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创意产业集群化发展是促进长沙产业结构升级和经济增长方式转变的战略选择,也是提升长沙城市功能、进一步推动长沙向国际大都市迈进的重要路径。本文在借鉴国内外研究成果的基础上,从价值链与生产网络的角度解析了创意产业集群的概念。并分析了长沙创意产业集群化发展的现状及其优势、劣势、机遇与挑战。针对问题,本文提出了长沙创意产业集群化发展的战略举措。  相似文献   

代杨  刘锦宏 《经济导刊》2007,(11):63-66
英国是世界上最早提出创意理念的国家,也是第一个利用公共政策推动创意产业发展的国家.  相似文献   

徐媛媛  龚伟林  魏钢 《时代经贸》2011,(20):130-131
本文基于调查研究重庆市数字创意产业发展状况,发现重庆市数字创意产业存在产业规模偏小、人才匮乏、产业聚集性较弱、法律保障体系不完善等问题,进而针对性地提出了推动数字创意产品创新、竞争与合作统一的产业集群战略、人才培养及引进、制度创新、拓展资本市场和完善投融资体制、强化知识产权保护的对策建议。  相似文献   

文化,是一个时期的社会产物,是社会思想和意识形态的艺术表现形式.随着社会发展,文化产业逐渐成长为一种新兴产业.作为一种特殊的意识形态,文化产业具有其特定的知识传播效益、文化传播效益和经济效益等,主要依托思维的创新制作出包括音乐、舞蹈、广告及服装等一系列文化特色产品,并通过对产品的营销实现其经济价值和文化传播价值.本文主要从营销模式、营销策略、营销策划这三个方面,介绍了文化创意产业营销战略构建的相关内容.  相似文献   

创意产业是指源于个人创造性、技能与才干,通过开发和运用知识产权,具有创造财富和增加就业潜力的产业.英国是创意产业的发源地,自布莱尔政府1997年提出创意产业概念开始,在过去十多年的时间中,英国创意产业发展迅速,已成为英国重要的支柱产业之一.英国国内对于创意产品和服务的旺盛需求,为英国创意产业提供了强有力的参与世界市场竞争的平台.英国政府对创意产业高度重视和统筹规划,为创意产业发展提供良好的政策环境,打追创意城市群,调动地方资源和力量,全力支持创意产业技术创新及商业化.以上措施对我国发展创意产业有诸多启示.  相似文献   

论中国文化创意产业的国际化战略转型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今世界已经进入了一个国际文化战略全面竞争的时代.文化创意产业作为形成国家文化软实力和世界进程的重要力量,已被世界各国高度重视.本文从文化创意产业的发展现状和特征,提出了只有进行国际化战略转型,才能提升我国文化创意产业在国际市场上的综合竞争力.  相似文献   

英国是最早提出创意产业的国家,其文化创意产业在政府有效的政策和可持续的市场下逐步发展成熟.本文通过对英国创意产业的发展,浅析中国文化创意产业发展的现状及相关思考.  相似文献   

文章在总结发达国家发展创意集群成功经验的基础上,深入分析了我国创意集群发展过程中存在的问题,提出中国发展创意集群应立足本地实情,因地制宜,科学规划,并要解决好知识产权保护、创意人才培养、政府政策支持等几个方面的问题。  相似文献   

创意产业作为知识经济时代的产物,正以集群化的趋势在全球蓬勃兴起,发展创意产业成为我国城市经济转型和创新发展的重要选择。发达国家创意产业集群的发展呈现出植根于3T城市、政府法规保障、中介配套服务、产业链完整等特征,为我国创意产业集群的发展提供了可资借鉴的导向,如特色品牌塑造、人才体系建设、创意氛围培植、政府政策支持、知识产权保护、创意产业链整合等。  相似文献   

全国政协副主席、著名经济学家厉无畏曾撰文指出:创意产业是实现“蓝海战略”的一种手段。虽然许多企业本身并非属于创意产业,但也能从创意产业发展的成果中找到开启自身“蓝海战略”的钥匙。本文就创意产业为何、以及如何成为蓝海战略的有效战略举措作一简述。  相似文献   

世界石油态势及中国能源战略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在当今世界诸能源中,石油是最重要的战略资源之一。它不仅是一种物质资源和现代经济发展的主要动力,而且更是一种军事资源和外交资源。石油已成为国家经济的命脉,安全的保障,它直接关系到国家的经济发展、政治稳定和国家安全。石油与世界经济密切相关。战后几次全球性经济危机都与石油供应减少有关。1973年的第四次中东战争引发的石油危机酿成了战后最严重的全球性经济衰退。1978年的伊朗政局变动,石油减产,造成了又一次全球性经济萧条。作为重要的外交资源,有些国家以石油为手段,谋求国家政治和安全的利益。近年来,一些国家利用石…  相似文献   

