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受新冠疫情影响,美国制造业发展呈现衰退趋势,对其经济产生了一定消极影响。2021年拜登就任美国总统后,明确了制造业对于确保美国全球领先经济地位和国家安全的支撑作用,通过一系列举措重振美国制造业。美国白宫在国家层面对先进制造业发展所制定的战略主要包括聚焦特定技术目标开发和实施先进制造技术,促进先进制造业劳动力发展,以及提升制造业供应链弹性。在此战略下,美国国家标准与技术研究院制定最新跨行业制造技术路线图,由多个政府部门、研究所、高校及制造业企业组成的制造业创新网络协同合作,推动技术进步、促进先进制造业劳动力就业及构建先进制造业创新生态系统。美国制造业相关战略和政策对中国制造业发展具有一定的启示作用,并据此提出相关建议。  相似文献   

奥巴马政府执政以来,振兴制造业成为其振兴美国经济的一项重要内容,出台实施了一系列促进制造业发展的政策和措施。2011年6月24日,总统奥巴马又宣布启动了一项价值5亿美元的“先进制造伙伴关系”(AMP)计划,呼吁美国企业、大学以及政府之间应加强合作,共同帮助美国重夺全球制造业领先地位。通过对此计划的具体阐述,获得有益启示,对我国制造业发展提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

为了重新振兴美国的制造业,美国提出设立国家先进制造先导计划,通过构建国家先进制造创新网络以确保美国在先进制造领域的领先地位。美国的制造业振兴计划能否引发新一轮制造技术研发竞争甚至技术革命,是否会对我国制造业产生极大冲击,需要认真思考。通过分析研究美国提出制造业振兴计划的背景和目的及其对我国制造业发展的启示,提出了我国应积极而谨慎地应对并有选择地在关键杨心技术方面率先取得突破的对策建议。  相似文献   

钟敏 《技术经济》2005,24(10):32-35
本文论述了技术创新价值的内涵及其实现途径,并探索了民营企业实现技术创新价值的三大战略:与大型企业抗争的“太极拳”战略、与民营企业“争食”的“级差”战略、同竞争对手互补合作的“共生”战略。  相似文献   

左世全 《经济》2012,(6):142-143
2012年2月,美国总统执行办公室国家科技委员会发布了"先进制造业国家战略计划"的研究报告。该报告从投资、劳动力和创新等方面提出了促进美国先进制造业发展的五大目标及相应的对策措施。这是美国政府在先后发布《重振美国制造业政策框架》、《先进制造伙伴(AMP)计划》后,从  相似文献   

严飞  张远为 《当代经济》2009,(19):106-107
产业结构不合理,绝大多数重大装备制造业发展严重滞后是湖北现代装备制造业发展现状.根据现代装备制造业的产业链条长,配套协作要求高等特点,通过实施以大公司和核心企业为龙头,发展"燕式"产业集群,是加快湖北现代装备制造业发展的必由之路.湖北应学习浙江模式,积极培育自主发动型现代装备制造业产业集群.其中,要重视在集群中构建完善的公共中介机构服务体系,构建集群科技创新平台,形成具有较强创新能力的科技创新网络.  相似文献   

东北老工业基地振兴战略--制造业创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
关于振兴东北老工业基地,人们提出了许多不同的战略思考。本文认为制造业创新是振兴东北老工业基地的关键,并分析老工业基地的制造业创新的战略目标和战略举措。  相似文献   


In this paper, we explore the influence of different modes of openness of innovative firms on employment growth. Using a panel database of Spanish manufacturing firms during the period 1998–2015, we analyze the influence open innovation (OI) strategies on employment distinguishing by type of external partner. The main objective of the research is to know whether opening innovation strategy contributes to employment taken into account another firm capabilities and sectorial technological opportunities. For this purpose, a two-step procedure is specified. Firstly, a random-effect computes the effects of OI on the innovation probability. In the second step, the variation of innovativeness due to openness on GMM-system estimation controlling by potential endogeneity and unobserved firm heterogeneity is used. The results support that the influence of open strategy on employment growth is positive. Moreover, the employment depends on the breadth of OI measured by the number of out-inbound relationships. Finally, the employment consequences are different for each mode of open strategy.  相似文献   

The literature on firm productivity recognizes the important role played by firm innovation activities on firm productivity in developed countries. However, the literature for developing and emerging economies is scarce and far from conclusive. The aim of this paper is to study the innovation–productivity link (distinguishing between process and product innovations) for manufacturing at the firm level for four Latin American countries (two classified as upper‐middle income countries by the World Bank—Argentina and Mexico—and two as lower‐middle income—Colombia and Peru). We aim testing whether the level of development is a mediating factor in the innovation–productivity link. The data used have been drawn from the World Bank panel enterprise surveys, for 2006 and 2010. First, we estimate total factor productivity (TFP) and, second, we use the estimated TFP as a regressor or as dependent variable, in two models for testing self‐selection of the most productive firms into innovation or the existence of returns to innovation in terms of productivity. Our results confirm the mediating role of the level of development in the innovation–productivity link: both the self‐selection and the returns‐to‐innovation hypotheses work only for the upper‐middle income countries.  相似文献   

