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Trade Integration in the Twentieth Century: What Does Belgian History Tell Us? — This paper studies globalization, protection and the impact of regional trading blocs in the twentieth century. The authors take the perspective of a small open core country in Europe. Using a gravity approach, it can be shown that trade integration in Europe followed a U-shaped pattern during the last hundred years. Moreover, the similarity between the gold standard and the current period is striking. Finally, evidence is found of a strong EC effect, in particular among EC6 countries.  相似文献   

A Kaiman Filter-Gravity Equation Approach to Assess the Trade Impact of Economic Integration: The Case of Spain, 1986-1992. — The main objective of this paper is to propose an alternative method for evaluating the effects that economic integration between countries has on their trade flows. The trade impact model of reference is the gravity equation and the empirical application of the methodology focuses on Spain’s incorporation into the EEC in 1986. The principal contribution consists in the dynamization of the gravity equation by means of the Kaiman filter. By way of the Kalman algorithm, we use all the preintegration information in order to predict the coefficients of the gravity equation for the subsequent years, thereby defining a more credibleantimonde.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of monetary arrangements on trade integration and business cycle correlation in late 19th century Europe. We estimate a gravity model and show that tighter monetary integration was associated with substantially higher trade, as in recent studies using contemporary data. For instance, the Austro-Hungarian monetary union improved trade between member states by a factor of 3. To explain this, we build and estimate a simple model where greater monetary integration weakens the current account constraint by fostering business cycle co-movements.  相似文献   

The Impact of EMU on Trade Flows. — In this paper we quantify the impact of exchange rate volatility on trade flows within the EU with the help of a gravity trade model. We consider bilateral instead of total exports, and we use panel data. Moreover, we introduce dynamics into the model, taking lagged exports as explanatory variable. The estimation of this model for the period 1962–1995 leads to significant negative coefficients for the proxy of exchange rate variability. We use these estimates to calculate the potential trade-creating effect of a monetary union, setting the exchange rate volatility equal to zero.  相似文献   

How have large naval powers affected international commerce in history? Using a panel gravity model, we investigate the interactions of wars, alliances, naval power and trade from the 18th to mid-20th centuries. Striking an alliance with a naval power helps a country’s interstate commerce. Fighting a naval power on the other hand limits a country’s interstate commerce. Further, we split this effect on trade between an extensive effect (effect on a country’s trade when fighting a naval power) and an intensive effect (effect of that power gaining more naval strength). We conclude that the intensive effect is a powerful one - large navies have historically been destroyers of trade when mobilized to combat.  相似文献   

Do Transport Costs JustifyRegional Preferential Trading Arrangements? No. — This paper reaches two conclusions. First, in evaluating PTAs, no special consideration need be given to transport costs over other types of costs. Unless one focuses on cases in which PTA and global free-trade outcomes are identical, it does not matter whether differences in delivered prices result from transport costs or from differences in technology or factor endowments. Second, gravity models are inherently incapable of giving any guidance on whether a specific grouping is desirable or whether transport costs make regional PTAs desirable. The gravity equation is consistent with virtually any trade model. The welfare implications of PTAs, however, depend crucially on the specific model.  相似文献   

This paper examines the process of economic integration between the Chinese province of Yunnan and its riparian areas of the Mekong region. The gravity model of trade is used to investigate the evolution of Yunnan's international trade integration between 1988 and 1999. Although Greater Mekong Subregion cooperation efforts have had a positive effect on trade, trade has progressively decreased from an above‐standard level to a normal level, according to the gravity model of trade. During this process, Yunnan's trade has increased with other countries such as Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia. This evolution is in line with Yunnan's development and indicates a progressive re‐orientation of its trade toward more developed partners. The results suggest that the Mekong cooperation project has to broaden its perspective, taking into consideration Yunnan's expanding trade relations with countries outside the Greater Mekong Subregion.  相似文献   

Two-Way Trade between Unequal Partners: The EU and the Developing Countries. — This paper analyses the intra-industry trade specialization between the EU and the developing countries between 1980 and 1992. It shows that EU intra-industry trade with the developing countries has greatly increased and that the traditional measure of intra-industry trade, the Grubel-Lloyd index, is inappropriate when applied to trade between developed and developing countries. By and large, the empirical analysis confirms that intra-industry trade between the developed and the developing countries increases with average and per capita income, and with reduced differences in economic size and capital-labour ratios.  相似文献   

Measuring marginal intra-industry trade   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Measuring Marginal Intra-Industry Trade. — Trade liberalisation and adjustment: how important is intra-industry trade? This paper focuses on the appropriate measurement of intra-industry trade as indicator of structural adjustment costs. It is argued that existing dynamic versions of the Grubel-Lloyd index reflect horizontal trade only and classify vertical intra-industry trade with inter-industry trade. The paper proposes a method to distinguish between horizontal and vertical trade and applies these techniques to emerging trade between the EU and the economies of central and eastern Europe.  相似文献   

Specialization patterns in Europe   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Specialization Patterns in Europe. — This paper analyzes whether specialization has increased in European Union countries, and discusses whether specialization patterns are consistent with predictions of trade theory. There is evidence of increasing specialization in some EU countries between 1968 and 1990, and some industries have become more concentrated geographically. The observed pattern of specialization broadly follows trade theory. In particular, those industries that have become more concentrated geographically are characterized by high scale economies and high intermediate-goods intensity, providing some support for new trade theories.  相似文献   

