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吴睿 《乡镇经济》2008,24(6):109-111
进入新世纪,我国农村挟贫效益呈现出递减态势,其原因固然众多,但农村贫困标准的缺陷应是首当其冲,因为贫困标准是监测贫困状态、制定反贫困政策的重要理论依据和行动指南。文章从贫困标准的总体水平、内部构成、动态化、多样化、国际化等方面对我国当前农村贫困标准的缺陷与完善进行了全面探讨。  相似文献   

近年来,学者和政策制定者逐渐将贫困的研究视角从单一的收入贫困扩展到多维贫困。文章基于CFPS的2010年基线调查数据,采取Alkire和Foster提出的双界限方法,根据《中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2011-2020)》提出的目标任务选取贫困维度,对我国农村的多维贫困进行了测度,并对测度结果进行了稳健性分析。测度结果表明,我国农村多维贫困状况比收入贫困状况恶劣。维度分解结果表明,社会保障和生活质量等维度的剥夺情况比较严重。地区分解结果显示,西部地区被剥夺状况高于中、西部地区。稳健性分析结果显示,测度结果对权重的选取是稳健的。因此,我国在此10年中,应从多维视角识别农村贫困,有针对性地提高扶贫政策的有效性。  相似文献   

Unemployment, Poverty and Income Disparity in Urban China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper studies the issues of unemployment and poverty that have been appearing recently in urban China. It estimates the urban unemployment rate, poverty rate and income disparity using a new sample survey data set. Meanwhile, it analyzes the relationship between unemployment and poverty, and the effects of poverty on urban inequality. The main findings are that: (i) the urban unemployment rate reached 11.6% in 1999 and was a major cause of urban poverty; (ii) growing urban poverty is becoming the significant source of worsening urban inequality; and (iii) migrant households have an increasing influence on urban poverty and the pattern of urban income distribution. The paper concludes that urban income distribution has worsened since 1995, and urban unemployment and poverty are the major factors in this worsening.  相似文献   

Poverty and vulnerability in rural China: effects of taxation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies the impact of taxation on poverty and ex ante vulnerability of households in rural China based on national household survey data in 1988, 1995 and 2002. It has been confirmed that (i) poverty and vulnerability have reduced significantly with a great deal of geographical disparity; (ii) education, land, and access to infrastructure and irrigation facilities are the key factors to reduce vulnerability; and (iii) the highly regressive tax system increased farmers’ poverty and vulnerability. The abolishment of rural tax since 2006 would thus have a significant negative impact on both poverty and vulnerability of rural households.  相似文献   

中国农村贫困与反贫困制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章认为,新形势下农村贫困问题复杂:绝对贫困大有改善,相对贫困日益突出,返贫现象凸显严重,追根溯源权利贫困是导致农村贫困的根源。文章透过制度分析,通过重塑农村组织,深化市场体制,完善制度创新,强化运行机制,厉行执行监督系统化措施,构建农村反贫困长效治理机制,强化制度之间的联动效应,将农村贫困治理融入区域和整体社会、政治、经济、文化以及环境协调与可持续发展框架内,实现农村扶贫工作的良性发展。  相似文献   

Rural Labor Migration and Poverty Reduction in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Using various sources of data, this paper examines the contributions of rural labor migration to economic growth and poverty reduction in China. The results show that there is still a significant number of people living in poverty in rural areas, while the effectiveness of migration on poverty reduction has declined, implying an urgent need for new approaches to poverty reduction. China's experiences could also be valuable for the formulation of development strategies in other developing countries.  相似文献   

Decomposing Income Inequality and Policy Implications in Rural China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using village data from samples covering 6 provinces,36 counties and 216 townships,the income inequalities within and between townships in rural China are assessed. The Theil index and the mean logarithmic deviation methods enable us to test income inequality at the township level,and to decompose it into intra-regional and inter-regional at county and provincial levels. In the present paper,we also decompose income inequalities between and within the nationally designated poor counties (NDPC). The results show that approximately two-thirds of the income inequality in rural China would be eliminated if measures and policies were targeted at the county level. This study also confirms the rationale that China's poverty alleviation strategy of focusing on poor counties based on the inequalities between NDPC and non-NDPC accounts for the most inter-province inequality.  相似文献   

I. IntroductionThrough observing the basic public services that the farmers and herdsmen have obtained,this paper is devoted to an evaluation of the efforts made by the local government for thealleviation of poverty in rural Tibet. Firstly, the role of the agricultural support system inrealizing food security will be identified. Secondly, the public services that could directlyimprove the household welfare of farmers and herdsmen will be examined. Finally, we willexplore the possibilities for…  相似文献   