This article analyses competrtion and cooperation between UK banks, as they attempted to develop a national syitem jor electronic funds transfer at the point of sale (EFTPOS) The banks formed a {epanste company, EFTPOS UK Ltd, to develop a technically sophisticated national system, but soon interbank divisions led the larger banks to develop national schemes from pnwourly 'exfierzmental' networks. Over a period of two years, competition came to be defined as that between banks supporing the Switch scheme and banks supporting a Visa afebit turd senme. During this period the banks made repeated public declarations of the commritment to EFTPOS UK and represented nascent, proprietary EFTPOS networks as computible with the national scheme. The process by which the banks attempted to make sente of that ambiguous competitive environment is described and we use the idea of metastable' competive rategies to represent the successive temporary commitments the banks made to particular ways of understanding thew competitiue environments. 'strategic maps are drawn to represent stages in bank thinking on the possible competitive outcomes of EFTPOS development.  相似文献   

In the course of the last 25 years the UK has seen the emergence of a new, technologically advanced network of organisations underpinning the technical needs of the oil and gas extraction industry.The euolution of this industy network has taken place within a public policy framework which has had too central objectives: to maximize UK industrial involvement in the industry and to maximize. North Sea oil and gas extraction. The extent to which this framework has encouraged the development of new, technology-based firms has not been systematical stuided. This study examines the extent of indigenous incoltlement in the network and the influence of the currrent pressures of economic and policy changes on the performance and strategic planning of these compnies.  相似文献   

In the course of the last 25 years the UK has seen the emergence of a new, technologically advanced network of organisations underpinning the technical needs of the oil and gas extraction industry.The euolution of this industy network has taken place within a public policy framework which has had too central objectives: to maximize UK industrial involvement in the industry and to maximize. North Sea oil and gas extraction. The extent to which this framework has encouraged the development of new, technology-based firms has not been systematical stuided. This study examines the extent of indigenous incoltlement in the network and the influence of the currrent pressures of economic and policy changes on the performance and strategic planning of these compnies.  相似文献   

Among the justijcations for the UK government's electricity privatization programme was the suggestion that it would stimulate the development of a range of new supply options, including the UK's extensive renewable energy resource. This paper assesses the prospects for renewable energy technologies i n the UK after privatization. It finds that there is enthusiasm for renewables, but that the market alone will not stimulate renewables effectively or develop them appropriately, and that state support and regulation will be necessary.  相似文献   

诺贝尔经济学奖获得者西蒙认为,创意是一种思维方式,本质是解决问题的能力,“当思维引发的行动能够创造出拥有社会价值的物品时,这样的思维就应被看作是有创意的”.本文介绍了意大利创意产业的定义、模式、分类及特点;分析了创意产业对经济社会特别是摆脱经济困境的重要作用;重点研究了意大利政府和企业以科技和创新推动产业发展,以及在知识产权保护、人才培养、评价体系等软环境建设方面所采取的举措;最后分析了我国应借鉴的意大利的成功经验.  相似文献   

With the rapid advancement of technology, product life cycle is shortening continuously. In order to compete against other firms in fiercely competitive global markets, a firm has to keep developing new technology to differentiate itself from others. The acquisition of new core-technology equipment is especially important for manufacturing advanced products, and the technology know-how of the equipment must be transferred completely from equipment supplier to engineers and operators of the firm to effectively utilize the equipment. The objective of this paper is to explore the technology transfer of equipment and to establish a comprehensive framework for evaluating and selecting new equipment with critical technology transfer. Influence factors for technology transfer of new equipment are first collected by literature review and interviews with related experts in the thin-film transistor liquid-crystal display (TFT-LCD) industry in Taiwan. Fuzzy Delphi method (FDM) is applied next to select the most critical factors. Then, interpretive structural modeling (ISM) is employed to determine the interrelationship among the critical factors. A fuzzy analytic network process (FANP) model is constructed to evaluate the technology transfer performance of equipment suppliers. The results of this study should provide a base for firms in evaluating the purchase of new equipment and a reference for equipment suppliers to strengthen their technology transfer process to their buyers.  相似文献   

近年来,经济全球化使世界各国经济关系日益密切,世界经济发展呈现出鲜明的全球性、密切性、关联性特点.在这一过程中,展览的国际化趋势更加明显.顺应展览国际化趋势要求,中国展览业主动"走出去",开拓国际展览市场,已成为大势所趋.  相似文献   

The article critically appraises two recent contributions to studies of organizational change: processual analysis and the firm-in-sector perspective. These studies argue that managerial practice is intensely political. They also attempt to firmly locate that practice in its organizational and environmental or sectoral context. Drawing upon these studies the article examines the management of information technology (IT) in the UK life insurance sector. This examination uses a case study and sectoral research-in-progress. The article argues that organizational IT use and development is a politicla and social process characterized by tension and conflict between managers. This conclusion suggests that organizational studies of IT use need to develop more sophisticated theories of management and managerial practice. By so doing they may then be able to shed a more penetrating light on the relationships between managers, technologies and organizational change.  相似文献   

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