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High financial risks in production and marketing, the hedonic nature of products, and the global cultural relevance of movies have encouraged a substantial number of researchers to analyze the success drivers of movies. This research provides empirical generalizations in managing the supply and demand of motion pictures. Prior empirical research either ignored the endogeneity of box office and screen allocation or was based on selective samples, ignoring the large amount of smaller movies released to the market. Using two large and unique samples of all movies released in two major movie markets, the US (2000–2010; n = 2098) and Germany (2002–2010; n = 1360), we extend prior research and present empirical generalizations and new fields of research.  相似文献   

It has been observed that ad-evoked feelings exert a positive influence on brand attitudes. To investigate the empirical generalizability of this phenomenon, we analyzed the responses of 1576 consumers to 1070 TV commercials from more than 150 different product categories. The findings suggest five empirical generalizations. First, ad-evoked feelings indeed have a substantial impact on brand evaluations, even under conditions that better approximate real marketplace settings than past studies did. Second, these effects are both direct and indirect, with the indirect effects largely linked to changes in attitude toward the ad. Third, these effects do not depend on the level of involvement associated with the product category. However, fourth, the effects are more pronounced for hedonic products than utilitarian products. Finally, these effects do not depend on whether the products are durables, nondurables, or services, or whether the products are search goods or experience goods.  相似文献   

Premium private labels (PLs) are considered one of the hottest trends in grocery retailing. Still, retailers do not feel the need to introduce premium PLs in every category. Generalizing across approximately 150 categories for six retailers from two countries that already carry premium PLs for several years, the authors find that retailers are more likely to introduce premium PLs in categories with a higher industry PL share, and with a more proliferated assortment in terms of standard PLs. However, retailers are also aware of the risk of creating PL fatigue at high levels of standard PL proliferation. Further, premium PLs are more likely to be introduced in categories with more frequent price promotions, a longer interpurchase time, a higher need for variety, and higher functional, but lower social, risk. In addition, retailers consider category growth and the prevailing practice of their country's premium-PL pioneer when deciding in which categories to also introduce a premium PL. Finally, when NBs spend a smaller amount on advertising and NB proliferation is moderate, premium PL introductions are more likely. Importantly, while some of the earlier empirical generalizations on factors conducive to a standard PL entry still hold for a premium PL entry, new variables need to be considered as well, while other insights need to be updated to better reflect the new reality of higher-quality/higher-price premium PL introductions.  相似文献   

Research on advertising effectiveness is focused on sales and provides few empirical generalizations on profitability and its antecedents. To fill this gap, we develop an econometric model to capture the impact of advertising at campaign level, using retail panel data coupled with TV audience tracking data. Our study involves 31 brands from six packaged goods categories observed weekly and nationally over 4 years and representing 264 TV campaigns. Although we confirm empirical generalizations on the capacity of advertising to increase sales, we establish a different picture for profitability. Only 11 % of campaigns make a positive contribution to profit. Advertising is more profitable for challengers and medium brands, whereas leaders and small brands (recent or established) have a lower profitability. Advertising intensity in the category and campaign carry-over emerge as the strongest (respectively) negative and positive drivers of profitability. The antecedents of carry-over are also analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

Models of technology adoption, notably the Technology Acceptance Model and the Unified Theories of Acceptance and Use of Technology, provide good theoretical foundations for understanding mobile payment adoption. This study extends these frameworks by incorporating perceived enjoyment, social influence, knowledge and perceived risk. Replications of established theories are tested in a new context of young people's adoption of mobile payment. Subsequent hypotheses test an extended theoretical framework using an online survey (N?=?316). The extended model improves previous models by explaining 62% of variation in intention to use. Against expectations, perceived ease of use had no significant effect on perceived usefulness and intention to use. The study contributes to advancing understanding of perceived enjoyment which had no direct effect on adoption intention but a significant effect on perceived ease of use and usefulness. Social influence reduces perceived risk, and further contribution is made by noting that perceived enjoyment lowers perceived risk.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the impact of advertising on the size of five European chocolate confectionery markets: Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. It is prompted by suggestions that advertising may be responsible for excessive consumption of confectionery by children. The literature on whether advertising affects the total market size is not one-sided but the balance of previous research indicates market effects to be less likely. Chocolate confectionery in Western Europe is a mature market in slow decline. We found no significant association between the weight of advertising and market growth with either contemporaneous or lagged effects. There was, however, negative correlation between market size and price, as was to be expected. The results were consistent across the five countries.  相似文献   

