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高水头泄水建筑物掺气坎体型研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
对具有高水头、大单宽流量的泄洪建筑物,工程中通常采用强迫掺气减蚀措施防止壁面发生空蚀破坏。本文主要通过物理模型试验研究方法,对高水头龙抬头明流泄洪洞反弧段下游底板和侧墙掺气减蚀进行了研究,提出了一种底部突跌凸型坎和侧墙加贴角联合掺气的新型掺气坎,解决了洞顶余幅、底空腔内回水和突缩引起掺气坎后形成水翅之间的问题。采用这种新型的掺气坎体型后,底空腔内没有回水,同时消除了反弧段后侧墙出现的清水区;侧空腔畅通并直接和底空腔相连,对侧墙和底板都起到了很好的保护。该体型对类似工程的设计及修复具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

何芳  何志勋  林国乐 《给水排水》2007,33(11):105-108
供水管网水力模型的模拟精度水平是决定模型在管网运行管理中发挥作用大小的关键.模型模拟的精度受多种因素的影响总是处在不断的变化中.通过对实例模型的精度长达13个月的跟踪记录,总结分析模型精度的变化规律,为模型维护策略的确定及建模技术的完善提出建议.  相似文献   

Adaptive management is a structured approach for people who must act despite uncertainty and complexity about what they are managing and the impacts of their actions. It is learning‐by‐doing through deliberate cycles of experimentation, review, and synthesis. However, understanding the processes of learning and how they relate to achieving resource management goals is in its infancy. Reflexive learning—a process of identifying and critically examining assumptions, values, and actions that frame knowledge—is critical to the effectiveness of adaptive management. It involves adaptive feedbacks between stakeholders as they examine assumptions, values, and actions. Adaptive management has been applied to environmental flows because it offers a system for making decisions about tradeoffs. In the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), Australia, adaptive management is applied as a cycle of plan, do, monitor, and learn, facilitated by short‐ and long‐term learning among stakeholders. An alternative conceptualization of adaptive management as an integration of single‐, double‐, and triple‐loop learning across multiple levels of governance is presented. This is applied to environmental flows in the MDB to map adaptive feedbacks of reflexive learning. At the lowest level of governance (Water Resource Planning Area), goals are assessed as Thresholds of Potential Concern related to flow‐ecology responses, which are reviewed every 3–6 years. At the second level of governance (Basin‐States), Water Management Targets are the key goals; reviewed and reframed every 6–10 years. The highest level of governance (the MDB) is concerned with policy targets, with review and reframing over 8–15 years. Feedbacks that generate reflexive learning are complex and require commitment to move through the modes of single‐, double‐, and triple‐loop learning. Effective adaptive management of environmental water requires practitioners to situate themselves within a matrix of information flow across modes of learning, levels of governance, and components of a social‐ecological system, where reflexive learning drives the achievement of management goals.  相似文献   

根据鄱阳湖水位频变的实际情况,以星子站水位为例,利用生态水文法对鄱阳湖湿地的适宜生态需水位进行了研究.通过分析1953—1973年、1956—2000年、2006—2010年期间鄱阳湖水位和一些代表物种如白鹤和芦苇的生长、分布及变化规律,表明(1)针对鄱阳湖湿地水位剧烈变化的特征,将适宜水位分为枯水期和丰水期两个时段进行研究更为合理;(2)在丰水期以12~15 m作为适宜水位,枯水期以11~14 m作为适宜水位,作为关键时段的4月和10月适宜水位一定要得到保证;(3)水位条件变化虽然不能从根本上改变鄱阳湖湿地植物的带状分布,但水位变化直接决定各种物种的数量及生物量.  相似文献   