We document rich variation across observed firms’ characteristics, and the accompanying macroeconomic volatility, often related to political turmoil for Ukrainian manufacturing firms. We use a unique annual firm-level data for the period from 2001 to 2009 compiled from the Derzhkomstat. To understand the evolution of distributions we utilize functional principal component analysis while accounting for the effects associated with firms’ region, industry, trade status, and firm turnover. The overall improvements in firm productivity in Ukraine’s manufacturing in 2001–2009 vary substantially by industry, trade status and with firm turnover, while regional effects are less important.  相似文献   

We extend recent advances in time substitution modeling to a directional distance function framework, in order to examine the environmental performance of firms in Sweden’s pulp and paper industry for the years 2002–2008. Our data allow us to estimate the optimal reallocation of environmental investments, expenditures and energy use to simultaneously maximize production output and minimize emissions in the years immediately before and after the implementation of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme. We find some evidence of overall productivity decline when considering both emissions and output objectives, due primarily to technological decline, and that cumulative dynamic inefficiency outweighs static inefficiency. A comparison of optimal investment with observed investment indicates that firms could have improved their performance by reallocating environmental investments to early periods and production-oriented investment to later periods.  相似文献   

We investigate the entry choice between Joint Ventures and Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises in the Chinese market. The analysis is based on Italian firms, thus allowing to evaluate the behaviour of also small-medium sized companies — usually less focused on by the literature on entry modes. The data, mainly from a questionnaire, supply detailed enterprise-level information and make possible to properly measure and evaluate the impact on entry modes of several variables such as innovation, internationalization, and, new in the empirical literature on this issue, corporate capital structure.  相似文献   

美国梦作为美国人价值观的核心部分,它是物质和精神的统一,也是个体理想和国家理想的统一。美国梦所包含的进取精神、忧患意识、爱国主义精神和主体意识,是美国发展成为帝国主义强国的精神力量,它所倡导的平等精神是美国社会持续发展的重要保障。在实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦过程中,要本着"拿来主义"的精神,借鉴美国梦的积极因素,吸取美国梦的积极进取精神,尊重个人的梦想和追求,把实现个人梦和民族梦有机结合起来;要致力于打造平等的竞争环境,特别注重创造机会的平等。同时,在实践中不断深化中国梦的内涵,把中国梦作为增强中华民族凝聚力的持久精神力量。  相似文献   

There is a substantial body of evidence to the effect that output is more volatile than sales among manufacturing industries. Numerous explanations have been advanced to account for this excess output volatility. Some examples are pro-cyclical inventory movements induced by a stockout-avoidance motive, cost and technology shocks and decreasing marginal costs. This article assesses the contribution of these different motives to output volatility for six different manufacturing industries. Linear–quadratic models are estimated for each of the industries and then dynamic simulations are employed to determine the volatility of output when one or more of the factors are removed from the model. Technology shocks provide the most significant contribution to output volatility. The stockout-avoidance motive is also important. Cost shocks provide a very small contribution and marginal production costs are increasing at the margin and thus stabilize output. It is also shown that output volatility declines when current values of sales and material costs are assumed known rather than forecasted from prior periods’ values.  相似文献   

Using tendency surveys in the manufacturing industry for nine countries, different production expectations formation mechanisms are tested. Simple expectations hypotheses are compared by conducting nested and non-nested tests, and whether other information than that based solely on past production and expectations, is taken into consideration. It is found that expectations in most cases are formed regressively and/or follow a combined regressive and adaptive process and that information other than past production and expectations, only influence the formation of current expectations weakly. Finally, the rational expectations hypothesis is weakly rejected.I am grateful to Trevor Breusch, Robert Gregory, Paul Grimes, Raja Junankar, Wolfgang Schneider, two anonymous refereces and participants at the Advanced Studies Program in Economic Policy Research Conference at Kiel Institute of World Economics, May 1989, for helpful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to provide some insight into the determinants of manufaturing investment in Greece. For this purpose an accelerator-relative costs-profits model is used and both the putty-putty and putty-clay versions are examined. Estimates reveal that demand and profits factors play an important role in investment decision while the impact of relative inputs cost is significant mainly in the short run. Window regression experiments show that there is a dramatic fall in profits elasticity of investment and a corresponding increase in the significance of demend factor in the later periods.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the total factor productivity of 1067 Japanese manufacturing firms. In production estimation, we employ the directional distance function and Luenberger productivity indicator. Research and development strategy survey data are used to analyze the determinant factors related to improvements in innovation and productivity. Our results indicate that increasing technology and knowledge through a ‘black box’ process is related to an increase in productivity. Furthermore, the protection and management of production knowledge and expertise is a valid method of increasing global technical change.  相似文献   

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