This empirical paper investigates the relationship between the dynamic strategic interactions among competitors in a component market and demand factors in the market for the end product. The structure of competition in the US microprocessor (MPU) industry is analyzed using data on prices and sales in both the MPU market as well as the market for personal computers. The pattern of dynamic strategic interaction between competing firms in this market on a key decision variable, price is studied. Non-nested model comparison tests based on equilibrium solutions derived for specific differential games are applied to identify the mode of competitive strategy between pairs of competing brands. The empirical fit to the longitudinal and cross-sectional data, of alternative models of competition, independent (Bertrand?CNash), Stackelberg leader?Cfollower, and Collusion, is used to determine which dynamic model best describes actual competitive behavior over the life of each MPU. Demand for the product market which is downstream from microprocessors, that for personal computers, is estimated using a generalized diffusion model with price effects. Data from the markets for desktop and laptop computers are analyzed at the level of computer vendor and internal microprocessor. Patterns are uncovered, linking downstream demand parameters with upstream competitive strategy. There is evidence to suggest that when there are strong diffusion effects driving sales of both the competing computer brands, there is a higher likelihood of Bertrand?CNash competition among MPU firms. However, when there are higher cross-price effects (substitutability) among personal computer brands there is a greater chance of Stackelberg leader?Cfollower price competition. When self-price effects are relatively high, the likelihood of Bertrand?CNash competition among MPU firms increases. Furthermore, when the potential demand for the computer product category is high, there is a higher likelihood of Bertrand?CNash pricing in the MPU market.  相似文献   

In retailing, inventory analysis and inventory practice have traditionally been based on the assumption that underlying demand does not vary with inventory levels. A growing body of research supports the contention that the validity of this assumption has significant implications for optimal inventory policies. The concern for such inventory effects motivated a major US magazine publisher to conduct the market study documented in this article. It presents empirical evidence that demand can indeed vary with inventory, and it quantifies the magnitude of these inventory effects which are twofold. An inventory decrease for one brand can, first, result in a decrease of demand for the brand and, second, in an increase of demand for a competing brand. These observations support the expansion of the traditional Newsvendor model to include inventory effects as well as the practice to make inventory decisions for retail categories rather than individual brands.  相似文献   

Sales promotional activities account for a significant portion of the integrated marketing communications budget of most companies because brand managers realize the effectiveness of these activities in meeting certain marketing communication objectives. However, there are times when promotional plans backfire, and promotions go unfulfilled. Much of this is reported in the media, and these reports are likely to trigger discussions about the companies involved in the nonfulfillment. Although much research has focused on the impact of sales promotional activities on consumers' responses and attitudes, not much has focused on how nonfulfillment of promotional promises and social influence might operate to color consumers' perceptions of a company. This article reports on an experimental study that was conducted to investigate this issue. Results indicate significant effects of the nature of fulfillment on corporate credibility, brand attitude, and patronage intentions; significant social influence effects on brand attitude, patronage, and switching intentions; and an interaction effect of social influence and fulfillment on switching intentions. The implications for brand managers and marketing communications managers are discussed, and areas for future research are proposed. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The rapid proliferation of social networking sites (SNSs) provides marketers with ample opportunities to explore advertising strategies based on electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). With that in mind, this study aims to understand the influence of the eWOM diffusion process on SNSs. We propose a theoretical framework to investigate the roles of curiosity and influence in SNS users’ decisions to adopt eWOM and to pass it along to their contact groups. Two forms of curiosity, specific and diversive, are proposed to initiate specific exploration (consistency checking and knowledge-based validation) and diversive exploration (referral visit behavior), and eventually, adoption and pass-along behavior. In addition, SNS influence, formed by maven, persuasiveness, and connectivity, is proposed as a moderator affecting information diffusion. The proposed framework is empirically validated using the data collected from online surveys of 590 Facebook users. Implications for theory and practice are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study set out to empirically research the time spent by managers in meetings and to identify the requirements of an information technology system for supporting meetings. It does this by investigating the time commitment, efficiency, main problems, and benefits of meetings. In addition, it examines managers’ attitudes towards information technology support for meetings. To fulfill this aim, more than 1,000 mainly middle level managers were surveyed.