River (DESERT) and lake (EVOLA) water quality models are used to simulate the influences of alternative water quality management scenarios on the quality of receiving surface waters in the Lake Iseo basin, Northern Italy. The scenarios are representative of the European Union Directive on Urban Waste Water Treatment (91/271/EEC) and of the regional authority’s objective to reduce the total phosphorus loads from point sources entering Lake Iseo and to restore the lake as close as it is practically possible to its former natural qualitative state. Application of DESERT shows that the regional ‘Water Clean Up Plan’ can achieve similar reductions in total phosphorus concentrations in the basin’s main river system, Oglio River, to the 91/271/EEC directive, but at notably lower economic costs. Application of EVOLA to Lake Iseo shows that it is not practical to achieve the regional authority’s objective of a specific total phosphorus concentration in the lake by 2016. Instead, the results show that a more realistic, but higher, total phosphorus concentration can be achieved by 2016. The results of both modelling exercises indicate the usefulness of DESERT and EVOLA for comparing and assessing water quality management scenarios and for revising the regional authority’s final objectives with regards to total phosphorus concentration in Lake Iseo, as well as the regional ‘Water Clean Up Plan’ for restoring and safeguarding the quality of the basin’s surface waters.  相似文献   

介绍了紧水滩、石塘两水电站首轮大坝安全定检情况,且就大坝监测、水工维护、泄洪闸门运行以及防洪渡汛等方面的安全管理作了简要的叙述和讨论。文中提出的一些管理经验,可供运行和设计部门参考。  相似文献   

The work presents the results of a comprehensive modelling study of surface and groundwater resources in the Muzza-Bassa Lodigiana irrigation district, in Northern Italy. It assesses the impact of changes in land use and irrigation water availability on the distribution of crop water consumption in space and time, as well as on the groundwater resources. A distributed, integrated surface water-groundwater simulation system was implemented and applied to the study area. The system is based on the coupling of a conceptual vadose zone model with the groundwater model MODFLOW. To assess the impact of land use and irrigation water availability on water deficit for crops as well as on groundwater system in the area, a number of management scenarios were identified and compared with a base scenario, reflecting the present conditions. Changes in land use may alter significantly both total crop water requirement and aquifer recharge. Water supply is sufficient to meet demand under present conditions and, from the crop water use viewpoint, a reduction of water availability has a positive effect on the overall irrigation system efficiency; however, evapotranspiration deficit increases, concentrated in July and August, when it may be critical for maize crops.  相似文献   

预测未来年度湿地面积,对研究湿地生境变化趋势、保护湿地有重要作用。建立灰度GM(0,N)模型旨在提供一种简便的方法,预测湿地水面面积大小。首先应用灰色关联度分析模型,量化确定了对湿地面积影响程度较大的相关因素,分别是:莫莫格湿地年降水量、嫩江径流量、洮儿河径流量。利用这三个相关因素建立了GM(0,N)预测模型,对莫莫格湿地面积进行了模拟预测。为了提高精度,对GM(0,N)模型进行了修正。利用残差和后验差检验方法对模型作了可靠度分析,检测结果显示:修正的GM(0,N)模型平均相对误差9.1%,后验差检验等级为1级,多元线性回归模型平均相对误差15.5%,说明灰度预测模型对于莫莫格湿地水面面积预测具有一定优势。  相似文献   

芍陂,亦名安丰塘,位于安徽省寿县古城南30公里处,地处淮河中游南岸,中国古代四大水利工程之一,是我国留存至今最古老的大型蓄水灌溉工程,被誉为"世界塘中之冠",在中国水利史上具有重要地位.据史书记载,芍陂建于春秋时期(公元前613年—前591年),经历了2600余年兴衰,至今仍灌溉着67万余亩的土地.  相似文献   

应对流域性水污染事件是国家防控突发环境事件的重点。通过对松花江重大水污染事件实例的系统性分析,提出了科学应对流域水污染事件的基本对策及工作框架,对有效预防和科学应对流域水污染事件具有一定的实践意义。  相似文献   