The paper presents a framework to explore the trade-off between pro-authority and pro-efficiency foreign trade policy. The former is exemplified by the tributary foreign trade system in Imperial China, while the latter by the government-supervised private foreign trade. In the Song Dynasty (960–1276), a strong external enemy compelled the monarchy to choose a pro-efficiency trade policy to finance the army, whereas during the early Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) when China was strong a pro-authority trade policy was favoured. During the late Ming, as the dynasty weakened, accompanied by external threats and internal mismanagement, the imperial government once again chose a pro-efficiency trade policy.  相似文献   

Multinational Firms, Market Integration, and Trade Structure: What Remains of the Standard-Goods Hypothesis? — In extending traditional empirical trade models to multinational firms, this paper shows the effect of the transfer of firm-specific technology and intangible assets by these firms on the structure of host countries. For Belgium, a small open economy with a large presence of foreign multinationals, this effect is of crucial importance and previous studies appeared to have produced biased results by neglecting it. The econometric results show how the large multinational presence induced by the European integration has shifted Belgium’s trade structure towards differentiated products, thereby challenging the standard-goods hypothesis which states that small countries tend to specialize in nondifferentiated products. Spain and Ireland have witnessed an increase in foreign direct investment and a shift in trade structure similar to Belgium after joining the EC.  相似文献   

A General Equilibrium Evaluation of Trade and Industrial Policy Changes in Austria and Hungary. — Two linked static CGE models — based on 1990 data — are used to study effects of trade liberalization, problems of migration and changes in industrial policy in Austria and Hungary. The huge differences in factor endowment (Hungary is relatively labour abundant, Austria is relatively capital abundant) gives Hungary a strong competitive position in the production and export of lowwage products. Austria should have comparative advantages in products with high capital content when trading with Hungary. Although trade liberalization helps to improve welfare, much stronger effects follow from factor migration and capital accumulation through the transformation process in Hungary.  相似文献   

Does Antidumping Stimulate FDI? Evidence from Japanese Firms in the UK. — This paper explores which factors influence the number of Japanese firms in the UK and the level of employment and fixed assets in those firms, at a highly disaggregated sector level. We are interested in whether trade policy has had a role to play in the entry and expansion of Japanese firms. The results give some support to the hypothesis that antidumping action has acted as an incentive for Japanese direct investment in the UK. However, it has a relatively modest effect —antidumping cases can explain a maximum of 8 per cent of the expansion in employment by existing Japanese firms in the UK, while they appear to have no influence on the arrival of new firms.  相似文献   

Give Heckscher and Ohlin a Chance! — This paper argues that criticism of the empirical inaccuracy of Heckscher-Ohlin theory has been much exaggerated. Most tests have mis-specified the theory, particularly in their treatment of capital, a factor of production which is internationally mobile and therefore generally does not influence the pattern of trade. The argument is illustrated by a review of empirical studies of North-South trade in manufactures, which is well explained by a skill-only Heckscher-Ohlin model.  相似文献   

Revenue Enhancing Tariff Reform. - Programmes of gradual trade policy reform have been included in most of the structural adjustment packages adopted by developing countries. So far the literature on piecemeal trade policy reform has concentrated on finding reform programmes that improve the welfare of a representative individual. Yet trade taxes are an important source of government revenue in many developing countries. This paper therefore examines tariff reform programmes that are both welfare improving and revenue enhancing. It first determines general conditions under which such a reform will exist and then considers specific reforms of both single tariffs and groups of tariffs. The standard welfare improving reform programmes — proportional and concertina reforms - are also discussed.  相似文献   

International Transfer of Knowledge: The Role of International Trade and Geographic Proximity. —The paper examines empirically the effect of international trade and geographic proximity on knowledge inflow to Sweden. Swedish patent data is used to trace knowledge flows. Both geographic proximity and international trade are in a first estimation found to affect knowledge flows. An extreme bounds analysis is conducted on the estimated coefficients. The coefficient for geographic proximity is sensitive to the choice of included variables but the coefficient for international trade is robust. The paper concludes therefore, that international trade facilitates the exchange of knowledge.  相似文献   

Demand, Comparative Advantage and Economic Geography in International Trade: Evidence from the OECD. — This paper examines the influence of demand on the pattern of net trade for 17 OECD countries. It is found that demand differences are important as a cause of international trade. In fact, for the majority of countries, demand factors explain more of the net trade pattern than do factor proportions. The evidence offers some support for the modern geography and trade theories: high domestic demand in an industry leads to a net export for the majority of cases. The evidence is, however, not clear-cut. Moreover, a demand bias in favour of domestic varieties leads to a net export. Here, the evidence is clear-cut.  相似文献   

Regional Cooperation and the Environment: Do “Dirty” Industries Migrate? — This article develops an alternative method to investigate trade in embodied environmental factor services (EEFS) and applies it to bilateral trade between APEC economies. The issue of regional cooperation and the environment is addressed by investigating trade in EEFS between APEC economies in the last three decades. We observe a ‘cascading’ pattern in net exports of EEFS between East Asian economies. However, we do not observe a similar pattern in the trade between North American economies. The results should be interpreted with caution since the application of US sectoral pollution intensity data to other countries may lead to biased estimation of trade in EEFS.  相似文献   

This study uses a theoretically consistent gravity model to assess the average trade effect of the East African Community customs union implemented in 2005. The estimation is carried out using a framework that controls for endogeneity. Country‐pair fixed effects are included to control for time constant factors while importer‐year and exporter‐year fixed effects account for time varying multilateral resistance variables. To check for robustness a Poisson pseudo‐maximum likelihood estimation is used. The study covers the period 2000 to 2013 with a total of forty nine trading partners. The results suggest that the EAC customs union has produced a moderate positive effect on intra‐EAC trade of about 22.1%.  相似文献   

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