使用1991-2011年的人均收入和CPI数据,文章对中国西部地区各省的城乡收入进行了β和σ收敛分析,结果表明:1991-2011年西部地区城镇居民在收入增长率上存在显著的绝对β收敛,在收入水平上也存在σ收敛;农村居民在收入增长率上不存在显著的绝对β收敛,在收入水平也不存在σ收敛;西部地区城乡收入差距因农村收入差距加大而逐步扩大;各个省份的城乡收入差距对西部地区整体城乡收入差距的影响不等,以贵州、云南、甘肃、内蒙古的城乡收入差距影响最大。  相似文献   

谢来位 《改革与战略》2011,27(5):89-91,115
文章在实地调查的基础上分析了西部农村合作治理的主体、动力、条件和方式等核心要素的发展样态。文章认为,西部地区农村合作治理路径应从培育治理主体、创新治理方式、建构治理规则、优化治理环境等方面进行改革和创新。  相似文献   

1. Introduction The village election was first envisioned by the late chairman of the National People’sCongress (NPC), Mr Peng Zhen, in the mid-1980s to enhance village governance after the commune system was dissolved in China in the early 1980s. In 1987, the NPC passed a tentative version of The Organic Law of the Village Committee (OLVC), and started a 10 year experiment of village elections. In 1998, the NPC formally passed the law and elections quickly spread to the whole count…  相似文献   

赵洁 《科学决策》2018,(10):72-94
本研究利用中国家庭追踪调查数据,构建农户多维贫困的指标,实证分析了收入不平等 与非正规金融对农户多维贫困的影响。研究发现:第一,收入不平等的扩大显著加重了农户多维 贫困状况,采用三阶段联立方程处理内生性后,收入不平等对农户多维贫困的不利影响依然稳健。 第二,非正规金融对农户多维贫困具有显著的缓冲作用,且该效用在降低中等层次的多维贫困更 为显著。第三,非正规金融在收入不平等与农户多维贫困的关系中存在调节效应与中介效应;调 节效应表明,农户非正规金融越多,收入不平等对农户多维贫困的影响越小;中介效应表明,非 正规金融能够弱化收入不平等对农户多维贫困的负向影响。因此,完善非正规金融市场的发展, 不仅缓解日益扩大的收入不平等,而且改善农户多维贫困状况。  相似文献   

后扶贫时代,防止脱贫人口规模性返贫成为底线要求,对于曾是深度贫困且摘帽较晚的西部地区更是如此。基于当前反贫困领域的代表性成果,通过文献研读、实地调研和半结构式访谈等研究方法,从收入水平、收入波动和收入“水平-波动”3个维度对甘肃省甘南州X县183户脱贫家庭展开返贫风险评估。围绕政策、产业、医疗、保险4个方面提出相应的对策建议,为巩固西北少数民族地区的脱贫攻坚成果、完成整个5年过渡期“三农”工作的目标任务提供启示。  相似文献   

乡村旅游扶贫是我国扶贫工作的重点。宁夏民族地区以其独特的自然优势将乡村旅游扶贫工作发挥的淋漓尽致,不仅帮助了贫困户实现脱贫,还带动了产业的转型。针对宁夏回族自治区为分析其贫困现状和导致贫困的原因进行了研究,以及展开对乡村旅游扶贫的优劣势和面临的阻碍。根据分析结果,探讨了宁夏乡村旅游扶贫的问题与对策。  相似文献   

The present paper investigates how neighborhood effects are connected to chronic poverty. We examine a large sample of groups of households and find that neighborhood effects are significant in a majority of groups, especially in the poorest groups. People living in poor communities tend to suffer from poverty over time. It is of theoretical and empirical importance to explore how neighborhood effects are interrelated with chronic poverty and the channels through which this occurs. Unlike other econometric analyses, we establish a multilevel econometric model to show that: (i) it is difficult for an individual living in a neighborhood with a high proportion of agricultural labor, low education levels, and poor transport and telecommunication infrastructure to escape from poverty traps; (ii) neighborhood effects dominate in poor communities; and (iii) although poverty is affected by group-level factors, individual factors still play a dominant role in regards to escaping poverty when income surpasses a threshold level Therefore, policy priority should be given to providing social protection and public services, especially in poor rural areas.  相似文献   

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