水工混凝土结构抗震研究进展的回顾和展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
全面概述了中国水利水电科学研究院近50年来在水工混凝土结构抗震研究领域的主要创新性思路和成果的进展,包括其抗震安全评价的三个相互配套的方面。在地震动输入方面为:大坝抗震设防水准框架的制定、场址相关地震动参数的合理确定、坝址地震动输入机制的理解。在结构地震响应方面为:结构抗震的动力分析、结构抗震的动力模型试验、现场测振试验和地震监测、水工抗震设计规范的编制和修订。在大坝混凝土动态抗力方面为:大坝混凝土全级配大试件动态抗折试验、对试验结果的理论探讨、大坝混凝土三维动态细观力学分析、CT技术在混凝土动态抗力研究中的应用。阐述了研究群体形成的主要工作理念为:突出工程观点、强调全面综合评价、重视实践检验、发扬团队协作精神。最后,提出了今后研究的展望。  相似文献   

为探究太湖流域圩内小微水体综合整治工程的水系连通成效,在考虑水系格局、结构连通性、水力连通性准则层的基础上,针对小微水体在生态系统保护和水质净化方面的突出功能,进一步提出景观连通性和水质改善两大准则层。根据小微水体的形状特征修正传统指标,使其能更好地适用于多形态水系;因小微水体受水工建筑物调度而形成不同的连通通道与水力条件,结构连通性与水力连通性均按照不同工况分别计算,再由工况时长加权得到较为稳定的年内平均值。应用该小微水体水系连通性评价指标体系对溧阳市同字水系整治前、后的水系连通性进行评价。结果表明:综合整治工程对水系连通性提升效果显著,该评价指标体系能较为客观、全面地体现小微水体与各类水工建筑物协同运作下的水系连通性。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the major problems related to water management in the urban areas of developing countries. Increasing human activities within the urban areas create water pollution which causes degradation of water quality in rivers and aquifers. Poor urban infrastructure obstructs economic growth and development. Inadequate access to water and sanitation causes degradation of the environment and human health in urban areas. Some of these problems and the major management issues for Hanoi are discussed in this paper. A general planning framework for the water sector to meet the environmental challenges of the next decade for sustainable economic growth and development of the city is outlined.  相似文献   

Here we present findings from a natural experiment to better understand coastal wetland plant community responses to rising water levels. Plant communities were monitored in three vegetation zones (submergent, emergent, and wet meadow) at Allouez Bay, a lacustrine coastal marsh, six times over years 2011–2020. Lake Superior water levels reached record-highs in 2017, and again in 2019. During our six sampling campaigns, we encountered eighty-four vascular plant species, seven of which were non-native. Except for reductions in total plant cover in the wet meadow zone, emergent and wet meadow plant communities were only marginally affected by rising water. Percent cover of non-native species did not increase in a clear pattern. Temporal changes in floristic quality were non-significant at the whole site level, and mean coefficient of conservatism values ranged from 5.3 to 6.0. Aquatic vegetation in the submergent zone was most affected by rising water. Submergent zone richness declined from sixteen plant species in 2011 to zero in 2020. Multivariate PERMANOVA analysis showed significant effects of year on site-wide plant composition. Temporal composition changes were predominately driven by species turnover in the submergent vegetation zone, whereby floating aquatic species were replaced by non-floating species from 2011 to 2017, and an absence of aquatic vegetation along research transects in 2020. Tracking regeneration of aquatic vegetation is a focus of future research as unknown effects from prolonged exposure to record-high water levels may affect natural regenerative processes at Allouez Bay, and potentially at other lacustrine Great Lakes wetlands throughout the basin.  相似文献   

本文介绍了紧水滩、石塘两座水电站首轮大坝安全定检情况,且就大坝监测、水工维护、泄洪闸门运行以及防洪渡汛等方面的安全管理作了简要的叙述和讨论。文中介绍的一些管理经验,可供设计时参考。  相似文献   

佛山市水业集团有限公司自2003年开始建立供水管网水力模型。以管网水力模型在佛山市第二水源工程项目中的应用为例,介绍了水力模型在供水管网改扩建方案评估、供水泵房水泵机组改造方案评估、供水系统运行调度方案制定等三个方面的应用。  相似文献   

随着液压技术的发展,液压启闭机在水利工程中的应用越来越普遍,液压启闭机的应用必然带来运行管理体制的创新,运行管理单位对液压启闭机的运行维护管理应引起足够的重视。  相似文献   

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