It emerges that a total of 22.4% of working time is spent in meetings; 34% of this time expenditure is rated inefficient. The opportunity for collective decision making and exchange of information are seen as the main benefits whereas the failure to identify critical items and agendas without priorities and targets are seen as the main problems. Analysis of their attitudes towards technological support of meetings shows that managers in principle have a positive attitude toward the idea. They specifically wish to see particular support for the preparatory and follow‐up phases and tools to support qualitative‐creative tasks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we build on social cognitive career theory to examine the relation between entrepreneurial intention and new venture creation (i.e., the entrepreneurial career choice). We model how contextual influences at different levels may favor or inhibit the translation of entrepreneurial intention into new venture creation. Using unique longitudinal data from almost the entire population of Italian university graduates, we are able to assess how the immediate (i.e., the influence of relevant others) and larger context (i.e., organizational and environmental influences) affect new venture creation. Our research contributes to the emerging literature of the intention–behavior link in entrepreneurship.  相似文献   


This paper extends the largely conceptual understanding of competition in social marketing by empirically investigating, from a consumer perspective, the nature of competition and its influence on decision making at the individual level. Two phases of qualitative inquiry in Australia, comprising 30 and 20 semi-structured interviews, respectively, examined the role of competition in young adults’ decision to adopt and maintain help-seeking for mental ill-health. The findings from thematic analysis suggest that competition operates at both the behavioural and goal level to influence consumers’ decision to perform behaviour and that the types of competition in operation may vary from the adoption to the maintenance of behaviour. The findings are integrated into a framework that social marketers could employ to identify, analyse and address competition.  相似文献   

Continuous improvement in managing customer relationships is a necessity for companies wishing to remain competitive in today's global marketplace. The two studies presented herein respond to this need by developing and testing a new nomological net that features social presence and its moderators as antecedents to service satisfaction. Study 1 discovers that when service experiences are positive, social presence enhances service satisfaction. Study 2 examines the interaction between service experience valence, social presence type and self-construal prime. The results show that when an interdependent self-construal is primed, social presence (both in-group and out-group) increases service satisfaction (dissatisfaction) during a positive (negative) service encounter, whereas, when an independent self-construal is primed, social presence exerts little impact on service satisfaction. Managers can benefit from these findings by considering the impact of social presence as they design their servicescapes.  相似文献   

文章从公司的治理研究入手,详细的分析了企业社会责任与公司治理的关系,并有效地进行了内部和外部的治理机制验证,得到企业社会责任的进一步升华.  相似文献   

试论电子商务对社会经济的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子商务对社会经济产生巨大影响表现是:在知识经济的发展过程中起着关键的促进作用;对全球经济一体化的形成产生巨大影响;促进世界经济的发展;加快世界经济结构的调整和重组;催化许多新行业的产生;改变商务活动和企业的经营运作方式;形成全新的金融业。  相似文献   

现阶段越来越多的品牌危机由用户通过社交新媒体曝光和传播,危机演化过程与以往不同,消费者的危机归因和品牌态度也存在动态变化。本文将利用归因理论和态度改变模型探索新媒体情境下归因和态度变化的特征,实证研究发现,在危机曝光阶段和确认阶段,危机归因的三个维度(来源地、可控性、稳定性)与阶段品牌态度显著相关,且来源地、稳定性归因与态度相关性在确认阶段增强。另外,在曝光阶段,品牌承诺在来源地归因、稳定性归因对品牌态度的影响中有显著的调节作用。  相似文献   

This research examines the effects of store image on the demand for store brand organic brands. We conduct an empirical study using a unique dataset that combines households' organic product purchases and their ratings of the same stores' images. We find that the type of images consumers develop about a store influences the demand for organic products from that store. In addition, the influence of store image on the demand for store-brand organic products depends on the store brand branding strategy. Although own brands are accepted in stores with quality produce and with quality store brands, they are less likely to be adopted in stores with varied selections. Furthermore, the own-brand strategy (the use of the retailer's own name) is not always an effective branding strategy for organic products, except in some stores.  相似文献   

本文在以往研究的基础上提出市场影响力对企业领导者创新欲望具有正向影响作用的研究命题,构建相应概念模型,并通过对企业进行问卷调查,采用结构方程模型进行研究检验,研究表明,企业的市场影响力对企业领导者创新欲望具有显著正向影响作用.根据研究结论,文章指出要想提高中国企业自主创新活跃度,就必须有效提高企业的市场影响力,培育良好的品牌和建立良好的企业声誉.  相似文献   

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