测、搜寻凶手为乐趣。这天,他去看《公园街谋杀案》。“您对座位满意吗?先生?”包厢侍者问。“当然满意,谢谢!”“我把您的帽子送到衣帽间去好吗?”“不,谢谢!”“您要不要一份节目单?”“不,谢谢!”“您或许需要一个望远镜?”“不——”侍者又问要不要巧克力,要不要酒,这时剧情开始紧张了,“不,什么也不要,你见鬼去吧!”侍者见在他身上赚不到一文小费,于是指着舞台,恶狠狠地说:“凶手就是园丁!”傻盗审讯室中,法官疑惑不解地问强盗:“在你行窃的房间里,到处摆着值钱的东西,你为什么偏…  相似文献   

<正>车老师:您好!首先对您真诚地说声谢谢,感谢您的授艺之恩!我叫彭孔燕,男,今年29岁,是2006年8月函授学习的牙签肉技术。收到您快递寄来的资料和调料后,我严格按照兑料表调配口味和等级。我做的是特级牙签肉,消费对象主要针对中小学  相似文献   

Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning! Firstly, please allow me, on behalf of Foton, to express our appreciation to friends who have been concerned about the growth of Foton.[第一段]  相似文献   

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